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Good day, I am Angel Ann G. Abendaño, taking up a bachelor of secondary education major in English. I am going to

discuss my answer to the question, “As a future teacher what did you find most meaningful in this lesson and why?” So, as a

future teacher, the most meaningful part of this lesson is the discussion about School-Based Management. It is because it

tackles its importance and effectiveness to the schools. SBM’s benefits were also emphasized. Since I am going to become a

teacher in the future, I believe that this information will become helpful to me. It is because I could apply my learnings

about it when I become a professional teacher soon. In addition, I am glad because I was able to learn about it earlier. I also

enjoyed reading the part of the book containing this topic because I have come to know what really is school-based

management, what are its advantages and disadvantages, its benefits, as well as its demands. With this lesson, I was able

to learn about SBM. As a student, I could say that the learnings I have acquired helped me a lot to understand the function

of school-based management. To further improve education, this strategy is being implemented in schools, the textbook

points out. It recognizes competent people involved in a school and transfers the authority of decision-making to the school

heads, teachers, students, parents, and other leaders of the community. SBM’s definition that was discussed made me

realize that this is the best way to deal with the problems in schools.

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