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Section-A (Attempt all questions from this

Question 1.

Choose the correct answer to the questions

from the given options:
(i) Which of the following is a weak
(a) HC1
(b) Nitric acid
(c) Oxalic acid
(d) Sulphuric acid
(ii) Which of the following is true for alkali
metals ?

(a) Strong oxidising agent

(b) Weak reducing agent
(c) Strong reducing agent
(d) Weak oxidising agent
(iii) What are the constituent elements of
(a) Al, Cu, Mg
(b) Al and Mg
(c)Al, Cu, Mg and Mn
(d) Al, Cu and Mn
(iv) Which of the following statement is not
true regarding ionic or electrovalent bond?
(a) These are hard and brittle solids
(b) They have high density
(c) They are insoluble in water
(d) They have high melting and boiling
(v) What will be the colour of salt formed
when NaOH is treated with aluminium

(a) Green
(b) White

(c) Brown
(d) Red
(vi) If we are given two test tubes marked A
and B. In first test tube, NH4OH solution is
taken and in other NaOH solution is taken.
Which salt is used to identify them?
(a) Zinc salt

(b) Iron salt

(c) Calcium salt
(d) Copper salt
(vii) The empirical formula of a compound
is CH and its molecular mass is 78, its
molecular formula is
(a) C2H4
(b) C4Hg
(c) C6H
d) C2H2
(viii) The reactants for laboratory
preparation of nitric acid are:
(a) Ammonium hydroxide and sulphuric

(b) Sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid

(c)Sodium nitrate andwater
(d) Ammonium nitrate and water
(ix) The delivery tube used in the laboratory
preparation of hydrogen chloride is dipped
(a) Concentrated nitric acid
(b) Dilute nitric acid
(c) Concentrated sulphuric acid
(d) Dilute sulphuric acid
(x) If we are given two test tubes marked A
and B. In first test tube, NH4OH solution is
taken and in other NaOH solution is taken.
Which salt is used to identify them?
(a) Zinc salt
(b) Iron salt
(c) Calcium salt
(d) Copper salt
(xi) Calcium oxide reacts with HCl gas to
produce and water.
(a) Calcium chloride
(b) Calcium sulphate
(c) Hydrogen gas
(d) Chlorine gas
(xii) The general formula of alkynes is:

(a) CnH2n-2
b) CnH2n+2
(d) CnH2n+2
(xii) An unwanted earthly material1
associated with tin ore as impurity is
(a) Gangue
(b) Flux
(c) Froth
(d) None of these
(xiv) NaCl conducts electricity due to the
presence of:

(a) Molecules
(b) Tons
(c) Group of atoms

(d) All of these

(xv) Which is the most reactive halogen
amongthe following?
(a) Fluorine
(b) Chlorine
(c) Iodine
(d) Bromine.

i) The sketch below illustrates the retining
of aluminium by Hooope's process:
Graphite Rods


Fluorides Lining

Impure Aluminium
Iron Container

(a) Which of A and B is the cathode and

which one is the anode?
(b) What is the electrolyte in the tank?
(c) What material is used for the cathode?
(d) Write a reason to justify why aluminium
is used in each ofthese applications:
1. Automobile parts
2. Flash bulbs

4. Foil and wrappers

(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for

each of the following
(a) Action of cold and dilute nitric acid on
(b) Reaction of ammonia with heated
copper oxide.

(c)Preparation of methane from

(d) Action of heat on silver nitrate.
(e) Iron reacts with dilute sulphuric acid.
(iii) Fill in the blanks with the choices given
in brackets:
(a) Conversion of ethanol to ethene by the
action of concentrated sulphuric acid is an
example of (dehydration/
dehydrogenation/ dehydrohalogenation)
b) When sodium chloride is heated
with concentrated sulphuric acid below
200°C, one of the products formed
is (sodium bisulphate/sodium
(c) Ammonia reacts with excess chlorine
to form (nitrogen/nitrogen
trichloride/ammonium chloride)
(d) Substitution reaction are characteristic
reactions of_ (alkynes/ alkenes/
(e) In period 3, the most metallic element
is (Sodium/magnesium/
(iv) Identify the substance underlined, in
each ofthe following cases:
(a) Cation that does not form a precipitate
with ammonium hydroxide but forms one
with sodium hydroxide.
(b) The electrolyte used for electroplating an
article with silver.
(c) The particles present in a liquid such as
kerosene, that is a non-electrolyte.
(d) An organic compound containing
COOH functional group.
(e) A solid formed by reaction of two gases,
one of which is acidic and the other basic in

(v) (a) Draw the structural diagram of the

following isomers:
(1) Pentane
(2) 2-Methyl butane
(3) 2,2-Dimethyl propane
(b) Write the structural formula of the two
isomers of butane.
Section-B (Attempt any four questions from
this section)

Question 3.

i) State the following:

(a) The catalysts used in contact process.
(b) The product formed when glass rod
dipped in NH4OH is brought near the
mouth of a bottle full of HCl gas.
(ii) State the observation for the following,
(a) Concentrated sulphuric acid is added to a
lump of blue vitriol.
(b) Copper turnings are heated with
concentrated nitric acid.
(iii) Study the table and answer the
following questions
Atom Atom No.

A 11
B 17

(a) Compare the positions of A and B in the

periodic table.
(b) Write equations for the formation of
ions of A and B.
(c) What type of bond is formed between
A and B ? Mention its physical state and
solubility in water.
iv) Arrange the following as per
per the
instruction given in the brackets:
(a) He, Ar, Ne (Increasing order of the
number of electron shells)

(b) Na, Li, K (Increasing Ionisation Energy)

(c)F, Cl, Br (Increasing electronegativity)
Questions 4.
1) Name the ores of the given metals
(a) Aluminium
(b) Zinc
(ii) (a) What do you understand by the
statement, "The vapour density of CO2 is
(6) A compound is formed by 24 grams of X
and 64 grams of oxygen, if X = 12 and O = 16.
Find the simplest formula of the compound.
(ii) Refer to the flow chart diagram
below and give balanced equations with
conditions if any for the followingg
conversions A to D.
Iron() Chloride

Sodium Hydrogen
Chloride Chloride


(iv) Give the IUPAC name of the following:


Questions 5.
i) (a) Write a balanced chemical equation
for the laboratory preparation of nitric acid.
(b) Mention two precautions to be followed
while carrying on the above experiment.
(ii) Write balanced chemical equations to
show the reactions of the following
(a) Action of KOH on CusO4
(b) Action of KOH on CasO4
(ii) Draw the structural formula for each of
the following:
(a) Isomer of n-butane.
b) A three membered unsaturated
hydrocarbon with a triple bond.
(c)The straight chain structure of 2-methyl
(iv) Identify the cations in each of the
following case
(a) NaOH solution when added to the
solution (A) gives a reddish brown
(b) NH4OH solution when added to the
solution (B) gives white precipitate which
does not dissolve in excess.
(c) NaOH solution when added to solution
(C) gives white precipitate which is
insoluble in excess.
Question 6.
(i) Calculate the volume of oxygen required
for the complete combustion of 8.8 g of
methane (CH4). (Atomic mass C 14, O =
16, H 1, Molarvolume = 22.4 dm3 at S.T.P).

(ii) What volume of oxygen is required to

burn completely 90 dm3 of butane under
similar conditions of temperature and

2C4010+1302 8C02 +10H20o

(ii) (a) Write the balanced chemical
equation to prepare ammonia gas in the
laboratory by using an alkali.
(b) State why concentrated sulphuric acid is
not used for drying ammoniagas.
(c)Why is ammonia gas not collected over

(iv) Explain the following

(a) Dilute nitric acid is generally considered
a typical acid but not so in its reaction with

(b) Concentrated nitric acid appears yellow

when it is left standing in a glass bottle.
(c) An all glass apparatus is used in the
laboratory preparation of nitric acid.

(i) Determine the empirical formula of
a compound containing 47.9% potassium,
5.5% beryllium and 46.6% fluorine by

(ii) (a) Two gases which react with ammonia

to form dense white fumes.
(b) The gas evolved on reaction of
aluminium with boiling concentrated
caustic alkali solution.
(iii) The following questions relate to the
extraction of aluminium by electrolysis:
(a) Name the other aluminium containing
compound added to alumina and state its
(b) Give the equation for the reaction that
takes place at the cathode.
(c)Explain why is it necessary to renew the
anode periodically.
(iv) Write balanced chemical equations, for
the preparation of the given salts:
(i) to (ii) by using the methods A to C
A: Neutralization B Precipitation C
(a) Copper sulphate
(b) Zinc carbonate
(c) Ammonium sulphate
Question 8.
(i) State the type of bonding in the following
(a) Water
(b) Calcium oxide
(ii) Differentiate between the following
pairs based on the information given in the
(a) Ammonium hydroxide and sodium
hydroxide (copper sulphate solution).
(b) Dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute
sulphuric acid (lead nitrate solution).
(iil) Identify the substance underlined in
each of the following:
(a) The electrode that increases in mass
during the electrorefining of silver.
(b) The acid that is a dehydrating as well as a
drying agent.
(c) The catalyst used to oxidize ammonia
into nitric oxide.
(iv) An element has an atomic number 16.
(a) The period to which it belongs.
(b) The number of valence electrons.
(c) Whether it is a metal or non-metal.

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