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Pakistan has been affected by range of conflicts over the years, and while some of them

have ended , others still constitute challenges to the country.

Unrest, insecurity and violent conflicts have been an evident feature of Pakistan since the 19
80s. Due to Pakistan's position as a "frontline state" in the Global War on Terrorism, these p
henomena have unfortunately worsened during the last decade.
The threat of terrorism in Pakistan has increased manifold and, as a result, there are many
serious consequences of this for the country.

Terrorists used a range of tactics in pakistan to attack individuals, markets, police

checkpoints, and places of worship, including, suicide bombings, and targeted

The Peshawar mosque suicide bombing in late January was just one of the recent lethal
terror attacks in Pakistan. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter group that broke away from the Tehrik-
i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the

Dawn News, a Pakistani countrywide prominent news source, reports that the Pakistani
government believes that since 2001, terrorist attacks have caused a maximum loss to
Pakistan of $126.79 billion.

Pakistan represents worldly in war of terror and as per UNHCR, Pakistan is hosting the
largest number of refugees globally, which number more than 1.45 billion. Millions of Afghan
refugees were hosted by Pakistan, which put further pressure on its economy and internal
security situation. Terrorist attacks from terrorist hideouts in Afghanistan continued to target

Afghanistan's ongoing conflict and instability continue to pose a threat to the region's
security, stability, and economic growth. Due to its closeness and shared history, Pakistan
suffered the worst socioeconomic and security effects from the conflict in Afghanistan.

Nearly two-thirds of Pakistan’s population is under the age of 30. Youth with access to
higher education carry huge influence in society. However, due to increased terrorism
universities,school are also become target of this terrorism. Aps school attack in Peshawar
in 2014 is one of the example where dozens of children died.

Pakistan has been involved in a continuous struggle with militant and extremist groups,
primarily in the northwest of the country. With millions of people forced from their homes as a
result of this conflict, huge humanitarian repercussions have also resulted. Human abuse is
a persistent problem in this conflict.

Despite a declared ceasefire on the Line of Control in Kashmir in 2021, relations with India
remain stagnant and vulnerable to crises that pose a threat to regional and international
security.  ( extra)

Operation Zarb-e-Azb; a joint military offensive against various militant groups, including the
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Jundallah, al-Qaeda, the East
Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and the
Haqqani network.The operation was launched by the Pakistan Armed Forces on 15 June
2014 in North Waziristan (part of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghan
border) as a renewed effort against militancy in the wake of the 8 June attack on Jinnah
International Airport in Karachi, for which the TTP and the IMU claimed responsibility.

It is therefore argued that Pakistan is not currently in a post-conflict situation, as it would be
accurate to say that the country is still facing a number of conflicts both domestically and

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