I.2 Arnor

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At the time of Gondor’s founding in the south of Middle-earth, a second kingdom arose in the north,
between the Misty Mountains and the Ered Luin. This was the Kingdom of Arnor, over which Elendil
ruled until his death at the final battle of the Last Alliance.

Arnor was much alike to Gondor, yet its line of kings wavered much sooner and
the kingdom found its strength diminished. Such a weakened realm was easy prey
for the Witch-king of Angmar, chief amongst Sauron’s servants and Lord of the
Nazgû l, whose armies ultimately seized and destroyed Arnor’s capital of old,
Fornost. This single act crushed Arnor forever, despite the best efforts of the north
kingdom’s allies (the hobbits of the Shire amongst them).

Nowadays, Anor is a ghost-haunted land, a place that has seen too much war and
known precious little happiness. Ruins of its buildings and statues, testaments to
its former glories, can be found in every corner of its old domains. From broken
Fornost, to burned Amon Sû l and the Wight-infested downs near Bree, travellers
can see the ruin brought to the once-proud kingdom.

To stray from the safe pathways of Arnor is to invite great peril, for many evil and
unwholesome things survive in the dark forests of Rhudaur, or walk amongst the
mists of Evendim. Such creatures vary from savage beasts to malicious and
cunning spectres, yet all know little of mercy, and possess cruelty beyond

Hope is not unknown even so, for there are many places of a more wholesome
power within the boundaries of the old realm, though their numbers are few and
their strength fades daily.

 The Rangers of the North

All that remains of the noble houses of Arnor, the Rangers of the North, live
within the valleys and hills of Eriador, continuing to defend the common folk
from the evils that dwell in the ruins of the north kingdom.

Since the fall of Arnor, the Rangers have followed the leadership of chieftains,
taciturn and steady-handed men who can trace their lineage back to Isildur
himself, and thence to the blood of lost Nú menor. Courageous and determined
warriors, the Rangers are masters of all manner of woodcraft and fear neither
man, beast nor unquiet spirit.

Of all the races of men to remain in Middle-earth, it is the Rangers of the North
who earned the most respect from the elvish peoples, for the elves perceive the
nobility of their calling for what it is. Indeed, several of the elves of Rivendell, the
sons of Elrond amongst them, have taken to spending time in the wilderness
alongside the Rangers, lending what aid they can.

Many believe that there will come a time when the descendants of Arnor will
reclaim their birthright, yet until that day they continue their thankless task,
guarding the villages of Eriador from evils unknown to all but them.
• Ranger of the North and Dú nedain • Captain of Arnor • Warrior of Arnor

• Halbarad • Halbarad with banner of the King

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