Worldview Interview

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For this task I interviewed my roommate, Nastia.

Here are some conclusions that I made

based on what she said. People may have different worldviews depending on the
environment in which they grew up. By environment, she means family, country, school, or
circle of friends. The obvious from the above gives one or another influence on a person,
which subsequently affects him and his view of the world. A person’s worldview can help
answer questions such as “what happens after death?”, “Is there an afterlife?” and "Do
other galaxies exist?". Everyone has their own view of the world and their views on other
issues. She believes that there are no wrong worldviews, there are only those that you do
not share. Worldview is guaranteed by the quality of the intended person. Depending on it,
we start as we have learned, as we are accustomed to doing and, perhaps, accustomed to
doing from birth. For example, the worldview of believers can cause them to act in a way
that unbelievers would not have acted, and vice versa. Her personal life experiences have
taught her that you need to start exactly as you think soon. Regardless of how other people
in society act or how your parents raised you. Life is short, so do only what bring you joy and
treat people who deserve something as you see fit only for people. She convinced that all
people in the world come back like a boomerang. Sometimes other worldviews can be good
because they can help you look at the situation with a “fresh eye”, or just understand how
to act in a given situation. For the most part, she doesn’t think that other worldviews should
be relied upon at all, because sometimes they are so important to yours that they will not
lead to a better solution to the issue that has arisen in your life.

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