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Waterford High School

Sixth Weekly Test

Human and Social Biology 11GS
1 hour

Name: _____________________________________________________
Grade: ____________________________________________________
Teacher: ___________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________

• This paper consist of TWO sections
• Answer ALL questions in section A and section B
• Section A is worth 15 marks and section B is worth 20 marks
Section A
1. What is a stimulus?
A) changes in an organism’s environment that cause a response.
B) substances that act as chemical messengers within plants.
C) plant’s response to the number of hours of darkness in its environment.
D) growth toward a stimulus.

2. Which of the following is a spinal reflex?

A) blinking
B) salivating
C) pupil reflex
D) knee jerk reflex

Item 3 refers to events that occur when a student reacts to touching a hot object by withdrawing
her hand.
Hot object → Pain → Effector →Response
3. The receptor is the
(A) hot object touched
(B) heat from the hot object
(C) sensory endings in the skin
(D) muscles that contract

4. Which area of the brain controls heartbeat?

(A) cerebrum
(B) cerebellum
(C) hypothalamus
(D) medulla oblongata

Item 5 refers to the following diagram which shows a coordinated response to a stimulus in
Stimulus → Coordinating Centre → Response.

5. The role of Y in the illustration above is to

A) stimulate receptors
B) cause reflex actions
C) react to stimuli
D) interpret changes around the surround

6. The smell of hamburger being cooked causes Norris to salivate. Which of the following is the
effector which brings about his response?
A) cell in the nose
B) salivary gland
C) smell of food
D) secretion of saliva

7. The vital center for the control of heartbeat and respiration are located in the
A) cerebral hemispheres
B) medulla
C) cerebrum
D) cerebellum

8. A voluntary action occurs all of the following take place EXCEPT

A) a stimulus originates in the cerebrum
B) an efferent nerve impulse is transmitted down the white matter of the spiral cord
C) the impulse is sent via sensory nerves to the spiral cord
D) impulse is taken via the motor neurone to the effector muscle

9. The long process of a nerve cell which conducts impulses towards a cell body is called
A) dendron
B) axon
C) dendrites
D) ganglia

10. Which of the following substances lowers blood sugar?

A) glucagon
B) glycogen
C) adrenalin
D) insulin

11. The central nervous system consists of the:

A brain and spinal nerves
B spinal nerves and cranial nerves
C cranial nerves and spinal cord
D spinal cord and brain
12. Which of the following hormones acts very quickly?
A) adrenaline
B) glucagon
C) insulin
D) oestrogen

13. Which of the following is not a feature of hormones?

A) secreted by ductless glands
B) transported by blood
C) increase rate of impulse conduction in neurones
D) broken down in the liver for excretion by the kidneys

14. What is partly controlled by thyroxine?

A) blood sugar concentration
B) metabolic rate
C) phagocytosis
D) lactation

15. What is the most important function of reflex actions?

A) to coordinate different parts of the body
B) to link the brain with muscle action
C) to protect body parts from damage
D) to improve learned reactions
Section B

Robert wants to become a medical doctor. He is fascinated by the fact that he has no control over
blinking, when his friend tries to poke him in his eyes.

1a) Explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary actions.

i) Voluntary actions



ii) Involuntary actions



2 marks

b) Give ONE example of a voluntary action and ONE example of an involuntary action OTHER
THAN blinking.

i) Voluntary action

ii) Involuntary action


2 marks

c) Explain what is meant by the term ‘reflex action’



2 marks
d) During Robert’s science class, his teacher mentions that when a nerve impulse arrives at the
synapse, chemicals are released from vesicles.

i) What is the term used for these chemicals that are released?

1 mark

ii) Explain the role of these chemicals that are released.




2 marks

2. Figure 1 is a sketch of the human body showing two glands

2a) Name one hormone associated with EACH of the glands labelled in figure 1.

A ____________________________________________________________________________

B ____________________________________________________________________________

2 marks
b) Name TWO hormones produced by the pituitary gland



2 marks

c) The nervous system and the endocrine system both control the activities of the human body.

Outline THREE differences between these two systems




3 marks

3a) Complete the statement below by choosing the correct word from the list provided in

brackets. (motor, sensory, central, spinal, peripheral)

The nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, is known as the

__________________ nervous system, while the _____________________ nervous system is

made up of the paired cranial nerves and the __________________ nerves.

3 marks

Melissa and her parents are involved in a vehicular accident. Upon recovery, Melissa is having

difficulty remembering things, while her father is unable to maintain his balance.

b) Suggest the region of the brain that may have been damaged for:

(i) Melissa ____________________________________________________________________

(ii) Melissa’s father _____________________________________________________________

1 mark

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