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Our Ref: BLB/01/802 Date:





We refer to your letter dated 12th January 2023, regarding the defining and
marking of the boundaries of your land within Kyadondo Block 12 Plot 1797 as
well as the verbal communication which revealed that the exercise was also
intended to resolve a boundary dispute and contention with one of your
neighbours, Mr. Swaibu Juma who claims a Kibanja on Plot 1796. 

Following this, a reconnaissance of the area was conducted by the survey

department of the Buganda Land Board on 25th January and was successfully

This survey was intended to correlate the registered boundaries of Plot

1797 with the physical extents occupied by the competing parties.


Plot 1797 is leasehold in tenure and the UTM coordinates for its plot beacons are
archived in a JRJ disposal file in the Survey and Mappings department in
Entebbe. However since both prints for Plots 1797 and 1796 lack instruction to
survey numbers ( I/S numbers ) with which this data could be obtained, we were
unable to obtain the original survey data.

We hence resorted to procuring cadastral prints of the area from the Kampala
Capital City Authority Ministry Zonal office which were reconstructed with the aid
of AutoCAD software to generate the necessary survey data. The data for the
Mother Plot 1405, however, was successfully obtained from Entebbe.

The control was extended from 71Y104.


The GPS receivers: Base and Rover were set up in Real-time Kinematic mode,
with the Base set up at a known Geodetic survey trigonometric point 71Y104 at
Kibuye round-about, whose UTM coordinates were known, a survey
equipment (South S86 in RTK mode) was used to extend control to the site from
which the survey was based. Control was therefore extended to the site which
was the basis for the boundary opening exercise. Based on the UTM coordinates
of the plot, we re-established the positions of the plot beacons and the plot
boundary lines by setting out the UTM coordinates of the individual corner
beacons. The positions of the beacons for the Plot named 1 through 13 were
determined. The physical boundaries enclosing your land as well as your
neighbour Mr. Swaibu Juma were also captured. The survey data for Plot 1405
was imported in AutoCAD and compared with the registered boundaries for Plots
1797 and 1796 along with the determined physical boundaries against which the
following observations were based.


i) All the plot beacons were successfully set out.

ii) The area computed from the geometry of Plot 1797 was found to measure
approximately 0.128Ha/0.32Acres versus the 0.125Ha/0.31Acres reflected
on the cadastral print. This means that the recorded area on your print
and that derived from its geometry differ by an area of approximately
0.01Acres/ 1 decimal.

iii) The area computed from your existing physical boundaries was found to
measure approximately 0.144Ha/0.36Acres. This area however includes
land which is outside the boundaries of the original mother plot, 1405,
measuring approximately 0.043Ha/ 0.11 Acres. Part of the 0.11Acres
overlaps into two neighbouring plots 1489 and 1488 Block 12 Kibuga by
0.019Ha/0.05Acres and 0.014Ha/0.03Acres respectively. This means that
only 0.101Ha/0.25Acres of the occupied area lies within your registered
boundaries, compared to the 0.125Ha/0.31Acres recorded on the
certificate of title and 0.128Ha/0.32Acres computed from the plot

iv) Mismatches in the lengths of the boundaries shared by Plot 1797 and its
mother plot, 1405, were observed and are displayed in the tables below.

Shared Plot 1797 Plot 1405

FG 11.8 11.1
GH 5.6 5.1
HI 6.1 6
IJ 29.8 31.3
EF 19.7 18.8
See Annex One.

v) Mismatches in the lengths of the boundaries of Plot 1797 and the

subdivision plan you submitted, were observed, and are displayed in the
tables below.

Shared Boundary Subdivision Plan Plot 1797

AK 30.2 28.4
KL 12.5 13.3
LM 8.7 7.9
NO 1.6 1.5
PE 3.3 3
EF 21.1 19.7
See Annex Two.


From the above observations, Plot 1797 is in the correct position, but there are
notable variations in the boundary lengths compared to the parent plot. In
addition, the existing physical boundaries you occupy differ significantly from
those depicted on the deed plans. This explains the variations in the area
between the ground and the certificate of title.

Recall that the subdivision of plot 1405 that yielded your Plots 1797 and 1796
was privately conducted by the registered proprietor and we only received an
already processed title for Plot 1405 as well as prints for Plots 1797 and 1796
Block 12 Kibuga.

Owing to these irregularities, we cannot ably resolve your boundary disputes

through a boundary opening exercise. You are advised to engage your neighbour
and seek for a mutual agreement on the disputed boundary, upon which we may
resurvey the two plots to the agreed positions.

As for the portions that trespass onto Plots 1488 and 1489 Block 12 Kibuga,
negotiations are encouraged to regularise those portions. Unfortunately, these
plots are not within our records and you are advised to do an official search in
the Kampala City Council Authority Ministry Zonal Office to determine the
identities of the registered proprietors of these plots.

Yours Faithfully,

Mwesigwa Daniel Sekakubo James Wamala Kizito Bashir Juma

Field surveyor Chief surveyor Supervisor

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