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We are six siblings, I have a brother but his not living with us now. My
mother said, I was in a kindergarten when I became a sister, and yes my
first little sister bornt. Maybe, that time I was so happy and ofcourse my
brother too. As time goes by, my fourth sibling bornt. Moving forward, that
time me and my brother are on the same school my mother always
accompanied us to school with my little sister which is the fourth one. Until
one day, when my mother isn’t around us I felt so careless because my little
almost hit by the tricycle. I was so afraid that time, I shout, I panicked, and I
almost cry and yet my brother saved her. That time my brother was grade
six student , his left feet retrained the wheel but the driver still didn’t stop
his tricycle and yes I saw it so that I’ll never forget it. We were lucky
because his wearing a safety shoes and they are saved. I always salute him
and I’m proud to be his sibling.

When I remember that, the first thing came into my mind that “ how can
I be like him,” “how can I protect my siblings” especially now we don’t have
brother on our home. I don’t know how to guide my little sisters because
most of them are very young. I am lucky because I grew up with my brother
who can protect me and I know that I’m safe when I’m with him. Even though
sometimes we have misunderstanding he still my brother. Now, I am eldest
daughter on our home because our brother needs to study faraway.
Memories are heavily influenced and the feelings I experience. It affects my
self trust and especially the things I know I could do. That time I experience
being quiet and I easily get nervous everytime I take care of my sibling. In
terms of being me, I always steadfast, I became more proactive and carrying
those memories as a lesson. In terms of being a sister, I will bring them up
and do my best to protect them as part of being a sister.

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