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Channel attribution

What is channel attribution analysis?

In simple words, channel attribution analysis answers the most pertinent

question that every digital marketer has in his mind – “What part of my
marketing efforts, should be credited for this specific sale?” Hence, connecting
marketing spends and efforts with the sales made, is marketing attribution.
Working out which channels of marketing contributed to what portion of the
total sales is channel attribution analysis.

Channel attribution models

The area of channel attribution modeling is still in the evolving stage and there
are various techniques that analysts utilize to arrive at the golden numbers. Here
are some of the popular techniques used:

 Last-click model: This is a single touch-point model where the credit for
the purchase is given to the online customer touch point from which the
click-to-purchase occurred.
 First-click/First touch-point model: This is also a single touch-point
model where the credit for the sale is given to first identifiable click or ad
impression/view recorded for a customer.
 Average allocation model: This is the multi touch-point model where
equal credit is given to all the recorded touch-points.
 U-shape model: In this multi touch-point model higher credit is given to
the touch-points at the beginning and the end of the customer journey.
 Time decay model: In this model more credit is given to the touch-points
at the end of the customer path to purchase.
Out of the various models mentioned above 80% of the digital marketers use the
last-click approach. Although, the results received through this model do not
give the complete picture; implementing a sophisticated multi touch-point
channel attribution analytics model is not as easy as it sounds. Even though it a
big challenge, many digital marketers are slowly moving towards advanced
channel attribution analytics.
Why should digital marketers invest time in channel attribution analysis?

Advanced channel attribution analytics offers several advantages:

Optimize customer journey: By studying the marketing funnel and customer

journey in great detail and giving credit at the h2>marketers can get a better
understanding of the customer journey and optimize their media mix for better

Giving credit where it’s due: Attribution analytics provides transparency

around introductory, assisting, and converting channelsh2>opportunity to the
marketers to allocate a fair share of credit to each contributing channel based on
their impact on the key conversion metric.

cost per acquisition: Channel attribution analytics can help marketers avoid
wastage of media impressions and boost h2>by investing in the right places and
keeping the CPA under control.

Optimizing multi-channel media spends: The most important advantage of

channel attribution analytics is to identify the best h2>conversion and sales and
investing more on those channels. Digital marketers can get a clearer picture of
what works and what doesn’t and then allocate their marketing dollars for the
best options.

Digital transformation in marketing

Digital transformation in marketing is about harnessing the digital enterprise. It

means using technology to continuously evolve all aspects of the business
model, including what it offers, how it interacts with customers, and how it

Put simply, digital transformation is a way to future-proof a business.

In order for companies to succeed, they should define their ambitions and then
act accordingly. Marketing in the digital age isn’t just about an innovative idea,
a new leader, or a major initiative. It’s about taking a set of deliberate and
reinforcing steps that results in the development of strong digital decisions.
With our FOCUS framework, we help companies shut out the noise, determine
what’s most important, and implement their digital changes.

Fixate on strategy first

In order to create a clear direction, companies should first develop their digital
ambition grounded in corporate and customer strategy. This direction can guide
all future choices when it comes to digital transformation.
Optimize structure for ideal ways of working
In order for digital transformation in marketing to take hold, it should be
supported by organizational and governance structure by removing traditional
business siloes. This structure should have clear resources and paths to make
digital investments, with a supporting culture to help push the digital enterprise
forward through nimble decision making.
Commit to winning with the right capabilities
You should have a realistic understanding of your capabilities for marketing in
the digital age. Only then can organizations be able to reinforce those
capabilities to underpin their actions. This means shoring up intangibles like
data, talent, cloud, processes, and core systems.
Unburden and embrace the possibilities
Embracing digital transformation in marketing means growing beyond the
prevailing definitions of what your company is and how it’s perceived. It can
allow you to tap into and create new profit pools and shift away from low-value
actions. Marketing in the digital age can offer new possibilities and, with the
insight from earlier steps, exploring these avenues hones digital ambitions.
Seize your superpower
Seizing your superpower is about making choices on what not to do and being
unapologetic in pursuing those activities you choose to go after. By carefully
selecting initiatives that are highly linked to strategy and future value,
marketing leaders can differentiate from their peers and demonstrate a clear path
to value.
What is Google ad words?
AdWords is an advertising system Google developed to help businesses reach
online target markets through its search engine platform and partner sites. These
partner sites host a text or image ad that appears on the page after a user
searches for keywords and phrases related to a business and its products or
services. On, AdWords ads typically appear in specific locations at
the top and right-hand side of a search results page.
You can choose keywords related to your brand, products, services and industry
for your AdWords account. When customers search for these phrases, your
store's ad will be served to them. You only pay when a user clicks on your ad
and visits your website or calls your business using "click to call."
How does AdWords benefit ecommerce businesses?
The two main ways AdWords can help your online retail business are by
improving brand awareness and driving qualified traffic to your site. Other
benefits of using AdWords include:
 Customers associate certain keywords and phrases with your business
 You can target with AdWords, meaning the ads follow a customer to
other Google sites like YouTube and The New York Times - that
improves conversion and reduces cost-per-click.
 You have the flexibility to determine which sites host your ads
 Focus on your target market by honing in on certain regions and cities
 AdWords identifies who is searching for your products
 AdWords reminds customers of what they previously searched for,
keeping your brand top of mind
 AdWords helps you optimize current campaigns and leverage results for
improved overall success
Google AdWords helps customers find what they're looking for in a faster, more
customized manner. Including a unique selling position in your ad can also help
consumers determine why your business is better than your competition.
AdWords is an affordable, easy-to-use advertising platform that can increase
traffic and sales for your ecommerce store.
Email Marketing
The use of email within your marketing efforts to promote a business’s products
and services, as well as incentivize customer loyalty. Email marketing is a form
of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new
products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate
your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between
purchases. It can also be anything in between. Mailchimp can help you design,
build, and optimize your email marketing to get the best ROI in your marketing
When you want to grow your brand or sell your stuff, email marketing is one of
the most popular—and effective—tools around for marketing campaigns. In this
article we’ll discuss how email marketing - and the usage of promotional emails
- can help you to grow your business, and we’ll give you a few tips to help you
get started with a successful email marketing campaign
Advantages of email marketing
Email has become such a popular marketing tool for businesses partly because it
forces the user to take some kind of action; an email will sit in the inbox until
it’s read, deleted, or archived.

Email marketing can help you build a relationship with your audience while
also driving traffic to your blog, social media, or anywhere else you’d like folks
to visit. You can even segment your emails and target users by demographic so
you’re only sending people the messages they want to see most.

Email marketing also allows you to run A/B tests of a subject line or call to
action to identify the best performing message by using email marketing
software that can also be configured to easily send out emails. Check out
Mailchimp's email templates to see more of what you can do with email
Disadvantages of email marketing
While email marketing seems like the perfect way to reach out to customers,
create new prospects, and grow important business relationships, there are some
drawbacks. In fact, many businesses are opting to use EZ Texting as another
form of communication.
Here are some of the significant downsides to email marketing campaigns.
It seems like our inboxes are filled with worthless information. "Lose 25 pounds
in two weeks," "Click here for a big discount." We all get them and nearly
instantly hit delete. In addition, we never even see many of these emails because
they end up in our junk or spam folders. Unless you are actively avoiding spam
filters, these are messages are often just a waste of time for the company that
sent them.
If your email is too large, it might take a long time to load—or even not load at
all. In that time it takes to download, a potential customer has just lost interest,
costing you business.
Disadvantages aside, email marketing is a popular form of marketing, which
means that your email isn’t going to be the only one flooding users' inboxes.
This means that to stand out from competitors, you might need to invest in
strong copywriters or offer additional promotions to capture your audience’s

Frequently, a customer sees an ad and signs up for emails based on that 1
instance or offer. They may or may not use it. In any case, they are now in the
clients' database, but that doesn’t mean they will keep opening up your emails
and clicking through to your site. You have to continuously find ways to engage
your audience, or you might find yourself with high unopened rates or a lot of
people unsubscribing.
Today, you can access an email across a range of devices, such as phones,
tablets, and computers. This means that unless you’re designing an email for
each platform, your customers might see a less than ideal version of your email.
Email marketers don’t know what type of operating system the recipient is
using. In many cases, what was once a visually appealing email, can have odd
breaks, missing visuals, and logos. These are annoying to the recipient and are
quickly deleted—especially if the recipient mistakes it for spam or a scam.
These emails are hard to read in most cases and are of very little value.
While many email services purport to be free, many still charge fees for
additional actions such as adding images or exceeding a word count. Make sure
that you know exactly what the guidelines are for free emails or understand
what additional charges you may incur. When you have someone design an
email template, help build a database of relevant contacts, and the dissemination
of the email may start stressing the budget.
Email marketing types and examples
There are many different types of email marketing. Each one serves a different
purpose and takes a different avenue to engage with your audience. We are
going to look at some of the many different types, so you can create the best
email marketing campaign for your company.

Welcome emails
This type of email welcomes customers and encourages them to learn more
about your product or service. They often offer a trial or other bonus. It is used
to introduce a potential new customer to the business.

Newsletter emails
Newsletter emails are very popular, and they often highlight new products and
services. They may also include articles, blogs, and customer reviews. Usually,
there will be a call to action to move the reader to do something, whether that is
reading a new blog post or checking out a new product.
Lead nurturing emails
This type of email targets a specific audience through a series of emails in the
hope of eventually converting them. Typically, lead nurturing emails focus on a
group that is interested in a specific product or service and then build their
interest through more emails that offer additional information or relevant
promotions. The goal is to push users from the consideration stage to the
purchasing stage.
Confirmation emails
Those that have recently signed up for emails or newsletters, or have purchased
an item online for the first time may get a confirmation email. This ensures the
prospect that the information has been received and they are on the list to
receive additional information. These are also a way to let users know that their
purchase has been received or that their sign-up was successful and can include
more actions for them to take.
Dedicated emails
If you want to reach out to only a portion of your email list, this is called a
dedicated email. Its list may be based on recent purchases, inactive clients, new
members, and other specific types of criteria.
Invite emails
These types of emails often announce upcoming events, new product launches,
and seminars. Most companies use these types of emails when there is
something special going on to gain attention and increase awareness about
special events.
Promotional emails
These types of marketing emails are very common and tend to be generic and
go out to a large audience. They are usually used to maintain awareness and
may tease new products and services.
Survey email
Feedback from customers is one of the best tools for a business. Sending out
these emails communicates to your customers that you value their opinion and
want to create an experience, product, or whatever you’re offering that they’ll
enjoy. Businesses can also take the feedback from these surveys and apply them
to their offerings, creating what is hopefully a better product.
Seasonal marketing emails
Many companies take advantage of the holiday season or special occasions to
reach out to their customers and prospects with information on upcoming sales
and promotions. They are often tied to holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s
Day, Mother’s, and Father’s Day.
What is mobile marketing?
Mobile marketing is a multi-channel, digital marketing strategy aimed at
reaching a target audience through smartphones, tablets and other mobile
devices, via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media and apps.
In recent years, customers have started to shift their attention (and dollars) to
mobile. Because of this, marketers are doing the same in order to create true
omnichannel engagement. As technology becomes more fragmented, so does
marketing. And in order to earn and maintain the attention of potential buyers,
content must be strategic and highly personalized.
How does mobile marketing work?
When it comes to mobile marketing, strategic, personalized content means
thinking about different devices in mind and utilizing SMS/MMS marketing and
mobile apps.
Mobile marketing is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to building
out any short-term or long-term marketing plan.
There’s a mobile marketing channel to reach every part of your audience where
they’re most comfortable, including:
 email
 content marketing
 social media marketing
 pay-per-click (PPC)
 search engine optimization (SEO)
For mobile marketing to be effective, you need to curate a cohesive experience
that customers expect — and that can be a real challenge as you work to
acquire, engage and retain users across a multitude of platforms.
Mobile marketing can do wonders for driving brand value and demand for your
products or services by leveraging mobile devices to connect with more
consumers in real time at any point in the customer lifecycle.
Mobile is also growing steadily. According to eMarketer, mobile versus desktop
usage stats in the United States in 2018 show that the mobile-only audience will
grow to 55.7 million (nearly 19%) by 2022, and Adweek estimates that 79% of
smartphone users have their phones on or near them all but two hours a day.
Today, there are more mobile devices in the world (8.7 billion) than people (7.1
billion), due largely in part to our voracious appetite for new technology. UN
data analysts have found that in the US, 71.5% of citizens over the age of 13
have a smartphone, and 66.5% have smartphones globally. To harness the
growing power of mobile marketing, you must focus on creating a seamless
experience that your audience expects.
Social Media Marketing
Times are changing. There’s more to social media marketing than posting on
Facebook and Twitter a few times a day. If you want to build your brand,
engage your prospects, and increase sales, it takes time and work.
You need to stand out from a plethora of competitors, social media noise, and
even compete with influencers, celebrities, and other big names.You need a
brilliant social media strategy.Often, like with any innovative marketing, you’ll
find that you have to step away from traditional social media platforms—and
continuously find new ways of reaching your target customers.
The popularity of TikTok highlights the importance of keeping up-to-date with
the ever-changing digital world, as to not miss out on key opportunities
Social Media Marketing Guide Definitions
Here are some common terms you need to know when developing your social
media marketing strategy.
Content is whatever you post on social media. It can be a Facebook status
update, a video on Instagram, a Tweet, and so on.
Content comes in many different forms, and you need to tailor it to each
platform. What’s even more important than content, though, is context.
Gary Vaynerchuk said, “Content is king, but context is God.”
For instance, you might have a great joke, but if you place it somewhere inside
a 3,000-word blog post, very few people are likely to see it. On Twitter,
however, that same joke as a tweet might crush it.
Plus, anyone can get in on the fun. When looking at the most retweeted,
funniest Tweets ever, we can see even the CIA sees the value in using social
media to create some positive buzz.
The opposite is also true. Packaging your entire blog post into one tweet is
hardly possible, so try a good call to action with some relevant hashtags instead.
And that brings us to hashtags.
By now, you probably know that hashtags are a very common tool that people
use to add meta information on almost all social media channels. Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest all use hashtags to let you describe the topic
of your content or mark it as part of current trends.
They make your content easy for users to discover and therefore more likely
that they’ll share it.
Shares are the currency of the social media world.

When people engage and interact with your content, that’s good. But when they
share it, that is the time to celebrate.
A great social media tool to measure shares and the overall impact of content
is BuzzSumo.
The more shares, the more people love your content. Shares are the best form of
engagement that people can have.
This is a general term referring to how people interact with the content that you
produce. It can be a like, a reaction, a comment, or a share. All of these are
good, but the shares are where it’s at.
Now that we’ve covered some social media definitions, let’s take a look at the
core pillars of social media.
Core Pillars of Social Media Marketing
There’s no doubt about it: these days, your business needs to be on social
media, and you should concentrate at least some of your marketing efforts (and
budget) on your social media strategy.
With 4.48 billion people owning social media accounts, there’s a whole world
of potential customers that any business can access, simply by logging in
and creating brilliant content.
Brands like BooHoo, Depop, and Chipotle excel at social media, and there’s
one simple reason: they integrate the core pillars of social media marketing.
There are five main pillars. Let’s talk through them one by one.
1. Strategy
A sound social media marketing strategy is the backbone of your social media
presence. Without a strategy, you’re wasting time, unlikely to achieve your
goals, and will most likely struggle to reach your target audience.
In case you’re not sure, a content strategy consists of getting the “Right content,
to the right people, at the right time.”
In its most basic terms, a content strategy helps you achieve your business goals
by enabling you to:
 create valuable content
 drive engagement
 increase conversions
A good social media marketing strategy has clear goals, specific plans to reach
those goals, and must be measurable.
Finally, you need to set benchmarks to see how things are going and whether
you need to change your approach.
2. Planning and Publish
Social media is a powerful tool, but you can’t just go out there and start
publishing content without a plan behind it.
When you’re planning content make sure that you:
 Know your audience: You need to know the demographic of your
audience in order to connect with them.
 Focus on quality: The quality of content is just as important as the
 Consider your brand: Keeping in line with your brand values is crucial.
When it comes to publishing, there is one golden rule: consistency. A regular
publishing schedule keeps people coming back for more.
3. Listening and Engagement
Plan your content and above all, actually engage with your audience.
Your feedback might not always be positive; but, if you don’t make changes,
neither will the tone of your responses.
Listening and engagement are all part of a successful digital transformation,
especially if you’re going to enhance the overall customer experience.
It’s also worth mentioning that social listening isn’t just about customer
experience. It can allow you to:
 pick up on new trends
 identify new streams of income
 gain industry insights
 find influencers in your niche
Need some assistance to get started with social listening? Hootsuite has a free
introductory tool for measuring key terms and hashtags.
4. Analytics
The success of any social media marketing campaign depends on analytics for
tracking and collecting data. Without this information, you can’t:
 understand user behavior
 refine your strategy
 find which platform works best for your brand
 discover the best times to post
 analyze your competitors
Once you have all this, you’ll know with certainty what works and what
doesn’t. That way you can spend more time on what does, and waste less. In
turn, analytics will inform the decisions that you make for future campaigns—
and highly influence the success rate.
Similarly, A/B testing is great for determining what content, design, CTA, etc.
work best.
If you’ve been noticing certain types of content receiving double the
engagement than other posts, play on that.
For example, if you’re a small business, your followers are most likely going to
be family and friends who will love the personal insight and celebratory posts
because they care about you and your successes.
Producing high-quality content that your audience isn’t interested in will mean
that engagement levels tank. You need to work on making sure your posts
appear in people’s feeds before you start feeding through those insightful
industry blogs.
5. Advertising
For anyone looking for an audience, social media advertising is worth
exploring. With approximately 2.89 billion active monthly users on Facebook
alone, that’s an incredible amount of prospects.
Different Types of Social Media Marketing
Aside from the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media
marketing takes many different forms, such as:

 content marketing/content creating

 advertising/sponsorship
 influencer marketing
 social media management/community management
 paid media
 building your following
 contributing to forums
 reviews
What is web analytics?
Web analytics is the process of analyzing the behavior of visitors to a website.
This involves tracking, reviewing and reporting data to measure web activity,
including the use of a website and its components, such as webpages, images
and videos.
Data collected through web analytics may include traffic sources, referring sites,
page views, paths taken and conversion rates. The compiled data often forms a
part of customer relationship management analytics (CRM analytics) to
facilitate and streamline better business decisions.

Web analytics enables a business to retain customers, attract more visitors and
increase the dollar volume each customer spends.

Analytics can help in the following ways:

 Determine the likelihood that a given customer will repurchase a

product after purchasing it in the past.
 Personalize the site to customers who visit it repeatedly.
 Monitor the amount of money individual customers or specific groups
of customers spend.
 Observe the geographic regions from which the most and the least
customers visit the site and purchase specific products.
 Predict which products customers are most and least likely to buy in
the future.

The objective of web analytics is to serve as a business metric for promoting

specific products to the customers who are most likely to buy them and to
determine which products a specific customer is most likely to purchase. This
can help improve the ratio of revenue to marketing costs.

In addition to these features, web analytics may track the clickthrough and
drilldown behavior of customers within a website, determine the sites from
which customers most often arrive, and communicate with browsers to track
and analyze online behavior. The results of web analytics are provided in the
form of tables, charts and graphs.

Web analytics process

The web analytics process involves the following steps:

1. Setting goals. The first step in the web analytics process is for businesses
to determine goals and the end results they are trying to achieve. These
goals can include increased sales, customer satisfaction and brand
awareness. Business goals can be both quantitative and qualitative.
2. Collecting data. The second step in web analytics is the collection and
storage of data. Businesses can collect data directly from a website or
web analytics tool, such as Google Analytics. The data mainly comes
from Hypertext Transfer Protocol requests -- including data at the
network and application levels -- and can be combined with external data
to interpret web usage. For example, a user's Internet Protocol address is
typically associated with many factors, including geographic location and
clickthrough rates.
3. Processing data. The next stage of the web analytics funnel involves
businesses processing the collected data into actionable information.
4. Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs). In web analytics, a
KPI is a quantifiable measure to monitor and analyze user behavior on a
website. Examples include bounce rates, unique users, user sessions and
on-site search queries.
5. Developing a strategy. This stage involves implementing insights to
formulate strategies that align with an organization's goals. For example,
search queries conducted on-site can help an organization develop a
content strategy based on what users are searching for on its website.
6. Experimenting and testing. Businesses need to experiment with
different strategies in order to find the one that yields the best results. For
example, A/B testing is a simple strategy to help learn how an audience
responds to different content. The process involves creating two or more
versions of content and then displaying it to different audience segments
to reveal which version of the content performs better.

What are the two main categories of web analytics?

The two main categories of web analytics are off-site web analytics and on-site
web analytics.

Off-site web analytics

The term off-site web analytics refers to the practice of monitoring visitor
activity outside of an organization's website to measure potential audience. Off-
site web analytics provides an industrywide analysis that gives insight into how
a business is performing in comparison to competitors. It refers to the type of
analytics that focuses on data collected from across the web, such as social
media, search engines and forums.

On-site web analytics

On-site web analytics refers to a narrower focus that uses analytics to track the
activity of visitors to a specific site to see how the site is performing. The data
gathered is usually more relevant to a site's owner and can include details on site
engagement, such as what content is most popular. Two technological
approaches to on-site web analytics include log file analysis and page tagging.

Top Digital Marketing Trends

Experts define digital marketing as promoting products and services on a digital

medium using modern and versatile tools. A few digital marketing trends of
2022 can create a competitive advantage when used efficiently. Influencer
marketing, video marketing, omnichannel marketing, and others are some of the
latest digital marketing trends discussed in detail below.

1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the practice of using an influencer’s image and goodwill

to promote and advertise a brand’s product or services. Influencers can be
individuals or groups with a massive fan following. Here are some of the
reasons why influencer marketing has gained momentum in the current business

 Persuades audience: Influencers have a loyal fanbase, meaning they can

sway the audiences in a jiffy. Many brands opt for influencer marketing
to attract a diverse set of audiences to their products.
 Increases trust: Influencers use social media applications to promote or
advertise products or services. Therefore, many brands opt for influencer
marketing to increase brand awareness and amplify their social media
 Supports content strategy: Influencer marketing is best suited for filling
the gaps in content marketing strategy.

2. Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing is believed to be one of the most effective ways to

reach the target audience. It is an approach that stands true to the definition of
digital marketing – using different digital mediums to promote, engage, and
serve customers. Omnichannel marketing offers a varied set of benefits, which
are as follows:

 Attracting new customers and market segments

 Engaging customers after sales
 Increasing trust and loyalty of customers
 Boosting sales and customer satisfaction
 Helps understand customer demand and needs

Omnichannel marketing is widely used in retail, entertainment, food service,

business, and other industries.

3. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the process of developing smart computer systems

that can perform similar functions to the human brain. Companies can use AI to
gauge the needs and demands of their customers. Simultaneously, it can be used
to find out patterns in customer buying behaviour, monitor and offer a solution
to formulate a marketing strategy.

Moreover, AI applications like machine learning, deep learning, and others can
be used for various customer and marketing-related activities – including
content creation, ad monitoring, promoting products, interacting with
customers, and more. Therefore, as a digital marketing trend, AI is a boon for
companies looking to level up their advertising game.

4. Video Marketing

Social media platforms have offered a new space for companies to promote
their products or services to their target audience. Video marketing is a potent
digital marketing tool popular among businesses trying to increase their
customer base. Experts believe that videos are more effective than any other
form of content; that’s why many brands are shifting their focus to developing
content-rich and enthralling videos to promote their products or services.
Similarly, social media applications like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and
others have also integrated short-form content into their algorithms, helping
brands proliferate to their target audience. Therefore, brands looking to increase
their customer base can opt for video marketing as their promotional strategy.

5. Long-form Content

Content marketing is a popular digital marketing trend using which companies

often promote their product or services. Similarly, long-form content is the
subsect of content marketing that consists of blog posts or articles of more than
3000 words to promote a product or service. Companies create long-form
content intending to increase their visibility, industry expertise, and customer
engagement. In addition to this, here are some other reasons why businesses opt
for long-form content:

 Increases traffic on the website

More people visit the company’s website due to the long-form content’s
popularity. However, people are less likely to explore more products and
services of the brand.

 High ranking on search engine

Search engine ranking and website traffic have a direct correlation. Therefore,
an increase in traffic would lead to a high ranking on a search engine, further
increasing customer interaction and engagement on the website.

 Increases customer engagement and interaction

Long-form content helps in initiating a conversation between a brand and its

customers. Furthermore, it also increases customer engagement and loyalty.

6. Social Media Shopping

The advent of social media has helped businesses closely interact with their
audience and provide a medium to sell their goods and service. The integration
of social media and e-commerce has opened doors for an online marketplace for
customers from different strata of society to buy products and services that
match their expectations. It is a popular social media trend that transcends
different industries. Moreover, it is an effective way to make your products
available to customers while interacting and engaging with them.

7. Progressive Web Pages

Progressive web pages are online websites that perform the functions of a
mobile application. They send push notifications, load faster than other sites,
and are accessible offline, among others. A progressive web page is one of the
latest digital marketing trends that has addressed the need for websites that can
offer a versatile user interface to customers with different devices. Furthermore,
this latest digital marketing trend is expected to grow by leaps and bounds in the
forthcoming years.

Modernizing business is a complex and long-term process that requires

perseverance, skills, and deep knowledge. Emeritus India offers some of the
best digital marketing courses online that help brand leaders learn new skills
that will help them locate and implement new trends into their businesses.
Moreover, our courses provide deep knowledge of the evolving digital
marketing environment and prepare you to face obstacles. So, enrol in
our digital marketing courses to get akin to modern marketing systems.
What is Analytics?

Analytics defined

Analytics is the process of discovering, interpreting, and communicating

significant patterns in data. . Quite simply, analytics helps us see insights and
meaningful data that we might not otherwise detect. Business analytics focuses
on using insights derived from data to make more informed decisions that will
help organizations increase sales, reduce costs, and make other business

What Is Digital Marketing Analytics?

Digital marketing analytics is defined as the translation of customer behavior

into actionable business data. Digital marketers collect customer data, use
digital marketing analytics tools to examine this data, and identify patterns that
inform future marketing strategies. According to Social Media Today,
“Analytics tell you what you’re doing right, and what you’re doing wrong.
What’s working and what’s not working on all facets of your marketing, from
social media to content to email marketing. If you’re not measuring you’re

Important Digital Marketing Metrics

It’s up to digital marketers to determine which metrics or key performance

indicators (KPIs) are valuable for their customers and industries. Some metrics
can be misleading in the wrong context.

For example, the insights provided from organic traffic will be more appropriate
for gauging the success of an SEO campaign than a social media campaign. In
contrast, social traffic will be far more informative when analyzing the success
of a social media campaign. Learn more about how metrics inform digital
marketing analytics.

Digital Metrics for Websites

Web Analytics offers some of the most valuable data for digital marketing
analytics, given that most channels direct a user to the website to take a
desirable action. The digital metrics available on the website can inform user
experience (UX) and map out exactly where visitors decide to either continue
consuming website content or leave your site. Many digital marketing analytics
experts use the following data to inform their website design, landing page
copywriting and more.
Important Website Metrics

 Site load speed: The time it takes for your website page to load for a
visitor. 1.3 seconds is the maximum page load time most industry
insiders suggest.
 Visitor: The number of users visiting your site. Install a pop-up that
requests users to accept cookies on their browser so they can be
effectively tracked.
 Pageview: Every time a user loads one page on your website, this counts
as a page view.
 Session: A session is characterized by how active the user is on your
page. A user actively scrolling and clicking on the website is classified as
a session. However, after 30 minutes of inactivity a session is terminated.
 Traffic: The total number of site or page visits made by a user. Marketers
can also track the source of user traffics with the following metrics:
o Organic traffic: Users that have used a search engine to visit your
o Direct traffic: Users that have typed in a URL to land directly on
your website.
o Paid traffic: Users that have entered your website through
sponsored content or an ad.
o Referral traffic: Users that have entered your website through
another website.
o Social traffic: Users that have clicked on a social media link or
post to enter your website.
 Time spent on page: The amount of time a user has spent on your
 Interactions per visit: The number of actions a user has taken on your
 Bounce rate: The percentage of users who visited your website and did
not take any actions or visit any other pages compared to the total number
of site visitors.

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