Group 1 - PM - Dh48isb 8 - Group Written Report Section 6.2

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Student name: Phạm Ngọc Cát Tường Student ID number: 31221021064

Student name: Nguyễn Hùng Việt Quân Student ID number: 31221023369
Student name: Nguyễn Khánh Hà Student ID number: 31221020017
Student name: Lê Nguyễn Minh An Student ID number: 31221020683
Student name: Lê Ngọc Trang Thanh Student ID number: 31221021311

Unit name: Principles of Management Unit number: PM-DH48ISB-8

Tutorial/Lecture: Tutorial Section 6.2 Class day and time: 3:30 PM Nov 25th 2022
Lecturer or Tutor name: Ms. Hoài Anh


Length: 2 pages Due date: Nov 23rd 2022 Date submitted: Nov 23rd 2022

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Group Case Written Report Section 6.2

Le Nguyen Minh An, Nguyen Khanh Ha,

Nguyen Hung Viet Quan, Le Ngoc Trang Thanh,

Pham Ngoc Cat Tuong

Principles of Management - PM_DH48ISB-8

November 23, 2022

Ms. Nguyen Dang Hoai Anh


Group Case Written Report Section 6.2

This report is written to give a deeper insight into a debate about the roles of managers and

entrepreneurs, in which we express our argument against Group 3 to protect our propositive

perspectives: today’s society is much in need of entrepreneurs than managers, hence business schools

are well-advised to educate students to become excellent entrepreneurs rather than good managers.

Case Summary

The key term of our debate topic is surrounded in two words which are entrepreneurs and

managers. Entrepreneurs are defined as an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of

the risks associated with responsibility. They are commonly considered as an innovator and start-up.

Managers are the one who takes a leadership role in an organisation and manages employees.

Supporting Ideas

Because entrepreneurs are willing to take risks in order to exchange for higher profits and

break away from traditional economic systems, they are more proficient at skills than managers. The

responsibility of a manager is to oversee commercial entities, and as they frequently serve as a

conduit for information between lower-level staff members and senior executives, they frequently

lack the risk-taking abilities needed to successfully venture into new company ventures. Therefore,

sometimes this can lead to adverse results in the development of the company. For instance, due to

the issue of the top level management of HP, their Touchpad’s future was affected and resulted in a

failure. Specifically, the previous leader left when the tablets were still being tested and the

leadership of HP intended to move the company away from the product, including the tablets. In the

meantime, Apple released its Ipad and has now become the standard for all tablets in the market

(Richard Boateng, 2011). Entrepreneurs are better in seizing chances and making their businesses

profitable because they have strong risk-taking, managerial, and innovative skills.

When more entrepreneurs enter the market, the market's diversity of ideas and goods

expands. Furthermore, they can be a pioneer in opening a new field (Mitchell Grant, 2022).

Therefore, clients and consumers will get several benefits. Coolmate, which is a Vietnamese startup,

is dedicated to the study and production of innovative materials that are both comfortable to wear

and environmentally beneficial for male fashion (Forbes, 2022), which are exclusively catered to by

foreigner companies such as Uniqlo, H&M in Vietnam and is famous to Vietnamese people.

Moreover, because entrepreneurs are fully responsible for improving their concept, they are free to

adapt and hunt for their ideas. Managers, however, are unable to put their ideas into action since they

must be approved by individuals at a higher level in the organization. For example, Shark Tank is a

TV reality show series in which start-up entrepreneurs give a presentation to appeal for financing,

requiring public speaking abilities and a risk-taking mindset.

Opposition and Arguments

Some may argue that if business schools educate students to become good managers, the

company will be more well-organized. This is because the manager is the one responsible for

controlling the organizations (Godwin et al., 2017), if the manager is not well-educated and provided

with enough skills, the operation of companies can be negatively affected. However, concentrating

on trying to be a good manager rather than a good entrepreneur can lead to the lack of motivation to

develop. Entrepreneurs are ones who set the target for their business and try hard to achieve it. If

students are taught to think like entrepreneurs, this will help them expand their perception and

increase their action, which creates motivation for them to develop (Pistrui & Dimov, 2018).


In a fast-growing economy where there is a colossal amount of uncertainty, a manager with

such managerial skills is not enough in order to cope with unexpected challenges from competitors,

as the success of an enterprise requires other traits which belong to an entrepreneur. As a result, our

group would like to reaffirm that business schools had better train students to be entrepreneurs

instead of managers.

Reference and Appendix

Baijal, R. (2016, January 20). 4 reasons why entrepreneurship is important. Entrepreneur. Retrieved

November 22, 2022, from


Godwin, A., Handsome, O. E., Ayomide, W. A., Enobong, A. E., & Johnson, F. O. (2017).

Application of the Henri Fayol Principles of Management in Startup Organizations. Journal

of Business and Management, 11(10), 78-85.

Hayes, A. (n.d.). Entrepreneur: What It Means to Be One and How to Get Started. Investopedia.

Retrieved November 21, 2022, from

Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, August 31). What Is a Manager? Definition, Role and

Responsibilities. Indeed. Retrieved November 21, 2022, from

Pistrui, J., & Dimov, D. (2018, October 26). The Role of a Manager Has to Change in 5 Key Ways.

Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from

What a Startup Is and What's Involved in Getting One Off the Ground. (2022, 6 18). Investopedia.

Retrieved November 22, 2022, from


Task Allocation

Pham Ngoc Cat Tuong Introduction and Conclusion

Nguyen Khanh Ha Case Summary

Le Nguyen Minh An Supporting Ideas

Nguyen Hung Viet Quan Supporting Ideas

Le Ngoc Trang Thanh Opposition and Arguments

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