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No, not always, but when there is a need to be productive throughout the day, I
create a to-do list.
2. First of all focus on your work/task, don’t try to be a multitasker. Use pomodoro
method to work more effectively.
3. If we talk about personal purposes of using social networks at work, then yes, I do.
It takes about half an hour during lunch break
4. Not sure, to be a multitasker isn't very productive. Therefore, I try to focus on one
task, sometimes there may be 1 more additional, rather even distracting, because it
is not interesting to immediately sit down and complete some task.
5. Often I try to stick to the initial route maps, but sometimes there are unforeseen
situations when something does not go according to plan.
6. Yes, I will say more, I cannot work without music. It would not be surprising if I
said that relaxing music helps me concentrate, but no, I listen to literally all the
music on my playlist.
7. No, not at all, that's not how it works. After all, the main thing is not quantity, but
8. Having to-do lists outside of work hours is a very sound idea, which I can't say
about the tight time limits in everyday life.
9. The best way to deal with procrastination is not to procrastinate. But seriously, it's
best to find a goal to strive for.
10.Fortunately, I enjoy freedom. In my opinion, it is better to have freedom of action,
because widespread control has never led anyone to anything good.

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