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The Forces of Good

This section contains the description for the main factions of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth,
including all those realms and races who oppose Sauron’s will. Some take this stand simply because to
do otherwise is to meekly accept destruction and slavery, whilst others are in service to a higher

Most multitudinous of all the Free Peoples are Men, whose numbers steadily grow whilst the other, older
races decline. Though some Men have gone over to the service of Sauron, whether stricken by dread or
entranced by the lure of personal gain, the strongest realms still hold true to opposition of the Dark Lord. The
Kingdom of Gondor is the chief bulwark against Mordor’s evil, but the race of Men strives against Sauron
across Rohan, Arnor and a score of other places.

Lacking in numbers but rich in skills and wisdom, the elder races of Dwarves and Elves still have a key role to
play in the struggle against the Forces of Darkness. They are braver than Men and more hardy in battle, but
their time of dominance in Middle-earth is ending. Though the elder races hate Sauron and his works, they no
longer have the numbers or the power to contain or defeat him alone. They must look to the younger races to
prevail in this fight. Even so, a small band of elves or dwarves is easily the equal in battle of a much larger force
of men.

Not to be forgotten are the smaller groups of combatants, those opponents of Sauron who do not have the
numbers of even the dwarves, yet still rally against the Dark Lord. Whether the cursed warriors of Dunharrow,
or the Ents of Fangorn, the enigmatic wizards or the peaceful hobbits of the Shire, all can be summoned to take
a stand against the Lord of Mordor.

Choose your forces well, and may the Valar guide you!

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