Class Lecture6 On International Prsentation

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Lecture on International

Prepared by
Dr. Md. Shamimul Haque Choudhury

International Presentation
 There are various types of international presentations
to express the scientific works or ideas.
 The general purpose of these gatherings is to share
ideas, view about various topics.
 It is a great opportunity to share ideas among the
researchers, get unknown things, get opportunity to
meet various researchers, to understand new things.
 This can be a way to be introduce oneself towards the
whole world and also to introduce with others.
 It opens the opportunity of getting funding, scholarship
and other benefits for the students.
Types of International Presentations
There are four/five types of International Presentations. These
are as follows:
Conference/Academic conference

A Conference refers to a formal meeting where participants
exchange their views on various topics.
Conference can take place in different fields and it need not
be academic in nature all the time.
Thus, we have parent teacher conferences, sport
conferences, a trade conference, a conference of journalists,
conference of doctors, a conference of research scholars, and
so on.
A conference is a meeting that has been prearranged and
involves consultation and discussion on a number of topics
by the delegates.
Conference and symposium are similar events where
speakers come together and give their opinions on a chosen
Symposium can be described as a smaller conference that
gets over in a single day with a lesser number of delegates. 4
 Symposium is meeting of a number of experts in a particular field at which papers
are presented by specialists on particular subjects and discussed with a view to
making recommendations concerning the problems under discussion.
 It refer to any academic conference, or a style of university class characterized by
an openly discursive format, rather than a lecture and question–answer format.
 A symposium suggests that more than one personmultiple experts delivering
short presentations on a particular topic is speaking.
 A Symposium is typically a more formal or academic gathering, featuring.
 A Symposium is a formal gathering in an academic setting where participants are
experts in their fields.
 It would be correct to label a symposium as a small scale conference as the
number of delegates is smaller.
 The chief characteristic of a symposium is that it covers a single topic or subject
and all the lectures given by experts are completed in a single day.
 A Symposium - prestigious conferences, generally leading venues in their
respective fields.

 A Seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at a university or offered by a
commercial or professional organization.
 There is a speaker who give lecturer with highlights, scope, importance, benefits &
limitation on the respective topic as the lecturer finish, audience ask questions.
 Seminars are educational events that feature one or more subject matter experts
delivering information primarily via lecture and discussion.
 A seminar is often one person giving perhaps an hour-long lecture, although there
could be more than one speaker as well.
 It includes some take home material (handout) for the participants that relates to the
lecture. A full laboratory phase is not a requirement.
 A seminar is frequently held at a hotel meeting space or within an office conference

 A Workshop includes all the elements of the Seminar, but with the largest portion
being emphasized on “hand-on-practice” or laboratory work.
 A workshop is a series of educational and work sessions.
 Small groups of people meet together over a short period of time to
concentrate on a defined area of concern.
 Purposes for workshops may vary. Examples: Informing, Problem-solving,
 In education, a workshop is a brief intensive course, a seminar or a series of
meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually
small number of participants.
 Workshops tend to be smaller and more intense than seminars.
 This format often involves students practicing their new skills during the event
under the watchful eye of the instructor.
A Congress - would typically be held once a year per discipline,
highlighting the achievements, notable results in that field. These are
typically attended by leaders in that field, and feature a series of invited

Preparation for higher studies:

 Undergraduate thesis
 Attaining a conference or Writing a journal
 Literature Review on specific topic
 To write a Research proposal
 Get idea about universities/scholarships
 Contact to Professors
 Prepare a Resume or personal website
 Apply to the university that you are suitable for

Distinguish Among Conference, Symposium, Seminar,
Workshop, Congress
Conference Symposium Seminar Workshop Congress
Various Single field Normally Normally Single field
topics/fields single topic single topic
Large number of Small number Only one/two One presenter Many
participants of participants presenter presenter
Delegates might Delegates are Specialist Specialist Renowned
be specialist or normally Scientists/Rese
student specialist archers
Normally all the Normally all the All participants All Normally all
presenters are the presenters only are audience participants the presenters
only participants participants only are audience only
only participants
The topic can be Academic Academic Academic Academic
academic or not
Normally more Normally one Few hours Few hours Normally One
than one days day long day long

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