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A. Hello Angel and Alison How are you?

B. Hi Leticia…we are very good, thank you, what about you I
didn’t see you for long.
C. Yes…. where has you been?
A. I’m fine, thanks, I just arrived for my trip, I was in Bolivia for
3 years.
B. Great. How is Bolivia?
A. Bolivia is a beautiful city, it is really amazing. The weather is
very cold and foggy all the time, also people are friendly.
C. I imagine that you have visited the most important places.
A. Yes, there are many places to visit, for example the main
square Murillo has impressive architecture .
B. Did you live near Murillo square?
A. Yes, I lived in Miraflores Sopocachi and the southern zone.
just 6 min from the main square , but Alison Tell me about
C.well… Peru didn't change much, people continue being
hardworking, the traffic got worse and there is a lot of pollution
B. and How is the traffic in Bolivia? It's like Peru, or it's different.
A. Ohh,,, traffic is a problem anywhere in the world there is
also a lot of pollution from transportation but tell me Where
do you live now?

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