Built Up Density

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Built up Density

The concept of creating a sustainable and compact city is being promoted as it has social, economic and
environmental advantages i.e. encouraging positive interaction and diversity; improving viability of and
access to community services; enhancing the economic viability of development & infrastructure;
supporting public transport; increasing efficiency of energy and resource utilization. In a neighborhood
housing development program, the density range for a certain area can be given in the terms of
reference based on the particular city norm and standard. Density of an area may vary not only from
region to region; but also within the city based on employment opportunity, resident’s interest,
development trend, land value etc. In the case of Addis Ababa, density proposal is set for the different
zones on the structure plan. In core areas where the land value is high, with better service and
infrastructure provision, job opportunity and transportation, dense development is foreseen relatively
to maximize efficient utilization of resources.

Source , Neighbourhood planning and design manual pdf

Social mixity standard

According to the A.A. building permit regulation, Social mixity standard in housing development is set in
a proportion of 75- 95% for the low income and middle income group and 3- 5% for highincome group.
Though the target of the housing development program is to address housing for the low income group,
in addition to the neighborhood design principle to bring social mix ; the land value and investment
demand in the action area need a consideration ;thus the proportion of mixity should be regulated as


Main housing development goals are:

• Increase the housing stock in the city with particular focus on affordable housing

• Improve the quality of the housing stock and the living environment;

• In-situ redevelopment;
• Ensure balanced social and land /building use mix; and

• Achieve compact and green development.

Without the 20% contingency, the total number of houses to be built in the plan period is 976,800. The
Structure Plan proposes that the government focuses on addressing housing shortages of the low
income (336,000 housing units), providing serviced land and enabling. The specific strategies suggested
by the plan include inner city renewal, corridor redevelopment and densification.

Guidline principle and goal and Strategies

Considering the vision of making Addis Ababa “Africa’s diplomatic capital”, the plan adapts the following
five guiding principles:

•Compact and green development with good balance between open and green spaces and the bult form

•Mxity among ncome groups, housng typologies and land uses;

•Balanced growth through appropriate dstrbuton of housing, neghbourhoods and

•Efficient use of land in the city centre, along mass transt lnes (along LRT, BRT and future Metro lines)
and renewal of slum

•Environmental sustainablty through protecton of the natural economic actvites and ecosystem.

Five goals and specific strateges to achieve each goal.

Increase the housng stock n the city wth partcular focus on affordable housng;

•Improve the quality of housing stock and the living envron

ment in residential neghbourhoods

•Ensure balanced socal and land use mix;

•Acheve compact and green development and

•Guarantee shelter for the homeless

Housing Typologies

Identification of appropriate housing typologies that meet the needs of the different income
groups is important. As shown in the table below, the proposal ranges from the “site and service”
type of incremental houses to the most luxurious villas and multi-storey buildings that are intended
to attract FDI. This step is very important to calculate the amount of land that would be required to
build the total of 1.2 million houses within the next ten years.


To build the planned housing units about 73.2 and 100.8 billion birr are required in 1st and 2nd five
years, respectively. Half of the total amount is allocated for the provision of service land, while the
other half will be used in the construction of low income housing units.

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