Bringing Harbours Alive Assessing The Importance of Eco Enginee - 2018 - Marine

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Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

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Bringing harbours alive: Assessing the importance of eco-engineered coastal T

infrastructure for different stakeholders and cities

S.E. Kienkera,b, , R.A. Colemana,b, R.L. Morrisd, P. Steinbergb,c, B. Bollarde, R. Jarvise,
K.A. Alexanderf,g, E.M.A. Strainb,d
Centre for Research on Ecological Impacts of Coastal Cities, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, the University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Sydney Institute of Marine Science, 19 Chowder Bay Rd, Mosman, NSW 2088, Australia
Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
National Centre for Coasts and Climate, the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia
Institute of Applied Ecology, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Centre for Marine Socio-ecology, Private Bag 129, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 129, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia


Urbanisation and population growth continue to impact already pressured harbour environments, resulting in a
proliferation of artificial structures in the marine environment. In response, there is a growing interest in eco-
logical engineering these structures for the benefit of both nature and humankind. Since the decision to build or
adapt coastal infrastructure is a socio-economic one, the views and perceptions of different users are likely to
influence support for ecological engineering projects. A survey was developed and run in four harbours (Sydney,
Hobart, Auckland and Tauranga) to quantify the perceptions of different stakeholder groups towards ecological
engineering of artificial structures. This study tested whether respondents with a greater connection, concern for
environment, with a higher socio-economic status or who lived in a more modified harbour environment are
more likely to be supportive of ecological engineering than other respondents. The study also assessed whether
respondents with prior knowledge about the dominant artificial structure in their harbour (seawalls) agreed with
the positive effects, disagreed with negative effects, and were more willing to contribute to costs of ecological
engineering than those without prior knowledge. Results showed that most people are supportive of ecological
engineering (92.55%). However, stakeholders whose work is directly linked to the harbour are more supportive
of ecological engineering in Sydney and Auckland, than in Tauranga or Hobart. Environmental concern, edu-
cation, income and level of harbour modification all have a positive influence on support for ecological en-
gineering. Prior knowledge also influenced willingness to pay for ecological engineering. These results are
promising for councils and managers seeking to implement ecological engineering initiatives, and looking to
understand stakeholder groups’ attitudes and perceptions towards ecological engineering initiatives. Greater
consideration of both ecology and public users’ values are required for more holistic management strategies of
artificial structures in urban marine harbours.

1. Introduction world's population now lives in cities [6] and over two thirds live
within 60 km of the coast [7], these coastal cities will need to increase
Globally, coastal systems are being impacted through multiple infrastructure and investment in their protection, therefore the extent
stressors occurring over different timescales [1]. Over longer time- of ocean sprawl will only increase [5,8].
scales, almost all coastal systems will be affected by climate change Artificial structures introduce novel substrata along shorelines
through increases in temperature, reductions in ocean pH, increased whilst replacing existing habitats, causing numerous ecological impacts
storminess and sea-level rise [2–4]. More immediately, the proliferation [9–12]. Shoreline armouring is the replacement or shielding of natural
of man-made structures, often referred to as ocean sprawl presents shoreline with resistant materials, such as seawalls [13], to both protect
challenges to coastal habitats [5]. Given that more than half of the infrastructure and minimise erosion. It is a global phenomenon [14]

Corresponding author at: Centre for Research on Ecological Impacts of Coastal Cities, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, the University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006,
E-mail address: (S.E. Kienker).
Received 24 January 2018; Received in revised form 21 April 2018; Accepted 23 April 2018
Available online 26 May 2018
0308-597X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.E. Kienker et al. Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

and in some urban harbours, seawalls have replaced more than 50% of or whether differences in context and location influence stakeholder
the natural foreshore [13–15]. Armouring of nearshore ecosystems will values. Each of the key studies into stakeholder perceptions of harbour
increase owing to rising sea levels from climate change [16]. Ecological infrastructure [22,32] have highlighted the need for a more structured
engineering [17] is now gaining traction as an approach to mitigate approach to the research of stakeholder groups’ attitudes and percep-
contemporary and future impacts of coastal infrastructure. tions of ecological engineering and marine infrastructure. Researching
Ecological engineering is the design and rehabilitation of sustain- the differences in stakeholder attitudes towards ecological engineering
able ecosystems for the benefit of both humans and nature [11]. This of artificial structures could reveal stakeholder groups that are more
approach combines ecological understanding and principles of en- likely to support ecological engineering, and those who are more likely
gineering, structure and safety to enhance the ecological value of built to oppose such initiatives. It is possible that one of the key influences on
infrastructure [17]. Ecological engineering projects have been delivered how people may value ecological aspects of the harbour is the in-
in rocky and soft-sediment systems, above and below the tidal zone. formation they hold about the harbour. This in turn could be directly
Soft shoreline engineering methods are implemented to partially restore linked to educational success. Socio-economic and other factors that
degraded habitats [18] (such as dunes, mangroves, saltmarshes sea- may influence people to support ecological engineering - income,
grass, shellfish and coral reef) and reduce the impact on biodiversity. education level, level of concern or prior knowledge on the topic- must
Attempts to enhance habitat value for hard-substrata engineering pro- be explored further.
jects are more extensive, and have been recently reviewed [19,20]. Prior knowledge of a topic has been correlated with a higher level of
Where shoreline armouring cannot be avoided, the use of complex concern across any issue, [35], indicating that a member of the public
surfaces [21], flowerpots to function as rock pools [22], pits, crevices more informed on a topic will show greater concern for the health,
and cracks to add complexity to surfaces [21,23] and light penetrating treatment or well-being of the natural environment under scrutiny.
panels to reduce shading effects [24–27] have been used to increase the People's concerns for the exploitation of the natural environment have
biodiversity of seawalls and other infrastructure. Research into ecolo- been studied, such as for fisheries, aquaculture [40] and offshore wind
gical engineering has demonstrated that targeted investment into eco- farms [41], but specific community groups were often the main focal
logical enhancements can improve biological outcomes [11,20,28]. It is point [35,36,42], and the general public was often neglected in these
important to note that whilst the ecological successes of the interven- community studies. Other socio-economic factors including genera-
tions are considerable, the positive effects on biodiversity were not the tional differences through age, education, income, ancestry and loca-
primary reason for the insertion of the built infrastructure. Adding coast tion [43] can play a role in support for or against environmental in-
and harbour infrastructure is fundamentally a socio-economic decision itiatives: For example, people born on Reunion Island had less
based on financial drivers and political considerations [22]. Whilst re- favourable views of marine protected areas compared to immigrants
search on the ecological value of marine ecological engineering con- [44] on the island, showing that natal origin of residents can give rise to
tinues to grow, the importance of societal considerations and values in differences in perception. Studies on the public's willingness to pay for
the management of urban shorelines is gaining recognition, urban green spaces [45,46] shows urban green spaces are recognised as
[16,22,29,30], but continues to be an area lacking in structured re- a common asset for the good of society [45] however socio-economic
search. factors, prior knowledge on the topic and stakeholder group identified
Human occupation has led to harbours being the focus of diverse should also be recognised as factors that may influence the public's
and sometimes intense activities, from a wide variety of user groups willingness to pay. Single discipline approaches cannot address the full
[31]. Potential conflicts amongst different user groups and their use of scope of what threatens the coastal environment and those that use it
nearshore ecosystems are however, still poorly understood and there [47] and more research is needed incorporating cross-institutional
have been few studies to date on the way people view and feel about study. Both ecological and social research is necessary to improve the
coastal infrastructure (except see Morris, et al. [22], Evans, et al. [32], outcomes of ecological engineering approaches. In this study, harbours
Gray, et al. [33]). It is important to quantify the social value of these of greater and lesser modification by artificial marine structures were
environments so their development and impact on society might be used to test the differing attitudes and perceptions of stakeholder
better understood, as well as the connection of these groups of people to groups and better understand why people may or may not be supportive
the harbour. Quantifying societal connections to the harbour and per- of ecological engineering.
ceptions towards marine infrastructure can allow for integrated man- The aim of this study was to assess the attitudes and perceptions of
agement techniques to be successfully implemented because key sta- people towards ecological engineering in four urban harbours, in which
keholder groups will need to become invested and champion ecological seawalls are the dominant artificial coastal structure [12,15,48,49]. It
engineering projects for them to be an ongoing success [32]. Studies was hypothesised that people with a greater connection to the harbour,
into community concerns for climate change induced environmental greater concern for the environment, and a higher socio-economic
hazards are covered in the literature [34,35] as are peoples connection background would lead to more support for ecological engineering. It
to the beach [36,37]. Further study is required to assess how stake- was also predicted that support for ecological engineering would be
holder groups perceive ecological engineering of artificial marine affected by the extent of artificial modification of the harbour. Finally,
structures and what factors influence their support for environmental it was predicted that prior knowledge of the predominant harbour
initiatives. structure (seawalls) would influence a positive evaluation of ecological
Community groups and key stakeholders can greatly impact an in- engineering, a nuanced view of negative consequences of ecological
itiative or project so their support can be essential to the success of a engineering and lead to greater propensity to pay for ecological en-
development project [38,39]. Some research has shown that public gineering.
support for ecological engineering can be independent of cost con-
siderations [22]. Morris, et al. [22] found public support for ecological 2. Methods
engineering in treatment groups regardless of whether costs of flow-
erpots were known, and residents in Sydney demonstrated a willingness 2.1. Study sites
to pay more towards initiatives where there was a demonstrable en-
vironmental benefit [22]. This finding [22] should be tempered by the The survey was done in two locations in Australia (Sydney and
fact that the study designers took a coarse-grained view of the stake- Hobart) and two in New Zealand (Auckland and Tauranga). These lo-
holder constituency, although they found that the public were sup- cations were chosen to compare the perceptions of respondents in
portive of marine initiatives [22]. Differences in values and perceptions harbours that are highly modified with extensive coverage of seawalls
exist among stakeholder groups [32] but it is not known why they exist (> 50% in Sydney [12] and Auckland, [15]) against harbours that are

S.E. Kienker et al. Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

Table 1
Comparison of respondents’ demographics from the survey and census data for New Zealand (2013) and Australia (2016).
Harbour Sydney Hobart Auckland Tauranga

Demographics Survey Census Survey Census Survey Census Survey Census

Females (%) 52.07 50.77 50.43 51.39 47.78 51.43 38.82 52.63
Males (%) 47.93 49.23 48.28 48.61 52.22 48.57 61.18 47.38
English as main language (%) 88.94 58.40 93.97 86.50 85.00 87.10 94.71 92.00
Certificate level education or greater (%) 93.09 33.17 94.40 31.11 86.11 41.92 74.71 37.84
Educational attainment up to and including high school (%) 6.91 67.83 5.60 68.89 13.89 58.08 25.29 62.15
Income bracket (Survey) and Mean income (Census) USD$ 47,700–63,600 29,727 31,800–47,700 26,336 28,635–42,953 21,190 28,635–42,953 19,400
Age range (Survey) and Mean age (Census) 35–54 36 35–54 40 35–54 35.1 35–54 41

less modified by seawalls (< 40% in Hobart [48] and Tauranga [49]). understanding the harbour Table S4. This study tested the effects of:
The harbour catchment in these locations also varies in use, environ- stakeholder groups (fixed factor = 5 levels), environmental concern
mental pressures, population demographics and size, which could in- (fixed factor, with 5 levels), income bracket (fixed factor = 5 levels),
fluence the perceptions of the respondents [44]. The surveys were level of education (fixed factor = 5 levels), level of harbour mod-
distributed to respondents located within two kilometres of the fore- ification (fixed factor = 2 levels) on support for ecological engineering
shore areas to assess the perceptions and attitudes of people who ac- (yes or no) using generalised linear models with a binomial distribu-
tively used its waterways (Fig. S1). tion. Effects of prior knowledge (fixed factor = 2 levels) were then
tested on respondent's agreement for the positive effects, disagreement
with the negative effects and willingness to pay (5-point Likert scale)
2.2. Study design
using ordinal regression models. The effects of the different hypotheses
were tested across the four locations (Auckland, Sydney, Hobart and
This study used convenience sampling, which is a widely used non-
Tauranga, fixed factor = 4 levels). For all analyses tested, no effects of
probabilistic method used to capture the responses of people who are
over dispersion were found using the AER library. All analyses were
easy to reach [50]. A pilot survey was tested on a group of 20 people for
done in R [54].
language clarity, and the questions were modified according to their
comments. The final survey was distributed online to people 18 years of
age or over, through advertisements on community boards, business
3. Results
cards, emails, social media, newsletters, mailing lists, and in-person
using face-face surveys in four suburbs along each harbour foreshore
In total, 799 respondents completed the survey (217 in Sydney, 232
(two lower socio-economic and two higher socio-economic suburbs).
in Hobart, 180 in Auckland and 170 in Tauranga). This number of re-
The harbour foreshores were selected based on Australian Bureau of
sponses is consistent with other public perception studies [22,32].
Statistics [51] and Statistics New Zealand [52] data (Fig. S1). Specific
Across the different cities, most of the participants were between 35
user groups (i.e. harbour managers and marine scientists) were further
and 54 years old, spoke English as their primary language, and had
targeted through direct emails and face to face surveys at meetings, and
diploma or certificate level education and greater (Table 1). The age
social events. All respondents were provided with the participant in-
and level of education was greater than that reported for the population
formation sheet (ethics approval reference number H16175) before
as a whole from the census information for each city [51,52] (Table 1).
agreeing to undertake the survey (Fig S2).
The proportion of male and female respondents compared similarly to
The survey was made available between January 10th and May
the census data for three of the four harbour cities (Table 1), however
15th, 2017. During the survey period, demographic data on age,
for Tauranga, 61.18% of survey respondents were male, and from
gender, income, education, ethnicity and primary language were
census data, 47.38% of the census respondents were male (Table 1). As
compared to census data collected in 2013 and 2016, and the sampling
only 4 people indicated their level of education was primary school, this
adjusted accordingly [51,52]. This comparison ensured that the sample
option was removed from analysis so as not to confound results. In all
more closely reflected the larger population of all four harbours. An
cities, the income brackets were higher than census equivalent in-
electronic survey tool [53] was used to capture and store the survey
formation (Table 1).
data securely. The survey took 10 minutes to complete and included 19
The survey indicated across the four locations the majority of re-
questions on three themes: harbour use, views on artificial structures
spondents (92.55%) supported ecological engineering of artificial
and perceptions of ecological engineering (Fig. S3). In this study 11
structures. There were however, significant differences among the sta-
questions were used in analysis (Fig. S3). A combination of multiple
keholder groups and locations (Fig. 1 and Table 2). The stakeholders
choice questions, binary yes and no questions, 5-point Likert scales (2
whose work is directly associated with the harbour (e.g. commercial
answers in agreement with the statement, 1 neutral answer and 2 an-
fishers, boat builders and tour operators) were more supportive of
swers in disagreement with the statement) were used. A mix of binary
ecological engineering in Sydney (100%, SE = +/−0) and Auckland
and multiple response answers allowed for nuance and the ability to
(94%, SE = 0.05) than Hobart (64%, SE = 0.01) and Tauranga (80%,
explore multiple perspectives. Participation in the survey was voluntary
SE = 0.12), (Fig. 1 and Table 2). As predicted, those with an increased
and all cases with incomplete information were excluded from the
concern for the harbour environment (Fig. 2 and Table 2), who had
higher income and greater level of education (Fig. 3 and Table 2) and
who lived in more modified harbours, (Fig. 4 and Table 2) were more
2.3. Data analysis likely to support ecological engineering, than those who had less con-
cern for the environment, lower income, level of education or lived in a
There were 48 stakeholder group options provided to all partici- less modified harbour.
pants (Question 14, Fig. S3), and for analysis these were combined into Across the four locations, people who selected seawalls as the
5 groups: (1) property and business, (2) transport or work unrelated to dominant artificial structure in their harbour were more likely to
the harbour, (3) leisure and recreation, (4) work directly associated strongly agree with statement six of the potential positive effects of
with the harbour, and (5) work tied directly to managing or ecological engineering “Stabilising the shoreline is important” than

S.E. Kienker et al. Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

Fig. 1. Effects of stakeholder group and harbour on the percentage of respondents that supported (“yes”) ecological engineering of coastal infrastructure. The number
above the bars indicates total number of respondents.

those who chose another artificial structure (Table 3). There were, This study provides the first empirical evidence that support for eco-
however, no detectable effects of prior knowledge on the respondents’ logical engineering is not consistent amongst stakeholder groups and is
attitudes towards the negative effects of ecological engineering, or any enhanced among groups who exhibit other environmental concerns, or
of the other positive statements about ecological engineering (Table 3). have greater socio-economic status. There was also a positive re-
There were also no clear differences between locations in people's at- lationship between the development of the harbour and the extent of
titudes towards the positive and negative statements about ecological support for ecological engineering. The results demonstrated that peo-
engineering (Table 3). People with prior knowledge were more likely to ple's prior knowledge about the dominant marine artificial structures in
strongly agree with paying extra taxes and voting to ensure businesses their harbour influences their willingness to pay for the costs of eco-
include the costs of ecological engineering in future developments, but logical engineering. Having prior knowledge did not however, influ-
not paying a council levy or donating money towards ecological en- ence whether the respondent was more or less likely to agree with the
gineering (Fig. 5 and Table 3). Across the four locations, people in positive or disagree with the negative effects, of ecological engineering.
Sydney and Hobart were more likely to strongly agree with paying extra This study used a convenience sampling method to provide valuable
taxes to ensure businesses include the costs of ecological engineering in insights into how multiple stakeholders view ecological engineering
future developments, than people in Auckland or Tauranga (Table 3). across four urban harbours. The relative time and cost of convenience
There were however, no clear differences between locations for all of sampling are small in comparison to other sampling methods. Whilst
the other statements about the costs of ecological engineering (Fig. 5 convenience sampling means the results of the survey may be more
and Table 3). prone to particular biases, this is true of all sampling strategies [58,59].
In addition, voluntary data sourced through convenience sampling can
be considered as well suited for scoping information in the early stages
4. Discussion of decision-making, raising awareness of the marine environment, and
identifying key stakeholder perspectives that can be used to inform
There is an increasing interest in people's perceptions of ecological broader participatory processes [59–62]. Although the use of
engineering in marine [22,32,55] and terrestrial environments [56,57].

Table 2
Results of the generalised linear models testing the effects of stakeholder groups, concern for the environment, income bracket, level of education, level of harbour
modification and location on support for ecological engineering and prior knowledge and location on attitudes towards the positive and negative effects and
willingness to pay for ecological engineering. See Tables S2 for full details of the analyses. Significant p-values are indicated in bold-print (at α = 0.05).
Response variable Factors df Deviance residual df. residual Pr (> Chi) P-value

Stakeholder group Stakeholder group 4 7.90 740 423.87 > 0.05

Location 3 9.71 737 414.16 0.02
Stakeholder group × Location 12 25.57 725 388.59 0.01
Environmental concern Concern for environment 4 20.22 794 444.91 < 0.001
Location 3 8.56 791 436.34 0.04
Concern for environment × Location 12 14.69 779 421.65 > 0.05
Socio-economic factors Income bracket 4 20.31 792 444.46 < 0.001
Location 3 8.40 789 436.05 0.04
Income bracket × Location 12 25.33 777 410.73 > 0.05
Level of education 4 24.50 794 440.64 < 0.001
Location 3 7.40 791 433.00 > 0.05
Level of education × Location 12 3.67 781 429.58 > 0.05
Modified harbour Level of modification 1 7.61 797 457.51 0.006
Level of modification (Location) 2 2.10 795 455.46 > 0.05

S.E. Kienker et al. Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

131 9 38 259 362


Proporon of respondents

40 No

Indifferent Very low Low High Very high
Fig. 2. Effects of environmental concern on the percentage of respondents that supported (“yes”) ecological engineering of coastal infrastructure. The number above
the bars indicates total number of respondents.

convenience sampling may mean that the sample is not representative marine structures than respondents from statutory authorities such as
of the population studied, the sample populations compared favourably councils; Whereas this study demonstrated that people whose work is
to census data for three of the four locations. Overall, convenience directly linked to the harbour (e.g. fishermen or ferry workers) are
sampling was a suitable data collection approach for this study. more supportive of ecological engineering in larger urban harbours
Effective ecological engineering of marine artificial structures de- than smaller urban harbours. These results are likely to be explained by
mands greater understanding of conflicting stakeholder priorities [35]. the difference in stakeholders’ perceptions of ecological engineering
Similar to Evans et al. [35] the results here indicate that the majority of and their primary use of marine artificial structures. Evans et al. [35]
people who took part in the survey supported the idea of ecological demonstrated that people from statutory authorities wanted to avoid
engineering or developing multifunctional coastal infrastructure in adding any additional infrastructure to the coast, because of the per-
urban harbours, however there were significant differences between ceived environmental damage from structural additions. In contrast, in
stakeholder groups. Evans [35] demonstrated that engineering con- this study it seems likely that people who needed artificial structures for
sultants were more supportive of creating multifunctional artificial work were more concerned by any changes that could affect their

Fig. 3. Effects of socio-economic factors a) income in US$ and b) level of education, on the percentage of respondents that supported ecological engineering (“yes”).
The number above the bars indicates total number of respondents.

S.E. Kienker et al. Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

residents from more developed areas may be more concerned about

their environment, either linked to connection to area, or the residents’
socioeconomic status [43]. However, a review of multiple studies on
the topic found no or few consistent significant differences [64]. It
would be unsurprising to find that this difference does exist, given that
different experiences of nature and the natural world shape different
ways of thinking and feeling about the environment [65]. It is likely,
therefore, that different experiences of urban modification would also
Fig. 4. Effects of harbour modification on the percentage of respondents that shape different ways of thinking and feeling. Alternatively, differences
supported ecological engineering (“yes”). The number above the bars indicates may be due to demographics or socio-economic status [66–68]. Indeed,
total number of respondents. More modified harbours refer to Sydney and results suggest that people with higher income and educational levels
Auckland. Less modified harbours are those of Hobart and Tauranga. also had greater support for ecological engineering. It must be noted
however, as with the potential difference between more or less devel-
livelihoods in smaller than larger harbours, which could be due to an oped areas, the influence of social structural factors has also been found
association between people and place [63]. to be variable in a review of similar studies [64]. Key points for plan-
A positive correlation was found between the extent of harbour ners are that exposing the public to the potential impacts of develop-
modified by seawalls and respondents’ support for ecological en- ment through education on the topic can broaden their understanding
gineering. It has been suggested that differences in environmental at- which could confirm if disparities in economic status does have a si-
titudes exist between more and less developed locations and that milar impact on support for ecological engineering as found in this

Table 3
Results of the ordinal regression models testing the effects of prior knowledge and location on respondent's attitudes towards the positive and negative effects and
willingness to pay for ecological engineering. Significant p-values are indicated in bold-print (at α = 0.05).
Response variable Factors df Likelihood ratio statistic P-value

Increasing abundance of native species is important Prior knowledge 1 2.22 > 0.05
Location 3 3.88 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 1.07 > 0.05
Aesthetics and making ecological engineering visually appealing is important Prior knowledge 1 0.51 > 0.05
Location 3 0.83 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 3.93 > 0.05
Reducing the abundance of invasive species is important Prior knowledge 1 0.85 > 0.05
Location 3 3.30 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 2.40 > 0.05
Improving nursery habitats for native species is important Prior knowledge 1 0.29 > 0.05
Location 3 7.18 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 0.51 > 0.05
Improving the water quality is important Prior knowledge 1 0.37 > 0.05
Location 3 5.55 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 0.52 > 0.05
Stabilising the shoreline is important Prior knowledge 1 7.02 0.01
Location 3 2.36 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 2.81 > 0.05
Minimising risks of degradation to existing habitats is important Prior knowledge 1 1.07 > 0.05
Location 3 9.72 0.020
Prior knowledge × Location 3 0.40 > 0.05
It interferes with harbour structures Prior knowledge 1 1.78 > 0.05
Location 3 12.93 0.01
Prior knowledge × Location 3 2.12 > 0.05
It has increased cost of development Prior knowledge 1 0.05 > 0.05
Location 3 5.76 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 1.91 > 0.05
It has an environmental impact Prior knowledge 1 1.73 > 0.05
Location 3 2.81 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 0.90 > 0.05
It has health and safety concerns Prior knowledge 1 3.87 > 0.05
Location 3 3.58 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 34.59 > 0.05
There are no concerns with ecological engineering Prior knowledge 1 0.47 > 0.05
Location 3 0.42 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 2.42 > 0.05
I would be willing to donate money Prior knowledge 1 0.79 > 0.05
Location 3 8.84 0.01
Prior knowledge × Location 3 6.24 > 0.05
I would be willing to pay extra taxes Prior knowledge 1 10.41 0.01
Location 3 12.50 < 0.001
Prior knowledge × Location 3 1.20 > 0.05
I would be willing to pay a levy Prior knowledge 1 2.30 > 0.05
Location 3 7.26 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 2.02 > 0.05
I would be willing to vote Prior knowledge 1 4.14 0.04
Location 3 3.84 > 0.05
Prior knowledge × Location 3 2.96 > 0.05

S.E. Kienker et al. Marine Policy 94 (2018) 238–246

Fig. 5. Effects of prior knowledge on respondent's willingness to pay for ecological engineering: a) donate money, b) pay additional taxes, c) pay a council levy and d)
vote to ensure businesses include the costs in future development plans. The number above the bars indicates total number of respondents.

study. key points for urban planners are that educating the public on the po-
The results of this study suggest that people with prior knowledge of tential impacts of development can broaden their understanding and
the dominant artificial structure in their harbour are more likely to ensure their willingness to contribute to the costs of conservation in-
agree to contribute to the costs of ecological engineering. Similarly itiatives.
work by Morris, et al. [22] found that there was no effect of disclosing
costs of flowerpots on public support of the pots as an ecological en- Acknowledgments
gineering initiative for seawalls, although in this study, payment of pots
was not attributed to individuals. This was unsurprising; well-informed Financial support came from the Centre for Research on Ecological
individuals have been found to be willing to pay more for public goods Impacts of Coastal Cities at the University of Sydney, The Ian Potter
in other studies on e.g. climate change and marine conservation Foundation, Harding Miller Foundation, and New South Wales Office of
[69,70], although in this instance the survey asked about a substantially Environment and Heritage. Special thanks to Alicia Donnellan
more tangible item. Here it was shown that payment type was of im- Barraclough, Dominic McAfee and Stephanie Bagala for their help with
portance: people with prior knowledge were more likely to agree with the fieldwork. This is Sydney Institute of Marine Science publication
paying taxes and voting to ensure businesses included the cost of eco- number 224 and is part of the World Harbour Project.
logical engineering in future projects, but not to pay a council levy or
make a donation. These results suggest that respondents prioritised the Ethical conduct
development of government legislation rather than contributing di-
rectly to the cost of ecological engineering schemes. The amount re- This work complied with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct
spondents may be prepared to pay was not, however, considered in this in Human Research (2007). The study was approved by the Human
study. Experimental economics may provide useful insights here. Research Ethics Committee at the University of New South Wales under
The aim of this research was to assess the views of people from application reference H16175.
different stakeholder groups and harbours on the concept of ecological
engineering of marine artificial structures. The social values, priorities Appendix A. Supporting information
and cultures of people vary greatly geographically, therefore under-
standing attitudes and perceptions of these key stakeholder groups is Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
vital, and the consideration of public values in urban conservation is online version at
essential for developing holistic management strategies [57]. Whilst the
findings here contribute to this debate, by no means do they provide a References
definitive answer. Further study, with a larger sample size and more
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