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Course: Project Management for Engineers

Group assignment requirements

Semester 222
- The class is divided into 6 groups
- Please register your group’s members through a link which is posted on BKEL website.
- Deadline of registering: see Bkel.
2.1. Study a certain issue in project management field and design video clip
Group Vấn đề tìm hiểu/ cần trả lời Project issues Page (Larson’s
1 Phân loại dự án và mô hình đánh Project classification and Phase p.38-41
giá giai đoạn Gate Model
2 Đạo đức và quản lý dự án Ethics and project management p.372-373
3 Nhà quản lý dự án: Lãnh đạo bằng Project manager: Leading by p.369-371
cách làm gương example
4 Đội dự án hiệu suất cao High-performance project p.391-393
5 Hướng dẫn ước lượng thời gian, Guidelines for estimating time, p.138-139
chi phí, nguồn lực trong dự án costs, and resources in projects
6 Thực hiện quản lý dự án linh hoạt Agile PM in Action p.12-14
Requirement: Write script for the video that you are going to make, build and deliver an
attractive video which has duration of 3-5 minutes.
Submission: A 3-5 minutes video clip.
Content: The video must answer your assigned issue and has visual/ interesting illustration.
Deadline: Study week 12
2.2. Report the video making project
Requirement: You are necessary to write a report about the process that you create above video
and deliver it to your clients (instructor and other classmates). You should apply techniques
discussed in the course to develop this report.
Submission: A complete report (MS. Word, Times New Roman, size 13) with proper/ suitable
format and content on BKEL.
Suggested content: (included but not limited)
- Group member and their contribution.

- Part 1: Project overview: Objectives, Main/Major deliverables; Technical Requirements,
Limits and Exclusions…
- Part 2: Develop structure of your project team. Describe roles and duties of each team
member. Explain why you choose this organization structure.
- Part 3: Describe activities in the project using Work Breakdown Structure, along with
their duration in hours.
- Part 4: Develop the project network, using MS. Project software. Report the project
overview, project workload, resource usage…
- Part 5: Manage risks and resources in your project.
- Part 6: Conclusions and lessons learned. Which suggestion(s) you have for performing an
effective project?
Due date: Study week 12
2.3 Review other group’s work and adjust your work
- Study week 12: Send the video and report to the review group.
- Study week 14: Receive the feedback from review group.
- Study week 15: Adjust your work based on the comments; give the reasons in the case your
group does not recognize the comments.
- Study week 16: Submit your final work (video+ word): see Bkel.
Requirement: Besides developing your own project, you also need to review another project.
You group, as a reviewer, are required to:
1) Watch a video of another group (which you are assigned to review). Give them comments
of good/attractive/ need improving point, a detail that amaze you most… and have 2
questions to the making-video group.
2) Read through the report of that group also. Give them comments of good/attractive/ need
improving point, a detail that amaze you most… and have 2 questions to the making-
video group.
Group 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reviewer (group) 3 4 5 6 1 2
Attention: All comments and questions should be in a single MS.Word file and upload onto
BKEL website.
Deadline: Study week 14
- Each group shows their video to the class members and answer questions given from their
reviewer. All team members must attend on that day. Max duration 5 mins.
- Each group briefly present their report and lesson learned from the project, and answer
questions from their reviewer. With no exception, each group has the maximum of 10 minutes
for their session.
* All queries related with the assignment should be emailed to:, with the
title: [222-PME-Class]: Mail title. Example: [222-PME-CC01]: Clarifying assignment requirement


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