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NCVPS Honors Chemistry

Module 2 Lesson 2

Slide 3 – What did Bohr’s model indicate? (Note – this diagram is found on your
reference tables.)

that electrons circle the nucleus in fixed energy ranges (orbits)

Slide 4 – What is an electron transition? How is it indicated on the diagram?

when electrons are changing energy levels within the atom. The lines show the
electron moving from one energy level to the other.

Slide 5 – How can you determine where the wavelength released from a
transition will fall in the electromagnetic spectrum?
By changing it to scientific notation.

Slide 6 – What happens when an electron falls to a ground state?

When it falls, it releases a photon of lights, becomes excited and contains a high
potential energy

Slide 7 – How is a photon of light released?

When the electron changes levels it loses energy and causes it to emit photons.

Slide 9 – How is the color of the photon of light determined?

Determined by the amount of energy absorbed.

Slide 10 – What is the probability model?

It describes the cloud-like area where electrons are found.

Slide 11 – How are light, energy, and heat related?

They’re all transferred by electromagnetic waves.

Slide 12 – Explain the “duality” of light.

travels as waves and carries photons

Slide 13 – What is the particle-wave nature of light?

Particles behave like matter and energy at the same time.

Slide 14 – In the electromagnetic spectrum, what is the lowest energy waves?
The highest?

lowest- radio waves

highest- gamma waves

Slide 15 – What characteristic of EM waves does the seagull illustration

they’re transfer waves
Slide 16 – What is a wavelength? What symbol represents a wavelength?
can tell us the energy and frequency of the wave of light. Symbol- upside down y

Slide 17 – What is wave frequency? How is it related to wavelength?

The difference between two wavelengths. The wavelength depends on the wave

Slide 18 – True/False Light travels as a wave and a particle. Explain your answer.

Slide 19 and 20 – How do wavelength, frequency, and energy relate to each

The smaller the wavelength the higher the frequency and energy and vice versa.

Slide 21 – What forms the emission spectrum of an atom?

specific wavelengths of radiation

Slide 22 – How is the transition of an atom endothermic? Exothermic?

Endothermic- absorbs energy input
Exothermic- releases energy

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