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Darlyn Dhey Mendoza


If globalization is truly beneficial to all people across the world, why is it that many
countries are poor and still living in poverty? Find some news clippings showing rich
people enjoying their comfortable life and poor living misery.

This might be due to an overpopulated country, a lack of open positions in

establishments/companies, raising a large number of children while not having a secure
employment, government troubles, a lack of revenue, environmental misuse, and a slow
response to community problems. Some aspects are created by the people who live in
the poor country, while others are caused by the country's real resources, the economy,
and even inequality. There is a paucity of education because the government does not
have enough money to create schools where children can study and get out of poverty.
People live in poverty in every country on the planet. Even in the world's wealthiest
countries, the poorest people sometimes live in substandard housing and struggle to
afford essential goods and services such as heating, transportation, and nutritious food
for themselves and their families. The apparent answer to the dilemma of the majority of
the globe being excluded from the International Poverty Line is to employ a second
poverty line.

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