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Germany has the biggest economy in Europe and the fourth biggest in the world,
behind the United States, China and Japan.

Primary Activities: It occupies 0.9% of the GDP (GDP stand for, Gross Domestic
product, in spanish, el producto interno bruto, o el pib del país.)
Germany is the third largest agricultural producer in Europe. Its main products are
wheat, potatoes, barley, sugar beets, fruits and cabbage.

Secondary Activities: Occupies 29.1% of the GDP

Germany is a leader in the development of several promising technologies, including:
biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology, biometrics among others.
The country is also one of the biggest innovators in the development and use of
green technologies in power generation, sustainable transportation, energy
efficiency, waste management, recycling, and sustainable resource management.

Tertiary Activities: Occupies 70% of the GDP

The tertiary sector is the most important in the German economy, the most
prominent activities in this sector are financial and technical services, trade,
education, health, tourism (Germany is the third most visited country in Europe),
restaurants and transport.
Germany is considered the best in technical, information technology and financial


The German labor market changes according to the different regions of the country.
For example, in the regions of the former East Germany it is more difficult to find a
job because unemployment is higher, while in the regions of the former West
Germany unemployment is almost zero and it is much easier to find a job.

So, for high skilled workers the biggest job opportunities in Germany are for
professionals in the structural, mechanical, electric and chemical engineering, also
the medical and IT sectors. People who specialize in this sectors can find countless
job opprtunities.

As for jobs for low-skilled workers, those that offer the most opportunities in
Germany are: warehouse worker, messenger, truck driver, and many more.

In a nutshell we can say that there is no shortage of job opportunities in Germany.

Hundreds of thousands of new foreign workers are hired each year to meet the
country's growing demand for labor. The important thing is to have the right skills, at
least a basic knowledge of German and to know where to apply.

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