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T. T2. any
on Stack: A collection of two or more units-
physically on the map in the same hex.
The LA GRANDE ARMEETM Game is a two Attrition: The loss of Strength Points (see
to four player simulation of Napoleon’s Strength Point) through causes other than Strength Poz'nts.' A number representing a
major campaigns during the years 1805-1815. combat. collection of infantry, cavalry, or artillery.
The French player controls the forces of the When part of a unit, the number represents a
Coalition: A term used to identify all coun- specific type of troops.
French Empire under Napoleon while the
tries currently at war with France. In some
opposing player or players control the forces Supreme Commander: The highest-ranking
scenarios, the membership of the Coalition
of the Coalition, the European countries at leader of a country’s forces. For the French,
can change during play.
war with France. The campaigns covered in the Supreme Commander is always Napo-
this game include: Combat Bonus: A leader’s Combat Bonus leon. For the Coalition countries, Supreme
modifies the combat dice roll when that Commanders are defined in the scenarios.
e The 1805 campaign against Austria and
leader is in command at, or committed to, a
Russia . Unit: One or more strength points under the
e The 1806 campaign against Prussia personal command of a leader. A unit is
r The 1806-1807 campaign against the Command Path: The range in hexes over represented on the map by stacking the
remnants of Prussia’s forces and the sub- which a leader can command subordinate leader with the Strength Point marker under
stantial forces of Russia leaders and units. The length of the com- his command. A unit is represented on the
r The 1809 campaign against a resurgent mand path depends upon the rank of the Army Organization Chart by placing the
Austria leader. A Strength Point marker in the box beneath the
e The 1812 campaign against Russia Command Point: A rating based upon a 1eader’s box.
e The massive 1813 campaign against Rus-
leader’s ability. Army leaders and supreme
sia, Prussia, and eventually Austria and
commanders (see Supreme Commander) spend gs. r
command points to issue specific orders (see
e The 1814 campaign against the same A complete copy of the LA GRANDE AR-
Order) to subordinates. The number of Com-
coalition of united Allies MEE Game includes:
mand Points available to army leaders and
9 The campaign of the Hundred Days
supreme commanders is listed in the sce~ r Four 22” >< 34” game maps
against Prussia and Britain.
narios. @ One 40-page rules booklet
Q One 32~page booklet of charts
In addition, the game includes three massive Detachment: One or more strength points not
9 1200 die-cut playing pieces
Grand Campaign games, covering the entire under the command of any leader.
° One game box with plastic tray
spectrum of military and political affairs:
Enemy: Term used to distinguish the units r Two six-sided dice
r Grand Campaign I (1805-1807) and actions of one player from those of an-
If any of these parts are missing or damaged,
r Grand Campaign II (1812-1814) other when both are mentioned in the same
please write to Consumer Services at TSR
e Grand Campaign III (1805-1815). rule.
Each campaign is presented as a separate Friendly: Term used to distinguish the units
We hope you enjoy this game. If you have
scenario. Several shorter scenarios present and actions of one player from those of an-
any questions about the rules, please write to
crucial portions of the campaign. The shorter other when the Friendly player is the Phas-
TSR. You must include a stamped, self-
scenarios are .designed to be played by two ing player (see the Sequence of Play) or when
addressed envelope. Please phrase your
players. The three Grand Campaign sce- both players are mentioned in the same rule.
question so that it can be answered by a
narios require the use of additional rules and
Im'rz'arz'=0e Rating: A leader’s Initiative Rating Word, number, or sentence. Write to:
are designed for play by two, three, or four Rules Editor
is a measure of that leader’s ability to re-
spond quickly and act without orders. LA GRANDE ARMEE Game
This game is of medium to high complexity, TSR Inc.
Leader: A general. A leader’s rank is indi-
utilizing several design concepts that will be POB 756
cated by the number of X’s on his counter.
new even to experienced wargamers. Players Lake Geneva, WI 53147 USA
Supreme commanders, army leaders, and
should read through the rules once carefully
corps leaders are named on their counters;
to obtain a general idea of the flow of play,
divisional leaders and brigade leaders are not
tan nan are
and then play one of the shorter scenarios,
named. [3.1 1] The maps portray the areas of Europe
referring to the rules when needed. Once the
where the campaigns of Napoleon were
game system is mastered, playing time will Morale Bonus: A leader’s Morale Bonus is
fought. Map A portrays France, Belgium, the
be drastically reduced and players will be added to the die roll used to rally routed
German states, portions of Poland, and other
ready for the longer scenarios. The introduc- units.
areas of North central Europe. Map B por-
tory scenarios can be played in one to two
Order: One of a number of specific game trays France, Switzerland, Austria, northern
hours; the campaign scenarios are playable in
actions chosen during the Command Phase Italy, and other key areas of south central
four to twelve hours, depending upon the and assigned to a unit or stack. Assigning Europe. Maps C and D portray the northern
campaign. Players are forewarned, however,
orders requires the expenditure of a leader’s and southern parts of eastern Europe and
that the Grand Campaign scenarios require
command points. Russia respectively. A grid of hexagons, or
extensive playing time, estimated in the
hexes, has been superimposed on the map to
range of 100 to 200 hours. Phasing Player: A term used to refer to the
regulate the placement and movement of the
player whose player-turn is“ in progress.
playing pieces. Some terrain features, such as
rivers and national borders, have been modi-

fij — 7 — - —

fied to conform to the hex grid. Each hex is tang erarrno ernces
numbered for easy reference. When the rules
This game includes 1200 die-cut playing
refer to a specific hex, such as A1808, the Artilie
pieces. Many of these represent the leaders
letter refers to the map and the number
and troops who participated in the cam- Horse Artillery
indicates the hex.
paigns. Other pieces are markers, used to
[3.12] To make the maps lie flat, unfold them keep track of special effects during play.
carefully and back-fold them along the Several sample pieces of various types are
creases. Small pieces of masking tape at the shown below:
corners will hold the map taut. Many sce-
[3.2l] Leaders. These are the most important
narios can be played using only one of the
pieces in the the game. Leader ranks and
maps. When it is necessary to use two or
some sample leaders are shown below.
more of the maps together, overlap the south-
ern edge of Map A over the northern edge of Leader aeke
Map B, matching up the terrain. Then over-
Supreme Commander XXXXX
lap the southern edge of Map C over the
Army Leader XXXX Artillery
northern edge of Map D. Finally, overlap the
Corps Leader XXX
western edges of Maps C and D over the 4
Division Leader XX
eastern edges of Maps A and B. Slide Maps
Brigade Leader X
C and D north until the terrain matches up.

Surerrre, Army, or Cos Contender

i Command Size
XXPXX l¢"7"'""“""“"" l.D. Number
Napgleort-=e@-—-@-. Leader Name
""°"“'e B°““S
R R C b tB
. Jgjflgww
. _
~- --
' _a OPUS
||']|'[]a‘[;\;9 Ra-{mg
[323] Strength Marker. A Strength marker 1S
. . .
used to show the strength of a Cl1V1S101'l or
brigade. (However, cavalry brigades and
artillery units have an intrinsic 1 Strength
Point which cannot be increased by rein
. _ ; Division Leader gorcemeippsi Tlhus, they do not need a
Positioning the Maps
1-a-—------I I.D. Number trengt ar er.)

The following charts and tables are printed

I Command Size
Umt Type
Strength -
on the maps: . Combat Bonus
- , = |n;t;at;Ve Rating
r The Year Track, which shows the current
game year
e The Turn Track, which shows the current
game turn
r The French Victory Point Track, which
Unit Types
records the current number of victory
points scored by the French player
e The Terrain Key, which explains the
>4-—— uard Inf [324] Special Units. Bridge Trains, Supply
symbols used on the maps .. -w—-- Light Cavalry TramS> DeP°FS> and Austrian partisans are
e The Terrain Effects Chart, which defines used for special purposes. Except for the
the effects of terrain on movement and S °Q A/ Heaw Ca‘/a|'V partisan units (see 19.31, Special Rule #3)
combat _ , Dragoons they have no combat ability.
e The Combat Results Table, used to resolve
battles and the assaults on fortresses
e The Minimum Loss Chart, used to deter-
mine battle casualties from combat
Special Units
Supreme Commanders, Army leaders, and
e The Skirmish Table, used to resolve cav- Corps leaders are named; division and bri- .1
alry skirmishes gade leaders are not.
e The Attrition Tables, used to determine
losses suffered by a force when marching Division leaders and brigade leaders have no
or force marching ' Morale Bonus.
Budge Supply Train
e The Weather Table, used to determine the [3.22] Artillery Strength Point. Each counter
effects of weather on play represents a group of guns. An artillery unit TYHOL a
e The Political Index, used only in the usually has a fixed, unchangeable, strength of
Grand Campaign game. 1 Strength Point; however, this is not always
e The Resource and Replacement Points the case; see the Army Organization Charts. ANNE
“Chart, used only in the Grand Campaign There are two types of artillery: field artillery
game. Depot Partisan
(used by infantry forces); and horse artillery
e The Minor Powers and Provinces Chart, (used by cavalry forces).
‘used only in the Grand Campaign game.
Aiarkers [3.32] Each Army Organization Chart con-
tains a large number of boxes, each a picture
of a leader, artillery strength point, bridge Each turn in the game consists of a number
Foraged Depleted of Phases. Each Phase occurs in the order
train, detachment, or strength marker. The
boxes are grouped to show the hierarchy of listed below, and each Phase must be fin-
command. When a high-ranking piece, such ished before the next Phase begins. (NOTE:
Foraged Depleted as a corps leader, is placed on the map, the All powers friendly to France perform their
leader represents not only the leader himself, Phases at the same time as France. All
but also all forces subordinate to him that powers hostile to France perform their
hemor- Fortress remain on the chart. When a subordinate Phases at the same time.)
\ atized
piece, such as a division leader, cavalry i. Cernrnand Phase: Both players secretly
leader, or artillery unit moves to a hex differ» and simultaneously decide which of their
Demoralized Fortress ent from the superior leader’s location, the leaders will be in command and which
subordinate piece is removed from the chart will receive orders. Each player places
Rout Rout
and placed on the map. The corps leader Order Markers face down on leaders in
piece now represents only the units remain- . command, as explained in 6.0 Command
ing in the boxes on the chart. and 7.0 Orders.
[3.33] During play, a quick study of the 2. initiative Phase: The French player
Routed Rooted Army Organization Chart Will reveal the rolls one die to determine which of the
composition and strength of any specific players will be the first to move his pieces
VECTORY piece on the game map. This reduces the and conduct combat. The exact result of
WEEK 000 number of pieces on the map and speeds this die roll varies from scenario to see»
PGENTS play. nario; see the scenario rules for specific
[334] The strength marker box directly instructions on determining initiative.
Time French The player who Wins initiative is the First
beneath a division leader shows the initial
Record Victory Player for the remainder of the turn; the
strength of the leader’s unit. As play pro-
Points player who lost initiative is the Second
gresses, strength markers are placed in the
strength marker box to show changes in the Player.
Order arhers strength of the force. A cavalry leader or S. Weather’ Phase: The player who has the
artillery unit with no strength marker box initiative rolls one die and consults the
beneath it on the organization chart consists Weather Table to determine weather
March Force
March of only 1 strength point of cavalry or artil- conditions for the current turn.
lery. If the strength point is eliminated, the
piece is also eliminated. 4. First Player Skirmish Phase: The
March Forcemarch_ player who Won initiative may move
[3.35] Most army leaders have a single box cavalry units and conduct skirmish attacks
directly to their right on the Army Organiza- against Enemy cavalry (see 11.0 Skirmish
Double Concentrate tion Chart. This box is for special units (such Combat). Generally, the purpose of a
Force as bridge trains or artillery units) or corps skirmish attack is to use small forces of
March leaders directly subordinate to, and person- Friendly cavalry to drive back or elimi-
ally commanded by, the army leader. nate small forces of Enemy cavalry that
Double Forcemarch Concentrate
would otherwise sldw or block the move-
TSAE GAME SCALE ment of larger Friendly forces.
Winter Build One complete turn represents seven day/s of 5. First Piayer ovement Phase: The
Quarters Depot real time. One hex on the map spans a dis- player who has Won initiative moves any
tance of approximately 15 miles. Each infan- pieces not moved in the Skirmish Phase
try or cavalry strength point is approximately as he desires (see 6.0 Command and 8.0
Winter Build
1,000 men. Each artillery strength point is Movement). He also determines the ef-
Quarters Depot
approximately 30 guns. fects of Attrition (see 16.0 Attrition and
Winter Quarters). Supply depots can be
[326] A corps leader counter represents both T
, m
TIP destroyed in this Phase.
the individual leader with his personal staff,
as well as the corps he commands. For exam- 6. First Player attiePhase: The player
ple, the French leader Davout represents To begin play, choose sides and select a sce- who won initiative can use Friendly units
both Marshal Davout and Davout’s corps, a nario. Set up the map or maps to be used in to attack adjacent Enemy units (see 12.0
force of several thousand men. However, if the scenario and place the playing pieces on Battles). i
all the units in Davout’s corps are in loca- the Army Organization Charts as indicated 7. Seeend Piayer Skirmish Phase: The
tions different from that of Davout himself, by the scenario. Some playing pieces have a Second Player conducts his Skirmish
the leader piece represents only Marshal hex number next to their boxes on the Army Phase.
Davout. See 3.3 Army Organization Charts Organization Charts; place these pieces on
for further clarification of this point. the map in the corresponding hexes. Place 8. Seeend Piayer eyernent Phase: The
the French Victory Point markers in the “O” Second Player conducts his Movement
53.3} ART ORGANTZATTON CHARTS box on the French Victory point track. Place Phase. Supply depots can be destroyed in
the Game Turn marker on the Turn Track this Phase. "
[3.3l] The Army Organization Charts are
and Year Track as indicated by the scenario a. Seeend Piayer Cernhat Phase: The
used to keep track of the current organization
rules. Follow any special set-up rules given Second Player conducts his Combat
and strength of each player’s armies through-
for the scenario. The game now begins. Phase. -
out the game. Additional uses of the Army
Organization Charts are explained in [6.0] ih. Suppiy Phase: Both players simultane-
Command. ously determine which of their units are

................................. _.__ _ 7
— 7 M 7 7 7"" W" ' 17*?" ' ' '""

unsupplied, (see 14.0 Supply). Units that [6.12] Army leaders can place in command movement orders are: March, Force March,
are out of supply are flipped to reveal any subordinate leader or subordinate unit to Double Force March (usable by the French
their unsupplied side. In this Phase, which a command path can be traced. A only), and Concentrate. The non-movement
players can build supply depots. command path can be no longer than seven orders are: Build Depot, Destroy Depot, l
hexes from the army leader’s hex (exclusive) Transfer, and Winter Quarters. In general, a
ii. Siege and Assauit Phase: The players
to the subordinate’s hex (inclusive). Subordi- single leader or unit can receive one move-
resolve all attempts to capture fortresses
nate leaders and units stacked with the army ment order (two if one of them is a Concen-
by assault or siege (see 15.0 Fortresses
leader are automatically in command. trate order) and one non-movement order per
and Siege). If both players have siege or
turn; however, several restrictions and excep-
assault attempts to resolve, the First [6.13] A corps leader (once placed in com-
tions exist. See 7.0 for a full explanation of
Player resolves all of his attempts first. mand by the army leader) automatically
each order.
places in command all units of his corps to
T2. Raiiy Phase: Both players attempt to
which a two-hex command path can be [6.33] A supreme commander or army leader
rally routed units (see 13.0 Morale).
traced, as well as all units stacked with the can issue any of the orders listed in 6.32 to
i3. Game Turn Phase: The French player corps leader; this does not expend any of the any of his subordinates who are in command.
moves the turn marker one box forward corps leader’s command points. Once a corps Corps leaders canissue any of the orders in
on the Turn Track to indicate the end of is placed in command, all units of that corps 6.32 (with the exception of Winter Quarters)
the current turn and the beginning of will receive the same movement order issued to units of his corps that are in command.
the next. to the corps leader, unless the army leader
[6.34] A supreme commander or army leader
traces a separate command path to a unit in
spends one command point for each order he
.i order to issue a different order.
issues to his corps leaders (Exception: see
GENERAL RULE [6. 14] Some units are always in command. 6.25); all units of the corps will receive the
These include: supreme commanders, army same order (if in command) at no further
During the Command Phase, players simul- leaders, supply trains, and bridge trains. command point cost. An army leader can
taneously and secretly determine which of bypass a corps leader and issue an order
their leaders are in command and what or- {sat cowtmann POINTS directly to a subordinate unit of that corps at
ders each leader will receive during the cur- a cost of one command point. Issuing multi-
rent turn. Army leaders place subordinate [6.2l] The number of command points avail-
ple orders to the same corps or unit requires
leaders in command by tracing a command able to supreme commanders and army
the expenditure of multiple command points.
path to them, and spending Command leaders each turn are given in the scenarios.
Points. Some scenarios designate one specific [6.22] Corps leaders have 3 command points MA] TINTTS ALATS TN COAND
army leader as Supreme Commander; a available each turn.
supreme commander can place in command [6.4l] Supreme commanders, army leaders,
any leader of his own army or any other [6.23] A supreme commander or army leader supply trains, and bridge trains are always in
Friendly army if a command path can be spends one command point for each subordi- command.
traced. , nate leader placed in command (unless the
[6.-42] Units and leaders stacked with their
subordinate is stacked with his superior; see
Leaders and units that are out of command immediate superiors are always in command.
6.25). Usually these command points will be
are unable to move or initiate combat in the used to place corps leaders in command; once [6.43] Any unit stacked with the supreme
current turn unless they make a successful a corps leader is placed in command, he can commander or army leader is in command.
Initiative roll. Leaders and units out of com- be issued one movement order at no addi-
mand can defend. Some units, such as supply tional cost in command points. [as] sets-initiative coax
trains, are always in command.
[6.24] A supreme commander or army leader [6.5l] Cavalry and infantry leaders below the
PROCEDURE can use a command point to place in com- rank of army leader who are not placed in
mand an individual division or brigade. If a command during the Command Phase, can
Trace the command path of each leader to be command point is used to place a division or attempt to place themselves in command on
placed in command from the army leader to brigade in command, that unit can be issued their own initiative. Cavalry leaders do so in
the subordinate leader, expending one Com- orders different from those of the corps to the Skirmish Phase and/or Movement Phase;
mand Point for each subordinate placed in which it belongs. Placing an individual unit non-cavalry leaders attempt to do so in the
command. Place the desired movement order in command allows it to receive one move- Movement Phase.
marker or markers face down on each subor- ment order at no further cost in command
dinate placed in command in accordance [6.52] To place a leader in command on his
with the restrictions given below. Spend _ own initiative, the owning player rolls one
additional Command Points as desired to [6.25] Any subordinate leader or unit stacked die. If the die roll is equal to or less than the
issue non-movement orders to leaders who with his supreme commander or army leader leader’s Initiative Rating, the leader is in
are in command. Some non-movement orders is automatically in command (and can be command-. If the die roll exceeds the Initia-
must be noted on a piece of scratch paper, issued a movement order) at no cost in com- tive Rating, the leader remains out of com-
which is revealed to the opposing player as mand points. mand. If several leaders of the same rank in
the orders are carried out. - the same hex are out of command, each
[SSE TSSTJTNG ORDERS receives a self-initiative roll, but no one who
gar] costaun var succeeds can place the others in command.
[6.3l] A leader issues orders to subordinate
[6.1 1] A command path can be traced leaders and units by spending a command [653] A corps leader who comes into com-
through any type of terrain except impass- point and placing an order marker on the mand on his own initiative can use his three
able hexes or impassable hexsides. A com- leaders or units affected. The order marker is command points to issue march, force march,
mand path cannot be traced through hexes placed face-down, and is revealed to the or double force march orders (if French).
containing Enemy units but can be traced Enemy when the order is carried out. One such order is needed per stack placed in
through hexes adjacent to Enemy units; command. In this situation, the leader’s own
[6.32] There are two types of order: move-
Enemy Zones of Control do not block com.- stack is not automatically in command and
ment orders and non-movement orders. The
mand paths. the corps leader must spend one command

point to give a movement order to his own |[7,T§ ACTT [7.33] Leaders and units that are unsupplied
stack. Non-movement orders he can give at the beginning of the Command Phase
This order enables a unit to move at its
include build depot, destroy depot, and cannot be given a Double Force March order
normal Movement Allowance during the
transfer orders. The corps leader must trace a current turn (see 8.1). A unit cannot exceed [734] All units that receive a Double Force
two-hex command path, and he cannot give its movement allowance, but it can move less March order are automatically out of supply
orders to units not of his corps. than its full allowance if desired. the moment their movement ceases.
[654] Leaders below the rank of corps leader [7.35] French leaders, cavalry units, and
(division and brigade) who place themselves gm} roncn anon horse artillery can move only 1 additional
in command can issue themselves a march or [7.2l] This order enables a unit to exceed its movement point, after doubling their normal
force march order only. They cannot give normal Movement Allowance during the movement (see 7.31). However, the owning
orders to any other leader or unit. current turn, at a risk of greater Attrition (see player still makes the normal. Force March
[6.55] The rules for cavalry self-initiative are 16.0). die roll.
the same for other units, with the exceptions [7.22] After the player has completed normal [7.36] A Double Force March order cannot
that cavalry units are usually smaller (often movement for the unit, up to the limit of the be given to a single cavalry unit, or to a stack
brigade size) and that cavalry can attempt normal movement allowance, he rolls one die comprised of cavalry and horse artillery only.
self-command in two phases of the turn, and adds the number rolled to the Initiative A cavalry unit can use Double Force March
rather than one. Rating of the leader being moved. The result if its stack or force also contains some other
is the number of additional movement points type of unit (infantry, for example). Cavalry
gust coann nxaaiatn the unit receives, to a maximum of 5 addi- that is eligible to use Double Force March
This rather complex example is intended to tional movement points. If the result is can use it increased movement allowance in
illustrate the various features of the com- greater than 5, only 5 points are gained. The either the Skirmish Phase or the Movement
mand system. The parts of the example are additional movement points must be spent Phase.
cross-referenced to the cases of the command immediately.
[7.37] Supply trains andbridge trains cannot
rules. The example is based on the 1805 use Double Force March.
[7.23] In some cases, the Force March die
French Army of Organization Chart.
roll can be made before the normal move-
[7.38] When a unit that has made a Double
Napoleon is the army leader and supreme ment allowance is spent. This occurs if the
Force March checks for Attrition at the end
commander of French forces, with 8 com- unit has insufficient movement points re-
of its movement (see 16.0), it uses its Force
mand points (see Procedure), He is stacked maining to enter the next hex. In this case, March die roll for this purpose, rather than
with Ney in B2707 at the start of the Com- the player makes the Force March die roll
the usual Attrition die roll.
mand Phase, so Ney is automatically in before entering the hex. If the die roll pro-
command and can receive orders at no cost to vides enough additional movement points for [7,4] CONCENTRATE
Napoleon’s command points (see 6.25). the unit or stack to enter the hex in question,
Napoleon spends five command points to it must be the next hex entered. This order enables units of different corps to
place five other corps leaders in command, stack together at the end of their Movement
[7.24] When a unit that has made a Force
including Lannes in B2513 (see 6.12). Phase and to attack together as a single com-
March checks for Attrition at the end of its
Lannes’ corps consists of the llth and 12th bined group. This order is used to bring
movement (see 16.0), it uses its Force March together different elements of an army to-
infantry divisions, the 4th light cavalry, and
die roll for this purpose, rather than the
the 7th artillery. The light cavalry, in B2613, gether in anticipation of a major battle.
usual Attrition die roll.
is beyond Napoleon’s command path, but [7.4l] When a player moves units that have
Lannes can trace a command path so it is in [7.25] Supply train units and bridge train
the same Concentrate order (Concentrate A,
command and will receive the same orders units do not require an order to Force
for example), he uses the following proce-
given to Lannes (see 6.13). Lannes’ corps is March; they use a special procedure. At the
ordered to force march (see 7.2), but the end of normal movement, the owning player
French player decides not to force march the makes a die roll. If the result is l, 2, or 3, the l. The player declares a specific hex in
llth division and spends another command unit gains no additional movement points which he will attempt the concentration.
point to issue a separate march order to the and must end its movement immediately. If This hex must be one that all units in-
llth (see 6.24 and 7.1). Napoleon spends a the result is 4, 5, or 6, the unit gains 4 addi- volved, as well as the leader who issued
seventh command point to issue a march tional movement points. . the Concentrate order, could theoretically
order to the lst light cavalry brigade, which reach, using the maximum possible move-
has moved more than two hexes away from T73] OLILEFORCE MAC ment allowance of their orders and ignor-
its corps leader, Marmont. Napoleon uses his ing the possible effects of Enemy action.
[7.3l] The procedure for Double Force
eighth, and last, command point to issue a 2. The player attempts to move each unit to
March is identical to that for Force March,
transfer order to corps leader Soult, transfer- the concentration hex. All units issued the
except that a unit can move twice its normal
ring the 8th division from Soult’s corps to same Concentrate order must be moved to
Movement Allowance before the owning
Ney’s corps (see 7.7). the hex unless prevented by Enemy action
player makes a Force March die roll. He
or unless they run out of Movement
adds the number rolled to the Initiative
r. Rating of the leader being moved. The result
Points en route.
3. The player moves the leader who issued
GENERAL RULE ' is the number of additional movement points
the Concentrate order to the concentra-
the unit receives, to a maximum of 5 addi-
tion hex (if he is not already there).
This case details the orders that can be is- tional movement points (Exception: see
sued. Movement orders are in BOLD type; 7.35). lf the result is greater than 5, only 5 [7.-42] Once a player begins moving units
non-movement orders are in BOLD ITALIC points are gained. The additional movement \
with a Concentrate order, he must move all
type. points must be spent immediately. units with the same Concentrate order before
moving any other units.
NOTE: For simplicity, the explanations of [7.32] A Double Force March order can be
movement orders refer to a single unit. How- issued only by a French leader, and then only [743] If a player who issued a Concentrate
ever, a stack of multiple units, and a force on to French units; neither Coalition forces nor order fails to bring all units given that same
the Army Organization Chart moves in the French allies can use it. order to the concentration hex by the end of
same way as a single unit.
M7 ._._. _ _ __ __

his Combat Phase (not Movement Phase), he (during the Command Phase). The transfer tar] ovnnnrattowaunns
is penalized 5 Victory Points. The Victory of strength points from one unit to another is
[8.l 1] Leaders: Leaders have a movement
Points are subtracted from the French total if carried out when both units next occupy the
allowance of 7 movement points. If units or
the French player is being penalized; they are same hex (if the units are in the same stack in
strength points are attached, leaders must
added to the French total if the Coalition the Command Phase, the transfer is immedi-
move at the same rate as the units or strength
player is being penalized. ate, if the two are not stacked at the end of
points if they wish to avoid leaving units or
the Movement Phase of the current turn, the
[744] A Concentrate order is the only move- strength points behind. As long as a leader
transfer of strength points is cancelled).
ment order that can be issued to a leader or limits his movement to that of his stack or
unit in combination with another movement [7.73] If a unit or leader is transferred be- force, the force can be left on the Army
order. tween armies or between corps that are not Organization Chart and the leader counter
stacked together, remove the transferred unit can be used to represent the entire force.
WEE ETJTE DEPOT or leader from the Army Organization Chart Strength points cannot move unless attached
and place it on the map; write its new com- to a leader.
[7.5l] This order enables a stack containing
mand status on a sheet of scratch paper.
an infantry unit (or infantry strength point) [8. 12] infantry Units, Fieid Artiiieiw:
When the unit unites with its new command,
and a supply train to build a depot at the end These units have a movement allowance of 5
place it back on the AOC.
of the Supply Phase. movement points.
[7.74] Once a transfer is completed, a trans-
[7.5 2] A Build Depot order is cancelled if the [8.l3] Cavalry, Tinrse Artiiieiw: These
ferred unit or corps leader cannot receive any
units involved move or participate in any units have a movement allowance of 7 move-
further orders from the original corps or
kind of attack in the current turn. ment points. Note that some cavalry brigades
army leader in that Command Phase.
are limited to one strength point and can be
E7 , at DESTROY DEPOT [7 .75] A division cannot be reinforced to represented by the leader counter alone.
more strength points than the number
[7.6l] This order enables a Friendly combat [8.l4] Supply Trains, Eridge Trains:
printed in its starting box in the Army Orga-
unit (or strength point) to destroy a Friendly These special units have a movement allow-
nization Chart. This limit remains in effect
depot at the end of the Friendly Movement ance of 4 movement points. They can move
even if a transfer would place it in a position
Phase to prevent its capture. normally even if not attached to a leader.
on the AOC that has a higher strength point
[7.62] A Destroy Depot order is cancelled if rating printed inthe box. [8.l5] Detaciirrrerits: Detachments are
the unit involved moves in either the Skir- infantry, cavalry, field artillery, or horse
[7.76] A corps or army leader cannot com-
mish or Movement Phases or participates in artillery strength points that are not attached
mand a larger concentration of units and
Skirmish Combat (see 11.0). A unit that to leaders. They have a movement allowance
strength point markers larger than the num-
carries out this order cannot attack in the of 0 movement points. Detachments are
ber of available boxes on the AOC.
Friendly Combat Phase. normally used as garrisons.
ins] WINTER QUARTERS [8.l6] Movement Limitation: Units
rm] TRANSFER This order may be issued only by an army stacked together in the same hex (or orga-
[7 .71] An army leader (or supreme com- leader or supreme commander. It allows nized into a single force on the Army Organi-
mander) can issue a Transfer order to any units to remain in supply and avoid Attrition zation Chart must either move at the rate of
unit or units in his army. A corps com- during winter months. See 16.0 for more the slowest unit in the stack or else leave
mander can issue a Transfer order only to the details. units or strength points behind. If units or
units in his corps. A Transfer order can be strength points are left behind, remove them
used for any one of the following: at Mnnr from the Army Organization Chart, if located
there, and place them on the map in the hex
e To transfer command of any number of GENERAL RULE where their movement ends.
units in an army to another army of the
same nationality or a different Friendly Cavalry units and horse artillery units can
nationality. This transfer can only be made move during the Friendly Skirmish Phase. [sat ovanurnsrrcrrons
by the supreme commander All units except those which moved in the [8.2l] Movement points are spent as a unit
r To transfer command of units from one Skirmish Phase can move in the Friendly moves through the hex grid. The movement
corps commander to another. This transfer Movement Phase. Each type of unit has a point cost to enter a hex (or cross certain
can be made by the supreme commander Movement Allowance that determines how hexsides) is determined by the terrain in the
or by an army leader far it can move in a phase. A unit can use any hex or hexside. A unit cannot enter a hex
e To transfer strength points of the same or all of its movement allowance. Units move unless it can pay the full movement point
nationality and troop type directly from by spending Movement Points from the cost to do so.
one unit to another (this means that infan- movement allowance for each hex entered.
Units can move singly or in stacks. Terrain, [8.22] Movement points cannot be accumu-
try strength points cannot be transferred to
weather, and stacking have special effects on lated from turn to turn, nor can they be
a cavalry unit, and vice versa). This trans-
movement. The command rules are all- transferred from one unit to another (or from
fer can be made by the supreme com-
important, as most units must be attached to one leader to another.
mander, an army leader, or a corps leader.
A corps leader can make this transfer only leaders to move. The movement of Friendly [8.23] Friendly units cannot enter a hex
among the units of his own corps; an army units may be slowed or stopped by the Zones containing Enemy units or strength points.
leader or supreme commander can make of Control of Enemy units (see 10.0). (Exception: Friendly units can enter an
this transfer between units of different important Note: In these rules, the term Enemy-occupied hex during the Siege and
corps, if desired. “unit” means a combination of a leader and Assault Phase (see 15.0) in order to declare a
strength points. Strength points not attached siege).
[7.72] All transfers are noted on the Army
Organization Chart by movement of the to leaders are detachments (see 8.15) and {8.24] A stack of units which begins move-
appropriate leaders, units, or strength point cannot move. The composition of a unit can ment in one hex and ends movement in
markers on the Army Organization Chart at be shown as a stack on the map or can be another hex still stacked together is moved as
the time the transfer is made. Transfers of shown on the Army Organization Charts.
whole units are carried out immediately

a single stack and checks for Attrition (see by the French only) and Concentrate. They no leaders can be committed to battle and no
16.0) as a single stack. are fully explained in 7.0. leader bonus can be used, with the following
[8.25] Once a player begins moving a unit or [8.43] A leader or unit cannot receive two
stack, he must finish its movement before movement orders in a single turn unless one e The stack resulted from a Concentrate
moving another unit or stack. of the two is a Concentrate order. order, or
e An army leader or supreme commander
[8.26] A player must move all units with gas] nnnncrs or zones or with authority over all involved units is
movement orders that he intends to move
before attempting to use self-initiative (see
conror. on MOVEMENT present in the hex

6.6) to move units that were not placed in An Enemy Zone of Control (ZOC) can im- [9.23] To be eligible to fight in the Skirmish
command during the Command Phase. pede or stop the movement of a Friendly Phase, a stack must contain only leaders,
unit, depending upon the type of ZOC in cavalry and horse artillery. '
E83] TERATN EFFECTS ON question; see 10.0 for a full explanation.

[8.31] Terrain effects on movement are sum-

. mo No more than two supply trains can stack in
marized on the Terrain Effects on Movement GENERAL RULE a hex, unless the supply trains are inside a
Chart printed on the map. Movement can be fortress under siege.
affected both by the terrain within a hex, In general, any number of Friendly leaders,
such as rough terrain, and by terrain along units, and strength points can occupy the [8,4] STACETNO TN FOTRESSES
hexsides, such as rivers. When a unit enters a same hex at the same time (exceptions apply
[9.41] A major fortress (including fortress
hex it must pay the movement point cost for to supply trains; see 9.3). However, there are
cities and fortress depot cities) can hold up to
that hex and the movement point cost (if any) restrictions on voluntarily stacking units
35 strength points.
of the hexside it crossed. from different corps together, and there are
adverse effects on movement and combat [9.42] A minor fortress-can hold up to 10
[8.32] The following is the movement point
when units from two or more corps occupy strength points.
cost of various terrain types:
the same hex at the same time.
[9.43] When not under siege, a maximum of
r Clear Terrain: It costs 1 movement point two supply units can stack in a fortress of
to enter a clear terrain hex tar] sracxo EFFECTS on 311}? typfi.
e Partial Rough: It costs 2 movement points ovnnnr
to enter a partial rough hex from a clear §8.5§ ARMY RESEFES
[9.11] Friendly units cannot voluntarily enter
hex. It costs 1 movement point to enter a
or pass through a hex containing other
partial rough hex from another partial Units designated in the scenarios as Army
Friendly units of a different corps unless all
rough hex or from a rough hex. Reserves are exempt from the stacking and
the units involved have been given the same
e Full Rough: It costs 1 movement point to movement restrictions in 9.11 and 9.12.
Concentrate order (see 7.4).
enter a full rough hex from a partial rough Friendly units can freely stack with or pass
hex 7 [9. 12] Friendly units can freely enter or pass through a hex containing an Army Reserve.
@ Full Rough Hexside: It costs 3 additional through a hex containing other Friendly
movement points to cross a full rough units of a different corps or stack with them .
aw %=é
hexside, in addition to the cost of entering as a result of involuntary movement, such as
the hex itself a retreat. GENERAL RULE
e Forest Hexes: It costs 1 movement point
[9.l3] Friendly units under the command of Certain stacks (those containing cavalry)
to enter a partial forest hex or a full forest
one corps leader must pay 2 Movement exert a Zone of Control into one or more of
Points to leave a hex containing units com- the six hexes adjacent to the stack. A Zone of
e Full Forest Hexside: It costs 2 movement
manded by another corps leader. Units from Control impedes Enemy movement, disrupts
points to cross a full forest hexside, in
different corps beginning the Skirmish Phase supply lines, and in some cases can force the
addition to the cost of entering the hex
stacked together must all pay 2 movement Enemy to attack the stack exerting the ZOC.
itself points to leave the hex. However, if the last
e Partial Swamp: It costs 1 movement point There are two types of ZOC in the game:
unit to leave the hex would leave it vacant Cavalry ZOC and Limited ZOC.
to enter a partial swamp hex
(i.e. it is alone in the hex), the last unit does
e Full Swamp: It costs 2 movement point to
not pay the penalty. These unstacking penal- [mi] CAVALRT ZONE OE CONTOL
enter a full swamp hex ties are in addition to the normal terrain costs
e Full Swamp Hexside: It costs 2 movement for leaving the hex. [10.11] A cavalry unit on its own exerts a
points to cross a full swamp hexside, in ZOC into all six surrounding adjacent hexes
addition to the cost of the hex itself [9. 14] To be eligible to move in the Skirmish at all times (see 10.21). A stack or force that
e Mountain: Mountain hexes are impassable Phase, a stack must contain only leaders, consists only of cavalry, or of cavalry accom-
t Mountain Hexsides: Mountain Hexsides cavalry and horse artillery. panied by leaders and horse artillery strength
are impassable points also exerts a ZOC into all six sur-
r Lake Hexsides: Lake Hexsides are impass- [E2] STACNC EFFECTS ON rounding adjacent hexes, except where
able COMAT blocked by terrain.
[9.21] To attack in either the Skirmish Phase [10. 12] All cavalry units are capable of exert-
or the Combat Phase, a stack composed of ing ZOC under the appropriate circum-
[8.4l] The order given to a unit, stack, or units from different corps must have created stances (see 10.11 and 10.21) regardless of
force during the Command Phase determines the stack through a Concentrate order. The the type of cavalry unit (light, heavy, dra-
its movement allowance during the Skirmish army leader who issued the Concentrate goon, Guard, Cossack) or the size of the unit
Phase and the Command Phase. Movement order must also be present in the hex. (division or brigade).
is voluntary, except in the case of a Concen-
[9.22] Friendly units from different corps [l0.13] A Friendly unit must pay 1 Move-
trate order.
stacked in the same hex may defend in com- ment Point or enter or leave a hex in the
[8.42] Movement orders are March, Force bat normally as a combined stack. However ZOC of Enemy cavalry, in addition to the
March, Double Force March (this usable

other Movement Point cost of entering or [l0.32] A limited ZOC can be created during (Old Russian Poland, Russian Poland, and
leaving the hex. the Friendly Combat Phase, to prevent En- Russia), but does not extend to provinces, to
emy battle reinforcements from intervening the territory of any partners or any con-
[1014] Cavalry ZOC has no effect on com-
in a Friendly attack (see 12.0). In this case, if quests.
a Friendly ZOC is created, the Friendly
[l0. 15] A stack or force that possesses a Combat Phase is interrupted While the En-
cavalry ZOC is eligible to movein the Skir-
it. T
emy units in the ZOC hex attack the
mish Phase and participate in Skirmish Friendly units. Once the ZOC-hex combat is GENERAL RULE
Combat; the criteria are the same for both. concluded, the Enemy units, if victorious,
may continue their battle reinforcement Skirmish combat is a form of combat in
HERE CEATTNS A ETTTE ZDC movement. This is the only circumstance in which only cavalry units (of any type), horse
which Enemy units can attack Friendly units artillery, cavalry leaders, and other leaders
[10.2l] A stack or force can create a limited
during the Friendly Combat Phase. whose command consists entirely of cavalry
Zone of Control if it contains at least l infan-
and horse artillery can participate; this limi-
try strength point, at least 1 cavalry strength
EMA] ZDC EFFECTS ON SUPPET tation applies equally to the attacker and the
point, and at least one leader. Unlike cavalry
defender. Units eligible to move and fight in
ZOC, limited ZOC affects only 1 of the [l0.4l] Units tracing supply to a Supply the Skirmish Phase can freely combine move-
adjacent surrounding hexes, and it is not Depot (see 14.0) cannot trace their supply ment and combat. A skirmish attack costs l
constant. A limited ZOC is intended to line through an Enemy cavalry ZOC unless Movement Point for the attack, in addition to
impede or stop approaching Enemy units; the Enemy ZOC hex is occupied by at least the normal terrain costs. A unit or stack that
limited ZOC can be created only in an adja- one Friendly strength point. moves in the Skirmish Phase must make at
cent hex occupied by Enemy units.
[l0.42] A Supply Depot tracing a Line of least one Skirmish Attack in that phase.
[1022] To create a limited ZOC, a player Communication to a Depot City cannot trace Infantry and field artillery cannot participate
chooses an adjacent hex entered by Enemy the line through an Enemy cavalry ZOC hex in the Skirmish Phase; such units can neither
units and rolls one die. The player rolls l unless the ZOC hex is occupied by at least attack nor be attacked, nor can any stack
die; if the result is equal to or less than the one Friendly strength point. containing infantry or field artillery be at-
leader’s Initiative Rating, the ZOC is created. tacked in this phase.
If the die roll is higher than the Initiative MR5] TEATN EFFECTS DN ZDC
Rating, the attempt fails. PROCEDURE
No unit exerts a ZOC into an adjacent hex
[l0.23] If a stack that is attempting to create across a major river hexside, across an un- The Phasing player chooses an eligible unit
a limited ZOC contains more than one bridged minor river hexside, across a rough or stack and moves it adjacent to an eligible
leader, the Initiative Rating used is that of terrain hexside, across a swamp hexside, or Enemy unit or stack. The Phasing player
the highest-ranking leader; if all leaders in across any impassable hexside. then announces his intention to skirmish
the stack have the same rank and belong to With the Enemy stack. The defending player
the same corps, the owning player chooses [10.6] RESTRICTIONS on zoc -- tells the attacker whether or not the defend-
which leader’s Initiative Rating will be used. ing stack is eligible for skirmish combat. If
[l0.6l] A stack must contain a cavalry unit to
If there are leaders from different corps in the defending stack is not eligible, no attack
br eligible for a ZOC of either type. takes place and the attacker does not spend
the same stack, and the stack was not formed
by a Concentrate order (see 7.4), a limited [l0.62] Unlike cavalry ZOC, limited ZOC is the Movement Point required to initiate the
ZOC cannot be created. not in effect in the Supply Phase, and so skirmish attack. The Phasing player’s units
cannot block supply lines or Lines of Com- can then continue moving.
[1024] A player can attempt to create a
munication. If a skirmish is possible, both players total
limited ZOC in any of these phases: Friendly
Combat Phase, Enemy Movement Phase, [l0.63] A Friendly unit can activate a limited their cavalry strength points. The combat
Enemy Combat Phase. However, a given ZOC to block Enemy battle reinforcements strength of the attacker’s units is divided by
stack can attempt to create a limited ZOC in the Combat Phase only if the Friendly the combat strength of the defender’s units
only once per turn. unit has not already participated in combat and the result is rounded in favor of the
and if the Enemy player has not declared an defender to one of the odds on the Skirmish
HRS] EFFECTS DE ETMTTED ZDC attack against that Friendly unit in the cur- Table.
rent Combat Phase. The attacker then rolls one die, consults the
[l0.3l] If a limited ZOC is created during
the Enemy Movement Phase or Enemy [T03] RUSSIAN COSSACK ZUC Skirmish Table and applies the result imme-
Combat Phase, the movement of the Enemy Cossack cavalry were particularly effective at diately. This process continues until the
unit or stack is halted in the ZOC hex. The harassing retreating formations, picking off Phasing player has resolved all desired Skir-
Enemy unit or stack must then attack the stragglers and foragers, and generally making mish attacks.
Friendly stack exerting the ZOC in the cur- life miserable and dangerous.
rent or upcoming Combat Phase (see 12.0). [Md] STQTRTSTT ELTGTTETTT AND
A Cossack unit alone in a hex, or Cossack
In this form of combat, neither side can call RESTRTCTTDNS
units stacked solely with other Cossacks,
for battle reinforcements. The ZOC has the
have an extended Zone of Control. This [1 1.11] If a skirmish attack is erroneously
same effect on all Enemy units or stacks that
ZOC functions exactly like a cavalry ZOC, announced against an Enemy stack that
attempt to enter the ZOC hex. If an Enemy
but includes all hexes within a two-hex ra- contains infantry or field artillery units or
F unit attempts to enter the ZOC hex but
dius of the Cossack unit or stack. (It does not strength points, it is cancelled, and the Skir-
cannot because of the stacking rules (see 9.11
extend into any hex or across any hexside mish Phase is resumed.
and 9.21), it ends its movement in the last
prohibited to cavalry ZOC.) It has increased [l 1.12] A given Enemy unit or stack can be
hex it occupied before trying to enter the
attrition effects; any units that enter a enemy attacked only once in a Friendly Skirmish
ZOC hex. The ZOC remains in effect until
Cossack ZOC during the Friendly Movement Phase.
the end of the current or upcoming Combat
Phase, Whichever applies, or until the unit or
Phase or Skirmish Phase must add l to the
Attrition die roll. This special ZOC and
stack exerting the ZOC leaves the hex,
attrition effects extend throughout Russia
whichever occurs first.

[1l.13] No more than 4 strength points of this cannot be done, the retreating unit is then calculated by dividing the attacker’s
cavalry may attack or defend in any given eliminated instead. total by the defender’s total and rounding
skirmish attack. However, any excess -off to one of the combat odds found in the
[1 1.42] Whenever possible, a defending unit Odds section of the list of Combat Modi-
strength points in the hex will suffer any required to retreat must retreat toward a
combat result obtained. fiers on the Combat Results Table. When
friendly fortress, depot, or depot city within calculating odds, round all fractions in
[1 1 . 14] Friendly leaders, cavalry units, and its retreat range. If necessary, the unit must favor of the defender.
horse artillery strengths can engage in re- retreat through such a hex so as to reach its 5. Each player totals all applicable dice roll
peated skirmish attacks in a single Skirmish full retreat distance. The unit must still try modifiers (see 12.4). Subtract the de-
Phase, as long as the following conditions are to end its retreat in a friendly fortress, depot, fender’s total from the attacker’s total to
observed: or depot city. obtain a final dice roll modifier. The final
A The movement allowances of the Friendly [11.43] Whenever possible, an attacking unit modifier may be either a positive or nega-
leaders and units are not exceeded required to retreat must retreat back along tive number.
A A different Enemy unit or stack is the the same path of hexes through which it 6. The attacker rolls two dice, adds the
target of each Friendly attack advanced to the skirmish. results, then adds the final dice roll modi-
t The attacking Friendly units are not De- fier from Step 5. The CRT result that
[1l.44] When a stack retreats after skirmish
moralized corresponds to this is applied immedi-
combat, the units must remained stacked; the ately. Losses are taken and marked at
[11.15] Skirmish attacks cannot be made units cannot split up or retreat in different once._
across all-sea hexsides, all-lake hexsides, directions. 7. If the opposing units are still adjacent,
unbridged major river hexsides, mountain [1 1.45] Units retreating from skirmish com- and if the attacker obtained a combat
hexsides, or full swamp hexsides. Other bat have no effect on friendly units they may result that yielded at least 1 Advance
terrain has no effect on skirmish combat. pass through during the retreat. Point, another round of combat can be
fought by playing Step 8 and then repeat-
may skits costnar pin oti.
onirtns ta. rrns ing Steps 2 through 6. Step 8 is always
played between combat rounds. This
+ 1 For each horse artillery strength point in NOTE: There are several types of combat in process continues until: one force has
the attacking Friendly stack the game--Skirmish Combat (11.0), Battles withdrawn from the battle, been routed or
- 1 For each horse artillery strength point in (12.0), Assault, and Sieges (15.0). Battles are eliminated, the attacker has no Advance
the defending Enemy stack actions fought by any type of unit during the Points available for additional attacks, or
+ The Combat Bonus of the highest- Combat Phase. Special types of battle include the attacker chooses not to attack again.
ranking attacking leader Withdrawal Battle and River Crossing Battle. 8. Between each combat round, each player
- The Combat Bonus of the highest- may attempt to have other units or stacks
ranking defending leader GENERAL RULE within 3 hexes of an attacking or defend-
— 2 If any of the attacking units are unsup- Battles may occur whenever opposing units ing unit “march to the sound of the guns”
plied occupy adjacent hexes at the start of a Com- and join the battle. The attacker resolves
+ 2 If any of the defending units are unsup- bat Phase. The Phasing player (the Attacker)
all his attempts, followed by the defender.
plied The owning player must make a success-
chooses whether or not to attack in each case
of adjacent opposing units. All attacks must fiil Initiative roll to move the reinforce-
TTEST STS COAT RESUTTS ment. If the Initiative roll is successfiil,
be announced before any are resolved. Each
attack is then resolved, using the described
the unit or stack receives 3 movement
AE: Attacker Eiitttinated. All attacking points, 2 of which may be spent immedi-
strength points and leaders are eliminated. Procedure. After the resolution of one attack,
ately in moving toward any hex adjacent
the attacker chooses another, and so on, until
AIR: Attacker Eases T and Retreats. The all announced attacks have been resolved.
to any enemy unit or stack involved in the
attacking force loses 1 strength point; all battle. The remaining movement point
remaining attackers must retreat 2 hexes as can be spent in the following combat
per 11.4, Retreats. round (if any).
1. The attacker announces which enemy- 9. At the conclusion of any combat round in
AR: Attacker etreats.All attackers must held hexes he will attack, then chooses an which the defender suffers a Rout result,
retreat 2 hexes as per 11.4, Retreats. attack to resolve. the attacker may announce Pursuit (see
DR: Defender etreats.All defenders 2. The defender announces whether any 12.65) with any units that were held in
eligible defending cavalry in the defend- Reserve (if no units were in Reserve,
must retreat 2 hexes as per 11.4, Retreats.
ing hex will withdraw from combat, in Pursuit cannot be attempted). Pursuit
DIR: efenderEases i and etreats. accordance with 12.2. The defender an- inflicts additional losses on the enemy.
The defending force loses l strength point; nounces whether the defending force as a
all remaining defenders must retreat 2 hexes whole will stand and defend or attempt to [12.1§ ATTACK RESTRTCTTONS '
as per 11.4, Retreats. withdraw. If the defender attempts a
withdrawal, the battle is fought as a With- A unit or stack belonging to the attacking
DE: Defender Eiiminated. All defending player may attack any adjacent enemy unit or
strength points and leaders are eliminated. drawal Battle.
stack, subject to these restrictions.
3. The players secretly and simultaneously
A: Asterisk. An asterisk beside any result deploy their forces for battle. This may be [12.11] No attack can be made across an
indicates that the units affected by the result done by removing the appropriate leaders unbridged major river hexside, into a moun-
are also Demoralized. Such units remain and units from the map or the Army tain hex, across a mountain hexside, across
Demoralized until the Rally Phase (see 13.0). Organization Chart and creating one or an all-lake hexside, or across an all-sea hex-
more stacks of units in any convenient side.
Ti T .4] ETEATS location (see 12.3).
[12.l2] When a friendly unit attacks, all
4. The players reveal their deployed units. ‘
[1 1.41] A unit required to retreat in the Each player totals the number of infantry, adjacent enemy units or stacks must be at-
Skirmish Phase must always end its retreat cavalry, and artillery strength points tacked, either by the original friendly stack or
two hexes away from its original position; if deployed in his front line. Battle odds are by additional friendly units. This restric-

tion must be observed when the attacker H23] DEPLOYMENT attacking units facing them are withdrawn,
declares his original attacks. routed or eliminated (see 12.32). The de-
NOTE: The rules in this section presume
[12. 13] Each enemy-occupied hex must be that the attacker’s units are located in a single fender can also create a second front line
attacked separately. A friendly stack may hex, usually as the result of a Concentrate when he first deploys his units in anticipa-
attack two or more enemy-occupied hexes by tion of a flank attack, but to be used for this
order. If friendly units from two or more
allocating friendly units among them, but a purpose, the second front line must remain
hexes attack the same enemy-occupied hex,
single friendly unit can never divide its the rules in this section apply to the friendly out of the battle until the flank attack occurs.
strength points to attack more than one units in each hex.
enemy-occupied hex. (This means that if one ]t2.4] cont ten ori.
Friendly unit is adjacent to several enemy-
[12.31] In Step 3 of the first round of a bat- oirrnns
tle, each player simultaneously and secret
occupied hexes, the friendly unit can declare In Step 4 of a combat round, players calcu-
determines a deployment for his units in-
an attack against one of them, but only if late the odds ratio of the battle. The dice roll
volved (if he has more than one unit). Units
other friendly units attack the remaining modifier (see Procedure Step 5) has as great a
_can be deployed either in the “front line” or
enemy-occupied hexes). bearing on the outcome as the odds. Each
“in reserve.” At least two-thirds of the total
[12. 14] No attack can ever be made at odds infantry strength points involved in the battle
player adds up the modifiers he receives, and
worse than 1 to 2. If an attack at odds worse must be placed in the front line (this strength the defender’s total is subtracted from the
than 1 to 2 is accidentally announced, it is can be split among multiple front lines); no attacker’s total for a final modifier.
cancelled. This may cause an entire series of more than one-third can be in reserve at the [l2.4l] Leaders: A player receives the Com-
attacks to be cancelled (see 12.12). However, start. An unlimited number of cavalry bat Bonus of the highest-ranking leader and
if an attack is mandatory because the attack- strength points and artillery strength points at least one subordinate (of the higher lead-
ing units occupy a limited ZOC (see 10.0) can be placed in reserve. It is possible to er’s command) as follows:
and the odds are l to 2 or worse, the attack- deploy multiple front lines to guard against
ing stack is automatically eliminated. flank attacks (see 12.32 and 12.37). If a battle
T-iigitest ank Subardinate
Supreme Commander Corps Leader
lasts longer than one round, units not already
[12.l5] If the odds of an attack are 4 to 1 or and Div.* Leader
in the front line can be redeployed in Step 3
greater, the defending stack is automatically Army Leader Corps Leader
of subsequent rounds (see Procedure).
eliminated and the attacker gains 4 Advance and Div?‘ Leader
Points. .. [12.32] Units deployed in the front line Corps Leader Division Leader
cannot be removed from that front line until
[l2.l6] Units belonging to different friendly Div.*: Division or Brigade Leader
corps cannot stack together to attack a single
all enemy units facing it have been with-
drawn, routed or eliminated (Exception: see The player can also add the Combat Bonus
enemy-occupied hex unless either of the two
12.8). When this occurs, the friendly units of every cavalry leader for every 2 strength
conditions below apply:
can be shifted to a different front line, or points of cavalry involved. If there is more
A All attacking units received a Concentrate placed in reserve during the deployment part than one “highest-ranking” leader in the
order (see 7.4). of the round (Step 3). Units may also be battle (such as two corps leaders) the player
° The attack was initiated by units of a moved from the reserve to an existing front does not receive a leader modifier. All leaders
single corps and all units from other corps line or a new front line in Step 3. whose Combat Bonus are used as dice roll
joined the battle as reinforcements (see #8, modifiers are at risk, and may be killed by
[l2.33] Units placed in reserve do not count
Procedure). certain combat results.
for determining odds. They do not count for
[12.17] Friendly units in different hexes may determining dice roll modifiers, either for [l2.42] oralez
Each player receives the
combine to attack a single enemy-occupied attack or defense. Morale Rating of his nationality as a positive
hex, provided that all friendly units are dice roll modifier. Morale ratings are speci-
adjacent to the enemy. If the friendly units
[l2.34] Reserves may be used to conduct
fied for each nationality in the scenarios. An
Pursuit (see 12.65) of a routed enemy.
are not adjacent to each other, the attacker is allied force of mixed nationalities uses the
entitled to a flank attack modifier (see 12.47). [l2.35] Demoralized cavalry units must be value of the majority (measured in strength
placed with the reserve when first deployed. points). If the force is equally divided, use
]i2.2] cavatv wrrtrnaaats Such cavalry units take no part in the battle the highest rating.
and cannot be used to attack or pursue.
[12.21] Defending cavalry units and cavalry [12.43] Terrain: The defender receives the
However, they do count when determining
leaders may withdraw from a hex under . listed modifier (if any) from the Terrain
losses for a Routed combat result, and they
attack unless the attack has a superiority in Effects Chart for the terrain in the hex he
may be taken as losses if all other strength
cavalry strength points of at least 3 to 1, occupies. All terrain modifiers are cumula-
points in the reserve are eliminated.
including reserves (various types of cavalry tive.
are treated the same for this purpose). A [l2.36] When deploying units, players may
withdrawing cavalry unit is retreated one hex find it convenient to mark the battle hex with [12.44] Cemkined Arms: A player receives
in a direction chosen by the defender. a + 2 if his front line has both infantry and
a coin or other marker and arrange units in a
cavalry units and at least one strength point
front line stack and a reserve stack off the
[12.22] A cavalry unit cannot withdraw if its of field artillery or horse artillery. If attacking
map (additional front line stacks may be
retreat would force it to enter a hex or cross a units from different hexes are involved in the
hexside that it could not otherwise enter. created to deal with flanking attacks). When
same battle, the attacker receives this bonus
the battle is over, return the units to the map
(Example: a unit could not withdraw if it only if the attacking stack in each hex quali-
or the Army Organization Charts, whichever
would be forced to retreat across an all-lake fies for it.
is appropriate.
hexside, an all-sea hexside or a mountain
hex.) A unit cannot withdraw if it would be [l2.45] Unit Types: A player receives a -it 1
[l2.37] When facing a flank attack, the de-
forced to enter a hex in which a limited fender can move units from the reserve to modifier for each strength point of field or
Enemy ZOC exists at the moment of retreat. horse artillery in his front line. A player
create a second front line. He does so in Step
A withdrawing unit cannot enter an enemy- receives a +1 modifier for each strength
3 of the round (see Procedure). Units already
occupied hex. - deployed on the front line cannot be rede-
point of heavy cavalry in his front line. A
player receives a + l modifier for every 2
ployed to face the flank attack until the

strength points of dragoons in his front line. the minimum loss for his force (see 12.53). A No unit or stack can ever use more than 4
(These modifiers apply to Guards units as He announces the loss, and the defender Advance Points per Combat Phase (for all
well as regular units). must either bid a higher number of strength purposes), even if it accumulates a greater
points, or “pass.” If the defender bids, the number due to multiple attacks. Any
[12.46] Defender Stands: On all rounds attacker must bid yet a higher number, or number in excess of 4 are lost.
after the first round, the defender receives a pass. The player who passes is the loser of A No unit or stack can ever participate in
-t 1 modifier if he chooses to stand and de- the battle and the last number bid is the more than 2 battles per Combat Phase,
fend, rather than Withdraw. strength point loss to both sides. The side regardless of the number of Advance
[12.47] Fiank Attack: The attacker receives that passed, thus losing the battle must re- Points g_ained.
a +4 modifier if the defending hex is at- treat 1 hex toward a friendly fortress, depot, t Advance Points cannot be accumulated
tacked from two or more hexes not adjacent or depot city. The attacker can occupy the from turn to turn, nor can they be trans-
to each other and if the defender does not defender’s vacated hex. Neither player can ferred between units. '
have the units available to make a new front bid more strength points than he has in the
line to oppose the “flanking” attackers. The battle, but ha player is allowed to bid them all, gins] narrrn tosses
attacker can use battle reinforcements to set thus eliminating his force. If he does this, all [12.6l] When a combat result calls for the
up a flank attack. leaders of that force are eliminated. loss of a number of strength points, losses
[12.48] Tlnsuppiiedz A player receives a -2 [12.55] Li (Leader Loss): The side receiv- must be taken from front line units first. If
modifier if any of his units (front line or ing this result loses all committed division or the entire front line is eliminated, remaining
reserves) are unsupplied. brigade leaders. The leaders may be replaced losses must be taken from the reserve. If the
by available leaders of equal rank from the entire reserve is eliminated, losses can then
[l2.49] inter
Quarters: A player receives counter-mix. The replacement leaders must be taken from any Demoralized cavalry
a -2 modifier if any of his units (front line or be the ones with the highest l.D. numbers. placed with the reserve.
reserves) were forced from winter quarters by
enemy action in the current turn. . [l2.56] L2 (Leader Loss): The side receiv- [12.62] The first 3 strength points lost must
ing this result loses all committed division or be taken from infantry units, if possible. The
H25] COMBAT ESLJLTS brigade leaders, plus one committed corps fourth strength point lost must be taken from
leader or army leader. If there are both corps cavalry, if possible, and the fifth from field
To resolve combat, the attacker rolls two dice and army leaders present, the owning player artillery or horse artillery, if possible. This
and adds the final dice roll modifier. He finds rolls a die: on a roll of 1-5 a corps leader is ratio of losses is followed as precisely as
the modified roll and the corresponding lost; on a roll of 6, the army leader is lost (the possible until all losses called for by the
result on the Combat Results Table. The owning player chooses the leader affected). A combat result are taken. If a force lacks
result is applied immediately; each result is killed army leader may be replaced by a corps strength points of a specific type to satisfy a
explained below. leader of the player’s choice; however, a loss required by the ratio, the loss may be
[1251] Routed: All front line units of the player cannot promote a XXX corps leader to taken from any type of strength point.
affected side are routed. The units in reserve army command unless there are no XXXX [12.63] Combat losses are recorded immedi-
must make a Morale Check: if they succeed, corps leaders in the force. A killed corps ately by changing or replacing strength point
they are unaffected; if they fail, the reserves leader can be replaced by any division leader markers on the Army Organization Chart or
are also routed. A routed force loses 50% of of the player’s choice (the player should write with.-the unit itself (if it is on the map).
its total strength and must immediately down the l.D. number of the division leader
retreat 5 hexes toward a friendly fortress, to record the promotion.) The division and [l2.64] A leader whose command is reduced
depot, or depot city. For further rules on brigade leaders may be replaced by available to zero strength points is eliminated along
Morale Checks and rout, see 13.0. The leaders of equal rank from the counter-mix. with the command. K '
routed stack may loss additional strength The replacement leaders must be the ones [l2.65] Pursuit: If enemy units are routed,
points due to Pursuit. with the highest 1.D. numbers. either as a combat result or through a failed
[l2.52] ititdraw: All units in the defend- [l2.57] AP# (Advance Points): The num- Morale Check after combat, friendly reserves
ing force, including reserves and reinforce- ber of Advance Points shown is immediately (leaders, infantry, cavalry) can be used for
ments must retreat one hex toward a friendly received by all units involved in the attack, Pursuit. The attacker announces the pursuit
fortress, depot, or depot city. After this re- including reserves. Advance Points are spe- and announces the number of infantry and
treat, each stack makes a Morale Check. If cial Movement Points. Advance Points may cavalry strength points used. The attacker
the check succeeds, there is no further effect. be used for normal movement (and a unit captures 1 enemy strength point for each
If the check fails, the stack is routed and using Advance Points is subject to all normal friendly infantry strength point in the pur-
must retreat. However, the stack does not movement rules), but they may also be used suit. The attacker captures 2 strength points
suffer the 50% strength point loss. to make additional attacks. In either case, for each cavalry strength point in the pursuit.
they must be used immediately or forfeited The ratio in 12.62 is used to determine
[12.53] Number Resuit: When the result (Exception: see 12.77). Attacks may either be pursuit losses. Captured strength points are
contains a single number, the attacker con- against the original defending force, or worth twice the normal number of Victory
sults the Minimum Loss Chart, finds the against other enemy stacks that become Points. Enemy supply units and bridge
front line strength of his attacking force, and adjacent as the attacking stack uses Advance trains, if present, are automatically captured
then the minimum loss for a force of that size Points to move. When used for movement, 1 by a pursuing force. Enemy leaders are never
(strength points in reserve are not counted). Advance Point equals 1 Movement Point. captured by pursuit.
The number result from the Combat Results When used for attacking, 1 attack expends 1
Table is multiplied by the Minimum Loss Advance Point. A unit or stack may use U213] BATTLE ETNFOCEENTS
number for the force to determine the final Advance Points to join a concentration if the
losses. Note that when this result appears in [l2.71] Both players may attempt to bring in
advancing unit was issued a Concentrate battle reinforcements between combat
the defender’s column on the CRT, the order during the Command Phase; the unit
Minimum Loss number is still based on the rounds. A unit is eligible to be a reinforce-
may leave its original concentration (if it was ment if it is within 3 hexes of any unit,
size of the arracker’s force. part of one) and join a different concentra- friendly or enemy, involved in the battle.
[l2.54] Escaiating Exchange: The attacker tion. Advance Points are subject to the fol- The owning player must make a successful
consults the Minimum Loss Chart and finds lowing limitations:

_ ___

Initiative roll to move the reinforcement. If against that hex, the attacker must deploy a [1284] If a withdrawing force has deployed
the Initiative roll is successful, the unit or second front line to engage the reinforce- more than one front line, the force cannot
stack receives 3 movement points, 2 of which ment. He uses the procedure in 12.37 for retreat until all attacks are resolved.
may be spent immediately in moving toward this. This results in two separate and simul-
[1285] If a Withdrawing unit or stack re-
any hex adjacent to any enemy unit or stack taneous battles. If the attacker is unable to
ceives a Routed combat result, the entire
involved inthe battle. If battle reinforce- deploy a front line against the reinforcement,
stack is automatically routed. The stack
ments do not reach a hex adjacent to an the defender may choose to launch a counter-
suffers 50% losses and must retreat 5 hexes.
enemy unit involved in the battle after spend- attack at the end of the current round (if the
However, if the defender has deployed more
ing 2 movement points, the remaining move- opposing units are still adjacent at the end of than one front line, all attacks against sepa-
ment point can be spent in the following the round). A new combat round is fought,
rate lines are resolved (and casualties ex-
combat round, if the battle still continues. with the roles of the players reversed. If the
tracted) before the stack routs. The 50% loss
opposing units are still adjacent at the end of
[1272] A unit or stack cannot be used as a is based on strength points remaining after
the first round of the counter-attack and the
battle reinforcement if it is adjacent to any all other casualties are extracted. In a battle
original attacker has Advance Points available
enemy units at the time the Initiative Roll with multiple front lines, a Routed result is
from the previous round, he may launch his
would be made, nor can it be used as a rein- applied only once; further Routed results are
own counter-attack (this is an exception to ignored.
forcement if it has already participated in a the rule requiring that Advance Points be
battle in the current Combat Phase or if it is used immediately). If at the end of the first
scheduled to participate in an upcoming $2.9} EVEC®§§TNC ATTT_.E§
round of counter-attack, both players have
battle in the current Combat Phase. accumulated Advance Points, the battle Battles between units on opposite sides of a
[l2.73] Battle reinforcements are moved in continues with players alternating as attacker minor river or on opposite ends of a bridge
the direction of any hex adjacent to any each round as long as both have Advance are River Crossing Battles. The defender in a
Enemy unit involved in the battle, as desired. Points available. River Crossing Battle has different options
Normal movement rules apply, with these from those in a normal battle. The attacker
exceptions: rrnnawar.
narrtns also operates under special restrictions. How-
ever, except as specified in this section, all
e Force March and Double Force March The defender may choose to attempt to
normal rules apply to river crossing battles.
cannot be used. Withdraw his forces from a battle during
e No Attrition checkis made. Step 2 of the first round or a subsequent [12.9l] The following are the defender’s
e Battle reinforcements cannot enter a hex round. This results in a Withdrawal Battle. battle options: I
against which other friendly units have In a withdrawal battle, the normal rules of 1. Withdraw: The defender can have his
declared an attack, but have not yet re- battle are followed, except as follows: cavalry withdraw (see 12.2). He may
- solved the attack. choose to fight a Withdrawal Battle (see
[l2.8l] The defending player can deploy no 12.8). If the defender fights a Withdrawal
[1274] The attacker’s battle reinforcements, more than one-third of his infantry strength
Battle, the river has no special effect on
if they end their move in a hex containing points in his front line. If he has more than
the battle.
attacking friendly units, or in a hex adjacent one front line, the total of all lines cannot
2. Defend the River Crossing: The de-
to both attacking and defending units, can exceed one-third. All remaining infantry
fender chooses to defend the bridge or
combine their strength points with other must be placed in reserve. If the withdrawal river crossing point in the defender’s hex.
attacking units in all upcoming combat attempt occurs after the first round of a River crossing points other than bridges
rounds. A Concentrate order is not necessary battle, the defender must redeploy infantry to are not shown on the map; players may
for reinforcements to combine with other the reserve to meet this restriction (this is an imagine them to be fords or ferries (re-
attacking units, even if the units involved are exception to 12.32 which prohibits redeploy-
member, however, that major rivers can
from different corps. (This is an exception to ment of front-line units before the conclusion
be crossed only at bridges). This option
the normal stacking rules). If the leader of of a battle). The defender is not required to limits the forces available to each side.
the reinforcements outranks the previous deploy any infantry. in his front line or lines.
The following forces are the maximum
attacking leader, the reinforcement leader However, the defender may deploy an unlim-
that the defender can deploy in his front
assumes command of the entire force and his ited number of cavalry, field artillery, and
line in the first round of battle:
Combat Bonus is used to determine dice roll horse artillery strength points in the front
q t 1 infantry division
modifiers. line.
e 1 cavalry division (or 3 cavalry brigades)
[l2.75] If attacking battle reinforcements end [l2.82] If the front line of a withdrawing e l field artillery strength point
their move in a hex adjacent to the defender defender’s force consists entirely of leaders, e 1 horse artillery strength point
but not adjacent to any other attacking units, cavalry and horse artillery, the attacker can The attacker is subject to the same limits in
the attacker qualifies for the “flank attack” attack only with leaders, cavalry, and horse his front line. The defender can either fight
dice roll modifier (see 12.47). The defender artillery. The remainder of the attacker’s for two rounds (see 12.92, #3) or can With-
can cancel the modifier by deploying a sec- units must be redeployed to the reserve or to draw his units as in a Withdrawal battle. If
ond “front line” to meet the attack of the other front lines. This is an exception to the defender does not receive a Routed
flanking force. If a second front line is 12.32. result, his entire stack retreats one hex and
formed to meet attacking reinforcements, the makes the usual Morale Check.
[l2.83] If the defender’s combat result in a
attacker makes two separate attacks. How- 3. Defend The Hex: The defender deploys
withdrawal battle is anything other than his front line and reserves. The attacker
ever, the two battles are considered simulta-
Routed, any casualties are extracted, then the groups all units he wishes to deploy in his
neous, taking place in the same round of entire defending force retreats one hex to-
combat. front line by corps or corps-equivalents
ward a friendly fortress, depot, or depot city,
(see 12.92, #1) and announces the total
[l2.76] If the attacker’s battle reinforcements just as if the result had been Withdraw. The number of corps or corps-equivalents in
set up a flank attack, the defender can deploy defending player must make the usual Mo- his front line. The defender decides how
a second front line to counter it (see 12.37). rale Check for his units, as if the result had many corps he will allow each player to
been Withdraw. The attacker receives 2 use in the first round of combat. He must
[12.77] If the defender’s battle reinforce-
Advance Points, or the Advance Points listed allow at least one-third the total number
ments enter a hex adjacent to the attacker,
in the combat results, whichever is greater. of the attacker’s corps equivalents to
and the attacker has not announced an attack

participate in the first round; the defender 4. Withdraw results have the normal effect [l3. 15] A unit or stack in a Rout 2 condition
is also limited to this number. (This pro- on defending units using the Defend the must make Morale Check in the Rally Phase.
cedure represents the defender allowing Crossing option if all the defending units if the Morale Check is successful, the marker
part of the atta.cker’s army to cross unhin- were in the front line. If the defender had is removed; if unsuccessful the Rout 2 condi-
dered before the battle begins). In each a reserve, the front line units receiving the tion remains in effect.
following round, the attacker may deploy Withdraw result do not leave the hex and
up to 2 corps or corps-equivalents as do not make a Nlorale Check. If a second ii3..2§ RPPRCTH DP RDTJT
reinforcements. The attacker’s total de- round of combat is fought, the defender
[l3.2l] Ifa force routs as a result of combat,
ployment cannot exceed the number he must use the Defend the Hex option.
it loses 50% of its strength, round fractions
announced for his front line at the begin-
ning of the battle. . M ALE
[13.22] A routed unit or stack immediately
[l2.92] River Crossing Hattie GENERAL RULE retreats 5 hexes from the hex in which it was
The units of each nationality are assigned a originally located. If for any reason the unit
1. For purposes of this section, all units Morale Rating for each scenario. The Morale or stack cannot retreat a full 5 hexes, it is
under the same corps leader are consid- Rating, together with a leader’s Morale eliminated.
ered to be a single corps. A corps- Bonus if applicable, is used to Rally routed [1323] If possible, routed units must retreat
equivalent is a combination of units not in units and in other situations that require a toward any friendly fortress, depot, or depot
excess of: Morale Check. city in the 5-hex range. If no such location
e 3 infantry divisions
exists in the 5-hex range or cannot be
e l cavalry division PROCEDURE reached, the routed units must retreat toward
t l field artillery strength point
When checking morale, follow these steps. the nearest friendly fortress, depot, or depot
e l horse artillery strength point
city outside the 5-hex range (This require-
All units in the Army Reserve are considered l. The owning player determines the Morale ment only specifies the ‘direction of the re-
part of the same corps, regardless of the Rating for the unit or stack. Usually, all treat; it does not require the retreating units
numbers and types of units. units in a stack will have the same Morale to end its movement there, although it could
Rating. If a stack contains units with if the path of retreat would normally end in
2. All attacking units not deployed in the different Morale Ratings, use the rating of the location hex).
front line must be placed in the reserve. the units that comprise a majority of the
stacl<’s infantry and cavalry strength [1324] A routed unit cannot retreat through
3. Units attacking across a minor river or
points. If the different groups are equal in enemy units, nor across unbridged major
any type of bridge cannot fight more than
strength points, use the highest rating. river hexsides, nor into or across any kind of
two rounds of River Crossing Battle in a
2. The owning player determines the Leader impassable terrain.
single Combat Phase. Units defending a
river crossing point or hex in a river Bonus, if any. If the leader currently in [l3.25] A routed unit can retreat through a
crossing battle cannot be attacked for command of all the units in the stack is hex containing friendly units, and may be
more than two rounds in a single Combat present, his Morale Bonus may be used. forced to do so if friendly units occupy a
Phase by enemy units attacking across a 3. The owning player adds the Morale Rat- fortress, depot, or depot city toward which
bridge. If some defending units remain in ing of the stack to the Leader Bonus (if the routed unit must retreat. The unrouted
the hex after the first round, the defender any) and rolls one die. if the result is less units do not make a Morale Check if they are
may choose any of the three River Cross- than or equal to that sum, the Morale ' stacked with a leader of a higher rank than
ing Battle options for the second round of Check is successful. any routed leader passing through the hex. If
combat. the highest-ranking leader in the unrouted
Wm P’ i] RPQTJTRPD MURALE CI-TECRH stack has a rank equal to or less than that of
[l2.93] outs
and Withdrawals
[l3.l1] A unit or stack may be required to the routed leader, the unrouted stack must
l. When the attacker receives a Withdraw make a Morale Check as part of a combat make a Morale Check. If the check succeeds,
combat result in a river crossing battle, result. the units are unaffected; ifit fails, the units
the number result shown with the With- become routed and must retreat 5 hexes
draw result is increased by l before the [l3.12] A unit or stack is required to make a themselves; however, these units do not
Minimum Loss is calculated. When the Morale Check when a retreating routed unit suffer the 50% strength point loss.
attacker receives a Routed result, the front enters their hex, unless the hex contains a
leader of a higher rank than the highest [1326] At the end of its movement, a routed
line suffers the normal 50% loss; the
ranking leader with the routed unit. If a unit is marked with a Rout l marker. Units
remaining strength points in the front line
Morale Check is unsuccessful (when a check with a Rout l marker cannot be issued orders
are considered captured, even if the de-
is required), the units in the hex become and cannot move in the upcoming Friendly
fender had no forces available to mount
routed. Movement Phase..At the end of the next
Pursuit. Leaders whose commands are
Friendly Movement Phase, all Rout 1 mark-
eliminated are eliminated themselves. [l3. 13] A unit or stack is required to make a ers are flipped to read Rout 2. A unit with a
2. Routed and Withdraw combat results Morale Check when they enter a hex contain- Rout 2 marker may attempt to use self-
have the normal effects against defending ing a routed unit, unless the unrouted units initiative command only. It may attempt to
forces using the Defend the Hex option. are stacked with a leader of a higher rank rally in the Rally Phase.
Attacking units in reserve can pursue if than the highest ranking leader with the
routed unit. If a Morale Check is unsuccess- [1327] A unit under either kind of Rout
defending units are routed.
ful (when a check is required), the moving marker is automatically routed again (Rout I
3. if all defending units in the hex are routed units become routed. result) if attacked by any enemy force, re-
when using the Defend the Hex option, gardless of odds. Attacks at odds worse than
the entire attacking force can advance [1314] Unsupplied units under siege must l to 2 are permitted against routed units.
across the river, even if the attacker has no make a Morale Check in the Siege and As- This is an exception to the normal rules
Advance Points available (if he does, the sault Phase. If the check is unsuccessful, the requiring at least 1 to 2 odds for an attack.
advance across the bridge does not cost an besieged units surrender and are eliminated.
Advance Point). The attacker’s reserve
can conduct pursuit normally.
[l3.28] Unrouted friendly units that enter a strength point. When the enemy enters the always active, unless:
hex containing routed friendly units must hex, the supply train is captured and is e It is inside a fortress under siege "
make a Morale Check, just as if the routed flipped to its Captured side. A captured e it cannot trace a Line of Communication
units had entered their hex. The unrouted supply train functions in all ways like a (LOC). A LOC is a path of hexes of any
units do not make a Morale Check if they are supply train of the nationality that captured length leading from the depot to a Depot
stacked with a leader of a higher rank than it and can be used to supply the captor’s City in the home country (A British depot
any routed leader in the hex. If the highest- units. When the captured supply train is traces the LOC to a friendly port instead).
ranking leader in the unrouted stack has a used up, return the counter to the original The LOC cannot include hexes occupied
rank equal to or less than that of the routed owning player. by enemy strength points, nor can it in-
leader, the unrouted stack must make a Mo- clude hexes in enemy Zones of Control
[l4. 16] A stacking limit of two supply trains
rale Check. If the moving units are routed as (unless the ZOC hex is occupied by a
per hex applies unless the supply trains are
a result of the Morale Check, they do not friendly strength point). The path cannot
inside a fortress under Siege (see l5.0). A
suffer the 50% strength point loss. cross any impassable hex or impassable
player cannot voluntarily place more than
hexside and cannot be traced through ail-
two supply trains inside a fortress.
tr. [l4. 17] Supply trains are never Routed. They
rough or all-swamp terrain.
2. Prussian, Austrian: These depots are
GENERAL RULE do not retreat if units they are stacked with active only if:
During the Supply Phase, units are checked suffer a Routed result in combat. if a supply r The depot is inside a friendly fortress not
train is part of a stack that suffers a With- under siege and it can trace a Line of
to determine whether they are supplied or
unsupplied. Unsupplied units suffer penal- draw result, the supply train retreats one hex Communication (see #1).
ties in combat, and are more likely to suffer along with the rest of the stack; it remains in e The depot can trace a path no longer than
Attrition (see 16.0) during movement. Un- that hex and does not retreat if the remainder eight hexes to a friendly Depot City in the
of the stack routs because of an unsuccessful home country
supplied units are flipped to their Unsup-
plied side to indicate their status during play. Morale Check. The same procedure applies e The depot can trace a path no longer than
An unsupplied unit remains unsupplied until if a supply train is part of a stack that fights a eight hexes to an active depot of the same
successful Withdrawal Battle. A supply train nationality that is itself active. These
the next Supply Phase. Units can be supplied
that is part of a stack that loses an Escalating depots are regarded as links in a chain that
by Supply Trains, Depots, Depot Cities, or
Exchange is allowed to retreat. A supply eventually ends at a friendly Depot City in
Eoraging. A player cannot voluntarily leave
his units unsupplied during the Supply train that is left alone in a hex as a result of the home country or at a depot in a
combat is captured if the enemy advances friendly fortress not under siege. The 8-
Phase (however, this rule does not prevent a
unit from moving in such a way that it can- into the hex. hex path cannot include hexes occupied by
enemy strength points, nor can it include
not be supplied in the Supply Phase). [l4.l8] The owning player cannot deliber-
hexes in enemy Zones of Control (unless
ately destroy his supply trains. Supply trains
the ZOC hex is occupied by a friendly
[i4.i] SUPPLY TRAINS are removed from the map only when they
strength point). The path cannot cross an
[l4.ll] Units that are stacked with or adja- are used to supply units.
impassable hex or an impassable hexside.
cent to a supply train of the same nationality
in the Supply Phase may be placed in supply [14.l9] A player cannot build more supply [l4.23] One active depot can provide supply
by that supply train. Units cannot be placed trains than are available in his counter mix. to any number of units of the depot’s nation-
ality, provided that the units can trace a path
in supply by a friendly supply train of a
different nationality. For purposes of this treat nnrors no longer than 3 movement points to the
depot (see 14.21). An active depot is never
rule, all nationalities allied to France are [l4.21] Depots represent large immobile
used up by providing supply; it is not re-
considered French, except Prussian and concentrations of supplies. A unit is in sup-
moved from the map as are supply trains. A
Austrian units in l8l2 scenarios. All units ply if it can trace a path of no more than
player may never have more than one depot
under the command of a British army leader three movement points from its hex (exclu-
in a hex, nor can depots of different national-
are considered British under this rule. sive) to a hex containing an active supply
ities co-exist in the same hex.
[l4. 12] One supply train can provide supply depot of the same nationality (inclusive).
This path cannot pass through a hex in an [l4.24] At the beginning of the friendly
to any number of units, provided that they
enemy cavalry ZOC unless the ZOC hex is Movement Phase, each friendly active depot
are stacked with or adjacent to the supply
occupied by at least 1 friendly strength point can create one supply train, up to the limits
train. A supply train that provides supply to
(limited ZOCs are not in effect during the of the counter mix. A newly-created supply
any unit or units is considered “used up”
and is removed from the map at the end of Supply Phase). Depots cannot provide sup- train is stacked on top of the depot. The
the Supply Phase. ply for friendly units of a different national- supply train can move in the Movement
ity. Por purposes of this rule, all nationalities Phase of its creation.
[l4.l3] Supply trains have a Movement allied to France are considered French, ex-
[l4.25] Inactive depots can neither provide
Allowance of four movement points; they cept Prussian and Austrian units in 1812
supply nor create supply trains. Such depots
force march under special rules. They never scenarios. All units under the command of a
are flipped to their Inactive side.
suffer Attrition while moving. British army leader are considered British
under this rule. [l4.26] Depots have an intrinsic defense
[14.l4] Supply" trains are always in command
and do not require orders to move (they
strength of 1 strength point. This can be
[l4.22] Depots can provide supply only if
used only when the depot is the only defend-
should, however, be marked with a March or they are Active. An active depot is one that
ing unit in the hex. Depots cannot move;
Eorce March marker to indicate how far they can trace a Line of Communication to a
thus, they cannot retreat, Withdraw, or Rout.
can move in the Movement Phase). The only Depot City in its home country (or to a
If all the defending units stacked with a
non-movement order that applies to supply friendly port, in the case of -British depots).
depot are Withdrawn, Routed, or eliminated,
trains is Build Depot. The requirements differ according to the or if the the depot receives any combat loss
[l4.l5] Supply trains have no combat nationality of the depot:
when defending alone, the depot is captured
strength points. A hex containing only a l. Prench, British, Russian: A depot if the enemy enters the hex (using Advance
friendly supply train can be freely entered by belonging to one of these nationalities is Points). The depot is removed and replaced
any enemy unit or stack with at least l

by two captured supply trains. lf the victor is Depot order in the Command Phase of the and adds 2 to the result to determine the
unable to enter the depot’s hex, the depot is current turn exact number. (Players can use a single sup-
destroyed. lf all these conditions are met, the depot is ply train counter with a strength marker
removed from play at the end of the Move- underneath). These trains will be used to
[l4.27] When a fortress comes under siege,
ment Phase. The owning player may replace supply the garrison during the siege, and
any depot in that fortress is immediately
the depot with one supply train of the same they are used and expended in the normal
replaced by 3-8 supply trains of the same
nationality. fashion (Exception: such trains cannot supply
nationality. The owning player rolls one die
any friendly unit outside the fortress depot
and adds 2 to the result to determine the
exact number. (Players can use a single sup-
may nrorcirrus city). When the supply trains are gone, the
garrison suffers Attrition each turn and must
ply train counter with a strength marker [l4.3l] Certain cities are shown on the map
make successful Morale Checks to avoid
underneath). These trains will be used to as Depot Cities. Adepot city functions in all
surrender. i
supply the garrison during the siege, and respects as an active depot of the same na-
they are used and expended in the normal tionality. A depot city may serve as the sup- [1436] A depot city is never depleted by
fashion (Exception: such trains cannot supply ply terminus of a chain of depots of the same foraging, nor can its supply capacity be
any friendly unit outside the fortress). When nationality if the depot city is located in the permanently destroyed (exception: see the
the supply trains are gone, the garrison home country of the depots involved. A unit Special Rules for scenario 19.4).
suffers Attrition each turn and must make can draw supply directly from a depot city of
successful Morale Checks to avoid surrender. the same nationality. In this case, it is not ma] roanrnn
necessary that the depot city be located in the
[l4.28] Ruiiding Depnts: A depot marker [l4.4l] French and Russian units have the
home country; it is enough that the depot
can be built at the end of the Supply Phase if ability to supply themselves by plundering
city begins the scenario under the control of
all of the following conditions are met: the inhabitants of areas through which their
the player whose units are drawing supply
armies march, an activity politely called
s At least 1 infantry strength point and 1 directly from it. The scenarios list the prov-
Foraging or “living off the land.” When a
supply train (both of the same nationality) inces controlled by each country.
hex is foraged, it eventually loses its ability to
are stacked together in the city, fortress
[l4.32] The supply capacity of a depot city support an army.
city, town, or minor fortress where the
belongs exclusively to the original owning
depot is to be built. The presence of a [l4.42] Only French units, French-allied
player; it can never be used by an enemy.
Foraged marker in the hex has no effect, units, and Russian units can use Foraging;
Nor can the supply capacity be used by an
but if a Depleted marker is in the hex, 2 for purposes of foraging, French-allied units
ally of the original owner, unless the sce-
supply trains are needed to build the depot are considered French, but Russian-allied
narios specify otherwise. Under certain
e The infantry strength point and the sup- units are not considered Russian. However,
conditions, a player can build a depot marker
ply train have neither moved nor engaged in 1812 scenarios, Austrian and Prussian
of his own nationality in a depot city con-
in any type of combat during the current units allied to France cannot use foraging.
trolled by a friendly foreign country (see
turn Austrian, Prussian, and British units can
6 The hex does not contain a Depleted never use foraging, nor can any units allied
marker [l4.33] If a depot city is occupied by an with a major country (Austria, Prussia, Rus-
e The hex does not already contain a Depot enemy (or if enemy units were the last to sia, or Britain) that is part of the Coalition.
City or depot marker of the same national- pass through it), its supply capacity is tempo-
[l4.43] French units, French-allied units (see
ity (since one depot can supply any num- rarily suppressed. A player can build a depot
14.42) and Russian units can forage if they
ber of units, such double capacity is marker of his own nationality in an enemy
meet the following specifications: _
superfluous) depot city under his control. If a captured
e The infantry strength point received a depot city is occupied by a unit belonging to a The foraging units are within three hexes
Build Depot order in the Command Phase the original owning player or his current of a friendly town or friendly city. A town
of the current turn allies (or if such a unit was the last to pass or city is considered friendly if it was
t There is a depot marker available in the through the city), the depot city is liberated friendly to the foraging units at the start of
counter mix. and its supply capacity is immediately re- the scenario and if is friendly to the forag-
stored to the original owning player. ing units at the moment foraging occurs.
To build the depot, remove the infantry
No “forage path” need be traced; the town
strength point and the supply unit (both are [l4.34] A country can build a depot marker
or city represents the forage potential of
eliminated; the enemy receives no Victory in a foreign depot city under the following
the three-hex area surrounding it.
Points for them) and replace them with the conditions:
e The town or city does not contain a De-
depot marker. A Foraged marker is placed in e A player can build a depot marker of his
pleted marker.
the hex (if one is already there, it is replaced own nationality in an enemy depot city
a No more than two corps are attempting to
by a Depleted marker). under his control if he meets all the condi-
forage within three hexes of the same
tions for building a depot marker (see
[l4.29] Destrnying Depnts: Unlike supply town.
14.28) and if he has a depot marker availa-
trains, depots may be destroyed by the own- e No more than three corps are attempting
ble in his counter mix.
ing player to prevent their capture by the to forage within three hexes of the same
e A player can build a depot marker of his
enemy; such destruction occurs at the end of city.
own nationality in a friendly depot city if
the Movement Phase. To destroy a depot, its e For purposes of this rule, all units belong-
he meets all the conditions for building a
hex must be occupied by at least l infantry ing to a corps count as one corps, regard-
depot marker (see 14.28), if he has a depot
strength point (other than the depot’s intrin- less of the size of the corps. The Army
marker available in his counter mix, and if
sic strength point) that meets the following Reserve counts as a single corps, regard-
the original owning player agrees to the
conditions: less of the size of the reserve.
construction of the depot.
e The strength point did not move in the
[1444] All towns begin the game with the
Skirmish Phase or Movement Phase [l4.35] When a fortress depot city comes
ability to provide forage for two corps in a
t The strength point did not attack in the under siege, the depot capacity of the hex is
single turn. All cities begin the game with
Skirmish Phase and will not attack in the temporarily suppressed; 3-8 supply trains of
the ability to provide forage for three corps
Combat Phase the same nationality are immediately placed
in a single turn. Depot cities have the ability
e The strength point received a Destroy in the hex. The owning player rolls one die
to provide forage for any number of corps in

a single turn. A Foraged marker is placed on [l5.22] A maximum of l0 strength points can them immediately. The fortress cannot accept
a town or city hex that provides forage for stack inside a minor fortress. any reinforcement that would cause the
one or more corps in a Clear Weather turn (if fortress to exceed its stacking limit.
[l5.23] Units in a fortress hex but not within
the hex already has a Foraged marker, replace
a fortress use the normal stacking rules (see [l5.4'7] Any combat result calling for the
it with a Depleted marker). if foraging occurs
9.0). Rout or Withdrawal of the defending garri-
in a Mud Weather turn or a Winter Weather
son yields the automatic capture of all surviv-
turn, place a Depleted marker in the hex. A
[T53] FDTRESSES AN EATTLES ing defending strength points. The attacker
Depleted town or city cannot provide forage.
can automatically advance into the captured
Depot cities are never marked with Foraged [l5.3l] Units in a fortress hex but not within
hex, even if the result yielded no Advance
or Depleted markers. the fortress receive no special benefits during
battle from the presence of the fortress.
[l4.45] French units, French-allied units, and
Friendly units within a fortress are consid-
Russian units that cannot be supplied by
ered separate from Friendly units outside a
[rust srnnas
supply trains, depots, or depot cities, must
fortress, even though all units are in the same [l5.5l] A player may declare a Siege of an
attempt to forage for supply. A unit that
hex. Enemy-held fortress hex during the Siege
could be supplied by other means may
and Assault Phase under the following condi-
choose to forage to avoid using up supply [l5.32] Enemy units may choose to ignore
trains (assuming that the unit was eligible to Friendly units within a fortress and choose to
forage). _ attack Friendly units outside the fortress but e Friendly units are adjacent to an Enemy-
within the hex. In this case, any units (but held fortress hex
[l4.46] lf a stack forages a hex, and the stack
not detachments) inside the fortress can be e All Enemy units in the fortress hex are
contains more corps than the hex can supply,
used as battle reinforcements (see 12.7), within the fortress
all corps in the stack are flipped to their
using the Initiative Rating of the highest- e The combined printed strength points of
Unsupplied sides, while the hex is marked
ranking leader within the fortress. the attacking units are equal to or greater
than the combined printed strength points
[1533] A unit outside of a fortress may
of the defender (for this purpose, the
[ta Withdraw into the fortress at the end of any
combat round in which a Withdraw result is
presence of the fortress does not enhance
the defender’s strength)
either required or optional.
e The units used to besiege the fortress are
GENERAL RULE [l5.34] A garrisoned fortress cannot be cap- currently in supply
A fortress multiplies the combat strength of tured through the normal battle procedure; a
the strength points that belong to its garri- garrisoned fortress can be captured only The attacking player declares that the condi-
son. There are two kinds of fortresses in the through Assault (see 15.4) or Siege (see 15.5). tions above have been met, then moves his
game: major fortresses and minor fortresses; besieging units directly into the Enemy-held
the two differ in the maximum size of the nan ASSAULTS fortress hex, stacking the besieging units
garrison. Some major fortresses are also directly atop the defenders. This type of
Friendly units can assault Enemy-held for-
depot cities or major cities. Fortresses can be movement takes place only in the Siege and
tresses in the Siege and Assault Phase of the
captured by Assault or Siege. Assault Phase and at no cost in Movement
turn. Such combat is conducted as a normal
Points. The defender cannot try to create a
battle with several important differences.
[T54] ENTERTNC AND EXTTTNC A Limited ZOC to prevent this movement.
FDRTESS [l5.4l] The total strength points of units
[l5.52] When a fortress comes under siege,
defending within the fortress is tripled.
[l5.ll] A unit may enter a fortress in the hex any depot in that fortress is immediately
it occupies during any Skirmish Phase, [l5.42] An Enemy-held fortress cannot be replaced by 3-8 supply trains of the same
Movement Phase, or Combat Phase assaulted if there are any unrouted Enemy nationality. The owning player rolls one die
(Friendly or Enemy) at no cost in Movement strength points in the hex but outside the and adds 2 to the result to determine the
Points. - fortress. exact number. (Players can use a single sup-
ply train counter with a strength marker
[l5. 12] A unit may leave a fortress hex dur- [l5.43] In an assault, neither attacker nor
underneath). These trains will be used to
ing a Friendly Skirmish Phase, Friendly defender receives combat modifiers for ter-
supply the garrison during the siege, and
Movement Phase, or in either player’s Com- rain, cavalry, combined arms, flank attack, or
they are used and expended in the normal
bat Phase. A unit cannot both enter and leave cavalry leaders (see 12.4).
fashion (Exception: such trains cannot supply
the same fortress in the same Combat Phase. [l5.44] The defender inside a fortress must any Friendly unit outside the fortress). When
[l5. 13] A Friendly unit in a fortress hex use the Defend the Hex battle option. With- the supply trains are gone, the garrison
during an Enemy Skirmish Phase, Move- drawal battles are not allowed. suffers Attrition each turn and must make
ment Phase, or Combat Phase must be de- successful Morale Checks to avoid surrender.
[15 .45] The defender does not deploy (see
clared inside or outside the fortress by the 12.3) for an Assault. The defender’s units [15.5 3] Any fortress that is not a fortified
owning player. must be attacked as a single combined de- depot city or does not have a depot marker in
[15.14] A unit can enter a fortress hex during fense strength. However, the attacker can the hex is automatically out of supply when
a retreat and then end its retreat by entering deploy units in reserve as usual. placed under siege.
the fortress. However, the unit can do so [l5.46] Defending units can receive battle [l5.54] If unsupplied defending units fail a
only if the fortress hex would normally be Morale Check when called upon to make a
reinforcements normally; however, all such
the final hex of the retreat path. reinforcements must be brought within the check, the fortress surrenders and all defend-
[l5.l5] It is possible to have two groups of fortress. They cannot enter the fortress by ing units and leaders are automatically cap-
Friendly units in a fortress hex: one group moving through any hex adjacent to, or tured. If the defender succeeds when called
inside the fortress and one outside. occupied by, attacking units. Defending upon to make a Morale Check, there is no
reinforcements may begin their movement effect.
[152] STACNC TN A FDTRESS from hexes adjacent to attacking units, but
[l5.55] Unsupplied units within a fortress
the reinforcements must move away from
[l5.2l] A maximum of 35 strength points can under siege must check for Attrition (see
stack inside a major fortress.
16.0) in the Friendly Movement Phase, as [T82] ATQTND
ATTRTTTON CHECKS The die roll modifiers apply only when
though they had completed a normal march. checking for attrition. They do not apply
[l6.21] Attrition is checked per stack, rather
when calculating the extra movement points
[l5.56] A siege is broken immediately if, for than for individual units (but if a unit is
received when using Force March or Double
any reason, the besieging units leave the alone in a hex, it checks for attrition by itself.
Force March.
fortress hex. A siege is broken any time any
[16.22] The owning player checks attrition
of the conditions for declaring siege are not for his units or stacks by rolling one die at [T8.4[ ATTTTTDN TDSSES
met in the current Siege and Assault Phase.
the completion of movement, adding any
if a siege is broken in either of these ways, [l6.4l] When a stack suffers attrition losses,
Attrition Die Roll Modifiers that apply, and
the defender can, if he wishes, trade all his the losses must be spread as evenly as possi-
cross-indexing the strength point value of the
supply trains in the besieged hex for one ble among all the units in a stack (Example: a
stack to the proper Attrition Table. The
depot marker (assuming that a depot marker loss of 3 strength points from a stack of 4
result is the attrition loss in strength points.
is available in his counter-mix). infantry divisions would require that 3 divi-
The owning player adjusts strength point
sions lose l strength point each, while the
[l5.57] Friendly units conducting a siege markers or removes units (as appropriate) to
fourth remains untouched).
may be attacked normally by Enemy units reflect the losses. Finally, award Victory
from adjacent hexes (see 12.0). Units inside a Points by adjusting the markers on the [l6.42] In dividing attrition losses among _
fortress under siege can leave the fortress to French Victory Points Track. Losses from specific types of units, players must follow
serve as battle reinforcements for a force attrition provide the same Victory Point the unit type ratios of 12.62: 3 infantry/l
attacking the besiegers. The besieged units awards as losses from combat; French losses cavalry/l artillery or horse artillery.
can themselves leave the fortress to attack the are subtracted from the Victory Point total,
[l6.43] Supply trains and bridge trains never
besiegers; in either case, the besieged units while Coalition losses are added to the Vic-
suffer from attrition and cannot be elimi-
cannot leave the fortress hex. Enemy units tory Point total. nated to satisfy an attrition loss.
attacking the besiegers both from the fortress
[l6.23] When making attrition checks, the
hex and from a hex not adjacent to the for-
Attrition Table used depends upon the move- [T85] ENTETNC WTNTER
tress qualify for the flank attack modifier if QTJATES
ment order given to the unit or stack. Units
the besiegers cannot deploy a front line
and stacks with March orders use the Normal
against each Enemy force (see 12.3). A unit or stack can enter Winter Quarters at
March Attrition Table, as do unsupplied
no cost in Movement Points at the beginning
[l5.58] Units inside a fortress under siege units that did not move (treat them for this
of the Friendly Movement Phase if it meets
cannot be given orders (see 7.0) by any leader purpose as having carried out a March or-
the following conditions:
not inside the fortress. der). Units and stacks that received Force
March or Double Force March orders use a The current game turn is in the months of
[ran] arrnrrion AND the Force March Attrition Table. The attri-
tion check is made using the movement rate
November to April, inclusive.
a The unit or stack received a Winter Quar-
wrnrnn ooaarens of the order issued, even if the unit or stack ters order during the immediately preced-
GENERAL RULE did not actually move or if it used only part ing Command Phase.
of its Movement Allowance. Q The unit or stack is within three hexes of
When Napoleonic armies marched, large an Undepleted city or town, or within
numbers of men were lost to fatigue, illness, [l6.24] When making attrition checks, the
three Movement Points of an active depot
hunger, and desertion. These non-combat owning player does not use an attrition die
from which it could be supplied.
losses are called Attrition losses. The effects roll for a unit or stack with a Force March or
e All units in the hex are part of the same
of attrition were most severe in the winter Double Force March order; instead, use the
corps, or a mixture of a single corps with
months, November through April. To reduce die roll that provided the stack with its addi-
some Army Reserve Units.
attrition during these month, armies usually tional Movement Points.
A The unit or stack can trace a path no
went into Winter Quarters. Winter Quarters [l6.25] Leaders, bridge trains, and supply longer than 8 hexes to an active, Friendly
keep units supplied and free of attrition trains are never counted when calculating the depot. This path cannot cross, enter, or
losses, but impose movement and combat number of strength points in a force. pass through Enemy-occupied hexes,
penalties. hexes in Enemy cavalry ZOCs (regardless
[T83] ATTRTTTGN DEE ROLL of the presence of Friendly units in the
[i8.t[ rcn
onrrs cncx DDTFTES Enemy ZOCs), unbridged major river
ro arrrrron hexsides, impassable hexsides, impassable
Weather, supply status, and nationality affect
[16. 1 l] All units that move in either the hexes, swamp hexsides, or full rough
the attrition die roll. All modifiers in this
Friendly Movement Phase or the Friendly terrain hexsides.
section are cumulative:
Skirmish Phase must check for attrition at e The unit or stack is not adjacent to any
the end of their moves. e Mud: + 1 to the attrition die roll in all Enemy unit.
Mud turns e The unit or stack is not under siege
[l6.12] Unsupplied units must check attri- s Snow: + 2 to the attrition die roll in all
tion at the end of the Friendly Movement Snow turns [T88] TEAFTND TNTE TJARTES
Phase, even if the units did not move. a Unsuppiieds +2 to the attrition die roll if
[l6.6l] A unit or stack currently in Winter
[l6.l3] Units in Winter Quarters do not any of the units in the stack is Unsupplied
Quarters is forced to leave Winter Quarters
check for attrition as long as they remain in a Doubie Force Mar-ch: +2 to the attri-
immediately when it can no longer meet all
Winter Quarters. tion die roll if any of the units received a
the conditions of 16.6. A unit or stack may
Double Force March order in the Com-
[l6.l4] Supplied unit that did not move in be forced out of Winter Quarters because an
mand Phase
either the Friendly Movement Phase or the Enemy unit moves into an adjacent hex,
e French Nationality: — 1 to the die roll if
Friendly Skirmish Phase do not check for because Enemy action makes fulfillment of
a majority of the units in the stack are
attrition at the end of their moves. the conditions of 16.6 no longer possible, or
French units (actual French, not French
because the Enemy makes an attack or an
[l6. 15] Supply trains and bridge trains do allies)
assault on the unit or stack in Winter Quar-
not check for attrition. ters. A unit or stack forced out of Winter

Quarters by Enemy action suffers a - 2
combat dice roll modifier in both Combat
[ma] @ one rnarna W

Phases of the current turn. GENERAL RULE [l7.3l] A bridge train unit can build a bridge
across any river hexside by moving adjacent
[16.62] A unit or stack currently in Winter A bridge train is a special mobile non-combat to that hexside and then spending an addi-
Quarters is forced to leave Winter Quarters unit used to span river hexsides. A bridge tional 1 Movement Point to emplace the
immediately if it is issued any type of move- train can span both major and minor river bridge. The bridge train is placed across the
ment order in the Friendly Command Phase. hexsides. hexside to indicate the location of the bridge.
A unit or stack leaving Winter Quarters due The bridge may be used by Friendly units
to orders does not receive the - 2 combat [1T. T] DVEMENT
CAPAETFTTTES beginning on the turn after it is built and in
dice roll penalty during the turn it leaves [17. 1 1] Eridge trains are always in command all later turns unless the bridge is moved,
Winter Quarters. and do not require orders to move (they captured, or destroyed.
[l6.63] A unit or stack currently in Winter should, however, be marked with a March or [1732] if a bridge train moves, leaving either
Quarters is forced to leave Winter Quarters Force March marker to indicate how far they of the hexes adjacent to the spanned hexside,
immediately if it is eligible for use as a battle can move in the Movement Phase). the bridge is considered immediately disman-
reinforcement (see 12.7), and the owning [l'7.12] A bridge train has a movement allow- tled.
player chooses to use it as one. A successful
ance of 4 movement points. It can move
initiative die roll is needed for the reinforce-
ment to move, and it suffers a — 2 dice roll
normally even if not attached to a leader. [i8.
penalty in both Combat Phases of the turn it [l7. 13] A bridge train does not require an Victory conditions vary with each scenario.
moves. order to Force March; it uses a special proce- Usually, the French player must earn a speci-
dure. At the end of normal movement, the fied number of Victory Points, as well as
[16.64] If a unit leaves Winter Quarters, it
owning player makes a die roll. if the result satisfying any special conditions called for in
cannot return to Winter Quarters in the
is 1, 2, or 3, the unit gains no additional the scenario, to win (the special conditions
current winter season. movement points and must end its movement may earn or cost the French player additional
immediately. If the result is 4, 5, or 6, the Victory Points). if the French player does not
par] earners or mreu unit gains 4 additional movement points. achieve his victory conditions, the Coalition
onares player automatically wins the scenario.
[l7. 14] A bridge train never suffers Attrition
[16.71] The only order that can be issued to a
and cannot be sacrificed to satisfy Attrition
unit in Winter Quarters during the Com- lOSS€S.
mand Phase is a Transfer order. Other non-
During play, the French player uses the
movement orders (see 7.0) are simply
:T?.2 TDCE
TRATNS AND CDAT Victory Point track to record his current
ignored, while a movement order forces the M

[l7.21] A bridge train has an intrinsic de- Victory Point total. The markers on the track
unit to leave Winter Quarters. (Since a unit
fense of 1 strength point, but this is used are adjusted as needed to reflect the current
in Winter Quarters cannot move, any transfer
only if the bridge train is the only defending total. To indicate a negative total, flip the
order would have to be carefully set up to
unit in a hex. markers to the negative side.
avoid placing the newly-transferred unit out
of command.) [l7.22] Bridge trains are never Routed. They [18.2] VTCTDRV PDTNT SCHEDULE
[16.72] Aunit in Winter Quarters cannot do not retreat if units they are stacked with
suffer a Routed result in combat. Victory Points (VPs) are awarded to the
move in any phase except to act as a battle
French player as follows:
reinforcement (but to do so would force it to
[l7.23] If a bridge train is part of a stack that
leave Winter Quarters). As long as a unit 1 VP For each Coalition infantry or
suffers a Withdraw result, the bridge train
remains in Winter Quarters it does not have retreats one hex along with the rest of the cavalry strength point eliminated
to make any Attrition rolls in the Movement for any reason, including attrition
stack; it remains in that hex and does not
Phase. losses
retreat if the remainder of the stack routs
[16.73] A unit in Winter Quarters cannot because of an unsuccessful Morale Check. 2 VPs For each Coalition infantry or
initiate combat in the Skirmish Phase or the The same procedure applies if a bridge train cavalry strength point captured or
Eattle Phase. A unit in Winter Quarters can is part of a stack that fights a successful for each artillery piece captured
defend itself if forced out of Winter Quarters Withdrawal Battle.
5 VPs Each time Coalition forces fail to
by Enemy action, but it does so at a — 2 [l7.24] A bridge train that is part of a stack achieve an ordered Concentration
penalty. A unit in Winter Quarters, if used as that loses an Escalating Exchange is allowed
a battle reinforcement, fights at a - 2 dice to retreat. VPs Equal to the Initiative Rating for
roll penalty. each Coalition leader killed in
[17.25] A bridge train that is left alone in a battle
[16.74] A unit in Winter Quarters is automat-
hex as a result of combat is captured if the
ically in supply in the Supply Phase. Enemy advances into the hex; the bridge "' l VP For each French infantry or cavalry
train is flipped to its Captured side. A cap- strength point eliminated for any
[l6.75] A unit in Winter Quarters cannot
tured bridge train functions in all ways like a reason, including attrition losses
participate either in an assault nor act as a
besieger in the Siege and Assault Phase. A bridge train of the nationality that captured - 2 VPs For each French infantry or cavalry
Friendly unit must leave Winter Quarters to 1i. strength point captured or for each
defend itself against an Enemy assault; the artillery piece captured
[l7.26] When a bridge train is emplaced
defending unit fights at a — 2 penalty. Siege across a river hexside, the bridge train can be - 5 VPs Each time French forces fail to
is conducted normally against besieged units
attacked from either hex adjacent to the achieve an ordered Concentration
in Winter Quarters. bridge hexside.
""VPs Equal to the Initiative Rating for
[16.76] The Rally Phase is conducted as [1727] A player may destroy his own bridge each French leader killed in battle
usual for units in Winter Quarters.
train in an identical fashion to destroying his
own depots (see 14.29).

§I.l I
Each of the cases in this section describes
how to play one scenario of the game. Each
tells which maps to use, defines friendly
territory for each side, explains set-up, lists
Morale Ratings for all forces, lists any special
command instructions, gives the length of
the scenario, lists reinforcements and replace-
ments (if needed) for all sides, lists any other
special rules, and explains the victory condi-
trons. :-_:_:_-_::5, 5, ; ,_-_;;_-_-_:_-_:_:; .;_-_:5:.-_-_-;; ; :-:-,;:_:_.§, ';5; 55:; ;_-_=;_: =_:_-;; -.-.-,; ; -: ; : :;:;_:_-.'.-;-.-.-,:_-_-_-_:;:;:;5:,-.;,; :-_-_:;-; 5: :§;-;'; ';'.-_=_=.'.-.-_=_=_::5_-;.-;:_I;'.-_-.-.=§:§;: §;': ;'; :-';-.';_=:: ':;5-.'.;5.-; t=-3-j-_::; :5;".-; -.-5.1;:5:.-_::; ;: _;'_-_-_:_-_-,:;55;; ; _:_5:5;:55:;-,-_:55;:;:I;:-'-_-.-;:§;: :5.-,; ;'.-.-_-_:;'-';: :; ; 55;;:;:; :5,;-_:_:;'_§_:_-_-.-;§}§i;E;:,

Each scenario in this section is designed for

two players, and uses the rules in sections 1.0
through 18.0. The Grand Campaign sce-
narios are listed after the additional rules
needed to play the Grand Campaign game.
It is recommended that new players play
each of the two introductory scenarios, then
the entire 1805 campaign scenario before
trying the other scenarios.
52:: t t


[19.ll] Introductory Scenario 1: Massena
vs. Archduke Charles
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia- VICTORY: Victory Points are not awarded
PLAYERS: The players are the French tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll in this scenario. The Austrian player wins if
player and the Austrian player. he meets either of the following two condi-
is 1-5; if the roll is 6, the Austrian player has
MAPS: Only Map B is used for this scenario. the initiative. tions at the end of the IV October turn. The
French player wins if the Austrian player
TERRITORY: France, Switzerland, the SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts
fails to achieve his victory conditions:
Kingdom of Italy, the Grand Duchy of five complete game turns, beginning with the
Hesse, Frankfort, Baden, and Wurtemburg IV September 1805 turn and ending after the A At least one Austrian strength point occu-
are friendly to France at the start of the IV October turn. pies Mantua, and no French strength
scenario. All other territory is friendly to points occupy eitherHVenice or Trieste.
Austria at the start of the scenario. A At least 45 Austrian strength points are
1. Archduke Charles cannot issue any or- either north of Trent or east of Trieste.
SET-UP: The French player sets up the ders, nor may any Austrian unit move or
Army of Italy under Massena as shown on [l9.l2] Introductory Scenario 2: The
attack, until one of the events listed below Ulm Campaign .
the French 1805 Army Organization Chart. has occurred. Once any of the listed
There are no French depots on the map at At the start of the 1805 campaign, Napo-
events has occurred, Archduke Charles
the start of the scenario. and the Austrian army functions normally leon’s Grande Armee swept across the Rhine
The Austrian player sets up the Army of for the remainder of the game. and Danube into the rear of Mack’s Austrian
Italy under Archduke Charles as shown on A Archduke Charles makes a successful army, forcing the surrender of 30,000 troops
the Austrian 1805 Army Organization Chart. unmodified Initiative roll at the start of at Ulm.
In addition, place one Austrian depot per hex any Command Phase. Charles may func-
PLAYERS: The players are the French
in hexes B3520, B3522, and B4219. tion normally in the same Command
player and the Austrian player.
Phase in which the successful roll was
COMMAND: Massena is the Supreme made. MAPS: Only Map B is used for this scenario.
Commander for all French forces in the r A French unit makes any type of attack,
scenario. Archduke Charles is the Supreme TERRITORY: France, Switzerland, the
including Skirmish Combat, against any
Commander for all Austrian forces in the Kingdom of Italy, the Grand Duchy of
Austrian unit.
scenario. Massena and Archduke Charles can Hesse, Frankfort, Baden, and Wurtemburg
r A French unit enters any hex east of the
spend 8 Command Points each in the Com- are friendly to France at the start of the
Adige River or north of Trent.
mand Phase. scenario. All other territory is friendly to
2. Massena’s Army of Italy is considered one
Austria at the start of the scenario, with the
ARMY RESERVES: There are no French large corps for purposes of foraging,
following exceptions: Wurzburg (neutral; it
Army Reserves in this scenario. All Austrian stacking, etc. No Concentrate order is
can be entered by either side), Ansbach
cavalry and artillery units are considered needed to have units of Massena’s army
(controlled by Prussia, see special rules), and
Army Reserves, regardless of the corps to stack and attack together. If Massena is
any hex occupied by Bavarian strength points
which they are assigned. not present to command a French stack,
at the start of the scenario.
the highest-ranking leader of the stack is
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating SET-UP: The French player sets up La
the infantry division leader with the low-
of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating Grande Armee under Napoleon as shown on
est seniority number.
of all Austrian units is 2.
. . . . __ __ ._ .. ____ _ H 1 M 1

the French 1805 Army Organization Chart. automatically in command and the French Danube and the Army of the Tyrol as shown
There are no French depots on the map at player may issue any orders he chooses on the Austrian 1805 Army Organization
the start of the scenario. (with the exception of Concentrate or- Chart. In addition, place one Austrian depot
ders). The Austrian player cannot issue per hex in hexes B3008, B3112, B3309,
The Austrian player sets up the Army of the orders on the IV September turn; no B3522, B3609, B3812, B4011, B4108,
Danube and the Army of the Tyrol as shown
Austrian unit can move or attack on IV B4110, B4219, B4610, and B5210. Russian
on the Austrian 1805 Army Organization forces are set up as per the Russian 1805
Chart. In addition, place one Austrian depot
3. There can never be more than six French Army Organization Chart. There are no
per hex in hexes B3008, B3112, B3309,
supply trains in play at the same time. Russian depots on the map at the start of the
B3609, B3412, B3812, B4011, B4108, scenario.
However, the French player can use any
B4110, B4610, and B5210. number of captured supply trains.
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme 4. The province of Ansbach is controlled by
Commander for all French forces in the
Commander for all French forces in the Prussia. On the first turn that any French
scenario. He can spend up to 8 Command
scenario. Archduke Ferdinand is the Su- unit enters Ansbach, the French player
Points in the Command Phase.
preme Commander for all Austrian forces in must move a at least one unit adjacent to
the scenario. Napoleon can spend 8 Com- the fortress of Ansbach. During the Com- Archduke Charles is the Supreme Com-
mand Points in each Command Phase. See bat Phase, the French player rolls one die mander for all Austrian forces in the sce-
the special rules for Archduke Ferdinand’s to determine Ansbach’s fate. On a roll of nario. Archduke Charles can spend 8
Command Point restrictions. 1-4, Ansbach surrenders and the province Command Points per Command Phase.
becomes friendly to the French, no Vic-
ARMY RESERVES: The French Imperial Austrian army leaders Ferdinand, Mack, and
tory Points are earned for the surrender of
Guard, Artillery Reserve, and Mameluke john can each spend 4 Command Points per
Ansbach. On a roll of 5-6, Ansbach re-
cavalry unit are French Army Reserves. All Command Phase; however, see the special
sists. In this case, the French player must
units starting under the personal command of rules section.
move any available force adjacent to the
General Mack on the Austrian Army Organi- fortress of Ansbach as soon as possible. Rutusov is the Supreme Commander for all
zation Chart are Austrian Army Reserves. Coalition forces in the scenario, outranking
This force must be large enough to either
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating besiege or assault the fortress. If Ansbach Archduke Charles. Kutusov is also Supreme
of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating is besieged, the French player must make Commander of all Russian forces. Kutusov
of all Austrian units is 2. every effort to maintain the siege until the can spend 8 Command Points per Command
fortress is taken. This rule is ignored if Phase.
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
the French player does not move any unit
tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll Russian army leaders Bennigsen and Burr-
into or through the province of Ansbach.
is 1-5, if the roll is 6, the Austrian player has howden can each spend 5 Command Points
the initiative. VICTORY: The French player wins if the per Command Phase.
French Victory Point total is at least 25 at
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts ARMY RESERVES: The French Imperial
the end of the game. If the total is less than
five complete game turns, beginning with the Guard, Artillery Reserve, and Mameluke
25, the Austrian player wins.
IV September 1805 turn and ending after the cavalry unit are French Army Reserves.
IV October turn. [19. 13] The 1805 Campaign
All units starting under the personal com-
REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- This scenario covers the entire 1805 cam- mand of General Mack on the Austrian
MENTS: As per the Army Organization paign, which culminated in the great French Army Organization Chart are Army Reserves
Charts; there are no replacements in this victory at Austerlitz. Players will find that for the Army of the Danube.
scenario. The Archduke Iohn, army leader this scenario is tensely balanced; any French All cavalry and artillery units of the Austrian
for the Austrian Army of the Tyrol, enters at victory will be hard-earned.
Army of Italy which begin under Archduke
the start of the Austrian Movement Phase on PLAYERS: The players are the French Charles’ command are Army Reserves for the
the III October turn at Innsbruck. If Inns- Army of Italy.
player and the Coalition player, controlling
bruck is French-occupied, Archduke Iohn the Austrian and Russian forces.
may be stacked with any unit of the Army of All units of the Austrian Reserve Army are
the Tyrol. MAPS: Only Map B is used for this scenario. Army Reserves for either Austrian Army.
SPECIAL RULES: TERRITORY: France, Switzerland, the MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating
Kingdom of Italy, the Grand Duchy of of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating
1. Command of the Austrian Army of the of all Austrian units is 2. The Morale Rating
Hesse, Frankfort, Baden, and Wurtemburg
Danube was split between Archduke of all Russian units is 3. The Morale Rating
are friendly to France at the start of the
Ferdinand and the more experienced
scenario. All other territory is friendly to of all Bavarian, Baden, and Wurtemburg
General Mack. Mack was officially an units is 2.
Austria at the start of the scenario, with the
advisor but had some veto power over
following exceptions: Wurzburg (neutral; it
Ferdinand. The result of this divided INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
can be entered by either side), Ansbach tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
command was dissension, delay, and
(controlled by Prussia; see special rules), and
confusion. To simulate this, Ferdinand is 1-5; if the roll is 6, the Coalition player has
any hex occupied by Bavarian strength points
and Mack, when within 8 hexes of each the initiative.
at the start of the scenario. 1'
other, can spend only 3 Command Points, SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario begins
combined, per Command Phase. When SET-UP: The French player sets up La
with the IV September 1805. It ends after
separated by more than 8 hexes, Fer- Grande Armee under Napoleon and the
the II December turn if the French invade
dinand and Mack can each spend 4 Com- Army of Italy under Massena as shown on
Ansbach (see special rules), or after the IV
mand Points per Command Phase. the French 1805 Army Organization Chart.
December turn if the French do not invade
Ferdinand and Mack must be stacked There are no French depots on the map at
together for the first three game turns. the start of the scenario.
2. The Command Phase on the IV Septem- The Coalition player sets up the Army of the
ber turn is special. All French units are

REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- chosen by the French player determines 9. The Baden and Wurtemburg divisions can
MENTS: the turn on which Kutuzov’s army will be absorbed into a French corps passing
enter the game: either III September or through their hexes on the first turn, just
The French player receives the following
IV September. If the III September as if a Transfer order had been issued.
marker is chosen, the army is considered However, the corps must have boxes open
IV September to have been on the march from Olmutz on the AOC for the leader and strength
for a full turn before the game begins. marker. On subsequent turns, these divi-
A Napoleon, one Mameluke cavalry unit,
sions can be transferred using the normal
one bridge train, enters at Strasbourg. During each friendly Movement Phase,
A Bernadotte’s corps enters at Frankfurt. the Coalition player secretly records the
movement, current location, and attrition VICTORY: The French player wins the
III October
losses of all Kutuzov’s forces. If the III game if he fulfills all the following condi-
A Augereau’s corps enters in any hex west of September marker is chosen, the Coalition tions:
the Rhine between Strasbourg and Mainz. player works out two turns of movement
*He has at least 50 Victory Points at the end
and attrition for Kutuzov’s army during
II November of the game.
the first turn.
*Vienna is occupied by a French unit, or a
A 22nd infantry division, with attached
This process is repeated before the start of French unit was the last to occupy it.
cavalry, enters at hex B3827.
the III October turn, using the Buxhow- *At least 12 Russian strength points were
The Coalition player gets the following den Entry markers, to determine when lost in battle rather than by attrition or losses
reinforcement: Buxhowden’s army arrives. from all causes (including attrition) have
reduced the Russians to fewer than 60
III October Bennigsen’s army always enters on the II
strength points.
December turn.
A Archduke ]ohn, army leader for the Aus-
trian Army of Tyrol, enters at Innsbruck. All Russian units are kept off the map and
A Russian Losses marker is used to record
Russian Losses on the-Victory Point track.
If Innsbruck is French-occupied, Arch- their locations and movements are kept
duke ]ohn may be stacked with any unit of For purposes of determining losses, any
secret until a French unit occupies a hex
the Army of the Tyrol. adjacent to a Russian’s location and the
Russian unit that cannot trace to Olmutz a
path free of French units or French cavalry
A All Russian units enter the game as rein- adjacent hexes are not separated by an
forcements; see the special rules for details ZOC’s at the end of the game is considered
unbridged major river, rough, or impass-
eliminated in battle.
on their entry. able hexside. When this condition is met,
all Russian units are placed in their If the French player cannot fulfill his victory
There are no replacements in this scenario.
proper locations on the map, and the conditions, the Coalition player wins.
SPECIAL RULES French player records Victory points for
In addition to the Victory Points awarded
Russian attrition losses.
1. All special rules from scenarios 19.11 and under the standard rules, the following also
19.12 apply to this scenario, except for Russian forces enter the game at Olmutz applies:
special rule 1 in l9._ll. unless the hex is French-occupied, if so,
2. Archduke Charles cannot issue any or- +5 Victory Points each for French occupa-
Russian units enter from any hex east of
ders, nor may any unit of the Austrian tion of Venice, Prague, or Trieste
the Morava River and north of the
Army of Italy move or attack, until one of + 15 Victory Points for French occupation
Danube River.
the events listed below has occurred. Once of Vienna
French Imperial Guard units never suffer
any of the listed events has occurred, - 5 Victory Points for Austrian occupation
attrition losses; not even from Force
Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army of Mantua H
Marching and Double Force Marching. If
of Italy functions normally for the remain- - 10 Victory Points each for Austrian occu-
a French Imperial Guard infantry unit is
der of the game. pation of Genoa or Milan
placed in the Front line, the French mo-
A Archduke Charles makes a successful — 1 Victory Points each for the loss of any
rale for that round of combat is raised
unmodified Initiative roll at the start of other city or town in the Kingdom of
from 3 to 4. The first 3 points of combat
any Command Phase. Charles may func- Italy.
losses for that round must come from the
tion normally in the same Command Imperial Guard unit. Victory points for the capture or loss of cities
Phase in which the successful roll was and towns is recorded only at the end of the
The Russian Imperial Guard raises Rus-
made. game. Cities and towns are considered occu-
A A French unit makes any kind of attack,
sian morale from 3 to 4 when placed in
pied by the country that controlled it at the
the front line, and the first 3 points of
including Skirmish Combat, against any start of the game, unless an enemy unit
combat losses for that round must come
unit of the Austrian Army of Italy. currently occupies the hex, or if the enemy
from the Russian Imperial Guard unit.
A A French unit enters any hex east of the was the last to move a unit into or through
Russian Imperial Guard units suffer
Adige River and south of Trent. the hex. Cities and towns under siege are not
attrition normally.
A A unit of La Grande Armee under Napo- considered occupied by the besieging player.
The Austrian Army of the Reserve is an
leon enters a hex east of Passau, exclusive.
army reserve for any Austrian force. They
3. The scenario ends after the II December EI8.2I I888-I88? SCENAIOS
cannot be moved until a French unit
turn if the French invade Ansbach (see
enters a hex east of Passau. The Army of [19.21] The Inna-Auerstadt Campaign,
special rules), or after the IV December
the Reserve may be commanded by any I8n8
turn if the French do not invade Ansbach.
Austrian army leader, or by Kutuzov.
4. After set-up, but before the start of the This scenario presents the brief ]ena-
Each Russian army is counted as a single.
first game turn, the Coalition player Auerstadt campaign, which annihilated
places the two Kutuzov Entry markers
corps for purposes of stacking, forage, and
Prussian military power and prestige. Players
face-down and mixes them up. The are warned that the scenario is inherently
Deroy’s Bavarian corps cannot move or
French player then chooses one without unbalanced in favor of the French, as was the
looking at it, giving it to the Coalition
attack on the first turn of the scenario. On
historical situation.
subsequent turns, it can move or attack
player. The remaining marker is set aside;
normally. PLAYERS: The players are the French
neither player looks at it. The marker
player, who controls French and French-

7 _ __ ___ YWW _ __ 1 1 7 " ' 1! T’ "" rm’ v

allied units, and the Prussian player, who SPECIAL RULES: SET-UP: The French player sets up as
controls both Prussian and Saxon forces. shown on the 1806-1807 Army Organization
1. Saxony and the Thuringian States become
Chart. One French depot is set up hex
MAPS: Maps A and B are used for this friendly to the French the moment no
scenario. However, all territories not men- Prussian units are Within their borders.
tioned below are out of play; units cannot When Saxony becomes friendly to France, The Coalition player sets Prussian and Rus-
enter those territories. ' all Saxon units are immediately removed sian forces up as shown on the 1806-1807
from play. Army Organization Charts. Prussian depots
TERRITORY: France, Belgium, Holland,
2. Army I-Iohenzollern and Army Brunswick are set up, one per hex, in A4925, A5129,
Aremberg, Friesland, Switzerland, the Ring-
are deployed secretly by the Prussian A5132, A5227, A5330, A5630, A5631,
dom of Italy, Venetia, Istria, the Electorate of
player. They may be deployed as desired A5716, A6019. Russian depots are set up,
Hesse, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Berg,
in Saxony or the Thuringian States in one per hex, in D1108, D1015, D0922.
Nassau, Frankfort, Baden, Ansbach, Bavaria,
hexes west of the River Saale. During
North Tyrol, South Tyrol, Wurzburg, and COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
each Friendly Movement Phase, the
Wurttemberg are friendly to France at the Commander for all French forces and French
Prussian player secretly records the move-
start of the scenario. allies in the scenario. Napoleon can spend 8
ment, current location, and attrition losses
Command Points in the Command Phase.
The following are friendly to Prussia: Mazo- of all Prussian forces.
via, South Prussia, West Prussia, East Prus- 3. All Prussian units are kept ofi the map Kamenskoi is the Supreme Commander for
sia, Pomerania, Brandenburg, Silesia, and their locations and movements are all Coalition forces in the scenario, until the
Hanover North, Hanover South, Mecklen- kept secret until a French unit occupies a beginning of the II Ianuary, 1807 turn, when
berg, Saxony, and the Thuringian States. hex adjacent to a Prussian’s location and he is replaced as Supreme Commander by
the adjacent hexes are not separated by an Bennigsen. Either, as Supreme Commander,
SET-UP: The French player sets up as
unbridged major river, rough, or impass- can use 8 Command Points per Command
shown on the Army Organization Charts.
able hexside. When this condition is met, Phase. All Russian army leaders can use 8
French depots are set up one per hex in
all Prussian units are placed in their Command Points per Command Phase.
hexes A2632 (Frankfurt), B3008, B3302, and
proper locations on the map, and the Lestocq is the Supreme Commander of all
French player records Victory Points for Prussian forces, but is subordinate to the
The Prussian player sets up as shown on the Prussian attrition losses. Coalition Supreme Commander. Lestocq can
Army Organization Charts. Prussian depots 4. The Prussian player receives no Com- spend 5 Command Points in the Command
are set up, one per hex, in A2918, A3524, mand Phase, Skirmish Phase, or Move- Phase.
A4421, A4925, A5129, A5330, A5227, ment Phase on the first turn.
All corps leaders, regardless of nationality,
A5529, A5631, and A5932.
VICTORY: The French player wins if the can spend 3 Command Points in the Com-
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme following conditions are met at the end of mand Phase.
Commander for all French forces and French any game turn. The Prussian player wins if
ARMY RESERVES: The Mamelukes, the
allies in the scenario. Napoleon can spend 8 the French player fails to achieve his victory
llth infantry division, Murat’s cavalry corps,
Command Points in the Command Phase. conditions:
the artillery reserve under Dommartin, and
Both Davout and Murat can serve as Army
r The French victory point total is 75 or the Imperial Guard are Army Reserve units
Leaders with 5 Command Points, but an
greater. for the French. Constantine’s corps is a
army for either would have to be created
r A supplied French unit occupies Berlin Russian Army Reserve.
through Transfer orders.
e There are fewer than 10 unrouted Prus-
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating
I-Iohenzollern is the Supreme Commander sian strength points west of the Elbe
of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating
for all Prussian forces in the scenario, with 5 River. Strength points in leaderless detach-
of all Russian units is 3. The Morale Rating
Command Points per Command Phase. ments do not count towards the 10
of all French~allied units and Prussian units
Brunswick is a separate army leader with 5 strength point limit.
is 2.
Command Points per Command Phase.
H922} The Eyiau-Friedland Campaign,
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
ARMY RESERVES: All troops attached I808-188'?
tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
directly to Napoleon, Murat’s cavalry corps,
The scenario covers the French campaign in is 1-4; if the roll is 5-6, the Coalition player
and the Imperial Guard are Army Reserve
1806-1807 against the remnants of Prussian has the initiative.
units for the French. There are no Prussian
forces and the much greater forces of Prus-
Army Reserves in this scenario. SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts
sia’s ally, Russia.
30 complete game turns, beginning with the
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating
PLAYERS: The players are the French II November 1806 turn and ending after the
of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating
player, who controls French, French-allied III Iune 1807 turn.
of all French-allied units, Prussian and Saxon
German, and Polish units, and the Coalition
player, who controls both Prussian and Rus-
MENTS: During the Supply Phase, the
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia- sian forces.
French and Russians may each replace 2
tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
NIAPS: Maps A and D are used for this infantry strength points and 1 cavalry
is 1-5; if the roll is 6, the Prussian player has
scenario. ' strength point lost from any supplied unit,
the initiative.
up to the unit’s maximum starting strength.
TERRITORY: All territory west of the Oder
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts The Prussians may replace 1 infantry
River is friendly to the French player, with
five complete game turns, beginning with the strength point lost from any supplied unit,
the exception of Silesia and Bohemia. All
I October 1806 turn and ending after the I up to the unit’s maximum strength starting
other territory is friendly to the Coalition
November turn. strength. French strength points not replaced
player, with the exception of the following
are lost. Prussian and Russian replacement
REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- neutral territories: West Galicia, Galicia, the
points not used can be accumulated to be
MENTS: There are no reinforcements or Kingdom of Hungary (all controlled by
used in later turns, but not more than 5
replacements in this scenario. Austria), and Swedish, Pomerania. Neither
points can be replaced per turn.
side can enter neutral territory.

Reinforcements enter as per the Army Orga- Germany as shown on the Army Organiza-— random manner. If only one corps re-
nization Charts. tion Chart, including the Tyrol partisans. ceives a Concentrate order, all units of
Austrian depots are set up, one per hex, in that corps must concentrate in one hex; if
B4102, B4506, and B4110. they do not; the French suffer a - 5 Vic-
l. If at any time, all opposing units are in tory Point penalty. Corps that receive a
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
Winter Quarters, the normal course of Concentrate order are also assumed to
Commander for all French forces and French
play is interrupted. Both players secretly have a March order as well. If two or
allies in the scenario. Napoleon can spend 8
write down the turn they intend to leave more leaders receive Concentrate orders,
Command Points in the Command Phase
Winter Quarters. These papers are re- they must achieve a concentration nor-
after he enters play. Until Napoleon’s entry,
vealed simultaneously. Both players re- mally; if not the normal Victory point
Berthier is the army leader of the French
ceive all reinforcements and replacements penalty applies. .
Army of Germany; see the special rules.
scheduled to arrive between the time they
Archduke Charles is the Supreme Com-
Any units not placed in command by this
entered Winter Quarters and the earlier of
procedure can attempt to use self-
the two departure dates. These reinforce- mander for all Austrian forces in the sce-
initiative to place themselves in command.
ments and replacements may be placed nario, with 8 Command Points per
directly on the map and/or distributed Command Phase. Bellegarde and Kollowrath The French player cannot voluntarily
among existing forces anywhere in may function as army leaders commanding move Berthier or any corps leader in such
friendly territory. Play then resumes with up to two corps each and using 5 Command a way as to remove a corps leader from
the start of the earlier turn written down Points per Command Phase; however, see the Berthier’s command radius.
by the players. This process may be re- special rules.
peated as many times as all opposing
This rule does not apply after the II April
ARMY RESERVES: The Imperial Guard turn.
forces are in Winter Quarters. (Remember
are Army Reserve units for the French.
the — 2 combat die roll suffered by all 2. Austrian corps leaders Bellegarde and
There are no Austrian Army Reserves in this
units forced by enemy action to leave Kollowrath may function in a manner
winter quarters). similar to army leaders. Each may com-
2. French and French-allied units cannot MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating mand his own corps and one additional
enter Russian Poland. of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating corps. Each may use up to 5 Command
of all French-allied units and Austrian units Points in each Command Phase, but
VICTORY: The French player wins the
game if at the end of any turn, all the follow-
is 2. The Morale Rating of all Tyrol parti- before spending any Command Points,
sans is l. the leader must make a successful Initia-
ing conditions are met:
tive roll, or else be placed in command by
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
@ The French Victory Point total is positive an order from Archduke Charles.
tive on the III March through II April turns
Q There are no more than three unrouted
if the Initiative die roll is 1-2. The French 3. The Tyrol partisans are placed on the
Russian divisions outside Russian territory
player wins Initiative on the III and IV April map as directed by the Army Organiza-
(Russian Poland, Old Russian Poland,
turns if the Initiative die roll is 1-4. On all tion Chart. These units have 2 Movement
other rolls, the Austrian player has the initia- Points, have a ZOC identical to that of a
If the French player does not achieve his UVC. cavalry unit, are always in command, and
victory conditions, the Coalition player wins. always in supply. They can operate only
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts
in North Tyrol and South Tyrol and
six complete game turns, beginning with the
H83} I888 SCENARIOS cannot attack in combination with Aus-
III March 1809 turn and ending after the IV
trian regular units. When stacked with
[l9.3l] The Ratisbon Campaign April 1809 turn.
Austrian regulars, partisans are ignored
This scenario presents the opening phases of REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- for all purposes; when not stacked with
the 1809 campaign between the French and MENTS: As per the Army Organization regulars, partisans attack and defend
Austrians. The French must overcome their Charts. normally.
initial disorganization and repulse strong
SPECIAL RULES: 4. French units cannot enter unfriendly
Austrian forces.
territory until an Austrian unit enters a
1. Until Napoleon’s arrival on the III April
PLAYERS: The players are the French province friendly to France or attacks
turn, Berthier is in command of the
player, who controls French and French- across the border to a province friendly to
French Army of Germany. Berthier’s
allied units, and the Austrian player, who France. This rule does not apply to Tyrol
command was historically a disaster, as his
controls both Austrian and Tyrolese partisan partisans. The rule goes out of effect on
tendency to obey Napoleon’s long~range
forces. the turn Napoleon arrives.
orders, even if inappropriate to the situa-
MAPS: Only Map B is used for this scenario. tion, was compounded by communication VICTORY: The Austrian player wins the
difficulties. This rule simulates this situa- game immediately at the moment that a
TERRITORY: France, Switzerland, the
tion. supplied Austrian unit is on the west bank of
Kingdom of Italy, Venetia, the Grand Duchy
the Rhine River. If he fails to achieve this,
of Hesse, Frankfort, Baden, Bavaria, North At the beginning of each Command Phase
Tyrol, South Tyrol, Dalmatia, Wurzburg, the Austrian player wins if the French player
of the first four turns, the French player
fails to achieve his victory conditions.
and Wurttemberg are friendly to France at must place in a cup four of each type of
the start of the scenario. movement order marker (March, Force The French player wins if the following
March, Double Force March, and Con- conditions are met at the end of the last game
All other territory is friendly to Austria.
centrate). He then draws five at random turn:
SET-UP: The French player sets up the and places one, face down, on each
s The French victory point total is greater
Army of Germany as shown on the Army French corps commander within
Organization Charts. French depots are set than zero.
Berthier’s eight-hex command radius. Any
up one per hex in hexes B2707, B3404, e There are no supplied Austrian units in
excess markers are returned to the cup.
Bavaria or west of the Bohemian border
B3309, B3609, and B3008.
These corps commanders are activated north of the Danube.
The Austrian player sets up the Army of with whatever orders they receive in this

[1932] The T808 Campaign Initiative die roll is 1-4. On all other rolls, Prussian, and Austrian units (at some point,
the Austrian player has the initiative. the French player may lose control of Prus-
This scenario begins similarly to scenario
19.31, but continues to the end of the cam» SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts sian and/or Austrian units), and the Russian
paign. player, who controls Russian units (and who
16 complete game turns, beginning with the
may gain control of Prussian and/or Austrian
III March 1809 turn and ending after the II
PLAYERS: The players are the French units during play).
iuly 1809 turn.
player, who controls French and French-
allied units, and the Austrian player, who REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- Maps C and D are used for this scenario.
controls both Austrian and Tyrolese partisan MENTS: As per the Army Organization TERRITORY: All territory not controlled by
forces. Charts; see also the special rules. the Russian player is friendly to France at
MAPS: Only Map B is used for this scenario. the beginning of the scenario. Russia controls
Russia, Russian Poland, and Old Russian
TERRITORY: France, Switzerland, the 1. All special rules from 19.31 are in effect Poland. If Austria and/or Prussia defect from
Kingdom of Italy, Venetia, the Grand Duchy in this scenario. their French alliance, the defector’s territory
of Hesse, Frankfort, Baden, Bavaria, North 2. The Austrians had large numbers of will become hostile to France and friendly to
Tyrol, South Tyrol, Dalmatia, Wurzburg, Landwehr (various militia~type troops), Russia.
and Wurttemberg are friendly to France at raised to augment the regular forces. For
the start of the scenario. SETUP: French units are set up as shown
this scenario, the Austrians are assumed to
have a pool of 35 militia strength points
on their Army Organization Charts. French
All other territory is friendly to Austria. depots are set up one per hex in hexes
that can be used as replacements for losses
SETUP: The French player sets up the in regular army units. Beginning on the I
D0110, D0221, D0502, and D0817.
French Army of Germany and the Army of May game turn, any supplied Austrian Russian units are set up as shown on their
Italy as shown on the Army Organization unit can receive strength points from this Army Organization Charts. Russian depots
Charts. French depots are set up one per hex replacement pool. Replacements are are set up, one per hex, in Cl 131, D0922,
in hexes B2707, B3404, B3309, B3609, received at the start of the Austrian Move- D1508, D2323, D2416, D2012, D1705,
B3008, B3522, and B4249. ment Phase. D2205, D2608, and D2031.
The Austrian player sets up the Austrian When distributing replacement points, Prussian and Austrian units are set up as
Army of Germany and the Army of Inner the Austrian player cannot increase a shown on the French Army Organization
Austria as shown on the Army Organization unit’s strength beyond the unit’s maxi- Charts. Austrian depots are set up one per
Chart, including the Tyrol partisans. Aus- mum starting strength. hex in hexes D0625 and D1432. There are
trian depots are set up, one per hex, in no Prussian depots on the map at the start.
The French player receives 1 Victory
B4102, B4506, B4110, B4719, B4914,
Point for every 2 strength points the COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
B51 16.
Austrian player uses from this pool (round Commander for all French, French-allied,
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme fractions in favor of the French player). Prussian, and Austrian forces in the scenario;
Commander for all French forces and French The Austrian player should keep track of he is also army leader of the Central Army.
allies in the scenario. Napoleon can spend 8 strength points used and Victory Points Use the 4-4-2 Napoleon counter in this sce-
Command Points in the Command Phase awarded. nario. Napoleon can spend 8 Command
after he enters play. Until Napoleon’s entry, 3. The French Army of Italy has no corps Points in the Command Phase. For game
Berthier is the army leader of the French structure. For purposes of foraging, any purposes, MacDonald’s corps is subordinate
Army of Germany; see the special rules. three units count as one corps. to Napoleon (historically, this was an inde-
Eugene is the army leader of the French 4. Marmont’s corps becomes part of the pendent command on the left flank of the
Army of Italy. He may use 5 Command Army of Italy automatically upon entry. Central Army). Eugene is both corps leader
Points per Command Phase. for the Fourth Corps and army leader for the
VICTORY: The Austrian player wins the
Archduke Charles is the Supreme Com- Army of Italy; he may use 5 Command
game immediately at the moment that a
mander for all Austrian forces, with 8 Com- Points per Command Phase. Ierome Bona~
supplied Austrian unit is on the west bank of
mand Points per Command Phase. parte is army leader for the Second Support
the Rhine River. If he fails to achieve this,
Bellegarde and Kollowrath may function as Army; see the special rules on Ierome.
the Austrian player wins if the French player
army leaders commanding up to two corps fails to achieve his victory conditions. Schwartzenberg is the Supreme Commander
each and using 5 Command Points per Com- for all Austrian forces in the scenario and
The French player wins if the following
mand Phase; however, see the special rules. leader of the Austrian corps, with 5 Com-
Archduke Iohn is the army leader of the
conditions are met at the end of the last game
mand Points per Command Phase.
Army of Inner Austria. I-Ie may use 5 Com-
mand Points per Command Phase. Barclay de Tolly is the Supreme Commander
e The French victory point total is 30 or
for all Russian forces in the scenario and also
ARMY RESERVES: The Imperial Guard army leader "of the First Army of the West,
A The’French occupy or were the last to
are Army Reserve units for the French. with 8 Command Points per Command
move through Vienna.
There are no Austrian Army Reserves in this Phase. Bagration is the army leader of the
scenario. . Second Army of the West, with 5 Command
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating Points per Command Phase. Tormassov is
The invasion of Russia was Nap0leon’s the army leader of the Third Army, with 5
of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating
greatest gamble, and it ultimately caused the Command Points per Command Phase.
of all French-allied units and Austrian units
downfall of the French Empire. In the game,
is 2. The Morale Rating of all Tyrol parti- During play, Kutuzov may become the Su-
the French have a chance of victory, but a
sans is l. preme Commander for all Russian forces in
French player who is afraid to risk all risks
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia- the scenario and leader of the combined First
losing his only chance.
tive on the III March through II April turns and Second Armies of the West. He may use
PLAYERS: The players are the French 8 Command Points per Command Phase.
if the Initiative die roll is 1-2. On all other
player, who controls French, French-allied,
turns, the French player wins Initiative if the

ARMY RESERVES: Any corps that consists s At least six Russian corps, stacked to- The Kingdom of Poland consists of Mazovia
entirely of cavalry and horse artillery is an gether, have attacked an equal or larger and Russian Poland. Immediately upon its
army reserve for its parent army. Units of the number of French corps, stacked together, creation, the territory of the Kingdom of
Imperial Guard (infantry, cavalry, and artil- in a single battle. Poland becomes friendly to France, and in
lery) are Army Reserve units for any French e At least six Russian corps, stacked to- the Supply Phase of the turn of creation,
army. The Russian Guard infantry, Grena- gether, have been within five hexes of an Vilna becomes a Polish depot city friendly to
dier infantry, and Guard heavy cavalry are equal or larger number of French corps at France. It retains this status until occupied
army reserves for any Russian army. the start of a French Movement Phase. by the Russians. Once created, the Kingdom
of Poland continues to exist unless con-
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating Except as noted below, the Russian player quered. It is conquered when Warsaw is
of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating keeps all markers drawn, as well as a running occupied by an enemy of France. However, if
of all French-allied units, Prussian and Aus- total of the sum (read the odd numbers). If the Kingdom of Poland is conquered, all of
trian units is 2. The Morale Rating of Rus- this sum reaches the number on the Russian its forces already in existence continue to
sian units (except Cossacks) is 3. The Morale Peace Level marker drawn under special rule fight for France.
Rating of Cossack units is 2. 1, the game ends in a French victory. ‘
At the beginning of the French Movement
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia- The Russian player can discard one marker, Phase in the 13th game turn after the crea-
tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll chosen randomly, for each Russian town or tion. of the Kingdom of Poland, the French
is 1-3; if the roll is 4-6, the Russian player city recaptured from the French. receive the following additional forces: Polish
has the initiative. This rule is no longer in effect the moment infantry divisions 5, 6, and 7 (10 strength
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario begins that any of the following occurs: points each); one Polish dragoon division (4
with the IV ]une 1812 turn. If the French strength points); one Polish field artillery
t A supplied Russian unit has ended a game unit (1 strength point). These units enter at
player opts for a one-year campaign, it ends turn in Warsaw
after the IV December 1812 turn. If the Warsaw, Vilna, any French depot in Poland,
t Austria or Prussia has defected from its or any combination of these at the French
French player opts for a two»-year campaign, French alliance
it ends after the IV September 1813 turn, player’s choice.
t Play reaches the beginning of the I ]anu-
unless one of the player wins a victory prior ary 1813 turn If the Kingdom of Poland is created, Austria
to that turn. 3. Burning Moscow: If the Russian player and Prussia immediately become neutral.
REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- draws a Moscow Burns marker, he keeps 6. Prussia and Austria: Prussia and Austria
MENTS: As shown on the Army Organiza- it hidden until the moment a French unit were unwilling allies of Napoleon in the
tion Charts. enters Moscow. He then reveals it. At that campaign against Russia. The willingness
moment, Moscow ceases to exist as a city of these countries to maintain the alliance
SPECIAL RULES: and as a supply city. For foraging pur- depends upon the French Victory Point
l. Russian Peace Level: Prior to the start of poses, it is considered permanently De- total, the number of French or French-
play, the Russian player places all of the pleted. allied corps (non-Austrian and non-
Russian Peace Level markers in a cup, 4. Two-Year Campaign: In a one-year cam- Prussian) maintained outside Russia, and
mixes them thoroughly, and blindly draws paign (ending after IV December 1812), the attitude of the other reluctant partner.
one, marking sure that the French player the French player must either force a The French player checks the status of
does not see it. This marker is placed face- Russian surrender under special rules 1 Prussia and Austria at the end of each
down and the other is set aside. The and 2 or accept, at best, a draw. If the turn by rolling two dice, applying any
Peace Level marker drawn is used in French player chooses a two-year cam- appropriate modifiers, and consulting the
conjunction with the Russain Surrender paign, he substitutes the victory condi- chart. The French player makes a separate
rule, a special victory condition. tions below for special rules l and 2. If a roll for each power, Prussia first, Austria
2. Russian Surrender: Prior to the start of two-year campaign is chosen, the Russian second.
play, the Russian player places all of the player automatically wins if the French Status ndified
Dice eII
Moscow Burns markers in a cup, along player has not fulfilled his victory condi-
with several strength markers: ten l’s, ten tions by the end of the IV September Prussia Loyal . 13 or less
3’s, ten 5’s, ten 7’s, and seven 9’s, in a 1813 game turn. Prussia Neutral 14 to 16
cup and mixes them thoroughly. During Prussia Hostile 17 or more
In a two-year campaign, the French player
play, he will have to draw markers blindly can recreate the Kingdom of Poland, thus Austria Loyal 15 or less
from the cup when certain events occur. shortening his supply lines and also gain- Austria Neutral 16 to 18
The events, and the number of markers to ing additional units for a campaign in Austria Hostile 19 or more
be drawn for each one are: 1813. Modifiers: The dice roll is modified as fol-
Event Number ef Markers The French player must decide the length lows:
French unit first enters Russian of the campaign by the start of the I
city or town l October 1812 game turn. French Yietery
French unit first enters Moscow 3 Paints Diee Rnii editier
Each battle in which a Russian 5. The Kingdom of Poland: The French
force suffers a Routed player can declare the re-establishment of 20 ormore
or Withdraw result l the Kingdom of Poland if all the follow- 15 to l9 —
Each complete turn ended before ing conditions are met: 10 to 14 -
the Russians “offering battle” 6to9 -
t The French player has chosen to fight a lto5 - P—'bJL)~J|-P-U1
to the Frenchi l two-year campaign I 0 0
1' For this rule, any unit hostile to the Rus- e There are no Russian units in Mazovia or -lto -l0 +1
sian and controlled by the French player is Russian Poland at the time of Poland’s -llto -20 +2
considered French. The Russian player has recreation r:-21 to -30 +3
offered battle when neither of these condi- r Prussia and Austria are allied to France at -31 to -40 +4
tions has been met: the time of Poland’s re-creation ~:"4l orless +5

A For every supplied French or French- ing and supply as long as Prussia is allied of any hex on Map B with an I.D. number
allied corps (non-Prussian and non- with France. ending in xx14.
Austrian) on the map outside of Russia: 10. Kzrruz0"o.: The Russian player can choose
— l per corps to make Kutuzov the Russian Supreme TERRITORY: All territory east of the Elbe
t Other nation already Neutral: -I" 2 River outside of Bohemia is friendly to
Commander, by removing Barclay de
r Other nation already Hostile: + 3 Tolly from command (he goes out of France. Saxony is allied to, and friendly to,
e Kingdom of Poland created: automatic play), demoting Bagration to corps France. Bavaria is friendly to France. Silesia
Neutrality for both leader, and combining the First and from the 5200 hexrow west is friendly to
Second Armies of the West, naming
France. Hexes occupied by French units are
If Prussia or Austria become neutral, control friendly to France. All other territory is
Kutuzov as leader of the combined
of the neutral forces immediately reverts to friendly to the Coalition (including Bohemia
armies. This can be done in any Com-
the Russian player, who must move them as and Swedish Pomerania).
mand Phase starting with the I Septem-
quickly as possible by normal March orders
towards their home countries. The Russian ber l8l2 turn. SET-UP: French units are set up as shown
player cannot attack these forces, use them to ll. Barclay and Bagrarion: Bagration de- on their Army Organization Charts. French
make attacks, nor use them as detachments to tested Barclay’s strategy of methodical depots are set up one per hex in hexes
occupy foreign territory. Once these forces retreat and disliked Barclay personally. A2619, A2918, A3824, A3926, A4217,
reach their home territories in a condition of To reflect the effects this sometimes had A4228, A4421, A4925, B3002, and B3609.
Neutrality, they will not leave again unless on command decisions, units of the First Coalition units are set up as shown on their
the owning country becomes hostile to and Second Armies of the West cannot Army Organization Charts. Austrian depots
France. be Concentrated together as long as are set up, one per hex, in A4332, B4509 and
If Prussia or Austria becomes hostile to Barclay leads the First Army. B4610. Prussian depots are set up, one per
France, the hostile forces are controlled by VICTORY: If the French player chose a one- hex, in A5129 and A5227. A Russian depot
the Russian player, and may be used nor- year campaign, he wins if he can force a is set up in A5618.
mally to attack French and French-allied Russian surrender (see special rules 1 and 2). COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
forces; French troops can attack them as In the one-year scenario, the Russian player Commander for all French, and French-allied
well. Once a state of hostilities begins, the wins if there are no supplied French or forces. Use the 4-4-2 Napoleon counter in
territory belonging to the newly-hostile French-allied units in Russia at the end of this scenario. Napoleon can spend 8 Com-
power becomes friendly to the Russian the IV December 1812 turn. Any other result mand Points in the Command Phase. Ney
player. A state of hostilities with France is is a draw. can function as a separate army leader with 5
irreversible once it begins. Command Points per Command Phase, if the
7. Adjustment of Forage Markers." At the If the French chose a two-year campaign, the
French win if at any time before the end of French player decides to create a second
beginning of the I May 1813 game turn, if army. Davout is an independent who func-
the game still continues, all Foraged
the IV September if the following conditions
tions like a normal corps leader (a successful
markers are removed. All Depleted mark- are met:
Initiative roll is needed each turn to place
ers are flipped to their Foraged side. e The French occupy Moscow and one of him in command.
However, if Moscow has been burned, it the following two: St. Petersburg, Kiev.
remains Depleted. * The French Victory Point total is higher Wrede is an army leader for the Bavarian
8. jerome Bonaparte: Ierome is the army than zero. force which starts on Map B. He has 3 Com-
leader for the Second French Support e No hostile forces are inside French-allied mand Points per Command Phase.
Army. This rule reflects his usually unsat- territory. There is no Supreme Commander for the
isfactory conduct in that command: Coalition. Each army is led by the leader
The Russian player wins in a two-year sce- named on the Army Organization Charts.
At the start of each Command Phase, the
nario if the French player fails to achieve his Command Points are as follows: Schwartzen-
French player must make an Initiative roll
victory conditions. berg 8; Blucher 8; Bernadotte 55 Bennigsen
for jerome. A successful roll means that
Ierome can function normally, using up to 5. The Coalition’s independent formations
BABE TE ISIS DRESDEN-EYLAIJ function like normal corps.
5 Command Points. A failed roll means
that Ierome cannot use any Command Barclay, Wittgenstein, Langeron, and Win-
Points, and that no unit of ]erome’s com- This scenario presents the massive 1813 zingerode are attached to their respective
mand can use self-initiative to place itself campaign. In the first half of 1813, the Rus- army leaders as commanders of the Russian
in command. sian and Prussian forces drove the remnants forces attached to those armies. They have no
If Ierome fails the Initiative roll for three of Napoleon’s armies from the Russian fron- Command Points unless Austria becomes
tier to beyond the Elbe. Napoleon, hastily neutral. If this happens, Barclay takes com-
consecutive Command Phases, the French
raising new forces, struck back against the mand of the remaining forces of the Army of
player may remove him as army leader (in
this case, Ierome goes out of play). ]ero- exhausted Allies, driving them nearly to their Bohemia and has 8 Command Points.
me’s replacement will be another French original positions. Both sides needed an
armistice to regroup and recruit. Austria Before spending any Command Points to
corps leader (one of XXXX rank, if availa- give an order to a Russian unit, Schwartzen-
entered the war on the Allied side. Then
ble). The new leader may either retain berg, Blucher, and Bernadotte must first
command of his own corps, in addition to
began the massive campaign which was the
end of the Empire. The French loss in 1813 spend one Command Point “conferring”
that of the Second Support Army, or turn with their Russian assistants. This confer-
command of the corps to the senior divi- led inevitably to the campaign of 1814.
ence requires only one Command Point per
sion leader, the one with the lowest sen- PLAYERS: The players are the French Command Phase.
iority number. player, who controls French and French-
9. MacDonald’s Corps: MacDonald’s corps, allied units, and the Coalition player, who ARMY RESERVES: All Guard and Grena-
though it contains Prussian units, is con- controls Prussian, Austrian, Russian, Swed- dier units, and any corps consisting solely of
sidered French for purposes of forag- ish, and other Coalition units. cavalry and horse artillery, are Army Reserve
units for their respective armies.
MAPS: Maps A and B are used for this
scenario. However, no unit can move south

MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating to the Coalition and Napoleon’s first abdica- SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts
of all French units and Russian units (except tion. Like the 1806 scenario, this scenario is 13 turns. It begins with the I Ianuary 1814
Cossacks) is 3. The Morale Rating of all unbalanced; this time the historical situation turn and ends after the I April 1814 turn.
other units (including Cossacks) is 2. favors the Coalition. The game may end earlier due to a Coalition
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia- PLAYERS: The players are the French
tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll player, who controls the French forces, and REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE-
is l-3; if the roll is 4-6, the Coalition player the Coalition player, who controls Prussian, MENTS: Reinforcements enter as shown on
has the initiative. Austrian, Russian, and other Coalition units. the Army Organization Charts.
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts a MAPS: Maps A and B are used for this In addition, the French receive 4 infantry
full l0 turns. It begins with the III August scenario. ' replacement points and 1 cavalry replace-
1813 turn and ends after the IV October ment point in the first weekly turn of each
TERRITORY: Belgium, France, the King-
1813 turn.-' _ -. month. These may be added to supplied
dom of Italy, and Switzerland are friendly to
French units at the end of the Supply Phase.
REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- France. All other territory is friendly to the
Replacement points cannot be used to in-
MENTS: As shown on the Army Organiza- Coalition player.
crease a unit’s strength beyond its original
tion Charts. SET-UP: French units are set up as shown maximum strength. -
SPECIAL RULES: on their Army Organization Charts. French
The Coalition powers receive replacement
depots are set up one per hex in hexes points each turn as follows:
1. If the French Victory Point total reaches A1331, A1530, B1121, B1405, B1411,
50, Austria becomes neutral, as does all B1705, and B1719. e Russians: 5 infantry, 1 cavalry
Austrian territory. All Austrian forces are e Prussians: 3 infantry, l cavalry
removed from play. Units cannot enter or Coalition units are set up as shown on their e Austrians: None
trace supply through Austria. Army Organization Charts. Austrian depots
2. If the French Victory Point total reaches are set up, one per hex, in B2212, B3008, SPECIAL RULES: '
— 30, Bavaria becomes neutral, as does all B3609, B3806, and B4509. Prussian depots At the end of each turn in which the French
Bavarian territory. All Bavarian forces are are set up, one per hex, in A1929, A2030,
Victory Point is --25 or less, every French
removed from play. Units cannot enter or A2224, A2632, A2923, A2927, A3524, and
corps leader that is not within 4 hexes of
trace supply through Bavariaf A3727. There are no Russian depots initially
Napoleon but within 2 hexes of a Coalition
3. Bavarian units cannot enter Austrian in play.
corps or army leader, the French corps leader
territory until the French Victory Point must make a special die roll. If the roll is
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
total reaches 30. Austrian units cannot Commander for all French forces. Use the higher than the French corps leader’s Initia-
enter Bavarian territory until the French 4-4-2 Napoleon counter in this scenario. tive Rating, the French corps leader is re-
Victory Point total reaches 30. (Histori- Napoleon can spend 8 Command Points in moved from play, and all units under his
cally, neither Bavaria nor Austria were the Command Phase. Augereau is the army command and within his Command Radius
enthusiastic about waging war against one leader of the Army of Lyons, with 5 Com- are removed from play. (The corps leader is
another at this time. mand Points per Command Phase. considered to have mutinied and surrendered
4. Hiller’s corps cannot leave Vienna unless his corps to the Coalition).
the province of Austria is entered by There is no overall Supreme Commander for
enemy units. the Coalition. Schwartzenberg is Supreme VICTORY: The Coalition player Wins imme-
5. Britain backed a very mixed multi- Commander of all Austrian forces and leader diately if the following conditions are met at
national force called Corps Walmoden. of the Army of Bohemia; he can spend 5 the end of any game turn:
This corps can trace supply up to 8 hexes Command Points in the Command Phase.
e The French Victory Point total is -" 25 or
to any friendly port, within the normal Blucher is Supreme Commander of all Prus-
supply restrictions. Prussia controls Corps sian forces and leader of the Army of Silesia; e Paris is occupied by one or more supplied
Walmoden. It functions as an independent he can spend 5 Command Points in the
Coalition strength points
corps; it operates by self-initiative or by Command Phase. Barclay is army leader of
direct order of the supreme commander. the Russian corps; he can spend 5 Command The French player wins if the Coalition
Points in the Command Phase. Bernadotte is player fails to achieve his victory conditions.
VICTORY: Th'e'F-r.ench player wins if the
the leader of the Army of the North; he can
French Victory Point t'o‘tal'-is 75 or higher at
spend 5 Command Points in the Command ETSJIE THE ATELOOCAPATGN
the end of the game. The French player gets
10 Victory Points if he occupies Berlin at the This special, short scenario presents the
end of the game. Note that the Russians are often grouped famous campaign which culminated in the
into “super corps”; e.g. Winzingerode’s Battle of Waterloo and the final destruction
The Coalition player» wins if the French of Napoleon’s empire.
corps. These are each treated as one corps for
Victory Point total is a negative number at command purposes.
the end of the game. Occupation of Leipzig PLAYERS: The players are the French
and/or Magdeburg by the Coalition player at ARMY RESERVES: All cavalry corps are player, who controls the French forces, and
the end of the game costs the French player 5 Army Reserve units for their respective the Coalition player, who controls Prussian
Victory Points for each. armies. All unattached divisions are Army and Anglo-Allied forces.
Reserves for the French.
Any other result is a draw. However, if the MAPS: Map B is used for this scenario.
Frenrih do not win, the Coalition player has MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating Hexes east of hexrow 1800 are not in play.
succeeded in the historical sense. The burden of all French units is 3. The Morale Rating
TERRITORY: All territory except France is
of attack was on Napoleon. of all other units is 2. friendly to the Coalition.
INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
518.8] TT-TE TST4 CAMPATGN TN SET-UP: French units are set up as shown
tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
FANCE on the Army Organization Charts. No
is 1-3; if the roll is 4-6, the Coalition player
French depots are in play; see the special
This scenario presents the decisive 1814 has the initiative.
campaign, which resulted in the fall of Paris

i _ 777 W 7 _

Coalition units are set up as shown on their

Army Organization Charts. No Coalition
depots are in play; see the special rules.
COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
Commander for all French forces. Use the
4-4-2 Napoleon counter in this scenario.
Napoleon can spend 8 Command Points in ta. onucr narios; see the Sequence of Play. Powers
friendly to France move and attack when the
the Command Phase. up
cant French do. Powers hostile to France move
There is no overall Supreme Commander for and attack together. Neutrals always move
the Coalition. Wellington is Supreme Com- last.
The Grand Campaign games present the full
mander of the Anglo-Allied army; he can scope of political, diplomatic, and military There is a Monthly Interphase between the
spend 8 Command Points in the Command conflict in the years 1805-1815. Accordingly, IV turn of each month and the I turn of the
Phase. Blucher is Supreme Commander of all a Grand Campaign game is both longer and following month.
Prussian forces; he can spend 5 Command more complex than the scenarios players
Points in the Command Phase. There is also a Quarterly Interphase between
have encountered so far. It is strongly recom- the IV March turn and the I April turn,
ARMY RESERVES: All French cavalry mended that players not attempt a Grand between the IV Iune turn and the I Iuly
corps, the Imperial Guard, and all troops Campaign scenario before playing at least the turn, and between the IV September turn
commanded directly by Napoleon are Army 1805 campaign scenario, the Eylau-Friedland and the I October turn. There is no Quar-
Reserves for the French army. Uxbridge’s campaign scenario, and the 1812 or 1813 terly Interphase between December and
cavalry corps is an Army Reserve for the scenarios. Ianuary. If both a monthly and a quarterly
Anglo-Allied army. The Prussian army has The Grand Campaign game is presented in interphase are scheduled between two turns,
no Army Reserve. three scenarios. The first covers the rise of the monthly interphase is performed first.
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating Napoleon and the French Empire in the [21 . 1 l] The Sequence of Play for Monthly
of all French and British units is 3. The years 1805-1807. The second portrays the and Quarterly lnterphases is as follows:
Morale Rating of all other units is 2. overextension of the Empire in 1812 and its
subsequent collapse in 1813-1814. Finally, T. nnthiy
INITIATIVE: The French player automati- the entire period 1805-1815 is presented as a
cally has Initiative. i. Dipiornacy Phase: The players simulta-
single scenario for those with stout hearts, neously conduct negotiations as per 27.0,
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario lasts 1 large tables, and a place free from children Diplomacy.
turn, the II lune 1815 turn. and small animals. 2. Repiacernent Phase: The players si-
REINFORCEMENTS AND REPLACE- Each Grand Campaign scenario is playable multaneously place replacement units on
MENTS: There are no reinforcements or by two to four players. One player is always the map, as per 25.0 Replacements.
replacements in this scenario. the French. In a two-player game, the other 3. Depot Phase: A major power that is not
player controls all the Coalition forces. In a at war can construct depots, as per 26.0
SPECIAL RULES: three-player game, one controls both the both Building New Units.
1. All units are automatically in supply at all the Prussian and Russian forces, while the 4. Optional Movement Phase: Countries
times in this scenario. third player handles the Austrian forces. In a at peace can move units that did not move
2. This scenario is played in “impulses” four-player game, the fourth player is the in any of the four preceding weekly turns
instead of game turns. An impulse is Prussian player. as per 21.12. Movement of forces at peace
identical to a game turn with the follow- is conducted in the following order: Prus-
Victory conditions in Grand Campaign sce- sia, Russia, Austria, France. -
ing exceptions: ' narios vary from scenario to scenario.
e There is no Skirmish Phase. 5. Declaration of War Phase: All powers
at peace simultaneously reveal all declara-
e There is no Supply Phase.
e The normal movement allowances for an
at. AND PC tions of war.
impulse are: GENERAL RULE TI. Quarteriy interphase
Infantry and Field Artillery: 1
Cavalry and Horse Artillery: 2 A state of War exists when any one of the The players receive Resource Points and
e Double Force Marches cannot be used four major powers (France, Austria, Prussia, Replacement Points. They construct and
e The maximum number of Advance Points and Russia) has declared war on another of place on the map and on their Army Organi-
that can be received as a result of combat the major powers, or upon a minor power or zation Charts new units, as per 26.0 Building
is l. province. New Units.
e A Routed unit’s retreat is limited to its Powers at war conduct war turns, which are [2l.l2] The player controlling a major or
impulse movement allowance. very similar to the normal game turn, already minor power or province at peace while one
3. The game turn consists of 5 impulses. covered in the rules. If all powers are at or more other powers are at war can choose
VICTORY: The French player wins if the peace, the game is played in monthly Peace to have his units move during the Movement
majority of the strength points in both the Turns until at least one major power is at Phase of each weekly game turn; if he does
Prussian and Anglo-Allied armies are Routed war. Peace affects the movement, supply, and so, he moves in the Second Player Movement
at the end of the turn, and a majority of the attrition of military units. The ability of Phase after all powers at war have moved in
French strength points are not routed. The Austria, Prussia, and Russia to decide be- that phase. Neutral units moved in this phase
Coalition player wins if the majority of the tween war and peace is affected by the Politi- are moved in the following order: Prussia,
strength points in the French army are cal Index (see 22.0). Austria, Russia, France; minor power units
Routed at the end of the turn, and a majority move at the same time as the major power
of the Anglo-Allied and Prussian strength tam} wan runns AND run that controls them. Alternatively, a neutral
points are not routed. Any other outcome is a Monrntv rnrnnrnasn power may choose not to move any of its
draw. units until the Monthly Interphase. During
Game turns for countries at war are identical
to the weekly turns used in the shorter sce-

the Monthly Interphase, the neutral power’s ment, or because of its status on the Political themselves which peace conditions will be
units may move up to four times their nor- Index (see 22.5). imposed.
mal movement rate (based on a March order).
[21.45] Minor powers and provinces, regard- [2l.62] Surrender: When a major power is
The units of a neutral power cannot be
less of their neutrality or alliance status, forced to surrender by the Political Index the
moved into hexes that are not friendly to that
cannot declare war; they go to war only when result is the same as the Offer Peace result
their controlling major power declares war, but with the following exceptions:
or when they suddenly find themselves con-
521.23 PEACE runs trolled by a major power already at war, or 1. The French player must accept a surren-
The Campaign Game is played in Peace when they are attacked. der.
Turns when all powers are at peace. A Peace 2. The French player may impose three
{21.46] For the effects of a declaration of war
Turn is identical to a Monthly Interphase conditions from the Peace Conditions list,
upon minor countries and provinces, see
and follows an identical Sequence of Play. As including the Garrison condition.
long as all powers are at peace, the game 3. The French player may impose an alli-
continues with one Peace Turn following ance on the surrendered power.
another. Quarterly Interphase occur at the
end of March, the end of Iune, and the end [21.63] Other" Peace Terms: As already
[2l.5l] In all Grand Campaign scenarios, the
noted, France and the-other major powers
of September. French Victory Point total begins at 0.
can at any time decide to make peace be-
[2l.52] The French Victory Point total is tween themselves (unless the Political Index
reset at O every time France makes peace specifies otherwise). All that is required is
[2l.3l] The player controlling the forces of a with a major power. mutually agreeable terms. The Political
major or minor power at peace may choose to Index never applies to wars the non-French
[2l.53] The French Victory Point total is
move those forces during the weekly turn, if powers (Austria, Prussia, Russia) fight among
reset at 0 every time France declares war on a
any powers are at war, or during the themselves, although they can use the Peace
1'I121]OI' POWEI.
Monthly Interphase (see 21.12). Conditions list if they choose.
[21.54] The French Victory Point total is
[21.32] The forces of a power at peace are
reset at 0 every time a major power declares [ELIE TT-TE PEACE CONDTTTONS LTST
always in supply in friendly territory, with-
war on France. It is possible for the total to
out the need for depots, supply units, or 1. Free Passage: At any time France is at
be reset in the middle of a war if France is at
foraging; they never suffer attrition. war, French units can freely pass through
war with several major powers.
[21.33] Units belonging to a power at peace the coerced major power’s home country
cannot enter a hex not friendly to them, [2115] MAKING PEACE and controlled minor power and prov-
unless they are evacuating unfriendly terri- inces. French units may construct depots
tory at the conclusion of a war following a
Players can make peace on mutually accept- in these areas, placing Foraged or De-
able terms (especially if the Political Index pleted markers as usual, but French units
peace agreement.
Marker is in a “Free” box on the War Politi- cannot forage for supply in these areas.
[21.4] DECLARATIONS OF WAR cal Index). However, a Coalition player may French units may stack with units of the
be forced to accept a peace dictated by the coerced power without penalty (except for
During the War Declaration Phase of each French because of the “Offer Peace” and unstacking penalties while moving) as
Monthly Interphase or Peace Turn, each “Surrender” results on the Political Index. A long as the coerced power is not itself at
major power simultaneously reveals any power forced to make peace is called a “co- war. All territorycontrolled by the co-
declarations of war. (Players should jot down erced” power. erced power is considered friendly to
their intensions on paper, then reveal them at France. This condition remains in effect
[2l.6l] OiTer Peace: When Russia, Prussia,
the proper time.) until the coerced power is again at war
or Austria are forced by the Political Index to
[2l.4l] A major power can declare war upon offer peace to France, and the French player with France.
another major power, or upon a neutral 2. Cession: The coerced power cedes to
accepts, the following effects occur immedi-
minor power or province, or upon a minor ately:
France one or two of the minor powers or
power or province not allied to itself. When a provinces the coerced power controls; how-
l. The coerced power’s Political Index ever, see below. The French player chooses
major power declares war, all minor powers
marker is moved into the peace row on whether one or two will be ceded, and
allied to that minor power and all provinces
the index. which powers or provinces they will be.
controlled by that major power automatically
join in the declaration of war.
2. The player controlling the coerced power These minor powers or provinces immedi-
must remove all units under his control ately come under French control and be-
[21.42] Prussia, Austria, or Russia cannot from all minor powers and provinces come friendly to France. A minor power
declare war upon either of the other two either controlled or contested by France, ceded becomes immediately pro-French.
while at war with France. None of these can as defined in 23.0, Minor Powers. The French player cannot choose for cession
declare war upon France while at war with 3. The French player may impose two con- any province listed on the Minor Powers
either of the other two. ditions from the Peace Conditions list, but and Provinces Chart as home country prov-
[21.43] A major power cannot move its forces
cannot choose the Garrison condition. inces of the coerced power.
into the territory of provinces or provinces
4. The coerced player must choose a third 3. eparatiens:The coerced power must
controlled by another major power or into condition from the Peace Conditions list pay to France up to a maximum of one-
the territory of a neutral minor power, with- to be imposed upon himself. half of the coerced power’s Quarterly
5. Neither France nor the coerced power can Interphase Resource Point income for a
out first declaring war upon the major or
declare war on one another for two years maximum of two years (24 turns). The
minor power whose territory is being vio-
lated, or by receiving permission to enter
(24 months). This would not prevent French player chooses the amount that
from the major power whose territory is either of them from waging war against must be paid and the time period of pay-
other major powers. ment. Payments must be made during
being entered.
The French player and the coerced player every Quarterly Interphase, before any
[2l.44] A major power may be unable to other economic activity by the coerced
may have a short time (5 minutes is recom-
declare war because of an earlier peace settl power.
mended as a maximum) to decide between

i f if m _7 7

4. Fenced isbandrnent:The French major powers may be forced to make peace attack on the other, and all sieges are ended
player may demand the disbandment of with France. with the fortresses still in the hands of the
one or two corps belonging to the coerced besieged; the besiegers must retreat to the
power. The units and leaders of the dis- PROCEDURE hex they occupied immediately before enter-
banded corps are immediately removed ing the fortress hex. Neither player’s forces
The Political Index is printed on the map.
from play. The disbanded units and lead- can enter a hex friendly to the other party of
One marker each for Russia, Austria, and
ers cannot be built until the coerced the armistice. The French player can demand
Prussia is placed in the box on the Political
power is again at war with France, or that the power offering the armistice remove
Index specified in the Grand Campaign
until France gives permission for rebuild- all its units from any one contested minor
scenario instructions. During the course of
ing them. power or province (a minor power or prov-
play, various events or conditions cause the
5. Rniiding Tiinitatien: The coerced markers to move to the left or right on the
ince in which they both have units); in this
power is prohibited from building any case, the other party must comply as immedi-
Political Index. The box occupied by a major
new units during the next one or two ately as possible. If France accepts the armi-
power’s marker on the Political Index indi-
Quarterly Interphases (French player’s stice, the armistice must be observed by both
cates its current political status and its ability
choice). During this time period, the players for at least four game turns. After
to declare war.
coerced power cannot loan or give any four turns, the armistice can be extended by
Resource Points to any other power with- mutual agreement (indefinitely, if desired) or
out the approval of the French player. If hostilities can be resumed by either power.
this condition is combined with the Garri- The Political Index contains two horizontal An armistice does not put either power in-
son condition, the coerced power cannot rows of boxes. A major power’s marker is volved at peace with the other; it merely
build units in any home country province always in the top “Peace” row when the restricts movement and attacks.
unless that province either has no French major power is at peace with France. A major
[22.25] fiiier Peace: The major power must
strength points there, or unless the co- power’s marker is always in the bottom
offer to make peace with the French player.
erced power already has enough strength “War” row when the major power is at war
If the French player accepts this offer, the
points there to outnumber the French with France. The marker is moved directly
French player can dictate peace terms (see
strength points in the province. up or down when the power either goes to
21.61). The major power must offer to make
6. Qentinentai Rystetn: The coerced war or makes peace with France.
peace every time its marker is moved into an
power cannot collect Resource Points “Offer Peace” box.
from ports in its home country or from E2223 FQTTTTQAL INDEX SXER
minor powers or provinces under its [22.26] Rnrrender: The major power must
Each box on the Political Index contains a
control. In addition, the coerced power immediately surrender to the French (see
word or phrase summarizing the current
cannot receive any subsidies from Britain. 21.62).
political status of the major power whose
This condition remains in effect until the
marker occupies the box. The effects of that
coerced power is again at war with [223] MOVEMENT OF TNDEX
status take place immediately, as soon as the
marker is moved into the box. The full mean-
7. Garrison: All territories controlled by
ing of each box is as follows: While a major power is a war with France,
the coerced power, including minor its marker on the Political Index is moved as
powers and provinces, are considered [22.2l] Free: The major power is free to
follows. The marker is moved immediately
friendly to France in both peace and war. declare war, upon France or French-
when the situation applies.
A coerced power subject to this condition controlled minor power or province.
is not necessarily allied with France, the [2231] Uccnpying Towns and Cities
[22.22] Neutrai: The major power is unable
coerced power can be neutral in a war
to declare war upon France, upon any major s When French or French-allied forces first
between France and another major power.
power that has a written treaty of alliance or occupy the power’s capital: 1 box to the
French units can move through such right.
forced alliance with France, or upon any
territories, as in Free Passage. French
minor power or province allied with, or s When supplied, friendly Coalition forces
units can forage in such territories at any
controlled by, France. occupy any town or city in France: 1 box
time, and can garrison any fortresses in to the left.
such territories. A coerced power sub- [22.23] Forced Alliance: The major power
jected to this condition cannot declare war is allied with France (regardless of the wishes [22.32: French Victory Point Eeveis
on France, regardless of the position of its of the other players). The coerced major
e + 30: 1 box to the right
marker on the Political Index, unless at power cannot declare war on France; it must
s +1111): 1 box to the right
least one home country province contains declare war on all powers on which France @ + 511': 1 box to the right
no French units or strength points, or _ declares war, and against all powers which @ + '75: 2 boxes to the right
unless the coerced power has more declare war on France. Further, the coerced @ -30: 1 box to the left
strength points in all home country prov- power must furnish units for the use of the % -40: 1 box to the left
inces than France has. If this condition is French player as the French player sees fit. @ - 50: I. box to the left
combined with the Building Limitation, These units must have a combined strength @ - 75: 2'boxes to the left
the latter is expanded in effect (see above). point total of 50 strength points (or as close
to 50 as the coerced power is able to get), [22.33] Armistice and Peace
aa. unless the French player is willing to accept
less. The coerced power determines which
s When another major power at war with
France offers peace or surrenders: 2 boxes
types of units are provided. The French
to the right.
GENERAL RULE player can freeiy include such units in
s When the French player offers any power
French corps, under French command.
The Political Index controls the ability of at war with France an armistice: l box to
Russia, Austria, and Prussia to declare war [2224] Qiier Armistice: The major power the left.
on France and French-controlled or French- must immediately offer the French an armi-
[2234] Emergency firaft (see 25.5)
allied minor powers. The Political Index also stice. If the French player accepts, France
determines when and to what degree these ' and the other major power immediately cease s When another major power declares an
hostilities. Neither can make any type of emergency draft: 1 box to the right.

e When the French player declares an emer- [23.i[ F®i_.TTTCAL STATUS AN aggressor major power (assuming that the
gency draft: 1 box to the left. CQNTRUT. ®F MINOR PQES two major powers are not at war with each
AN FUFTNCES other). If the allied major power is unable or
[22.4[ SFEENT
TN unwilling to intervene, the minor power or
Minor powers are independent countries.
FEACE province becomes allied to any major power
They may be independent and allied to a
While a major power is at peace with France, major power, independent and neutral, or that intervenes, in the descending order of
its marker on the Political index is moved as annexed by a major power or minor power. preference on the Minor Powers and Prov-
follows. The marker is moved immediately The status of each minor power at the start inces Chart. if no major power intervenes, or
when the situation applies. of each scenario is given in the scenario rules. if no major power is at war with the aggres-
sor, the invaded minor power or province
[22.41] narteriyinterphases: [23.11[ Minor powers allied to a major power becomes neutral with regard to all major
e March/April; 1 box to the left. are controlled for all purposes by the major powers except the aggressor. The defense of
e September/October: 1 box to the left, power player. The player moves and attacks the invaded power or province is conducted
unless the major power is beingigarrisoned with its forces, builds new units for the by the allied major power player (if the allied
by France. minor country using its Resource and Re- power intervenes), or by the player whose
placement Points, and treats the minor major power is given preference on the Mi-
[22.42] ar and Feace:
power’s territory as friendly to the major nor Powers and Provinces Chart.
e When another major power declares war
power he controls. The minor power’s units
on France: 1 box to the left. This applies [23.22] When a major power declares war on
can be incorporated into the major power’s
each time a major power declares war on an unallied minor power or province, any
corps and armies. As long as the minor
France. and all other major powers may intervene.
power’s units are fully built and at full
e When France, at war, has - 75 Victory The minor power or province allies with the
strength, any leftover Resource and Replace-
Points: 2 boxes to the left. intervening major power given the highest
ment Points can be donated from the minor
e When France declares war on a major preference on the Minor Powers and Prov-
power to the controlling major power. The
power, that power only: all the way to the inces Chart. If no major power intervenes,
minor power’s political status in regard to
left. This not apply if the other major the defense of the invaded country is con-
France is the same as that of the major power
power first declares war on France or on ducted by the player controlling the major
any minor power or province controlled by power given preference on the Minor Powers
France. [23.l2] The Minor Powers and Provinces and Provinces Chart (assuming that the
v When the French player offers any major Chart shows which player controls the invaded country has its own units).
power at war with France an armistice: l actions of a minor power when the minor
box to the left. [2323] A minor power is conquered when all
power is neutral or unallied to any major
Q When any major power at war with France power, listed in descending order. For exam- of its cities and towns are occupied by units
is forced to offer an armistice: 1 box to the ple, the French player manages Switzerland, or strength points belonging to the aggressor
right. but if France becomes hostile to Switzerland, and no units belonging to an enemy of the
v When another major power at war with control of Switzerland passes to the Austrian aggressor (other than those of the invaded
France is forced to offer peace: 1 box to player. The controlling player undertakes all minor power) are in the invaded country’s
the right (Limit: once per major power per territory.
actions for the minor powers, within restric-
war). tions. The minor power can build new units, [2324] A minor power or province that
e When all major powers at war with France using its Resource and Replacement Points. contains units of two or more warring major
are forced to surrender: 1 box to the right Units of a neutral minor power can move powers is “contested” for purposes of armi-
(Limit: once per major power per war). only within its own borders (or towards it, if stice.
in foreign territory). Neutral minor power “-.

[2243] Emergency raft(see 25.5) units cannot be incorporated within the corps [23.25] A minor power or province may be
and armies of major powers. Neutral minor jointly conquered by two or more major
powers cannot declare war. powers. ln this case, the major powers must
. decide immediately to whom the conquered
[23.13] The territory of a neutral minor power or province will be allied or annexed;
power is not considered friendly to any major if the major powers cannot decide in area-
The maps depict the borders of a number of power, nor does the minor power provide sonable time (five minutes is recommended),
provinces. All provinces belong to one of Resource and Replacement Point income to possession goes to the major power with the
three categories: any major power. larger number of units in the conquered
1. aiorFewer orneConntrw Frey- [23.l4] Provinces that are annexed to a major power or province-
ince: This is a province that is an integral or minor power are considered a part of that [23.26] A province may be annexed by a
part of a major power. It cannot be ceded power’s territory. Annexed provinces contrib- conquering major power. The province may
or stripped away from the major power ute their Resource and Replacement Points be annexed to the major power itself, or to
that owns it (Exception: see 2. below). to the owning power. any minor power allied to the major power.
These provinces are listed on the Minor
However, the power receiving the province
Power and Provinces Chart. [seat canoino THE stares or must already have at least one home country
2. inorFewer: This is a province that is
capable of building its own military units.
rnoronns AND roncns province or controlled province that is adja-
The status of minor powers and provinces cent to the province to be annexed. A prov-
The Minor Powers and Provinces Chart
may change as the result of declarations of ince may be ceded by its controlling major
lists which provinces are minor powers.
province and annexed by the other major
New minor powers may be created during war, as a result of conquest, or as a result of
Cession as part of a peace settlement. power, or a minor power allied to the receiv-
play. in addition, Belgium and Holland,
ing major power, ifthe adjacency require-
which are home country provinces of [23.21] When a major power declares war on ment is met.
France, may become minor powers.
a minor power or province allied to a differ-
3. Province: All provinces that do not fall
into one of the previous two categories are
ent major power, the allied major power gaasj avntnoattrancns
must immediately decide whether or not to
referred to in the rules simply as prov-
intervene; it does so by declaring war on the [2331] The status of a French-allied minor
inces. ' power which does not contain French units
if 7- 7 7 7 ~

(French nationality, not allies) may be of the Confederation is considered a decla- other minor countries, and is also considered
changed when any adjacent, bordering ration of war against all other members of a British ally. The alliance can create British-
French-allied minor power is conquered by a the Confederation. Allied units.
major power at war with France. When a 3. Members of the Confederation remain
[2347] If France re-conquers Belgium and/or
French-allied minor power is conquered, the allied to France even if France does not
Holland, the French can re-annex Holland
French player must roll one die for each intervene when a major power declares
and/or Belgium. If France re-conquers the
bordering French-allied minor power in war against a member of the Confedera-
provinces of the British-German Alliance, it
which there are no French units. On a roll of tion.
can recreate the Confederation of the Rhine,
l to 3, the minor power becomes neutral; on 4. When the Confederation is created, move
if the conditions for creating the Confedera-
a roll of 4 to 6, the minor power remains Prussia’s marker on the Political Index 2
tion can be met.
French-allied. If the minor power becomes boxes to the left.
neutral, control passes to the major power 5. The French player can never annex any
that has priority on the Minor Powers and province that is or can be a member of the 2.
Provinces Chart (omitting France and the Confederation of the Rhine.
threatening major power).
The Confederation of the Rhine exists until GENERAL RULE
[23.32] When a French-allied minor power all members are conquered or become neu-
becomes neutral; the new controlling player tral. When a member is conquered or be- In Grand Campaign games, players have
must move any of the neutral power’s units comes neutral, it ceases to be a member of much greater control over the organization of
which are outside its borders toward that the Confederation. Member states can be- their armies than in the shorter scenarios.
province by the shortest practical path. This come neutral through the process in 23.3; After following the scenario instructions for
may mean that divisions of the neutral minor each member of the Confederation is a sepa- initial set-up, players will create Grand Cam-
country currently assigned to French corps rate power for purposes of 23.3. paign Army Organization Charts for either
leave that corps. forces. It is recommended that players make
[2343] Grand uchyof Warsaw: The several photocopies of the blank AOC’s
French player can create the Grand Duchy of before beginning a Grand Campaign sce-
Warsaw at the beginning of any turn in nario.
which both South Prussia and Mazovia have
Major powers may create new minor powers been conquered by France or ceded by Prus- PROCEDURE
and provinces. The nevi? minor powers the sia. The Grand Duchy receives Resource
French player can create are the Kingdom of Points and Replacement Points from these For each army a major power has, the player
Westphalia, the Confederation of the Rhine, provinces. Polish units can be built and used should write down the name of the army
the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and the King- leader on the Army Organization Chart. In
by the Grand Duchy. No further provinces
dom of Poland. The Coalition powers can can be added to, or annexed by, the Grand addition, he should write down the names of
create Holland, Belgium, and the British- Duchy. corps leaders, and the I.D. numbers of divi-
German Alliance. When created, a new sion and brigade leaders, as well ads the I.D.
[2344] Kingdom of Poland: The French numbers of artillery units. Otherwise, the
minor power is automatically allied to the
player can create the Kingdom of Poland at Grand Campaign Army Organization Charts
side which created it.
the beginning of any turn in which both function like the AOC’s in the shorter sce-
[23.41] Westphalia: The French player can South Prussia and Mazovia have been con- narios.
create the Kingdom of Westphalia at the quered by France or ceded by Prussia. The
beginning of any turn in which South Hano- Kingdom of Poland can be created from the [am] LEADERS
ver has been conquered by France and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw. The Kingdom of
Electorate of Hesse is allied to France. The Poland can annex the following provinces: [24. l l] Named leaders become available
Kingdom of Westphalia receives all income West Galicia, Galicia, Russian Poland, and through either the initial set-up or through
from both provinces and may produce Old Russian Poland. Poland receives Re- the unit building process (see 26.0). Leaders
Westphalian or Hessian units. Westphalia source Points and Replacement Points from must be “built” in exact numerical order,
may be conquered by other major powers these provinces. Polish units can be built and
from lowest to highest seniority numbers.
using the normal rules for conquest of a used by the kingdom. If the Kingdom of - Once available, a named leader must be used
minor power. South Hanover cannot be Poland is created, the Political Markers of unless killed in combat or retired. A player
annexed by France. Austria, Russia, and Prussia are each moved can retire one named leader at the start of
immediately 2 boxes to the left on the Politi- every Spring Quarterly Interphase. A named
[23.42] Confederation of the Rhine: The leader of any particular seniority number
cal Index (the size of Poland has no bearing
French player can create the Confederation cannot receive a command unless all leaders
on this political effect).
of the Rhine at the beginning of any turn in with lower seniority numbers have either
which all the following are either allied or [2345] Reigiurn and Holland: The Coali- retired or been given commands; command
conquered by France: Bavaria, Baden, Wur- tion can create Holland and/or Belgium at thus depends largely on seniority. Regardless
temburg, Frankfort, Wurzburg, the Grand the beginning of any turn in which those of seniority, all army leaders given commands
Duchy of Hesse, Nassau, and Berg. All of provinces are conquered. They are controlled should be given commands of roughly equiv-
these become members of the Confederation. like other minor countries, and are also alent size; the same principle applies to corps
(Ansbach may become a separate member of considered British allies. They may build commanders. (Common sense should be
the Confederation if not already annexed by their respective Belgian and Dutch units. taken into account, as should the fact that
Bavaria.) Creating the Confederation of the battle and attrition losses will cause inequali-
[2346] Hr*itish-German Alliance: The
Rhine has the following effects: ties in play.)
Coalition can create the British-German
1. Resource Points and Replacement Points Alliance at the beginning of any turn in [24.l2] Leaders are permanently removed
from all members of the Confederation which at least two of the following are con- from play when retired or killed (by Ll or L2
which cannot produce their own units can quered by, or allied to, the Coalition: South combat results). If a killed leader is an army
be used directly by the French and treated Hanover, North Hanover, the Electorate of or corps commander, he is removed from
as French Resource and Replacement Hesee, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, Nassau, play. If a killed leader is a division or brigade
Points. and Berg. The alliance is controlled like leader, he is replaced by the highest-
2. A declaration of war against any member numbered available leader of the same type.

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[24.2l] Armies must be led by army leaders--

those of at least XXXX rank. Army rank
leaders may also function as corps leaders.
The maximum number of separate armies a
major power may create is:
Prussia l\)K.>JU'lU‘l

One army leader must be designated as Su-

preme Commander of all forces for each
major power; if possible, the Supreme Com-
rnander must be a leader of XXXXX rank.
Napoleon is always the Supreme Commander [25.l4] A minor power cannot produce or
of all French and French-allied forces. [25.o] EPLACEMENTS
accumulate Replacement Points if it is con-
[2-4.22] The Coalition players may choose to GENERAL RULE quered by a hostile power.
elect an overall Supreme Commander for During the Replacement Phase of each [25.l5] A Garrisoned major power cannot
their combined forces. However, the overall Monthly Interphase, each major power and produce, use, or accumulate Replacement
Supreme Commander must also be the Su- minor power or province uses accumulated Points from a province unless the province is
preme Commander of one of the Coalition’s Replacement Points to replace losses to not garrisoned by the garrisoning power, or
nationalities; thus, the overall Supreme existing units and bring them up to full unless the major power currently has within
Commander will have double responsibili- strength. Replacement Points may also used the province enough strength points to out-
ties. Furthermore, the player owning the with Resource Points to create new units. number the garrisoning strength points.
overall Supreme Commander can issue or- Each use of Replacement Points costs one
ders to any leader in the Coalition. Resource Point for each Replacement Point [25..2] osrno EnraonnnrEornrs
[2423] Players may combine units from used. In spending Replacement Points and EEacErrE
different major powers into a single army, Resource Points, deficit spending is not
allowed. [25.2l] When a major power is at peace,
but each foreign nationality must have its Replacement Points and Resource Points
own corps leader assigned to the army leader. may be immediately converted to strength
The corps leaders assume command of their [25 . T] ACCLIMULATING REPLACE-
ENT POTNTS points (infantry or cavalry) and added to the
own forces if the Coalition ceases to exist. strength of existing units in the home coun-
[25.ll] A major power can use and/or accu- try. Each strength point costs one Replace-
BABE ART EOGANTZATTON mulate Replacement Points only from its ment Point.
[2431] The armies and corps or a major original provinces, annexed provinces, and
independent allied provinces. A major power [25.22] A maximum of l cavalry strength
power at war can be reorganized only point can per created per Monthly Inter-
through Transfer orders (see 7.0), as in the cannot use or accumulate Replacement
Points from a minor power, even if it con- phase.
smaller scenarios.
trols that minor power.
[2432] The armies and corps or a major [25.3] LTBTNG EPLACEENTPOTNTB
power at peace can be reorganized as desired. [25.l2] Replacement Points not used to EN A315
During peace, strength points can be freely create replacement units and not used to
provide strength points to units in the home [25.3l] When a major power is at war, Re-
transferred between units of the same type. placement Points may be immediately con-
Brigades, divisions, and corps can be trans- country are accumulated from month to
month. However, at the end of each verted to strength points (infantry or cavalry)
ferred from army to army, new armies cre- and added to the strength of supplied units in
ated, etc., all as desired, during any Peace September-October Quarterly Interphase,
each player’s total of Replacement Points is the home country. Each strength point costs
Turn or Monthly Interphase Movement one Replacement Point.
Phase. Players keep track of their organiza- reduced to zero; any Replacement Points not
tions by writing on their Army Organization Spent are lost :25.32] A maximum of l cavalry strength
Charts the seniority numbers and names (if [25.l3] A player must keep a separate tally of point can per created per Monthly inter-
applicable) of army, corps, and division Replacement Points for each minor power he phase.
leaders. controls. Minor power Replacement Points
can be used only for that pow/er’s units. Heidi EFFAFFFNTFNHR
[25.-41] Replacement Points may be grouped
%II——i "

into Replacement Units which are used to [25.52] All Replacement Points received by regardless of the presence of enemy units. A
supply strength points to units outside their means of an emergency draft must be used in minor country receives the income for each
home country. To create a replacement unit, the current Quarterly Interphase (if in prog- province that is part of the minor power;
a player places a unit of the appropriate type ress). If the emergency draft is called during however, if every depot city, city, and town in
(infantry or cavalry) on any depot or depot a Monthly Interphase, the Replacement a minor power is occupied by enemy forces
city in the home country. No more than one Points cannot be accumulated beyond the (or were last occupied by enemy forces) the
Replacement Unit can be placed in the same next Quarterly Interphase; they must be used minor power receives no Resource Points.
depot or depot city. Beneath the unit, the in that Quarterly Interphase. At the end of
player places a strength marker, indicating the Quarterly Interphase in question, the
[26. l3] Each major power and minor country
the number of replacement strength points player’s Replacement Point total is reduced
receives the additional income for each port
it controls, unless the owning power has been
represented by the unit. to zero and no more Replacement Points can
be received in the current year. forced to adopt, or has chosen to adopt, the
[25.42] No single replacement unit can con- Continental System as part of a peace settle-
tain more than 5 strength points of infantry [2553] A major power cannot declare an ment. Powers adopting the Continental
or 3 strength points of cavalry. Replacement emergency draft for a minor power under its System receive no income from ports. If a
units never represent artillery. No more than control unless the major power also declares major power adopts the Continental System,
3 replacement strength points of cavalry can an emergency draft for itself at the same any minor powers controlled by it also adopt
be created per quarter. time. the Continental System. At the beginning of
[25 .43] Replacement units are always in [2554] If France declares an emergency each Quarterly Interphase, France may re-
lease itself or any other major power or
command. In peacetime, a replacement unit draft, the markers of all other major powers
can move in the weekly or monthly friendly are moved one box to the left on the Political
minor power from the Continental System.
Movement Phases like a normal unit of the Index.
France may choose to release itself and its
allies from the Continental System, leaving it
same type. However, it Force Marches like a
supply train. In peacetime, a replacement
[2555] If a major power other than France in effect in other countries. This decision is
declares an emergency draft, the markers of entirely at the French player’s discretion.
unit is always in supply and does not suffer
all other major powers (except France) are
attrition. [26.14] Austria, Prussia, and Russia, if not
moved one box to the right on the Political
allied with France, may receive subsidies
[25.44] In wartime, a replacement unit can Index.
from Britain, unless prohibited by the Conti-
use March orders like a normal unit of the
nental System. A major power that is able to
same type. A replacement unit can Force 2. IJTLTNG NE receive a subsidy and chooses to do so, re-
March in the same way as a supply unit does.
ceives a number of Resource Points equal to
A replacement unit in wartime suffers attri-
the roll of two dice.
tion as a normal unit would. Replacement GENERAL RULE
units are supplied in the same way as normal [26.l5] A major power may receive Resource
units of the same nationality. Replacement During Quarterly Interphases major powers
Point income in the form of reparations
units count as a separate corps for purposes receive Resource Points and Replacement
imposed as part of a peace settlement. Repa-
of foraging. Points from their home country provinces
rations are immediately deducted from the
and controlled provinces. Resource Points
[25.45] Replacement units cannot attack paying power’s income and added to the
are spent, together with Replacement Points
receiving power’s income. The receiving
enemy units. A defending replacement unit to build new units. The cost of new units in
power can choose to cancel the reparation
must place its full strength in the front line Resource Points and Replacement Points is
when attacked. If stacked with normal com-
debt, in which case the payment is not made.
given on the Unit Construction Chart. Most
Reparation payments must either be paid or
bat units, replacement units take no part in units take time to build; players spend the
combat; they are placed in Reserve and suffer
cancelled; they cannot be delayed.
cost of building the unit during one Quar-
any adverse combat result that affects the terly Interphase and actually receive the unit [26.l6] A major power may loan or give any
Reserve. in a later Quarterly Interphase. Peace condi- part of its Resource Point income to any
tions imposed at the end of a war, or occupa- other major power under terms agreeable to
[25.46] At the end of the friendly Supply
Phase, supplied units of a major power at tion by enemy units, may restrict a major the players involved. A major power may
war can absorb strength points from replace- power’s ability to build new units. Minor give any portion of its income to a minor
ment units in the same hex or in an adjacent powers build new units in a manner identical power it controls. A major power allied with
to major powers. In spending Resource France on the Political Index cannot make
hex. Units belonging to a power at peace
absorb strength points from replacement Points, deficit spending is not allowed. loans or gives without the approval of the
French player.
units in the same hex or in an adjacent hex
during the Replacement Phase of Peace [2B..l§ ESOUCE
[26.l7] Resource point income can be accu-
Turns or Monthly Interphases. No Transfer [26. l 1] At the start of each Quarterly Inter- mulated from Quarterly Interphase to Quar-
order is needed. phase, each major power adds up its income terly Interphase. Accumulated Resource
in Resource Points, and does the same for Points are kept until spent (unlike Replace-
§25.5§ TE EERGENCP DRAFT ' each minor power it controls, keeping a ment Points).
During any Monthly or Quarterly Inter- separate total for each minor power con-
phase, a player can declare an Emergency trolled. There are five sources-of Resource [2s.2jt1Nrr constriction
Draft for a major power and any minor Point income: home country and controlled [26.2l] After all income has been added up, a
powers allied to it. provinces, ports, British subsidies, repara-
player can construct new units for the major
tions, and loans and gifts. power or for minor powers he controls. This
[25.5l] An emergency draft yields all Re-
placement Points which the affected major [26.l2] Resource Point incomes for provinces is done by paying the cost shown on the Unit
are listed on the map under the area name. A Construction Chart and writing down the
power or minor power would normally re-
ceive during the remainder of the current major power receives Resource Points for type and strength of the unit(s) built and the
each home country province and annexed or Quarterly Interphase they are due to appear
year, based on provinces currently controlled.
allied province. A Garrisoned major power (alternatively, the unit can be placed on the
These Replacement Points are collected
immediately. receives its normal income,

Year Track in the Quarterly Interphase box of Repiaeernent Points: The cost in Replace- [2?.2] WRTTTEN AND UNWRTTTEN
arrival). Most units do not appear for one or ment Points to build the unit. AGREEMENTS '
two Quarterly Interphases after the construc-
Time: The number of Quarterly Interphases [27.21] Agreements can be written or unwrit-
tion cost is paid. Finally, players subtract
before the unit arrives. (For example: a unit ten. However, agreements reached by im-
Resource Points and Replacement Points to
with a l interphase delay paid for in the posed peace settlements must always be
reflect the costs.
September/October interphase would arrive written agreements. Players must always
in the March/April interphase.) A time of honor written agreements unless unable to do
Unit Construetion Chart
zero means that the unit or leader arrives in so because of the game rules. Players can
Replace- the same interphase it is paid for. keep or violate unwritten agreements as they
Unit Unit Resource merit
see fit.
Type Strength Points Points Time
ram} unrr rLAcEMEN'r [27.22] Written agreements should be written
Infantry 5 3 6 l
After paying for all new unit construction, out on scrap paper, and should be as concise
players place on the map or on their Army as possible. It is recommended that game
Infantry 10 6 12 l Organization Charts all units scheduled to terminology be used whenever possible.
Division arrive in the current Quarterly Interphase.
[2723] In addition to diplomatic agreements,
Guards or 10 8 l2 2 [26.3l] New units always arrive in a depot the players should keep lists of provinces
Grenadiers city or depot in their home country. Minor they control, minor countries controlled, and
Lt. Cav. 1 2 2 2
power units may arrive in any city in the similar matters that may be forgotten in the
minor power. Units may be grouped into course of a long game.
corps immediately upon arrival, provided all
Lt. Cav.
3 6 6 2 units of the corps are in the same hex. New
units can be stacked as desired, within nor-
gas; "r
mal stacking limits (in regard to Concentra- GENERAL RULE -
Lt. Cav. 4 8 8 2
tions) at the earliest possible opportunity. Under certain conditions, the French player
is required to invade Spain by removing
Cossack l 2 l l [26.32] New depots are placed in any town or units from the map. Once Spain is invaded,
Brigade city hex in friendly territory as desired. the French player is required to maintain a
Dragoon l 3 2 2 minimum level of force off the map, remov-
EZRA} CONSTRUCTION ETMTTATTONS ing additional units if necessary to maintain
[26/ll] A major power garrisoned by another the minimum. The number of units that
Dragoon 3 9 6 2 must be removed from the map varies with
major power can construct new units only
Division the success the French player has in getting
with the permission of the garrisonning
Dragoon 4 12 8 2 major power, with two exceptions. A garri- other European powers to observe the Conti-
Division soned major power can construct units in a nental System.
province in which the garrisoning player has
Heavy Cav. l 4 6 2 [28. l] INVADTNG SPATN
no strength points present, or if the original
owner has more strength points in the prov- [28. 1 l] The French player must invade Spain
Heavy Cav. 3 l2 6 2 ince than the garrisoning player. when the following conditions have existed
Division for at least nine consecutive game months:
[26.42] A major power or a minor power can “--_

Heavy Cav. 4 l6 8 2 never build more units of a given type than v Austria and Prussia have been forced to
Division are available units of that type in the counter offer an Armistice, Offer Peace, or Surren-
mix. der to France.
Field l 5 l 3
Artillery [26.43] No infantry division can ever exceed A Russia is at peace with France, or there are
l0 strength points. No cavalry division can no Russian strength points outside of
Horse 1 8 2 3 Russia or Turkey (see 29.0).
exceed 4 strength points.
[28. l2] To invade Spain, the French player
Corps Leader O 3 l 0 tar. LOMAC must move at least 100 strength points,
Army Leader 0 5 l 0 including at least l5 strength points of cav-
alry and l0 strength points of artillery off the
Depot ' NA 3 l 0 Diplomatic agreements are reached in two map. The units must be moved off the
ways: as a result of an imposed peace settle- southwesternmost hexrow of France; leaving
NOTES ment, or as an agreement made by the free the map consumes a unit’s entire Movement
Unit Types: One strength-point cavalry choice of two or more players. Free-choice Allowance, whether weekly or monthly.
units are brigades; all other cavalry units are agreements may concern anything the players
[28.l3] lnvading Spain does not change
divisions. Only the Russian player can build desire, as long as the rules of the game are
France’s political status with regard to the
Cossack cavalry. The Prussian infantry bri- not violated.
other major powers. The game may proceed
gades are built the same way as infantry
by Peace Turns while the Spanish invasion
divisions. When a division is built, a division garn cononcrrrto Nnoorrarrons and subsequent war in Spain are conducted.
leader is included at no additional cost. De-
Negotiations may be conducted in the Diplo-
pots may be constructed not only during the
Quarterly Interphase, but during any
macy Phase of Monthly Interphases or Peace g2s.2j sornonrrno rE snanrsn
Monthly Interphase or Peace Turn when the
Turns, or at any other time the players see wan
fit. However, Diplomacy Phases should be
major power is at peace. [28.2l] The French player is required to keep
limited to 5 minutes, and other negotiations
the Spanish invasion force at full strength as
esoureePoints: The cost in Resource should not be allowed to slow play.
Points to build the unit.

long as there are no enemy units in France scheduled retirement, Sweden uses Stedingk [29.25] Once a war between Russia and the
itself. as Supreme Commander. Ottoman Empire begins, it can be ended by
[28.22] At the start of each Quarterly Inter- Russia in one of the following two ways:
[29.l2] Sweden declares war on France im~
phase, the army in Spain suffers losses auto- mediately when all the following conditions l. The war with the Ottoman Empire ends
matically. The losses are as follows: are met: when Russia makes peace, on any terms,
with France (if Russia was at war with
e March/April lnterphasej 25 strength l. Austria, Russia, and Prussia are all al-
France when the Ottoman war started).
points ready at war with France.
2. During any Diplomatic Phase at least
e june/Iuly Interphase: l5 strength Points 2. Swedish Pomerania is a neutral province
three full months after the beginning of
e September/October Interphase: 10 or controlled by France.
the war with the Ottoman Empire, the
strength points 3. The current game turn is an 1810 or later
Russian player can spend Resource Points
game turn.
Losses suffered in Spain are reduced by l in an attempt to end the war; the French
strength point for every 3 Resource Points of [29.l3] When Sweden enters the war, it player can spend Resource Points to try
port income not collected in the current becomes a minor power controlled by the and counter-act this. The Russian player
Quarterly Interphase not collected by powers Prussian player. announces that he will spend Resource
other than France. Points to try to end the war; he writes
[2914] When Sweden declares war on
[28.23] If, after losses are deducted, the France, the Swedish units shown on the 1813
down secretly the number of Resource
Points he will spend, from 3 to 7 Re-
French player has fewer than 75 infantry Coalition Army Organization Chart (Army of
source Points. The French player, if he
strength points, l5 cavalry strength points, the North) are set up in any hex in Swedish
chooses to spend Resource Points, also
and 10 artillery strength points off-map, the Pomerania. If Swedish Pomerania is French-
marker of every major power on the Political controlled, Swedish forces are set up in any
secretly writes down a number from 3 to
7. Both numbers are revealed simultane-
Index is moved one box to the left. This port controlled by Prussia. If Prussia controls
ously, and the French bid is subtracted
occurs regardless of whether that power is no ports the arrival of Swedish units is de-
from the Russian bid. The Russian player
currently at war or at peace with France. layed until either Swedish Pomerania or a
then rolls two dice and adds the difference
port becomes available.
between bids to the result. if the modified
roll is less than the higher of the two
[28.3l] France’s war in Spain can end in one original bids, the war with the Ottoman
of two ways: [29.2l] Russia must constantly guard her Empire ends.
frontier with the Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
1. The war ends automatically when an [2926] When a war between Russia and the
by maintaining units off-map. France may
enemy unit first enters France. The mo- Ottoman Empire ends, the two cannot go to
attempt to start a war between Russia and the
ment this happens, the French player is war again for a period of two full years.
Ottoman Empire; if a Russo—Turkish war
no longer required to maintain units off-
begins, Russia must increase its off-map
map. One~half of the French strength [$8.8] BRTTTSH LANDINGS
points off-map are eliminated (following
the normal ratios for allocating combat [29.22] Russia’s minimum off-map force [30.l] HOW LANDINGS ARE
losses). The remaining strength points against the Ottomans is 20 infantry strength ATTEMPTED
may be moved back to the map. The first points, 5 artillery strength points, and 5 [30.l l] During the Diplomatic Phase, any
hex entered expends a unit’s entire Move- cavalry strength points off-map. During the Coalition major power may attempt to have
ment Allowance, whether weekly or Command Phase ofany war turn, or the British units land at any French-controlled or
monthly. Diplomatic Phase of any Peace Turn in Coalition-controlled port on the map. To do
2. Ii, during any Quarterly Interphase, no which this minimum is not met, Russia’s this, the Coalition major power spends 3
major power or minor country (except marker on the Political Index is moved one Resource Points and rolls one die; if the die
France) collects any port income, the box to the right. roll is “l”, the British landing is attempted
French player rolls one die: if the result is in a port of the Coalition player’s choice.
[29.23] During the Diplomatic Phase of any
l, the war in Spain "is over immediately.
Monthly Interphase or Peace Turn, France [30.l2] Each Coalition major power may
The French suffer no losses in Spain in
may attempt to have the Ottoman Empire make one attempt per Diplomatic Phase to
the current Quarterly Interphase. All
declare war on Russia. To do so, the French land British units, except that the Coalition
French units off-map can return to France
player must immediately spend from 3 to 7 is limited to one successful landing attempt
as in l, above. If the Spanish war ends in
Resource Points; he chooses the exact num- per turn. The Coalition powers may roll for
this fashion, the marker of each power on
ber. The French Player then rolls two dice; if British landings in any order desired, but all
the Political Index is moved one box to
the roll is less than the number of Resource rolls after the first success are lost that turn.
the right (regardless of whether the power
Points the French player spent, the Ottoman A Coalition major power must spend 3 Re-
is at war or peace with France).
Empire declares war on Russia. This is not a source Points to attempt a British landing;
major power declaration of War; the game
tas. may proceed by Peace Turns if the proper
the Resource Points must be spent regardless
of whether or not the landing attempt is a
r r conditions are met. success.
[ant] swnnnn [2924] Whenever the Ottoman Empire is at [30.l3] Any British units that land are under
war with Russia, the minimum size of Rus- the control of the player who successfully
[29.ll] Sweden may enter a general Euro-
sia’s off-map force must be increased to 75 summoned them.
pean war in later years as a member of the
infantry strength points, 10 artillery strength
Coalition. The primary named Swedish
points, and 15 cavalry strength points. Dur- [$8.2] EANDENC RESTRTCTTONS
leader is Bernadotte, formerly a French ing the Command Phase of any war turn, or
leader. Bernadotte leaves French service at [30.2l] If a British landing is attempted at a
the Diplomatic Phase of any Peace Turn in
the end of the year 1809, becoming the French-occupied port, the British force must
which this minimum is not met, Russia’s i"
Swedish Supreme Commander after that. If force the French to Withdraw before landing;
marker on the Political Index is moved one
Bernadotte is killed either before or after his
box to the right.

if the British cannot force a Withdrawal, the [$2.1] isas-ism Wurtemburg, Baden, Switzerland, and the
landing does not occur. Kingdom of Italy.
This Grand Campaign scenario traces the
[30.22] British landings are automatically rise of the French Empire to its peak with Austria consists of Galicia, West Galicia, the
successful if conducted at Coalition- - the peace negotiations between Napoleon and Kingdom of Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia,
controlled ports, or at ports controlled, but Tsar Alexander I of Russia at Tilsit in ]uly, Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, Car-
not occupied by, the French or their allies. 1807. niola, the Illyrian Provinces, Istria, Venetia,
North Tyrol, and South Tyrol.
[am] stzn or THE tanmnn roncn SET UP: The major powers set up their
Prussia consists of South Prussia, East Prus-
forces in the following order, and as de-
The British landing force consists of 2 infan- sia, West Prussia, Mazovia, Pomerania,
try divisions of 10 strength points each, one Brandenburg, and Silesia.
light cavalry division of 4 strength points, The French player sets up all forces shown Oldenburg is a province allied to Prussia.
and one field artillery strength point. The on the 1805 French Army Organization
division leaders are chosen randomly from Chart. These forces may be rearranged into Russia consists of Russia, Russian Poland,
division leaders not yet in play. The whole different corps, and their locations changed and Old Russian Poland.
force is commanded by corps leader Hill to any hexes in France, Holland, Belgium, or
All other minor powers and provinces are
(however, see 30.5 below). the Kingdom of Italy. The Wurtemburg,
independent and neutral.
Baden, and Bavarian forces must be set up in
[$8.4] SUPFETTNG TT-TE EANOTNG their respective home minor powers. In COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
FORCE addition, the French player may set up an Commander for all French and French-allied
additional 5 infantry divisions with a maxi- forces; the 5-5-2 Napoleon counter is used.
The British landing force is in supply if it Archduke Charles is the Supreme Com-
mum of 8 strength points each, plus an
can trace a Line of Communication a maxi- mander for all Austrian forces. Kutuzov is
additional 7 strength points of cavalry and 3
mum of 8 hexes long, to any friendly port artillery strength points. These forces may be the Supreme Commander for all Russian
(British-controlled or Coalition-controlled). forces. Hohenzollen is the Supreme Com-
taken in any form desired.
mander for all Prussian forces.
[885] STE [ON MOORE (nptinnai ruie) The Austrian player receives all units and
leaders shown on the 1805 Austrian Army All Supreme Commanders can use up to 8
[30.5l] Of British generals of the Empire
Organization Chart. These may be organized Command Points per Command Phase.
period, Moore was probably second only to and placed in hexes controlled by Austria as Subordinate army leaders can use up to 5
Wellington in ability. Historically, Moore did
desired. Austria’s marker is in the leftmost Command Points per Command Phase.
not serve in the scenarios depicted in the
“Free” box on the War track of the Political
game (his service was mostly confined to the ARMY RESERVES: Each player can use
Mediterranean, Spain, Portugal, and Britain one of his ll-box organization blocks on the
in this period), but he can be used with this The Prussian player receives infantry bri- AOC to create an Army Reserve.
rule without unbalancing the game. gades l through 12 (6 strength points each),
MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating
heavy cavalry divisions l and 2 (4 strength
[30.52] In the Campaign Game, Moore of all French and Russian units is 3. The
points each), dragoon division l (4 strength
becomes available at the start of play in 1805. Morale Rating of all other other units is 2.
points), light cavalry divisions l through 3 (3
If players wish to restrict Moore’s impact on INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
strength points each), artillery units l
the game, he may be removed from play after through 8, and l bridge train. He also re- tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
the Ianuary, l809 turn (when he was killed in
ceives the leaders Hohenzollern, Brunswick, is l-5 in 1805-1806; the French win Initiative
Spain). For British landings, the Coalition in 1807 if the Initiative die roll is l-4;, the
Ruchel, Blucher, and Lestocq. These may be
player controlling British forces rolls one die; Coalition players win Ihitiative if the French
organized and set up as desired in Prussian-
if the roll is 1-3, the overall leader of the do not.
controlled territory. In addition the Prussian
British force is Hill (see 30.3); if the roll is
player receives 80 infantry strength which
4-6, Moore is used instead. SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario begins
may be placed in up to 10 detachments as
with the I August 1805 weekly turn and ends
[30.53] The Moore counter has no seniority garrisons in Prussian fortresses. Prussia’s
after the IV Iuly 1807 weekly turn, unless a
number printed on it. If Moore’s seniority marker is in the second “Neutral” box on the
player wins an automatic victory.
becomes important during play (which is Peace track of the Political Index.
unlikely), he is senior to all British generals VICTORY
The Russian player receives infantry divi-
except Wellington. l. Autnmatic Tierney: The game ends
sions l through l5 (8 strength points each),
heavy cavalry brigade l, dragoon brigade l immediately if Napoleon is killed, or at
i. through 6, light cavalry brigades l through
8, the Guard heavy cavalry brigade (2
the end of the fourth consecutive weekly
turn or first full Peace Turn that Paris is
At the beginning of the I May turn in each strength points), 4 Cossack cavalry brigades, occupied by at least one strength point
game year, or during the may Peace Turn, if artillery units l through l2, and l bridge hostile to France. In either of these cases,
no war between major powers is in progress, train. He also receives the leaders Kutusov, the Coalition piayer wins.
all Foraged markers are removed from the Buxhowden, Bennigsen, Constantine, Ka- 2. Autnniatie Tierney: The game ends
map. Depleted markers are flipped to their menskoi, Barclay de Tolly, and Bagration. immediately if Prussia, Austria, and Rus-
foraged side. These may be organized and set up as de- sia are all either allied to France, in armi-
sired in Russian-controlled territory. Russia’s stice with France, or in forced peace with
marker is in the leftmost “Free” box on the France. In this case the French player
2.] r War track of the Political Index. wins.
3. Barring an automatic ending, the French
No other forces are set up at the start of the
player wins if all the following conditions
GENERAL NOTE: All Grand Campaign game.
are in effect at the end of the game:
scenarios are played on all four maps.
TERRITORY: France consists of France, e The Kingdom of Westphalia, the Confed-
I-Iolland, and Belgium. eration of the Rhine, and either the Grand
Duchy of Warsaw or the Kingdom of I
Minor powers allied to France are Bavaria,
Poland exist.
" " * *1 * I I TI

s France is not at war with more than one Index marker is set up in the leftmost Forced France. In this case the French player
major power. Alliance box on the Peace track of the Politi- wins.
e No hostile forces are inside France or in cal Index. 3. Barring an automatic ending, the French
provinces annexed to France. player wins if Paris is not occupied by a
TERRITORY: France (including annexa-
4. The Coalition players win if the French tions) consists of France, Holland, Belgium, hostile unit at the end of the game.
player does not win. If there is more than
Aremberg, Friesland, Oldenburg, and Hano-
one Coalition player, the winner is the
ver North. Bavaria, controlled by France, has [sang "re nann CAFATGN:
major power whose Resource Point in-
annexed Ansbach and North Tyrol. France isaa-isia
come from annexed or allied minor
allies include; the Confederation of the This is it—the epic scenario of the entire
powers and provinces (including ports)
Rhine, the Kingdom of Westphalia (South Napoleonic Wars.
most exceeds his major power’s starting
Hanover and the Electorate of Hesse), the
income as calculated below: SET UP: The initial set-up is identical to
Grand Duchy of Warsaw (South Prussia and
e Russia: From Russian Poland and Old that of scenario 32.1.
Mazovia). All other minor powers and prov-
Russian Poland, total 1-6.
inces not listed as controlled by another TERRITORY: Territorial definitions at the
e Prussia: From Mazovia, South Prussia,
major power are controlled by France. start of the game are identical to those in
and Silesia, total l4.
e Austria: From Galicia, West Galicia, Car- Austria consists of the Kingdom of Hungary, scenario 32.1.
niola, the Illyrian Provinces, Istria, Vene- Bohemia, Moravia, Austria, Styria, Carin- COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme
tia, North Tyrol, South Tyrol, and thia, and Carniola. Austria controls Galicia Commander of the French forces. Use the
Dalmatia, total 21. and West Galicia. 5-5-2 Napoleon counter until the beginning
Prussia consists of East Prussia, West Prus- of 18125 at the beginning of 1812, the 4-4-2
[82.2[ T812-T855 Napoleon counter is substituted for the
sia, Pomerania, Brandenburg, and Silesia.
This campaign game presents the overexten- remainder of the game. All Supreme Com-
sion of Napoleon’s empire. The French, Russia consists of Russia, Russian Poland, manders can use up to 8 Command Points
and Old Russian Poland. per Command Phase. Subordinate army
having conquered or subdued all of Europe
except Britain and Russia, stand poised to COMMAND: Napoleon is the Supreme leaders can use up to 5 Command Points per
invade the Tsar’s domain. Commander for all French and French-allied
Command Phase.
‘-. forces in the scenario; use the 4-4-2 Napoleon ARMY RESERVES: Each player can use
SET UP: France and the French allies as set counter. one of his ll-box organization blocks on the
up as per the 1812 scenario. In addition, the AOC to create an Army Reserve.
French place eight infantry divisions (seven Schwartzenberg is the Supreme Commander
for all Austrian forces in the scenario. MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating
with l0 strength points, one with 5 strength
points), ten units of field artillery or horse Barclay de Tolly is the Supreme Commander of all French and Russian units is 3. The
artillery, two light cavalry divisions (3 for all Russian forces in the scenario. Morale Rating of all other other units is 2.
strength points), two dragoon divisions (3 INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia-
strength points), and one heavy cavalry divi- All Supreme Commanders can use 8 Com-
mand Points per Command Phase. Subordi- tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
sion (3 strength points; off-map in Spain). is l-5 in 1805-1806; the French-win Initiative
nate army leaders can use 5 Command Points
France has accumulated 40 Resource Points in 1807 if the Initiative die roll is l-4; there-
per Command Phase.
and 80 Replacement Points. after the French win Initiative if the die roll
ARMY RESERVES: All Guard and Grena- is l-3. The Coalition players win Initiative if
Russian forces are set up as per the 1812
dier units are Army Reserves for their respec- the French do not. ' '
scenario. The Russian marker on the Politi-
cal Index is in the far left “Free” box on the
tive armies, as is any corps consisting only of
cavalry and horse artillery.
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario begins
War track of the Political Index. with the I August 1805 weekly turn and ends
Russia has accumulated 48 Resource Points MORALE RATINGS: The Morale Rating after the IV ]une 1815 weekly turn; however,
and 120 Replacement Points. of all French and Russian units is 3. The it may end earlier as per the victory condi-
Austrian forces are set up as per the 1812 Morale Rating of all other other units is 2. tions.
French Army Organization Chart. In addi- INITIATIVE: The French player has Initia- VICTORY -
tion, the Austrian player sets up inside Aus- tive for the game turn if the Initiative die roll
trian home country provinces 80 strength is l-3; the Coalition players win Initiative if
1. Automatic Victory: The game ends
points, of which no more than l0 strength the die roll is 4-6.
immediately if Napoleon is killed. or at
points can be cavalry and 6 can be artillery; the end of the fourth consecutive weekly
SCENARIO LENGTH: The scenario begins turn of first full Peace Turn that Paris is
the remainder are infantry strength points.
with the I Iune 1812 weekly turn and ends occupied by at least one strength point
Austria has accumulated 20 Resource Points
after the IV ]une 1815 weekly turn, unless hostile to France. In either of these cases,
and 0 Replacement Points. Austria’s Political
Index marker is set up in the leftmost Forced
the game ends in an automatic victory. the Coalition wins.
Alliance box on the Peace track of the Politi- VICTORY 2. Autnniatic Victory: The game ends
cal Index. immediately if Prussia, Austria, and Rus-
l. Autnrnatie Victory: The game ends sia are all either allied to France, in armi-
Prussian forces are set up as per the 1812 immediately if Napoleon is killed. or at stice with France, or in forced peace with
French Army Organization Chart. In addi- the end of the fourth consecutive weekly France. In this case the French player I
tion, Prussia sets up 30 strength points, of turn of first full Peace Turn that Paris is wins. .
which no more than 8 strength points can be occupied by at least one strength point 3. Barring an automatic ending, the French
cavalry and 4 can be artillery; the remainder hostile to France. In either of these cases, player wins if Paris is not occupied by a
are infantry strength points. This deploy- the Coalition player wins. hostile unit at the end of the game. I
ment is subject to the restrictions of Garrison 2. Automatic Victory: The game ends
rules. Prussia is Garrisoned under a peace immediately if Prussia, Austria, and Rus-
settlement with France. Prussia’s Political " sia are all either allied to France, in armi-
stice with France, or in forced peace with

17.0 RRIDDE TRAINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[l7.l] Movement Capabilities . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .
1.0 TNTRDDI.l€TIDN' . . . . . . . . . ....... ............... [17.2] Bridge Trains and Combat . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
[l7.3] Bridging Rivers . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.0 DLDSRART’ DE TERM§ . . . ....... ............. ............
18.0 VIETDRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.0 GAME EART§ . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ..............
[18.1] The Victory Point Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O,D
[3.1] Game Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

[l8.2] Victory Point Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.. 11°

° ..1|-1-*l= l|—l|—-|—li=@\D\D$\D\D\D¢$
[3.2] Playing Pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... ....... ...............

[3.3] Army Organization Charts . . . ........ ..

[3.4] Game Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ....... . ....... . ..
A0 SETTIND UP TTIE DAME . ....... ...... . ...... . ........... 19.0 RQENARIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.0 REQIJENCE DE PLAY . . . . . ....... ...... . ...... . ....... [19.11 1805 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.0 CDMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...... . ...... . ........... A Massena vs. Archduke Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
16.1: Command Path . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ....... . ...... A The Ulm Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
16.2: Command Points . . . . . . . . . . ........ ....... . ....... ........... A The 1805 Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
:6.3: Issuing Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... [l9.2] 1806-1807 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
16.41 Units Always in Command . . ........ ....... . . ... A The ]ena-Auerstadt Campaign, 1806 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
16.5: Self-Initiative Command . . . . . ........ ....... . . ........ A The Eylau-Friedland Campaign, 1806-1807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
16.6: Command Example . . . . . . . . ........ ....... . . ........ [19.3] 1809 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.0 DRDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ...... . . ... . A The Ratisbon Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
17.1: March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ....... . . ........... A The 1809 Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
17.2: Force March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [19.4] 1812 Russian Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
:73: Double Force March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [195] The 1813 Dresden-Eylau Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
_7.-4: Concentrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [19.6] The 1814 Campaign in France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
:7.51 Build Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l9.7] The Waterloo Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
17.6] Destroy Depot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17.7] Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... T I
:7.8: Winter Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......
8.0 MDVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................
18.1: Movement Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAMPAIDN DAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
18.2: Movement Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ............ 21.0 WAR AND PEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
:8.31 Terrain Effects on Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . :2l.11 War Turns and the Monthly Interphase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
_8.41 Movement Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . .... :2l.21 Peace Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
18.5: Effects of Zones of Control on Movement . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . ... :21.3: Effects of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
9.0 _ ETACG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... . .. :21.4: Declarations of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
. 19.11 Stacking Effects on Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . .... :2l.51 French Victory Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
:21.6: Making Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
:9.2: Stacking Effects on Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . ....
19.3: Supply Train Stacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... 121.7] The Peace Conditions List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
19.4] Stacking in Fortresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.0 THEPOLITICALINDEX 31
:9.5: Anny Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.11 Political Index Rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
10.0 ZONESOFCONTROL...................... . 122.2: Political Index Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 31
110.1] Cavalry Zone of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.3: Movement of Index Markers in War . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 31
110.2: Creating a Limited ZOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.4: Movement of Index Markers in Peace . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 32
110.3: Effects of Limited ZOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.0 MINOR COUNTRIES AND PROVINCES . ...... . ...... . . . . 32
:10.4: ZOC Effects on Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :23. 1: Political Status and Control of
:lO.5: Terrain Effects on ZOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minor Powers and Provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
110.6: Restrictions on ZOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.2: Changing the Status of
110.71 Russian Cossack ZOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minor Powers and Provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 32
11.0 SKTRAAIEIT COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.3: Wavering Alliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 32
111.1: Skirmish Eligibility and Restrictions . . . . . . . . II..II
...... . ............ .....
........ . .1. II
,,..,,_,. ...._.....
... "'I
.......I --I~....
I.=....-I ----.,.,,......
...--.- .._ I1 ,'1.- 2.-1 . I -I 1 - to:9\ . oO oO0 -\i~1 o\~'aGbsui-:1\.nJAhrli-»t>=ua\:NM
......_,_........ II'0

.,, OI
123.4: Creating New Minor Powers and.Provinces . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 33
:ll.2_: Skirmish Combat Die Roll Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 24.0 LEADERS AND ARMIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . ...... . . . . 33
:11.3: Skirmish Combat Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 124.1: Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . .. 33
:1l.4] Retreats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... . .... ... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 10 124.2: Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . .. 34
12.0 RATTLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . 10 124.3: Army Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 34
112.1: Attack Restrictions . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 10 25.0 REPLACEMENTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... . . . . 3A
:12.21 Cavalry Withdrawals . . . . . ... .... . ....... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 11 :25.1: Accumulating Replacement Points . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 34
112.3] Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 :25.2: Using Replacement Points in Peacetime . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 34
:12.-4: Combat Die Roll Modifiers ....... .. . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 11 :25.3: Using Replacement Points in Wartime . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 34
112.5: Combat Results . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ . ....... . ....... . . . . . 12 125.41 Replacement Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
112.6: Battle Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ . ....... . ....... . . . . . 12 125.5: The Emergency Draft . . . . ....... . ....... . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 35
:l2.7: Battle Reinforcements . . . . ....... ........ . ...... . . ....... . . . . . 12 26.0 BUILDING NEW UNITE . . ...... . ...... . . ..... . ...... . . . . 35
112.8: Withdrawal Battles . . . . . . . ....... ........ . ....... . ...... . . . . . . 13 126.1: Resource Point Income . . . ....... . ....... . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 35
112.8: River Crossing Battles . . . . ....... ........ . ....... . ....... . . . . . 13 126.2: Unit Construction . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 35
13.0 MDRALE AND RDTJT . . . . ...... ....... . ...... . ...... . . . . 14 :26.31 Unit Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
113.11 Required Morale Checks . . ....... ........ . ....... . ....... . . . . . 14 :26.41 Construction Limitations . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 36
113.2] Effects of Rout . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ........ . ....... . .... ... . . . . . 14 27.0 DIPLOMACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . 38
1A.0 SUPPLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ....... . ...... . ..... . . . . . 15 _27.11 Conducting Negotiations . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 36
114.11 Supply Trains . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ . ....... . . ...... . . . . . 15 :27.2: Written and Unwritten Agreements . . ....... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 36
:1-4.2] Depots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ........ . ....... . .... ... . . . . . 15 28.0 TIIE SIAANISI-I IJECER . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... . ...... . . . . 36
:14.3: Depot Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 :28.11 Invading Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . ....... . . . . . 36
:l4.4: Foraging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 :28.2: Supporting the Spanish War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
15.0 EDRTRESSES AND SIEDEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f. . . 17 :28.3: Ending the Spanish War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
:i5.1: Entering and Exiting a Fortress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 29.0 SWEDEN AND TI-IE DTTDMAN EMETRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3?
:15.2] Stackingin a Fortress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 129.1: Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
:15.3] Fortresses and Battles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 129.2] The Ottoman Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 37
115.4: Assaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 30.0 ERITIEIT LANDTNDR . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . ..... . ...... . . . . 3?
115.5: Sieges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 130.1: How Landings are Attempted . . . . . . ....... . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 37
18.0 ATTRITIDN AND WINTER QEARTERS . ...... . ...... ... 130.2: Landing Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 37
116.11 Which Units Check for Attrition . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... .... 130.3: Size of the Landing Force . . . . . . . . . ....... . . ...... . ....... . . . . . 38
:16.21 Making Attrition Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . :30.4: Supplying the Landing Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
:16.3: Attrition Die Roll Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... .... :30.5: Sir ]ohn Moore (optional rule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
116.4: Attrition Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ..... :- |—~|- ¢I=\r—@~ @@d>@-J 31.0 EQRAGE MARRERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
_ 16 . 5 _ Entering Winter Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 18 32.0 GRAND CAMIAAIDN DAME SQENARTDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
116.6: Leaving Winter Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . . . . . 18 [$2.1] 1805-1807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as
116.7: Effects of Winter Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I9 [$2.2] 1812-1815 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:-$9
[$2.3] THE GRAND CAMPAIGN: 1805-1815 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 39
This booklet contains the Army Organization Charts for all the LA GRANDE ARMEE" scenarios. It has been spe-
cially designed so that the center 28 pages can be easily removed for play, leaving a small folder containing the design-
NOTES er’s notes.
To remove the AOC sheets, carefiilly open the staples by bending them to an upright position. After removing all the
AOC sheets, carefully close the staples.
The Army Organizations Charts are used to reduce the number of counters on the board. Generally only corps leaders
and higher will be placed on the board, while the division and brigade leaders (and any relevant strength markers)
The LA GRANDE ARMEE““ Game is a remain on the AOCs. Allow room to place the necessary AOCs before setting up the game.
labor of love that began in 1974. At that Unit starting locations given on the AOCs list first the letter of the map, then the four-digit hex location of the unit or
corps: for example, B5203 is hex 5203 on Map B. The starting hex for a division or brigade attached to a corps is
time, I was an ardent wargamer and assumed to be the same as that of the corps commander unless another hex is listed for the unit. Units entering as
amateur military historian, but there was reinforcements have an entry location and a turn specified: for example “lV Sept., B4223” means the unit enters the
a major gap in my knowledge: I was fourth September turn at hex 4223 on Map B.
In the Grand Campaign Game, the players will have to construct their own AOCs from the blank AOC provided. In
totally ignorant of the Napoleonic era. designing a corps organization, players are encouraged to leave enough blank boxes for one or two divisions and their
My education began when I chanced strength points at the end of each corps, so that the corps can be reinforced if necessary.
upon a copy of David Chandler’s book,
The Campaigns of Napoleon. Chandler’s commander to effectively control the army’s organizational structure to
prose opened a new world to me —- a 200,000 or so men over a vast theatre of communicate and implement those deci-
vast world of sweeping grand strategy, war. Two problems in particular were sions speedily and accurately. The player
filled with microcosms of tactical minu- paramount: the lack of communications who finds himself frustrated by the com-
tiae, bathed in rainbow hues of glory. technology, and the lack of experience mand point limits and the constant need
Someone, I thought, ought to do a great, with bureaucratic organization. to rely on the initiative of subordinate
sweeping game on this era. When Napoleon wanted to quickly leaders can take heart from the follow-
Since then, several someones have move a block of men from one place to ing: it is probably safe to say that on the
done great sweeping games on this era. another, the only way he could commu- average at any given time during a Napo-
There are the great tactical games of the nicate this was by written orders deliv- leonic campaign, the army and corps
period, most notably Frank Davis’ WEL- ered by riders. Depending upon his commanders could not be certain of the
LINGTON’S VICTOR Y"“ Game and distance from the recipient, this meant a exact location or activities of about one-
Marshall Enterprise’s La Bazaille de la delay of at best several hours and in third of their own forces!
Moscozva series. Then there are the inter- practice often two to three days before
esting, sometimes brilliant, operational his orders were received. This does not Movement: The movement system is
studies of Kevin Zucker’s Napoleon at include the frequent occurrence of such fairly straightforward, although the fol-
Bay series. And most recently, there is events as riders being lost, killed, cap- lowing points deserve comment: the
the marvelous grand strategic presenta- tured, or delayed by a hundred miscella- attrition rates, the cavalry skirmish sys-
tion of the Australian Design Group’s neous mishaps -—- and the very real tem, the limited zones of control, the
Empires In Arms game. possibility that the orders, once received, treatment of terrain, and the stacking
So why another big Napoleonic game? might be hopelessly out of date, vaguely rules.
Because there still wasn’t a game that worded, or misunderstood. Gamers who are used to operational
offered both the panoramic sweep of In the early years of the Empire, how- level games in which units have fixed
continent-spanning grand strategy and ever, Napoleon’s superior army organiza- strength will no doubt watch in horror as
the drama of grand tactics on the Napo- tion made things easy compared to the their armies melt away simply by mov-
leonic battlefield. That is exactly what task facing the commanders opposing ing a few hexes. In fact,"=the attrition
the LA GRANDE ARMEE" Game him. In the 1805 Austrian army, for rates in the game are probably too low.
offers. example, the highest level permanent In the first week of the 1812 Russian
This design is actually two games. The formation was the regiment. Divisions campaign, for example, the number of
first is a series of basic games that and corps were ad hoe gatherings of regi- effectives in the French force dropped by
present the major campaigns from 1805 ments whose composition could and did about 100,000 men as the main army
to 1815 as separate scenarios. The sec- change at the whim of higher command. moved from Kovno to Vilna. Nor were
ond is the Grand Campaign Game, the Thus, when Mack at Ulm in 1805 issued these high attrition rates necessarily a
entire l0 years of the wars of the the orders to his Army of the Danube, sepa- reflection of poor morale. In this era,
Empire in weekly to monthly turns. This rate orders had to be written for each armies moved by foot through all types
monster can be played, but it takes dedi- regiment, and as Napoleon descended on of weather, often without adequate nutri-
cation, and a long, long time. Players his rear, Mack was forced to reorganize tion, usually with inadequate gear (espe-
who aren’t expert at the basic game his order of battle at least three times. cially boots), and without the benefit of
shouldn’t even attempt the Grand Cam- The French couldn’t walk any faster even the most basic medical services or
paign Game yet. than the Austrians, but because Napo- knowledge of routine hygiene. Add to
leon could move 40,000 men with one this the natural reluctance of the men to
THE BASIC GAME letter, the French could march, while the hustle 10 or 20 miles a day to get to a
Austrians sat waiting for orders to be hot, humid cornfield and have the privi-
Four game systems are integral to the lege of standing in a tight rank to be shot
written, dispatched, and received.
basic game: the command system, the
Thus, the command points assigned to at by cannons, and the wonder is that the
movement/attrition system, the battle
each army commander by scenario re- armies didn’t melt away altogether!
system, and the supply system. All four flect not only the ability of the com- The skirmish system reflects the im-
are intricately interrelated.
mander and his staff to decide quickly portance of cavalry in impeding enemy
Command: The command system reflects upon a course of action, but the ability of movement. An army lacking suffic-
the limited ability of a Napoleonic army
ient cavalry to screen its movement from tly guide the flow of play along historical The victory point penalty for failure to
enemy horse found those movements lines, without forcing the players. This achieve an ordered concentration is to
reduced to a crawl. A handful of cos- is particularly true in the case of towns prevent the abuse of the order; either by
sacks, by threatening a charge, could and cities in Russia, which provide sup- continually issuing the order to give a
force a French division to halt and de- ply to French and Russian troops. If moving force an ahistorical flexibility, or
ploy. The cossacks would then gallop your favorite little village isn’t men- by cancelling the order if it is rendered
away, only to reappear a mile or two tioned on the map, it’s probably because undesirable by the opponent’s gaining of
farther down the road. The division’s that area wasn’t the site of major fight- the initiative.
movement could be reduced to half or ing, and therefore requires a special
less of its normal rate. In play, skirmish effort to support an army in the area Battle
forces are needed to clear a path for during play.
The combat system reflects the observa-
larger corps, lest the corps be forced to Finally, there is the stacking rule; one
tion that anything could, and often did,
spend movement points simply by enter- of the most crucial rules of the game. In
happen on a Napoleonic battlefield.
ing and leaving enemy cavalry zones of essence, the rule prohibits units of differ-
Battles between numerically matched
control. ent corps from stacking together, except
forces could end in the decisive destruc-
The limited ZOC rule reflects the as the result of a concentrate order, or as
tion of one side (as at Austerlitz and
ability of a force, under an alert com- a result of movement as battle reinforce- Waterloo) or in an indecisive bloodbath,
mander, to react quickly to the sudden ments during the combat phase.
with no one certain of who “won” (as at
presence of an enemy force. In particu- Achieving the concentration of a Na-
Eylau, Wagram, and Borodino). Battles
lar, it represents the reacting force’s poleonic army at the desired place and
that were terribly unbalanced in terms of
ability to deploy to slow the moving time was a difficult organizational and
numbers might still end with the smaller
force’s progress. This can be crucial logistical feat. At all times during a cam-
force decisively victorious (as at Auer-
where local geography forces a narrow paign, march routes had to be planned
stadt). Thus, the numbers engaged were
front, and in preventing reinforcements with great care, especially as the corps
at best a small factor in determining the
from reaching a major engagement in approached one another (hence the extra
outcome of a battle.
time to be effective. The campaigns of command point cost for a Concentrate
For this reason, the combat system is
the period are full of examples, such as order). Corps-sized formations almost notably not an “odds comparison” sys-
Lestocq’s masterful blocking of Ney’s always used separate roads to prevent the tem. The Combat Results Table has only
advance to Eylau, or Miloradovich’s otherwise inevitable intermingling of
one column. The relative strengths of
rearguard actions while protecting the baggage trains and supply wagons. Sepa-
the forces involved affect the outcome as
Russian retreat into Moravia in the 1805 rate bivouac areas were of great impor-
modifiers to the attacker’s dice roll, but
campaign. tance, particularly for the French and not nearly as much as such other factors
Movement, of course, depends upon Russians, whose formations needed a
as leadership, cavalry, artillery, and the
terrain. The terrain analysis presented in large surrounding area to comb for for-
sudden release of a reserve or the arrival
this game has two functions: age. Discipline in matters of logistics was
of fresh troops once the enemy’s reserves
strained under the best of conditions: in
are committed. This system of dice roll
1. To keep the movement system itself 1805, some corps commanders of what modifiers allows each factor to play its
as simple as possible; and was undoubtedly Napoleon’s finest army
proper role, and models some interesting
2. To guide, but not force, the develop- actually encouraged their troops to raid battlefield relationships: a cavalry super-
ment of the campaigns along histori- other friendly corps’ forage areas and
iority can be overwhelming against any
cal lines. supply trains! The concentration of
but the best-led force, or a force with an
corps was to be avoided, if for no other
advantage in guns, and so on.
First, while more terrain detail would reason than to prevent logistical night- The battle reinforcement system is a
have been possible, at a scale of l5 miles mares and breakdowns in discipline.
special tactical design feature. Once the
to the hex much of that detail would (Note that in the game, a concentrated
combat rounds begin, the scale of the
have been superfluous, adding needless army cannot forage.)
game changes — instead of modelling
complexity to an already complex game. The rear-area confusion that usually
strategic marches over a period of a
For example, Bavaria south of the afflicted a concentrated army is also the
week, the action represents hours or at
Danube River contains lots of woods, reason for the heavy movement penalty
most days. Each combat round is one-
but it also contains lots of roads. At 15 for unstacking. Historically, after a con-
half to one day’s fighting, and each
miles to the hex, including those light centration (which almost always meant a
movement point spent by a battle rein-
woods would have meant including an- major battle), the various corps needed
forcement is one-half to one day’s march
other terrain feature, with another spe- time to sort out their personnel and
at forced march rates. Ultimately, the
cial combat function, and another special equipment, and to determine their next
game system rewards the player who can
movement rate, in an area both sides line of march. While speedy forward
achieve a maximum concentration at the
passed swiftly in the two major cam- movement following a concentration is
decisive point, and still retain a force
paigns fought there. An early version of rarely seen in the history of Napoleonic
under a reliable subordinate to strike the
the map had three categories of forest, warfare, slow or delayed advances are
enemy flank in the critical round of the
plus many more swamps, small lakes, seen frequently: the lethargic French
and minor rivers. They simply impeded advances the day or two after Eckmuhl,
A special combat result is the escalating
play. Smolensk or Borodino, or the slow ad- exchange. This reflects those battles that
Second, the terrain is intended to sub- vance of the Allies after Leipzig.
became a test of wills between the oppos-
ing commanders; a test decided only by
the willingness to send more and more to meet or better the record of the histor- whipping up emotions against the
men to pointless deaths, and whose only ical winner of the campaign. In a few French player. Thus, Great Britain was
victory was the occupation of the body- scenarios, such as the 1806 campaign, left out, though the game system reflects
strewn field when the slaughter was the victory point system is the primary her crucial role in the wars of the Em-
concluded. The classic examples are means used to balance the scenario. In pire.
Eylau and Borodino. most cases, however, victory points will Spain, too, had to be abstracted --
be superfluous; the players will know Spain would never fit on the map space
Supply who won or lost without needing an available. The tie between the Spain
abstract system to tell them so. subsystem and the Continental System
The supply system abstracts a very diffi-
rule is a piece of design legerdemain.
cult subject. Players should not expect it
THE GRAND The historical fact is that the Continen-
to teach them much about the actual
CAMPAIGN GAME tal System was a great failure; when it
mechanics of provisioning a Napoleonic
army. On the other hand, it dramatically was successfully imposed, it tended to
The Grand Campaign game introduces
hurt France much more than Great Brit-
portrays the effects of logistics on a cam- several new rules systems. The Political
paign. ain. Nevertheless, it was an essential part
Index is the heart of this game, allowing
The Austrians and Prussians are tied of Napoleon’s policy. Tying the imposi-
the French player a chance to avoid
to their supply depots; indeed, to chains tion of the Continental System to the
being overwhelmed all at once by a Eu-
resource cost of the Spanish war encour-
of supply depots. For this reason, their rope united against him. Similarly, the
advances into enemy territory, especially ages the French player to establish the
Grand Campaign victory conditions
territory already foraged by the French, reflect the fact the while the major Continental System.
There are a few other abstractions in
will be the slow, tedious affairs they powers eventually united to beat the
were historically. The great sweep of the French, they still had their own individ- the Campaign Game — notably the treat-
ment of North and South Hanover on
anti-French forces from Russia to France ual goals that caused some friction while
required a full year, and in most cases the anti-French campaign progressed. the map. Actually, this area was riddled
involved territories that historically be- with provinces, many so small that they
Other than that, two other major deci-
longed to the Allies or of kingdoms and sions made in the Campaign Games would occupy less than a single hex. The
provinces that switched sides following require some explanation. The first is entire area shown as North Hanover was
the collapse of Napoleon’s position in eventually absorbed directly into the
the abstraction of Great Britain, and the
Germany after the battle of Leipzig in French Empire; treating it as one area
second is the abstract treatment of the
1813. Only in 1805, and again in 1809, seemed to make the most sense. Here,
Spanish War and the Continental Sys-
did the Austrians show any speed in the again, production economics were a
invasion of truly hostile territory, and on factor: there were barely enough
At this point we encounter the eco-
both occasions extensive logistical prepa- nomics of game production. While it counters in the mix to allow the “British
rations preceded the actual operations. Minor Allies” counters; even with the
would have been nice to have Great
The French and Russians have the Britain as a player nation, with little provinces detailed on the map, it would
ability to forage — in fact, they usually fleets scooting around, naval battle rules, have been impossible to provide separate
must forage, a supply depot being a rare counters for the King’s German Legion
blockades, and several other extras, a
luxury for their forces. This gives them (KGL), Brunswickers, Hanovarians, and
basic design choice was required. Above
other miscellaneous German provincial
the ability to advance into unforaged all, I wanted the game to be a major
territory with great speed and ease, but it forces that served the British cause.
treatment of land warfare in the Napole-
also forces them to forage or pay a great onic era. That dictated a map scale of 15
price in attrition. It also means that miles to the hex, and even at that, it was Summary
forward is often the only way the French barely possible to fit the distance from It is the designer’s hope that the LA
and Russians can go, because the areas Paris to Moscow onto four maps. Adding GRANDE ARMEE“ Game will join the
behind them are foraged-out wastelands. a naval system would have strained the other classics as a major treatment of
The need for forage becomes a primary map scale to the breaking point, as well historical Napoleonic land warfare. All
consideration in the planning of an en- as adding even more rules to the heavily who contributed to this project await the
tire campaign. The compelling need to loaded system. verdict of the gamers, and hope that they
take new territories, or else bring about a Given the decision to ignore the naval have served them well.
quick peace, occurred in the Austerlitz situation —- in which only a miracle
campaign; one reason for the ill-advised could have given France the advantage
Allied Coalition attack at Austerlitz was — the decision to abstract out Great SPECIAL CREDITS
the fact that the Russians were running Britain followed naturally. Britain was
* Special thanks to Dr. Brad Farlow,
out of supplies and the Austrians the political will and the pocketbook
1 without whose devoted hours of re-
couldn’t or wouldn’t feed them them- behind the fall of Napoleon, but she
selves. played a major role in only two land \~ search, playtesting, rules lawyering,
campaigns: the Spanish campaign and bickering, and unending encourage-
Victory Conditions ment this game would not have been
the 1815 campaign. Spain couldn’t be
included on the map for the reasons possible. And special thanks to Iamie
For the most part, the scenarios start Acres, who put up with an obsessed
already noted, and it would be a dull task
with approximations of the historical husband and the man on horseback
to play a Great Britain whose major role
orders of battle and set-ups, and the . for more than ten years.
consisted of handing out funds and
victory conditions encourage the players

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