Group 8 IBU02 Group Reflection Report 3.2

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Group Reflection Report - Section 3.2

Principle of Management - PM-DH48ISB-8

Group 2 - IBU02


Nguyễn Khánh Hà 31221020017

Nguyễn Hùng Việt Quân 31221023369

Lê Nguyễn Minh An 31221020683

Hà Nguyễn Nhật Huy 31221022484

November 7th, 2022

Ms. Nguyen Dang Hoai Anh


Group Reflection Report - Case 2

Group 8 - Section 3.2

Nguyen Khanh Ha

Nguyen Hung Viet Quan

Tran Nhat Huy

Le Nguyen Minh An


Due date: 8:00 AM - Thursday, November 10, 2022

Instructor’s Name: Ms. Hoai Anh


After participating in other teams’ debates on November 4th, we gained a deeper
insight into various aspects of the workplace. This reflection report is going to not only point
out some strong and weak points but also give several recommendations for them to improve.
While case 2 mentioned strict policies towards dating at work and case 3 debated about
prioritising economic development ahead of the environment, case 4 discussed if social
responsibilities are required for all enterprises.

Although each group had a short amount of time to convey their ideas, their debates
were enthusiastic and worth acknowledging. Below are the overall strengths that should
continue to be developed and weakness that should be taken into consideration for
There are some positive points for the debate. Firstly, All members gave strong
arguments straight to the point for the topics debating since they were well-prepared for the
debate such as making note clearly. Moreover, Some statements were studied deeply and
many methods were given. Secondly, Each member of each team showed their respects to the
others. Finally, They allocated the structure of debating as suitable. For POI, they answered
the question clearly and correctly.
However, it had some weaknesses and needed to improve. First and foremost, some
members read notes too much when they debated. Moreover, some of them had over-time
debating. Second, they did not show the thesis statements. And finally, some members talked
too fast, which made the audiences hard to understand. For POI, the answer was so long that
they could not meet the question’s points. In addition, some teams were quite inactive.
These following feedback are listed in pursuit of a more well-given presentation in the

next classes. First of all, enhance time management skills: set a time limit for each presenter

and practice beforehand to avoid being cut-off mid-presentation. When debating, restrict

yourself to reading notes too much so that you can interact with other team members. In

addition, remember to put thesis statements in your debate’s performance: avoid reading

lengthy paragraphs without topic sentences. Besides, it is more efficient to give thesis

statements for each objective you want to emphasise instead. Last but not least, be more

active in questioning POI to other teams.

After the debates of case study 2, 3 and 4, we have comprehended the workplace
dating policy, the vital points of CSR. Not only have we had the whole basics ideas of these
subjects but we have also learned whether economic development should be a top priority in
developing countries. Firstly, through the debate course, we have recognized a thoroughly
clear concept of CSR, which is a business model that helps a company be socially
accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the environment. Secondly, different viewpoints of
companies about the environment are also taken into consideration, in the end, transferring a
much more comprehensible idea. On which priority whether a company should focus
investing on environmental safety or increasing economic growth. Thirdly, policies barring
dating are ineffective at defending human rights and are only a surface-level response to
creating a more professional work atmosphere. Meanwhile unintentionally promote rumours
and gossip in the office. On the other hand, open cultures in the workplace are better for
promoting ethical behaviour among employees.

In conclusion, all groups who debated case 2, case 3 and case 4 have made great
improvement compared to the previous sections. Their debates were all well- prepared and
supported the arguments with data and they learned how to make each individual shine.
After taking into account many valuable lessons, we will enhance our ability to work in a
team and promote effective productivity to complete tasks given greatly next time.

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