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For our March SPRINT

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well. I am Angel Ann Abendaño. Taking up
BSED Major in English. Today, I’ll be answering two questions related to the
reading material that was provided by our professor.

What one thing did you learn from the chapter?

1. One thing I have learned from the chapter is that the process throughout
planning a developmentally appropriate curriculum must be carefully thought
out. With that, there are a couple of things to remember.

2. Firstly, a teacher should keep in mind that a lesson plan should not be made in
a rushed manner. A lesson plan like that should not be used in a classroom
because its content would likely be unorganized and lacking. It would cause
various consequences. For instance, the chance that the students’ needs to be met
is very slim since the lesson plan is incomplete.

3. Second on the list to be remembered is observation. This should not be

underestimated since it helps in identifying who among the learners need more
attention and improvement in certain aspects.

4. Following that is note taking. When observing, teachers won’t be able to

remember mostly what happened in the classroom. Simply taking down notes
would help. Be it digitally or written on a piece of paper. Teachers could always
refer to it when needed.

Why is it important to you and how you can use it in your profession?

1.Planning a curriculum thoughtfully is crucial. Practicing this is important to me

because as a future teacher, I must do my best to create a perfect lesson plan for
my students. If it is planned carefully, I would be able to know what and how to
teach them and maximize their learning.

2. Of course, I could use this learning in my profession by taking my time in doing

important things. For instance, planning and doing activities unhurriedly for my
future students.

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