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1. Complete this : Hello! I am Alan. Im an electrician. Im also a student. Hello! I am Kamal. Im a mechanic. Im also a student. Hello !Im Ron.

Im a carpenter. Im also a student. 2. Make sentences about yourself: Hello! Im Hai . Im an electrician. Im also a student.

Unit one
1 What do you know ?
1 What are these ? (a) Car /(b) House /(c) Bicycle/ (d) Wall / (e) Pipe 2 Name the parts 1- window / 2-roof / 3-door / 4- wheel / 5- tyre 3 What are these tools called ? a) This is called knife. b) This is called saw. c) This is called screw. d) This is called pencil. e) This is called ruler. f) This is called hammer. g) This is called ladder. h) This is called screwdriver. 4 What are these called? 1- This is called box. 2- This is called table. 3- This is called chair. 4- This is called fan. 5- This is called lamp. 6- This is called shelf. 7- This is called drawer. 8- This is called socket. 9- This is called switch. 5 Match the words the pictures: 1) a long pencil picture (d). 2) a wide ruler picture (e). 3) a small bicycle - picture (a).

4) a low table picture (g). 5) a short pencil picture (f). 6) a broken ladder picture (b). 7) a big bicycle picture (h). 8) a high table picture (c). 9) a narrow ruler picture (i). 10) abent ladder picture (j).

2 Whats it called ?
Alan, Kamal and Ron have a car. This is it. Kamal often repairs the car. 6 Repeat : A:Whats this called in English ? B:Its called a wheel. 7 a) b) c) d) e) f) 8 Complete these: This is called a car . This is called a wheel. This is called a roof. This is called a window. This is called a door. This is called a tyre. Look at the pictures in Exercise 7. Ask and answer: a) A: Whats this called in English ? B: Its called a car. b) A: Whats this called in English ? B: Its called a wheel. c) A: Whats this called in English ? B: Its called a roof. d) A: Whats this called in English ? B: Its called a window. Make sentences Look at this. Its called a bicycle. Look at that. Its called a house. Look at this. Its called a wheel. Look at that. Its called a roof. Look at that. Its called a wall. Look at that. Its called a bent ladder. Look at that. Its called a tyre. Look at that. Its called a window. Look at that. Its called a door.

9 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

10 Ask and answer: Example : A: Look at this. Whats it called ? B: Its called a bicycle.

3 Whats wrong ?
11 Repeat : A: Whats wrong with the car ? B: The tyre is flat. 12 Make sentences : a) The pipe is long. b) The wall is high. c) The house is small. d) The tyre is wide. e) The pipe is bent. f) The house is big. g) The pipe is short. h) The pipe is broken. i) The wall is low. j) The tyre is narrow. 13 Match the sentences with the pictures: 1) The ruler is broken (b). 2) The hammer is broken (e). 3) The screwdriver is broken (d). 4) The tyre is flat (a). 5) The screwdriver is bent - (h). 6) The saw is broken (g). 7) The window is broken (f). 8) The saw is bent (c). 14 Make questions and answers from the pictures in Exercise 13: a) A: Whats wrong with the tyre? B: Its flat. b) A: Whats wrong with the ruler? B: Its broken. c) A: Whats wrong with the saw? B: Its bent. d) A: Whats wrong with the screwdriver ? B: Its bent. e) A: Whats wrong with the hammer ? B: Its broken. f) A: Whats wrong with the window? B: Its broken. g) A: Whats wrong with the saw? B: Its broken. h) A: Whats wrong with the screwdriver? B: Its broken.

4 Where is it?
Kamal, Ron and Alan live together in this house. Ron and Alan often repair the house. 15 Repeat : A: Wheres the screwdriver? B: Its on the table. 16 Make sentences: a) The screwdriver is on the table. b) The screwdriver is under the table. c) The screwdriver is in the box. d) The switch is above the window. e) The switch is below the window. f) The switch is beside the window. g) The switch is between the window and the door. 17 Are these true or false ? Correct the false sentences a) The screwdriver is on the table. b) The door is beside the socket and the table. c) The ruler is in the drawer. d) The switch is above the table. e) The box is under the table. f) The socket is below the window. g) The screw is in the box. h) The fan is between the lamp and the table. i) The fan is beside the door. j) The pencil is on on the chair. k) The socket is above the table. l) The saw is under the shelf. 18 Make questions and answers. Draw the objects: a) A: Wheres the tyre ? B: The tyre is under the table. b) A: Wheres the pencil? B: Its in the drawer. c) A:Wheres the hammer? B: Its on the shelf. d) A: Wheres the switch? B: Its above the door. e) A: Wheres the shelf? B: Its on below the window. f) A: Wheres the chair? B: Its beside the table. g) A: Wheres ladder? B: Its between the door and the window. h) A: Wheres the saw? B: Its under the chair.

Unit two
1 What do you know ?
1 What are these tools called? a) spanner / b) bolt / c) nut / d) setsquare / e) nail 2 What are these shapes? a) a rectangle/ b) a circle / c) a triangle/ d) a square 3 What are these ? a) road/ (b) blackboard/ (c) well/ (d) coin/ (e) bridge/ (f) clock/ (g) plug / (h) truck / (i) book/ (j) rope/ (k) wire.

2 How high is it ?
Ron is making a new door. Alan is helping him. 4 Repeat: A : How wide is the door ? B : Its one metre wide. A : And how high is it? B : Its two metres high 5 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The door is one metre wide. The window is one metre high. The house is ten metres high. The road is five metres wide. The shelf is two metres long. The ruler is 20 millimetres wide. The car is 1500 mm high. The table is 1m wide.

6 Study this: a) b) c) d) e) f) long / high/ long/ wide / high/ long/ thick / wide/ wide/ high/ wide/ high/ deep/ wide/ deep/

7 Make questions and answers: a) A: How long is the wall ? B: Its ten metres long. A: And how high is it ? B:Its two metres high. b) A: How long is the road? B: Its fifteen kilometres long. A: And how wide is it? B: Its eight metres wide. c) A: How deep is the well? B: Its twentymetres deep. A: And how wide is it? B: Itsthreemetreswide. d) A: How long is the bridge ? B: Its two kilometres long. A: And how high is it ? B: Its thirty metres high. e) A: How wide is the box ? B: Its two metres wide. A: And how high is it ? B: Its one metre high. f) How long is the box ? B: Its three metres long. A: And how high is it ? B: Its one metre high. 8 Makes sentences from the pictures in Exercise 7: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) The wall is ten metres long and two metres high. The road is fifteen kilometres long and eight metres wide. The well is 20 metres deep and 3 metres wide. The bridge is 2 kilometres long and 30 metres high. The box is 2 metres wide and 1 metre high. The box is 3 metres long and 1 metre high. The window is 2 metres wide and 1 metre high. The window is 1 metre wide and 2 metres high. The shelf is 1 metre long and 500 millimetres wide. The shelf is 500 millimetres wide and 10 millimetres thick. The cabinet is 1 metre wide and 500millimetres deep. The cabinet is 1 metre wide and 2 metres high.

9 Measure these objects in your classroom and make sentences:

3 Its only a metre high.

10 Repeat : A: The wall is 5 metres long. B: But the wire is only 1 metre long. 11 Make sentences : a) b) c) d) e) f) The wall is 4m long, but the wire is only 2m long. The truck is 4m high, but the bridge is only 3m high. The well is 10m deep, but the rope is only 3m long. The wall is 5m high, but the ladder is only 2m high. The wood is 26 mm thick , but the screw is only 20mm long. The wood is 30mm thick, but the nail is only 25mm long.

12 Make question and answers: a) A: How long is the wall? B: Its 4m long. A: And how long is the wire? B: Its only 2m long. A: Thats too short. b) A: How high is the wall? B: Its 5m high. A: How high is the ladder? B: Its only 2m high. A: Thats too low. 13 Make questions and answers: a) A: Whats wrong ? B: The wall is 4m long , but the wire is only 2m long. b) A: Whats wrong ? B: The car is 4m high, but the bridge is only 3m high. c) A: Whats wrong ? B: The well is 10m deep, but the rope is only 3m long. d) A: Whats wrong ? B: The wall is 5m high, but the ladder is only 2m high. e) A: Whats wrong ? B: The wood is 26mm thick, but the screw is only 20mm long. f) A: Whats wrong ? B: The wood is 30mm thick, but the nail is only 25mm long.

4 What shape is it?

14 Repeat: A: What shape is the hole ? B: Its triangular.

15 Read this: 16 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) This ruler is rectangular. This house is square. This setsquare is triangular. This socket is round. This wall is rectangular. The blackboard is rectangular. The watch is round. The window is triangular.

17 Make questions and answers about the pictures in Exercise 16: a) A: What shape is the ruler? B: Its rectangular. b) A: What shape is the house? B: Its square. c) A: What shape is the setsquare? B: Its triangular. d) A:What shape is the socket? B: Its the circular. e) A: What shape is the wall? B: Its rectangular. f) A: What shape is the blackboard? B : Its rectangular. g) A: What shape is the watch? B: Its circular. h) A:What shape is the window? B: Its triangular. 18 Describe these objects : a) b) c) d) e) f) The window is rectangular. Its6m long and 3m high. The saw blade is rectangular. Its 500mm long and 12mm high. The watch is square. Its 500 mm wide and 500 mm high. The coin is round. Its 2mm thick. The book is rectangular. Its 150mm wide and 220 high. The socket is square. Its 100mm wide and 100mm high.

Unit three
1 What do you know ?
1 What are these tools called? a) File b)Chisel c) Vice d) Bench e) Pliers f) Pincers g)Scissors

2 What are these called ? a) battery / b) factory / c) bulb / d) goggles / e) glasses / f) man / g ) woman / h) bottle 3 Give the plurals of these words: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) bulb bulbs file- files (d a) vice vices (m c p) box boxes car cars house - houses bench- benches (gh di) roof roofs tyre tyres ( l p , v xe) battery batteries saw saws ( cic a) man- men knife knives switch switches ( cngt c) woman women factory factories shelf shelves (gisch)

4 March words and numbers:

2 How many ?
Alan is buying some things in a shop. 5 Make questions and answers from the list above: 6 Count these objects: 7 Count these:

3 A pair of pliers
8 Repeat: A: What are these called ? B: Theyre called pliers 9 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) These are pliers. This is a pair of pliers. These are pincers. This is a pair of pincers. These are scissors. This is a pair of scissors. These are goggles. This is a pair of goggles. These are glasses. This is a pair of glasses.

f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n)

These are spanners. This is a set of spanners. These are screwdrivers. This is a set of screwdrivers. These are chisels. This is a set of chisels. These are rulers. This is a set of rulers. These are tools. This is a box of tools. These are matches. This is a box of matches. These are nails. This is a packet of nails. These are screws. This is a packet of screws. These are nuts and bolts. This is a packet of nuts and bolts.

4 Where are they ?

11 Repeat : A: where are the nails B: I think theyre in the box. A: No. Theyre in the drawer. 12 Read these: The switches are to the left of the window. The switches are to the right of the window. 13 Complete the sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) The chisels are to the right of the files. The pliers are above the chisels. The batteries are under the table. Thevices are on the bench. The files are to the left of the chisels. The chair is between the table and the bench. The switches are below the shelves. The ladder is to the right of the bench. The saws are to the left of the shelves.

Unit four
1 What do you know ?
1 What are these? 1) machine / 2)guard / 3) helmet / 4) goggles / 5) glove / 6) boot / 7) toolboard / 8) fire / 9) match 2 Match words and numbers: 3 Read out these numbers:

2 Theres a fire
Alan is in the workshop. He is giving a warning.

4 Repeat A: Look out! Theres a cable on the floor. Be careful! There are bricks on the shelf 5 Read this: 1) There is a vice on the bench. 2) There are hammers on the table. 3) There is a pair of pliers on the toolboard. 6 Make sentences: 1) There are screwdrivers on the bench. 2) There are tyres on the table. 3) There is saw under the table and on the floor. 4) There are bricks on the floor to the right of the table. 5) There is a pair of boots on the floor between the table and the bench. 6) There are chisels on the toolboard above the bench. 7) There are goggles on the toolboard above the bench. 8) There is helmet on the wall above the table. 7 Draw the picture: 8 Make warnings: Look out! Be careful! Stop! a) Look out! There are nails on the road. b) Be careful! There is fire in the workshop. c) Stop! There is saw under the wire. d) Be careful! There are nails in the wire. e) Stop! There are holes on the pipe. f) Be careful! There is knife on the table. g) Look out! There is ladder on the wall. h) Look out! There is hole on the ground. i) Be careful! There are bottles in the box. j) Look out! There are bricks on the ground.

3 There are no spanners.

Kamal is in the workshop. 9 Repeat: A: Theres no hammer in the box. B: And there are no spanners. 10 Are these true or false? 11 Make sentences: a) There are no pliers on the board. b) There are no spanners on the board. c) There are no saws on the board. d) There are two pairs of the pincers on the board. e) There are no hammers on the board. f) There is setsquare on the board. g) There are rulers on the board. h) There are goggles on the board. i) There are no files.

12 Match the sentences and the pictures: 13 Answer this questions : Which workshop is safe?

4 How many are there?

14 Repeat: A: How many nuts are there in the box. B: There are about 20. 15 Read this: a) There are exactly 5 nails in this box. b) There are about 30 nails in this box. 16 Make questions and answers: a) A: How many screws are there in the packet? B: There are exactly five. b) A: How many matches are there in the packet? B:there are about 50. c) A: How many books in the cabinet? B: There are about 30. d) A: How many boots under the table? B: There are exactly 8. e) A: How many pairs of gloves on the shelf? B: There are about 10. f) A: How many pages of the book? B: There are exactly 1364. g) A: How many bricks on the wall? B: There are about 100. h) A: How many holes on the toolboard? B: There are about 200.

Unit five
1 What do you know?
1What are these called? a) 1) head / 2) arm/ 3) leg / 4) tooth / 5 ) teeth b) 1)head/ 2) arm / 3) leg / 4) teeth / 5) handle / 6) blade / 7) point / 8) rung. 2 What are these ? 1) Radio / 2) Cassette player/ 3) switch / 4) button/ 5 ) knob / 6 ) key / 7 ) calculator

2 It has a guard.
Alan is checking the fans in the house. 3 Repeat: A: This fan is safe. It has a guard. 4 Match, and make full sentences: a) A car has four wheels. b) A table has four legs.

c) d) e) f) g) h)

A hammer has a handle and a head. A man has two legs. A house has walls, windows, doors and a roof. A chisel has a handle and a blade. A pair of scissors has two handles and two blades. A knife has a handle and a blade.

5 What are these parts called? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 1) handle / 2) blade 3) handle / 4) blade 5) handle/ 6) blade 7) blade / 8 ) handle 9) handle / 10) blade 11) handle / 12) blade 13 ) head / 14) handle 15) arm/ 16 ) leg

6 Match the sentences with the pictures in Exercise 5 : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) -f a,b,e g h d c

3 They have no covers.

Alan is checking the fans and switches. 7 Repeat: A: This fan is dangerous. It has no guard. These switches are dangerous. They have no covers. 8 Study these: Alan and Ron have one watch each. Or: Alan and Ron have two watches altogether. 9 Make questions and answers: a) A: Whats wrong with the car? B: It has no wheels. b) A: Whats wrong with the fan? B: It has no guard. c) A: Whats wrong with the wire? B: It has no plug. d) A: Whats wrong with the lamp ? B: It has no bulb.

e) A: Whats wrong with the house? B: It has no windows. f) A: Whats wrong with the knife? B: It has no blade. g) A: Whats wrong with the door? B: It has no handle. h) A: Whats wrong with the chair? B: It has no legs. 10 Complete the sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) The ladders have 12 rungs all together. These tables have no legs. These saws have two handles all together. The fans have three guards all together. These hammers have no handles. These chairs have 8 legs all together. These knives have two blades all together. These men have too spanners all together. These fans have six blades all together.

11 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) These fan are safe. They have guards. These switches are dangerous. They have no covers. This plug is dangerous. It has no cover. This machine is dangerous. It has no guard. This plug is safe. It has cover. These fans are dangerous. They have no guards. This machine is safe. It has guard. These switches are safe. They have covers.

4 How many does it have?

12 Repeat : A: How many teeth does this wheel have? B: It has 8 teeth. 13 Make questions and answers: a) A: How many teeth does this wheel have? B: It has 8 teeth. b) A: How many rungs do these ladders have together? B: They have 14 rungs together. c) A: How many doors does this cabinet have? B: It has 2 doors. d) A: How many handles do these saws have together? B: They have 2 handles all together.

e) A: How many screws does this switch have? B: It has 2 screws. f) A: How many teeth does this saw have? B: It has about 20. g) A: How many blades does this fan have? B: It has 3 blades. h) A: How many blades do these knives have together? B: They have 4 blades all together. i) A: How many points does this pencil have? B: It has 2 points.

Unit six
1 What do you know ?
1 Match the words with the numbers 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Length Height Width Depth Diameter Thickness Area Volume

2 Complete this: a) b) c) d) e) Length long. Width wide. Height- high. Depth deep. Thickness thick.

2 Thirteen or thirty?
Ron is showing Alan how to mark out wood. Alan makes a mistake. Ron corrects him. 3 Repeat: A: Mark nineteen millimetres. No. its nineteen. 4 Study this: 5 Read these out: 6 Make questions and answers:

a) A: Is it nineteen? B: No. It is ninety. b) A: Is it fifty ? B: No. It is fifteen. c) A: Is it thirteen? B: No. It is thirty. d) A: Is it eighty? B: No. It is eighteen. e) A: Is it fourteen? B: No. it is forty. f) A: Is it seventy? B: No. It is seventeen. g) A: Is it sixteen? B: No. It is sixty. h) A: Is it thirty? B: No. It is thirteen. i) A: Is it forty? B: No. It is fourteen. 7 Study this: 4,653: four thousand, six hundred and fifty- three. 4.653: four pint six five three. 1.01: one pint oh one or one point zero one. 8 Read this out: 9 Dictation:

3 The length is 1m.

10 Repeat : A: The length of the box is 2 metres. The width is one metre. The height is one metre. B: But the space is only one by one by one metre. 11 Study this: Write is like this: 4m x 5m x 6m 12 Read this out: 13 Make sentences: Say it like this: Four by five by six metres.

a) b) c) d) e) f)

The door is one by two metres. The toolboard is three by two metres. The ruler is 500 by 15 by 3 mm. The box is 400 by 300 by 200 mm. The shelf is 800 by 300 by 20 mm. The cabinet is 400 by 300 by 600 mm.

14 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) The height of the door is 2.05 and the width is 0.8 m. The diameter of the circle is 115.15 mm. The depth of the well is 33.25 m and the diameter is 2.5 m. The diameter of the coin is 30.5mm and the thickness is 2mm. The length of the radio is 0.3 m, the width is 0.18m and the height is 0.2m. The length of the pencil is 130 mm and the diameter is 13mm.

15 Study this : Write it like this: 20m2 60m3 Say it like this: twenty square metres. sixty cubic metres.

16 Look at the pictures in Exercise 13 above. Make sentences: a) b) c) d) The area of the door is 2m2. The area of the toolboard is 3m2. The volume of the ruler is 2250 mm3 . The volume of the box is 24,000,000 mm3.

17 Measure objects in your classroom. Make sentences:

4 Add, subtract, multiply, divide.

Alan is helping Ron with calculator. 18 Repeat: A: Please add 15.15 and 30.1 B: 15.15 plus 30.1 is 42.25 A: Subtract that from 90. B: 90 minus 42.25 is 44.75 A: Now multiply 44.75 by 2 B: 44.75 times 2 is 89.5 A: And divide that by 5

B: 89.5 divide by 5 is 17.9 19 Read out these sums. Give the answers: 20 Read out these problems. Solve them : a) 98.5 x 5 = 492 492 : 12 =41 b) 33.5 + 26.35= 59.85 59.85 45.8= 14.05

21 How do we calculate these? Make instruction: 22 Solve this problem: How thick is the frame?

Unit seven
1 What do we know?
1 What are these called? a) Pedal / b) tank / c) belt / d) lever / e) bin. 2 Match the picture with the sentences. a) b) c) d) e) f) The tank is full. The tank is empty. The door is closed. The door is open. The rope is tight. The rope is loose.

3 What are these actions? a) To fill / b) to empty / c) to open / d) to tighten / e) to close / f) to loosen 4 What are these actions? a) To push / b) to pull / c) to press/ d) to hammer / e ) to saw / f) to chisel 5 Complete this: a) ON / b) OFF / c) UP / d) DOWN 6 What are these actions? a) To switch on b) To switch off

c) To pick up d) To put down

2 Press that pedal.

Kamal is showing Alan how to drive the car. 7 Repeat A: Press that pedal. 8 What are Kamal, Alan and Ron saying ? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Press the pedal. Push the lever. Open the door. Pick the hammer up. Tighten the spanner down. Chisel the wood. Tighten the spanner up. Saw the pipe. Put the screwdriver down. Hammer the nail. Switch on the lamp. Switch of the lamp.

9 Study this: 1) The tank is empty. 2) Please fill it. 10 Match these sentences in the same way: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) The tank is empty. Please fill it. The door is open. Please close it. The belt is tight. Please loosen it The windows are closed. Please open it. The screws are loose. Please tighten them. The bin is full. Please empty it. The bottles are empty. Please fill them. The light is on. Please switch it off. The saw is on the floor. Please pick it up. The box is closed. Please open it.

3 Bring me the hammer.

Ron is repairing a cabinet. Ron: Alan, please give me the pliers. Alan: Here you are.

Ron: Kamal, could you bring me the hammer, please? Kamal: Here you are. Ron: Thanks very much. 11 Repeat: a) Please bring me the hammer. b) Could you give me the pliers, please? 12 Ask for objects in the classroom. Use Bring and Give: a) A: Could you give me the pen, please? B: Here you are. A: Thanks. b) A: Could you give me the pencil, please? B: Here you are. A: Thanks. c) A: Please bring me the eraser. B: Here you are. A: Thanks. d) A: Could you give me the ruler, please? B: Here you are. A: Thanks. e) A: Please bring me the setsquare. B: Here you are. A: Thanks. f) A: Could you give me the book, please? B: Here you are. A: Thanks. g) A: Please bring me the bag. B: Here you are. A: Thanks. h) A: Could you give me the chair, please? B: Here you are. A: Thanks. i) A: Please bring me the box. B: Here you are. A: Thanks. 13 What is Ron saying? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Please give me the nails, Alan. Could you bring me the ruler, please, Kamal? Please give me the pliers, Alan. Could you bring me the goggles, please. Please give me the screwdriver, Alan.

6) Could you bring me helmet, please. 7) Please give me the hammer. 8) Could you bring me the saw, please? 9) Please give me the spanner, Alan. 10) Could you give me the setsquare, please? 11) Please give me the pincers, Alan.

4 Dont touch it!

14 Repeat: A: Dont touch it! Its live! 15 Match the pictures, the warnings and the reasons: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Dont switch the lamp on. Theres no bulb in it Dont saw that wood. There are a nail in it. Dont hammer that nail. Its bent. Dont touch the wire. Its live. Dont pull these goggles on. They are broken. Dont pull that board. There are bricks on it.

16 Match the instruction with the number in the picture. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Dont smoke here. (5) Put that down. (1) Put these on. - (4) Pick these up. (3) Switch it on. (8) Take that off. (2) Push that in. (7) Pull that down. (6) Note: Put the helmet on Take the helmet off.

Unit eight
1 What do you know?
1 Match the pictures with the sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) The file is fine. The file is coarse. The rag is wet. The rag is dry. The water is hot. The water is cold. The car is shiny.

h) The car is dull i) The pipe is straight. j) The pipe is bent. 2 Match the sentences with the number in the picture: 1) 2) 3) 4) The switch is above the window. The switch is to the right of the window. The switch is below the window. The switch is to the left of the window.

3 What are these actions called? a) To cut b) To turn 4 What are these colours called in your language? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Black White Red Green Blue Yellow Brown Grey

2 Which one?
5 Repeat: A: Please give me the spanner. B: Which one? A: The large one. 6 What does ONE mean here? a) A: Please give me the spanner. B: Which one? A: The large one. b) A: Please bring me the bottle. B: Which one? A: The empty one. c) A: Please use the knife. B: Which one? A: The long one. 7 Make questions and answers:

a) A: Could you press the pedal, please? B: Which one? A: The large one. b) A: Fill the tank, please! B: Which one? A: The small one. c) A: Cut the wire, please! B: Which one? A: The large one. d) A: Could you turn the handwheel, please? B: Which one? A: The large one. e) A: Press the button, please? B: Which one? A: The circular one. f) A: Could you pull the lever, please? B: Which one? A: The small one. g) A: Pick up the pipe, please! B: Which one? A: The bent one. h) A: Open the door, please! B: Which one? A: The square one. i) A: Put the goggles down, please! B: Which one? A: The broken one. 8 Match the sentences with the number in the picture. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) Number 3 Number 21 Number 13 Number 15 Number 26 Number 8 Number 5 Number 18 Number 25 Number 17 Number 6 Number 2 Number 16 Number 22 Number 11 Number 10

q) r) s) t)

Number 20 Number 7 Number 24 Number 23

3 The one at the top.

Alan is repairing the lights 9 Repeat: A: Press the switch. B: Which one? A: The one at the bottom. Now press the switch at the top. 10 Study this: AT THE TOP ON THE LEFT AT THE BOTTOM 11 Match the words with the number: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) on the left of the wall 4 at the top of the wall 1 above the window 5 to the left of the window 8 on the right of the wall 2 to the right of the window 6 at the bottom of the wall 5 below the window 7 ON THE RIGHT

12 Match the sentences with the numbers in the picture: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 4 12 16 5 1 9 13 8

i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p)

6 11 2 10 7 14 15 3

13 Make dialogues:

4 The one with the long handle.

14 Repeat: A: Give me the one with the long handle, please. 15 Study this: The screwdriver with the long handle. The screwdriver with the round handle. The screwdriver without the handle.

16 Complete these: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Use the knife with the short handle. Give me the scissors with the large blades. Fill the tank with the bent pipe. Use the socket with the circular holes. Please pull the lever with the square head. Use the saw with the small teeth. Please bring me the file without handle. Please repair the chair with short legs.

17 Make dialogues: 18 Describe these objects: a) 1 The short black lever with the square head. 2 The long white lever with the square head. 3 The short white lever with the circular head. 4 The short white lever with the square head. 5 The long black lever with the circular head. 6 The long black lever with the square head. 7 The short black lever with the circular head. 8 The long white lever with the square head. b) 1 The short narrow file without the handle 2 The long narrow file with the handle. 3 The long narrow file without the handle. 4 The short wide file with the handle,

5 The long wide file without the handle. 6 The short wide file without the handle. 7 The short narrow file with the handle. 8 The long wide file with the handle. 19 Complete these passages: a) There are two hammers on the wall. One has a long handle and the other has a short one. Please give me the one with the long handle. b) There are two boxes under the table. One has a lid and the other has no lid. Could you bring me the one without the lid, please. c) There are two pairs of scissors on the shelf. One have short blades and the other have long blades. I need the one with the short blades. d) There are four pairs of pliers on the toolboard. Two have plastic handles, and the other have rubber handles. e) There are four levers on the machine. One is short and white and has a square head. One is long and black and has a round head. The other two are short and white and have round heads. Please push the short white levers with round heads

Unit nine
1 What do you know?
1 What are these materials called? a) b) c) d) e) Metal Wood Rubber Plastic Glass

2 What are these metals called in your language? a) Steel b) Iron c) Copper

2 Whats it made of?

3 Repeat: A: Alan, whats this wire made of? B: Its made of copper and plastic 4 Study this: This ruler is made of wood. These tyres are made of rubber. 5 Make questions and answers: a) A: Whats this setsquare made of?

B: Its made of plastic. b) A: Whats this plug made of? B: Its made of rubber and steel. c) A: What are these scissors made of? B: They are made of steel. d) A: What is this screw made of? B: Its made of steel. 6 Study this: Wires are normally made of copper. 7 Ask and answer: 8 What are these objects? a) b) c) d) e) f) Knife Pipe Window Setsquare Tyre Hammer

3 Use a wooden one

9 Repeat: A: Dont use the metal spoon. Use the wooden one. 10 Study this: This spoon is made of metal. This is a metal spoon But: This spoon is made of wood. This is a wooden spoon. 11 Change these sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) This spoon is made of metal. This is a wooden ruler. This bridge is made of steel. This is a copper pipe. This bottle is made of glass. This is a rubber handle. This setsquare is made of plastic. This is a iron vice.

12 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Dont use the metal spoon. Use the wooden one. Dont use the glass goggles. Use the plastic ones. Dont use the metal bin. Use the plastic one. Dont use the wooden ruler. Use the steel one. Dont use the glass bottle. Use the plastic one. Dont use the copper pipe. Use the plastic one. Dont use the rubber plug. Use the plastic one. Dont use the plastic scissors. Use the metal ones. Dont use the metal tank. Use the plastic one. Dont use the iron nails. Use the steel one.

13 Are these true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones:

4 The handle of the hammer.

14 Repeat: A: the handle of this hammer is made of steel. 15 Make sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) The teeth of this wheel are made of steel. The arms of this chair are made of metal. The rungs of this ladder are made of steel. The handle of this hammer is made of wood and the head is made of steel. The handle of this knife is made of plastic and the blade is made of steel. The handle of this chisel is made of wood and the blade is made of steel. The handle of this door is made of plastic. The cover of this switch is made of plastic. The pint of this pen is made of steel.

16 Read these sentences and make tables like the ones above. a) TANK Sides- steel Cover plastic b) HOUSE Wall brick Plaster and roof concrete c) FAN Blades plastic Guard steel d) BOX Sides wood Lid steel e) KNIFE Blades steel

Handle plastic 17 18

Unit ten
1 What do you know?
1 What are these materials called? 1) Sand 2) Water 3) Stone 4) Petrol 5) Paint 6) Oil 7) Gravel 8) Paper 9) Concrete 10) Cement 2 What are these called? a) b) c) d) e) sack bucket tin brick tile

3 What are these action? a) b) c) d) e) To bend To scratch To burn To break To send

4 Write these in numbers and letters 5 Write these in numbers and letters a) b) c) d) e) f) Nineteen kilos 19kg Seventy litres70 l Fifteen cubic metres - 15 m3 Eighty square millimetres 80 m2 Thirteen kilometres 13 km Eighteen square metres 18m2

g) h) i) j)

One millimere 1mm Ninety metres 90m A kilo 1kg Thirty litres 30l

2 How much gravel?How many bricks?

Ron is buying some materials from a shop 6 Repeat: A: Please send me some bricks. B: How many? A: About 500. Please send me some gravel. B: How much? A: About 30 kilos. 7 Study this: A pane of glass A plank of wood 3 kilos of sand 2 litres of oil A sheet of paper 8 Make phrases: a) A bucket of gravel or a sack of gravel Or 10 kilos of gravel. b) A plank of wood. c) A bucket of sand or a sack of sand Or 5 kilos of sand. d) A plank of steel e) A bucket of paint or 3 litres of paint f) A pane of glass g) A sheet of paper h) A bucket of cement or a sack of cement Or 10 kilos of cement. i) 2 litres of oil j) A tin of water. 9 Make dialogues:

a) A: please send me some bricks. B: How many? A: About 500. b) A: Please send me some sand. B: How much? A: About 30 kilos. c) A: Please me some gravel. B: How much? A: About 40 kilos. d) A: Please send me some papers. B: How many? A: 400 sheets. e) A: Please send me some long nails? B: How many? A: 4 packets. f) A: Send me some cement, please. B: How much? A: 2 sacks. g) A: Send me some wood, please. B: How much? A: 20 planks. h) A: Send me some glass. B: How much? A: 4 panes i) A: Send me some red paint. B: How much? A: 5 tins. j) A: Send me some oil. B: How much? A: 10 l 10 Answer these questions: To make 1m3 of concrete a) How much cement do you use? I use 0.15 m3 of cement. b) How much gravel do you use? 0.43 m3 of gravel. c) How much sang do you use? 0.32 m3 of sand. I have 1 sack of cement- I need to add about 2 sacks of sand and 3 sacks of gravel.

3 Its rigid. You cant bend it.

11 Repeat: A: This plastic is flexible. You can bend it. But this plastic is rigid. You cant bend it.

12 Study this: This material is hard. This material is tough. This material is flexible. This material is combustible. This material is soft. This material is brittle. This material is rigid. This material is non-combustible. 13 Make sentences about the pictures in Exercise 12: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) This material is hard. You cant cut it. This material is tough. You cant bend it. This material is flexible. You can bend it. This material is combustible. You can burn it. This material is soft. You can chisel it. This material is brittle. You can beak it. This material is rigid. You cant break it. This material is non-combustible. You cant burn it.

14 Name at least three materials for each sentence: a) Paper, wood and oil. b) Glass, plastic, brick. 15 Answer these questions and give reasons.

4 Why is it made of plastic?

16 Repeat: A: Why are these made of plastic? B: Because plastic is a tough material. 17 Copy this table into your notebook and complete it:

a) b) c) d) e)

Object Bridge Tyrerubber Vice Goggles Building

Material steel flexible iron glass concrete iron plastic wood rubber Plastic glass tough


f) File g) Helmet h) i) j) k) Match Eraser Ruler Bulb

heavy rigid hard Heavy tough Hard light Tough combustible flexible tough brittle

18 Make questions and answers from the table: 19 Answer these question: 20 Make descriptions:

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