Applied Physics Lab Report 12: School: SEECS Section: EE-14-B Semester: Fall 2022 (1 Semester) Group: B-5

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School: SEECS Section: EE-14-B

Semester: Fall 2022 ( 1st Semester ) Group: B-5


Ameen Ahmed 405356

Nalain Abbas 405283

Hasnain Ali 406470

Umair Ajmal 407208

M. Murtaza Baig 423785

Experiment 3: OHM'S LAW


 AC/DC Electronic Lab Board: Wire Leads

 D-cell Battery
 Multimeter
 Graph Paper


The purpose of this lab will be to investigate the three variables involved in a
mathematical relationship known as ohm’s law.

𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅


 Choose one of the resistors that you have been given. Using the chart on the next
page, decode the resistance value and record that value in the table given below.
 Measuring Current: Construct the circuit by pressing the leads of the resistor into
two of the springs on the circuit Experiment Board.
 Set the Multimeter to the 200mA range, noting any special connections needed for
measuring current. Connect the circuit and read the current that is flowing through the
resistor by connecting Multimeter in series. Record this value on the table.
 Remove the resistor and choose another. Record its resistance value in table the
measure and record the current. Continue this process until you have completed all
the resistors you have been given. As you have more than one resistor with the same
value, keep them in order as you will use them again in the next steps.
 Measuring Voltage: Disconnect the Multimeter and connect a wire from the positive
lead of the battery directly to the first resistor you used. Change the Multimeter to the
2VDC scale and connect the leads. Measure the voltage across the resistor and record
 Remove the resistor and choose the next one you used. Record its voltage in the table
below. Continue this process for all the resistors.
Data Processing:

Resistance Resistance Voltage Current Voltage/Resistance

(Color Code) (Measured) (V) (I) ( V/ R)

15 Ω 15.6 Ω 1.21 V 61mA 80.67 mA

100 Ω 103.2 Ω 1.29 V 12.26 mA 12.9 mA

560 Ω 559 Ω 1.31 V 2.31 mA 2.34 mA

68 Ω 67.2 Ω 1.26 V 17.85 mA 18.97 mA

33 Ω 34.3 Ω 1.29 V 32.5 mA 38.2 mA

Discussions and Conclusions:

Resistance is not affected by voltage, as it is the initial source provided to
the entire circuit; and voltage does not change throughout the circuit, there is only change
seen in the current due to resistance. Ohm’s Law have been confirmed in this laboratory
experiment because of the relationship seen between current, voltage, and resistance with
the information collected; my data supported the fact that as resistance increases, current

 Ohm’s Law states that current is given by the ratio of Voltage/Resistance. Does your
data concur with this?

As we know that more tolerance means your resistance, and thus the voltage/current will
fluctuate away from its measured value. All of the resistors we have used in this lab
experiment were of tolerance value 5% and almost all the measured resistances deviate
less than 5% which is acceptable. Due to deviation in resistance of resistors our
theoretical current is also deviating from measured current by 5%. Yes, our data supports
Ohm’s Law.

 What were possible sources of experimental error in this lab? Would you expect
each to make your results larger or to make them smaller?

Sources of errors in Ohm’s Law can be:

 Wrong connection of ammeter / Voltmeter
 Wrong taking the readings
 Tolerance values of resistors
 Quality of Multimeter
 Operational Electronic Board
Experiment 4, 5, 6: Resistances/Voltages/Currents In Circuits

 AC/DC Electronic Lab Board: Resistors

 Multimeter

The purpose of this Lab is to begin experimenting with the variables that contribute to the
operation of an electrical circuit. This is the first of a three connected labs.


 Choose any three resistors of some resistances.

 Determine the coded value of your resistors. Enter the value in the column labeled
“Coded Resistance”. Enter the tolerance value as indicated by color of the fourth band
under “Tolerance”.
 Use the Multimeter to measure the resistance of each of the resistor. Enter these values
in table given below.
 Determine the percentage experimental error of each resistance value and enter it in the
appropriate column.

Experimental Error = [(|Measured-Coded|) / Coded]×100

Colors Resistance Resistance Percentage Tolerance

(Theoretical) (Measured) Error

1: Green 560 Ω 559 Ω 0.17% 5%

2: Blue


1:Blue 68 Ω 66.7 Ω 1.91% 5%



1:Brown 100 Ω 99.5 Ω 0.5% 5%


 Now connect the three resistors into the SERIES CIRCUIT by using the spring clips on
the Circuits Experiment Board to hold the leads of the resistors together without bending
them. Measure the resistances of the combinations as indicated on the diagram by
connecting the leads of the Multimeter between the points at the ends of the arrows.

 Construct a PARALLEL CIRCUIT, first using combinations of two of the resistors, and
then using all three. Measure and record your values for these circuits.

 Choose three resistors having different values. Note we have called these resistors A, B
and C.
For Series Combination of Resistors

Series Resistances:

𝑹𝟏𝟐 𝑹𝟐𝟑 𝑹𝟏𝟐𝟑

626 Ω 166 Ω 725 Ω

Series Voltages:

𝑽𝟏 𝑽𝟐 𝑽𝟑 𝑽𝟏𝟐 𝑽𝟐𝟑 𝑽𝟏𝟐𝟑

1.01 V 0.12V 0.18V 1.13V 0.3V 1.308V

Series Current:

Total Current 𝑰𝟏 𝑰𝟐 𝑰𝟑

1.79mA 1.77mA 1.78mA 1.78mA

For Parallel Combination of Resistors

Parallel Resistances:

𝑹𝟏𝟐 𝑹𝟐𝟑 𝑹𝟏𝟐𝟑

61Ω 40.8Ω 38.5Ω

Parallel Voltages:

𝑽𝟏 𝑽𝟐 𝑽𝟑 𝑽𝟏𝟐𝟑

1.24V 1.241V 1.24V 1.246V

Parallel Current:

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑰𝟏 𝑰𝟐 𝑰𝟑

30.6mA 2.4mA 17mA 12.2mA

For the combination of Resistors given in figure 4.3


𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐𝟑 𝑹𝟏𝟐𝟑

560Ω 42Ω 601Ω


𝑽𝟏 𝑽𝟐𝟑 𝑽𝟏𝟐𝟑

1.22V 0.086V 1.3V


𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑰𝟏 𝑰𝟐 𝑰𝟑

2.15mA 2.14mA 0.84mA 1.26mA


 On the basis of the data you recorded on the table, what is the pattern for how
voltage gets distributed in a series circuit with equal resistances?
When we connect resistors of equal resistances in series combination, the applied voltage
will distribute among them equally.
 What is the pattern for how voltage gets distributed in a series circuit with unequal
resistances? Is there any relationship between the size of the resistance and the size
of the resulting voltage?
When we connect resistors of unequal resistances in series combination, the applied
voltage will not distribute among them equally, unlike equal resistances the resistor with
comparatively large resistance will have more voltage than smaller one according to the
data in the above tables
 What is the pattern for how voltage distributes itself in a parallel circuit for equal
resistances? What is the pattern for how voltage distributes itself in a parallel circuit
for unequal resistances? Is there any relationship between the size of the resistance
and the size of the resulting voltage?
It has been observed that in parallel combination of resistors the voltage remain same for
equal and as well as unequal resistances. There is no relationship between size of
resistance and the size of resulting voltage.
 Do the voltages in your combination circuits (see Figures 4.3) follow the same rules
as they did in your circuits which were purely series or parallel? If not, state the
rules you see in operation.
Yes, for this combination we follow the same rule for circuits which were purely series or
parallel. Because R2 | | R3 and (R2 | | R3) are in series with R1.
 On the basis of your first set of data, what is the pattern for how current behaves in
a series circuit?
Current in series combination is same throughout the circuit as there is no other path
available for current to flow in a circuit.
 On the basis of your second set of data, are there any patterns to the way that
currents behave in a parallel circuit?
Current in parallel circuit combination divided among branches on the basis of their
resistances. The larger the resistance, smaller the current will be and vice versa.

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