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Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

Hemodynamic Consequences of Auto-PEEP

David Berlin
J Intensive Care Med published online 15 May 2012
DOI: 10.1177/0885066612445712

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Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
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Hemodynamic Consequences of ª The Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permission:
Auto-PEEP DOI: 10.1177/0885066612445712

David Berlin, MD1

Auto–positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is a common but frequently unrecognized problem in critically ill patients. It has
important physiologic consequences and can cause shock and cardiac arrest. Treatment consists of relieving expiratory airflow
obstruction and reducing minute ventilation delivered by positive pressure ventilation. Sedation and fluid management are impor-
tant adjunctive therapies. This analytic review discusses the prevalence, pathophysiology, and hemodynamic consequences of
auto-PEEP and an approach to its treatment.

Auto–positive end-expiratory pressure, dynamic hyperinflation, shock, mechanical ventilation

Received November 3, 2011, and in revised November 29, 2011. Accepted December 13, 2011.

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is the distention of the postmortem examination cannot detect its presence.8 There are
lungs with air above atmospheric pressure prior to the onset of a few reports of its prevalence in specific critically ill populations.
inspiration. Clinicians can intentionally apply extrinsic PEEP In one series, 47% of patients on mechanical ventilation had evi-
with mechanical ventilation. This is a positive pressure target dence of at least minimal auto-PEEP.13 In another series, it was
the ventilator maintains in the airway circuit during exhalation. observed in the majority of critically ill patients on mechanical
PEEP can also arise as an intrinsic consequence of a patient’s ventilation. All the patients in this series with chronic obstructive
ventilatory pattern. Pepe and Marini coined the term auto- pulmonary disease had auto-PEEP.14 In a series of patients with
PEEP in 1982 to describe this phenomenon.1 Extrinsic PEEP the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), most of whom
is a therapy set by a clinician on a ventilator. Auto-PEEP is had stable hemodynamics and high levels of extrinsic PEEP, there
unintentional. It can occur in people with expiratory airflow was a low prevalence of auto-PEEP,15 while others have noted a
obstruction who are breathing without the assistance of higher prevalence.16 Since it is defined as the excess pressure
mechanical ventilation but is more commonly associated with above the set PEEP, the prevalence of auto-PEEP will be lower
positive pressure ventilation.2 By convention, auto-PEEP is with ventilatory strategies that use high levels of extrinsic
defined as the magnitude of the end-expiratory pressure in PEEP.17 Prone ventilation may reduce the prevalence of auto-
excess of the set extrinsic PEEP. High minute ventilation and PEEP in ARDS.18 Trauma is a major risk factor for developing
expiratory airflow obstruction are the most important risk fac- auto-PEEP, likely due to hyperventilation from metabolic acido-
tors for the development of auto-PEEP. Intrinsic and extrinsic sis and shock.13,19 Hyperventilation during cardiopulmonary
PEEP have similar effects on respiratory mechanics, gas resuscitation (CPR) is another common cause.20,21
exchange, and hemodynamics.3 Auto-PEEP is a common cause
of dyspnea, patient–ventilator dysynchrony, and the inability to
trigger mechanical ventilation.4 Since its first description, auto- Pathophysiology of Auto-PEEP
PEEP is increasingly recognized as an important but treatable One form of auto-PEEP is caused by activation of the muscles
cause of shock and cardiac arrest.1,5-12 of exhalation. Normal exhalation during unassisted breathing

Prevalence of Auto-PEEP 1
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical
The prevalence of auto-PEEP is unknown and is likely more com- College, New York, NY, USA
mon than realized. There are no clear diagnostic criteria and the
Corresponding Author:
threshold for the magnitude of auto-PEEP that has significant car- David Berlin, Weill Cornell Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, New York,
diorespiratory effects varies with different clinical situations. NY 10023, USA
Even when auto-PEEP is the immediate cause of death, Email:

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2 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

or positive pressure ventilation is accomplished by passive

elastic recoil of the lungs. A patient may use muscles of exha-
lation to enhance intrathoracic pressure to accelerate expiratory
airflow. This may occur when tidal volumes are large or there is
expiratory airflow limitation due to bronchospasm or obstruc-
tion of the ventilator circuit.22 Patient effort raises pleural pres-
sure, but not the transpulmonary gradient, which limits the
physiologic consequences of auto-PEEP.4,23
The more important cause of auto-PEEP is dynamic hyper-
inflation. Also called breath stacking, it occurs when a patient
inhales successive tidal volumes despite incomplete exhala-
tion. Progressively larger volumes of air become trapped in the
lungs. This commonly occurs when there is insufficient time Figure 1. Flow–time curves from a patient on mechanical ventilation.
for completion of expiratory flow due to rapid respiratory rates, There is a normal decay in expiratory flow to zero prior to the onset
large inflation volumes, and short expiratory times.24 Expira- of the second breath. The second exhalation is incomplete due to
rapid cycling to inspiration resulting in dynamic hyperinflation.
tory airflow limitation exacerbates dynamic hyperinflation, and
it commonly complicates mechanical ventilation in patients
with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ventilator graphics. Ventilators typically display inspiratory
Dynamic hyperinflation can occur with any mode of mechani- flow as a positive deflection and expiratory flow as a negative
cal ventilation although theoretically it is more likely to occur deflection with zero flow as the x-axis. In the normal situation,
with strategies that intentionally limit expiratory time such as there is a pause at end exhalation during which there is no fur-
inverse ratio and airway pressure release ventilation. It can ther expiratory flow. This is seen as zero flow on the flow–time
occur when the patient or the ventilator initiates the breaths curve. In the presence of dynamic hyperinflation, however, the
or during manual mask bag ventilation. Since inadequate time ventilator graphics will demonstrate the rapid onset of inspira-
for expiratory flow contributes to dynamic hyperinflation, tory flow prior to the expiratory flow curve returning to the
auto-PEEP is common whenever there is increased minute ven- x-axis. This generates a vertical line rising up from the negative
tilation. Examples of clinical scenarios include metabolic (expiratory) portion of the flow–time curve (Figure 1).28 The
acidosis and large alveolar dead-space fraction.14 ventilator may display exhaled tidal volumes that are less than
Auto-PEEP may create dysynchrony by impeding a expected due to dynamic hyperinflation and air trapping.4
patient’s ability to trigger mechanical ventilation. The patient The aforementioned maneuvers demonstrate the presence
must generate sufficient negative inspiratory force to overcome but not the magnitude of auto-PEEP. The airway pressure most
the auto-PEEP.4 Improved synchronization with inspiratory ventilators display reflects the pressure at the interface between
efforts may paradoxically worsen dynamic hyperinflation in the ventilator and the tubing of the ventilator circuit (ie, the air-
patients with a powerful respiratory drive. This is a potential way opening). The pressure displayed on ventilator graphics,
limitation of increasing the trigger sensitivity or using neural therefore, will not reflect the intra-alveolar pressure unless
adjusted ventilation. there is equilibration of pressure between the distal airways and
Dynamic hyperinflation results in lung recruitment and ele- the ventilator circuit. For equilibration to occur there must be
vation of end-expiratory lung volumes. Exhaled tidal volumes sufficient expiratory time and no significant obstruction to air-
may fall in the presence of dynamic hyperinflation, as there is flow between distal airways and the ventilator. Performing a
insufficient time for exhalation. The hyperinflation can alter pause maneuver at end expiration will prevent cycling over
lung compliance as well as airway caliber. The transpulmonary to inspiration for a short duration (typically <1 second) and
expiratory pressure rises with increasing end-expiratory lung allow the pressure to better equilibrate between alveoli and
volumes. During volume-targeted ventilation, dynamic hyperin- ventilator circuit tubing. During an expiratory pause, the venti-
flation can elevate the plateau pressure. In pressure-targeted lator displays a pressure that better approximates the actual
modes, the delivered tidal volume may fall in the presence of PEEP. The amount of pressure above the set extrinsic PEEP
auto-PEEP.14,25 is the auto-PEEP.25,28 Accurate measurement of auto-PEEP
requires passive ventilation without significant patient effort.
For an individual patient, the presence and magnitude of
Diagnosis of Auto-PEEP auto-PEEP will vary over time as the respiratory pattern
Auto-PEEP is also called occult PEEP because it is difficult to changes.29
diagnose.1 Careful examination, however, can detect its pres- Auto-PEEP may be difficult to detect by analysis of ventila-
ence. Auscultation may reveal the persistence of expiratory tor graphics if there is significant airway closure and the
flow up to the onset of cycling over to inspiration.26 Activation obstructed airways do not equilibrate with the airway opening.
of the muscles of exhalation is found by palpating the transver- Heterogeneous airflow obstruction can lead to slower emptying
sus abdominus.27 The presence of dynamic hyperinflation can from certain lung units and localized areas of dynamic hyper-
be identified by observation of the flow–time curve on inflation that are difficult to detect. This phenomenon is

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Berlin 3

common in asthma and obesity but also occurs in ARDS, par-

ticularly in the recumbent position.4,30,31 Hemodynamic Instability
Presently, there are no reliable automated diagnostic sys- from Auto-PEEP
tems to detect the presence of auto-PEEP. Research techniques
such as esophageal balloon manometry may not provide useful Treat Dynamic Hyperinflation Support Circulation
clinical information.4 Physical examination and evaluation of Relieve airflow
Right ventricular
ventilator graphics are the cornerstones of diagnosis. If auto- overload?
No Yes
PEEP is present, the clinician should determine whether there Decrease respiratory rate
and delivered tidal volume Fluid
is expiratory airflow limitation due to bronchospasm or Prolong time for exhalation
obstruction of the ventilator circuit.
Suppress spontaneous respiratory drive Consider vasopressors

Consider trial of apnea or

Auto-PEEP as a Cause of Shock disconnecting ventilator
The cardiovascular effects of PEEP are similar whether it is
extrinsic or intrinsically generated.3 These effects have been Figure 2. Treatment of hemodynamic instability due to auto–positive
known for more than 60 years.32 PEEP can decrease left ventri- end-expiratory pressure.
cular afterload; the wall tension required to eject blood into the
extrathoracic arteries.33,34 Lung hyperinflation by positive by hyperinflation can unleash a vicious cycle of right ventricular
pressure may also cause bradycardia and vasodilation via auto- failure. Importantly, volume loading will be deleterious in this
nomic reflexes.35,36 scenario as blood dams up in the failing right ventricle which
PEEP exerts its most powerful hemodynamic effects on the is unable to eject its large preload into the high resistance pul-
right side of the circulation. Normally, venous return to the monary circuit.23,44
heart is driven by the pressure gradient between the systemic The hemodynamic effects of positive pressure ventilation
veins (estimated by mean systemic filling pressure) and the are cyclical and more pronounced when airway pressures are
right atrium. The total venous return to the right heart is the highest during inspiration. Since expiratory times are gener-
same as the cardiac output. PEEP increases the juxtacardiac ally longer than inspiration, low expiratory pressures preserve
right atrial pressure and decreases the gradient for venous cardiac output.32 However, in the presence of significant
return and the cardiac output.37 Studies using transesophageal auto-PEEP, the hemodynamic consequences of positive pres-
echocardiography demonstrate that positive airway pressure sure ventilation will persist throughout the entire respiratory
can create a barrier to venous return by causing mechanical cycle.23
compression and obstruction of the intrathoracic portion of the The hemodynamic effects of auto-PEEP may be profound.
superior vena cava.38 In a study of postoperative patients, a Shock and cardiac arrest may occur. It is likely that occult
central venous pressure of less than 10 mm Hg always resulted auto-PEEP is a common cause of pulseless electrical activity
in a fall in stroke volume and systemic hypotension after treat- in patients treated with positive pressure ventilation.8 It is an
ment with 10 cm H2O continuous positive airway pressure.39 explanation for the unexpectedly high mortality rate of patients
The effects of positive pressure on impedance to venous return with status asthmaticus treated with mechanical ventilation.45
are attenuated by volume expansion which distends the venous However, the true incidence of death due to auto-PEEP is
capacitance vessels and transmission of the positive pressure to unknown. Auto-PEEP during CPR can prevent return of spon-
the blood reservoir in the mesenteric venous system.40 taneous circulation.20
Excessive PEEP can also precipitate acute right ventricular
failure by hyperinflation of the lungs.41 The thin-walled right
ventricle must eject the entire cardiac output into the pulmonary
circulation. This system depends on low pulmonary vascular There are highly effective therapies for auto-PEEP (Figure 2).
resistance (PVR). Excessive PEEP will increase end-expiratory The general principle is to allow more complete exhalation.
lung volume. In the presence of hyperinflation, PVR rises dra- The first step is to relieve bronchospasm or obstruction of the
matically.23 This may be especially important when there is ventilator circuit.14 Dynamic hyperinflation will improve with
focal lung disease that diverts airflow into more compliant lung a reduction of inspired tidal volume or prolongation of the time
regions causing progressive hyperinflation. The right ventricle available for exhalation. If the patient is being passively venti-
has a limited capacity to compensate for acute elevation in PVR. lated, the clinician can reduce the targeted volume or inspira-
As a result, the right ventricular pressure rises dramatically, tory pressure.46,47
reducing the perfusion gradient for right coronary blood flow With most modes of mechanical ventilation, decreasing the
leading to right ventricular ischemia. As cardiac output falls, sys- set respiratory rate will prolong total expiratory time. If the
temic hypotension worsens right ventricular ischemia.42 patient is undergoing mandatory ventilation, the clinician can
Through the phenomenon of interventricular dependence, eleva- decrease the set ventilator frequency. If the patient is sponta-
tion of right ventricular pressure impairs left ventricular filling neously triggering the ventilator breaths, opiates (which
further reducing cardiac output.43 In short, elevation of PVR decrease air hunger) can suppress the respiratory drive.

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4 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 00(0)

Sedation and, ultimately, neuromuscular blockade can also If shock from auto-PEEP persists, the clinician should
prevent the patient from triggering the ventilator and help consider adjunctive fluid management. If auto-PEEP impairs
reduce delivered minute ventilation.14,48 Other measures to venous return, fluid resuscitation may help restore the pressure
decrease minute ventilation such as avoiding over-feeding, gradient and recruit stroke volume via the Starling mechan-
correcting metabolic acidosis, and suppressing fever should ism.40 Fluids may be deleterious, however, if auto-PEEP con-
theoretically reduce auto-PEEP.14,45 To avoid dynamic hyper- tributes to right ventricular failure by increasing PVR.44
inflation during CPR, the clinician should provide 2 breaths for Diagnostic studies may help to determine whether or not fluid
every 30 compressions and 8 to 10 breaths/min after endotra- resuscitation will be beneficial. Unfortunately, significant auto-
cheal intubation.21,49,50 PEEP may impair accurate measurement of pulmonary artery
The clinician can directly set a longer expiratory time using occlusion pressure since airway pressure may exceed pulmon-
pressure-targeted time-cycled ventilation (pressure control). ary venous pressure.23 In general, static measures of cardiac
With ventilator modes that cycle to exhalation after delivering filling pressures are poor predictors of whether fluid resuscita-
a targeted volume, setting a higher peak inspiratory flow rate or tion will recruit stroke volume. Variability of stroke volume or
square wave inspiratory flow pattern will shorten inspiratory pulse pressure induced by the positive pressure respiratory
time. Reducing set tidal volume will also allow more time for cycle can predict the response to fluid resuscitation.59 The pres-
exhalation to reduce dynamic hyperinflation.14 However, ence of significant auto-PEEP, however, may affect the
reducing a tidal volume low enough to generate a rapid shallow results of these dynamic tests. The tests rely on the cyclic
breathing pattern can also produce auto-PEEP.51 On pressure- decline of left ventricular stroke volume following an
targeted flow-cycled ventilation (pressure support), increasing inspiratory decline in right-sided venous return. High
expiratory flow sensitivity will facilitate early cycling over to expiratory pressure, especially when accompanied by rela-
exhalation.52 Matching the auto-PEEP by increasing the set tively small tidal volumes, diminishes the stroke volume
extrinsic PEEP may decrease the patient work required to trig- variability during the cardiac cycle. High respiratory rates
ger the ventilator. Since this maneuver has little effect on the commonly associated with auto-PEEP also limit the respira-
total amount of PEEP, however, it has insignificant cardiovas- tory variability of stroke volume. Therefore, the false nega-
cular effects.53-55 There is a theoretical benefit of adding a low tive rate of the pulse pressure and stroke volume variability
level of extrinsic PEEP even in the presence of dynamic hyper- tests are likely higher in the presence of auto-PEEP.60,61
inflation if there is heterogeneous airflow obstruction in ARDS. Stroke volume variability with the respiratory cycle, more-
In this scenario, extrinsic PEEP can stent open slower emptying over, will not reliably predict fluid responsiveness in the
lung units to limit focal dynamic hyperinflation and improve presence of right ventricular failure.62 Auto-PEEP can pre-
impedance to right ventricular outflow.31 Switching to high fre- cipitate acute right heart failure and create false positive
quency jet ventilation appears to have no benefit for patients results of the dynamic tests. All tests of fluid responsiveness
with auto-PEEP.56 that assess the cyclical circulatory effects of passive positive
If the patient is in shock or cardiac arrest due to auto-PEEP, pressure ventilation, including inferior vena cava variability,
the clinician should consider a brief trial of apnea or temporar- are also invalid when there is a strong spontaneous ventila-
ily disconnect the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube from the tory drive.59
ventilator circuit to allow more complete exhalation.8,9,57 Auto-PEEP does not limit the echocardiographic prediction
Obviously, the fraction of inspired oxygen will fall during the of the right ventricular response to fluid resuscitation. If the
maneuver. However, there are multiple reports of full circula- right ventricle is markedly dilated with flattening of intraven-
tory arrest spontaneously reversing by detaching the patient tricular septum and dilation of the inferior vena cava, further
from the ventilator circuit. This has been called the ‘‘Lazarus fluid resuscitation will not improve stroke volume.43 Auto-
effect’’ and is thought to be a mechanism of ‘‘auto-resuscita- PEEP is also unlikely to affect the ability of a passive leg raise
tion.’’ In 1 case, a young woman with status asthmaticus had study to predict stroke volume response to a fluid bolus. Diag-
cardiac arrest each time the positive pressure ventilation was nostic passive leg raise has been validated in multiple settings
resumed and auto-resuscitated each time her physicians including high inflation pressures.63,64
detached her from the circuit to allow declaration of death.11 Exogenous catecholamines may be useful to support a circu-
If severe consequences of auto-PEEP develop, the clinician lation failing from auto-PEEP. Alpha-receptor-mediated veno-
may need to limit the patient’s minute ventilation and permit constriction may mobilize blood from venous capacitance
hypercapnia. This may be particularly important in cases of sta- vessels and increase cardiac output from augmented venous
tus asthmaticus.47 Since both hypercapnia and dynamic hyper- return. In the setting of right ventricular failure from auto-
inflation can raise PVR, the clinician must monitor the PEEP-induced elevation of PVR, catecholamine vasopressors
hemodynamic consequences of changing minute ventilation.58 can augment systemic arterial pressure to restore the perfusion
Even if the ventilator changes relieve auto-PEEP, the hemody- gradient to the right ventricle and augment its contractility.42,44
namic instability will persist if the extrinsic PEEP is set too There is currently no automated diagnostic testing that can
high. Moreover, a prolonged and high-pressure inspiratory reliably diagnose and manage significant auto-PEEP. Only the
phase may limit the hemodynamic benefit of reducing auto- presence of a trained clinician can mitigate the severe hemody-
PEEP. namic consequences of this common problem.

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Berlin 5

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