Survey Report - Special - Survey - Mutundwe

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Date: 16TH / 02/ 2023

Chief Surveyor
Internal Business

Dear Sir,


Please refer to your instruction concerning the above special survey after
which a fresh survey the Kibanja was executed and markstones planted as
per the guidance of the Ow’omuluka Mukasa Samuel to the end of
processing of deed plans.

The survey was carried out successfully and the following were observed;
 The kibanja measures approximately 0.178Ha/0.44Acres and is
developed with buildings which measure approximately
0.037Ha/0.09Acres with adequate access along Mutundwe road.
 However, overlaying the survey observations on the Cadastral map
revealed an overlap with two already surveyed plots, that is 625
and 626 Block 32 Kyadondo as shown on the attached diagrams.
Plot 626 Block 32 Kyadondo is registered to Nabunya Hamida
Masaagazi, file number BLB/01/3374.
 The other plot, Plot 625, however, is not in our records.
 There is also an encroachment onto the planned extents of
Mutundwe road measuring an area of approximately
 A portion of this Kibanja also has an existing mast, whose
ownership is not known by the Ow’omuluka.
Based on the above findings, it is advisable that the three plots are physically
inspected to verify the existence of these overlaps.

For Plots 625, we need to carry out an official search in Kampala City
Council Authority Ministry Zonal Office to determine the registered

Conclusively, the process for acquisition of the deed plans for this Kibanja
has several setbacks as described about which we need to address, moving
forward. Awaiting further instructions.

Yours Faithfully,

Mwesigwa Daniel Sekakubo

Field Surveyor

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