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Yana Kavun

ENG 113 Written Composition

Fluency Friday
February 10, 2023


Music is a very important and significant aspect of my life. I enjoy many jars of
music. Some of them are rap, hip-hop, pop, rock, worship, gospel, and experimental. I can’t
live a day without listening to music. I listen to music everywhere, even in the shower. Music
is an important influencer on my mood. It helps me to understand and express what I feel
whether I’m in the good mood or not. Music, especially rap and hip hop helps me to cope
with stress through meaningful lyrics and dynamic rhythm. Another important thing about,
music is that calms my soul and gives me peace and hope while going through difficulties
and challenges throughout my life. One of my favorite artists are Montell Fish, Kanye West,
and Kendrick Lamar, and one of my favorite rock bands, actually the best ever existed that is
Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

Word count: 147

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