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Continuing Professional Development Record:

Rasmiyya Badirova
Course Provider: CPD College

Category: Jolly Grammar

Personal Profile Information

Username: rasmiyya.badirova4 Teacher Name: Rasmiyya Badirova

Email address: Occupation: Trainer

Phone: 00 School name:

City/town: not given Address: not given

I have read and fully understood the course criteria stated upon beginning the course: 2022-02-25 19:09:49+00

Time Record
Online Study Time: 19:01:07 Offline Study Time: 0:00:00

Total Study Time: 19:01:07

Student Sign-off
I agree that this record accurately represents the time I spent engaged with the course and that the above
assignments are my own best effort.
Interactive Assignments
Reflective Assignment
Facilitator Feedback

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