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Grade 9 of Junior High School

Interactive Transactional Text

Uses to share information and give explanation about activities that
happen in progress at the time of speaking, one point of time in the past,
and one point of time in the future.

1 Present Continuous Tense

S + to be (am, is, are)+ Gerund (Ving)

Uses for:

Things that are happening now, temporary event, and talk about the action

around the time of speaking

Sign: now, look, at that moment, this week, etc.

2 Past Continuous Tense

S + to be (was were)+ Gerund (Ving)

Uses for:

express actions that were ongoing in past, two events that happened together in

the past, before and after another action happened, interrupted by another action

show development, growth, or other change(s) over time.

Future Continuous Tense

S + will/shall + be+ Gerund (Ving) + Complement

Uses for:

Events in progress at a particular time in the future, interrupted action in the future

Current events are still continuing in the future, and predict the future.

Adverb: at this time tomorrow, next year on May, tomorrow night, etc.

Listen carefully to the audio, then practice to pronounce the sentence by clicking the microphone sign!
Open the link to do the activity:

My dinner reservation was made for seven.

I saw a big truck in the carpool lane.

David wore a white tie and a nice suit.

Are you looking for a new job?

They must be move to another room.

Wake up with a new smile.

The teacher speaks slowly.

Let's sit on the bench.

It could be the first drive for her.

They are eating sandwiches.

Manhattan is famous for its skycrapers.

What is the advantage of reading books?

They will have a meeting soon.

Describe the thing you have purchased.

I have been busy with other projects.

You should have made a right turn.

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