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EIE Essay Prof Ed 4 and 5

From Week 11, I chose a topic from Learning Task 4. The topic I chose is whether life skills in the
primitive and 21st Century society are the same and how they were taught. Because this activity
required us to research it on the internet, I was able to read more about life skills in the primitive and
21st Century society.

I have learned that there are life skills that were taught in the past. I think most of us would agree
that these taught skills to survive is important. I think if these skills were not taught thousands of
years ago, we would not be able to be knowledgeable about them now and encounter difficulties. I
have read on certain websites that for the people to survive during that time, they needed food,
shelter, clothing, and weapons to protect themselves. These things are still needed by the people
today. I was interested in this topic because it tackles the way how the primitive people taught
themselves these skills and how they lived. In addition, I have come to know that as time went by, the
methods of teaching and learning these life skills evolved.

Then, in the 21st Century society, living still demands these basic needs. From food, clothing, home,
as well as safety or protection. I think the only difference is the way these necessities are obtained.
For instance, in preparing food. Unlike in primitive society, we do not have to hunt down animals to
have a meal anymore. We just have to buy them in the supermarket. The same goes for clothing. We
no longer have to at least sew animal skins for us to have clothes. Materials are readily available now.
Then, in building a house. Now, there are various ways how we learn how to build one. Another one is
protection. Since there are no more wild and aggressive animals roaming around in towns, we do not
have to equip ourselves with weapons. Moreover, we can obtain these skills by attending school and
organizations that teach these certain skills.

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