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JUNE 2022


Context and Rationale

Academic stress and self-esteem are one of the common problems facing by

the students in the academic field and in school due to school activities and

requirements. The most prevalent mental condition experienced by students during

their schooling is reported to be academic stress due to rising course requirements

such as too many assignments, peer competition, exams, and issues with time

management (Ramli et al. 2018).

According to the research from the Royal College of Psychiatrists (2011),

students who have strong family ties and who live in welcoming neighborhoods are

better able to manage stress. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the numerous factors

that contribute to academic stress in order to develop the best corrective actions for

the afflicted.

Based on the research conducted by Laguna State Polytechnic University

(2017) stated that coping mechanism are factors that determine how a student

responds to a task and how well they succeed. It shows how the students has a

sense of control over a stressful situation they more likely to respond to the situation

with confidence.

This study supported by DepEd Order No. 12, s, 2020 also known as

Adaption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan that suggested measures

on reducing academic stress and anxiety in the school. Thus, this study aims to

explore coping mechanism as an intervention towards academic stress and self-

esteem among GAS students of San Luis National High School.

Research Questions

This study generally aimed to explore the coping mechanism as an

intervention towards academic stress and self-esteem among GAS students of San

Luis National High School.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following:

1. How does GAS students deal with academic stress and self-esteem in the


2. What strategy they used in order to cope up academic stress and self-


3. Does Coping Mechanism helps the students to cope up with academic stress

and self-esteem?

4. What are the possible coping mechanism does the GAS student should know

in order to minimize academic stress and boost self-esteem?

Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The intervention of this study suggested that student should understand

coping mechanism in order to minimize academic stress and boost self-esteem.

Based on the study of Earnest and Dewey (2010) states that stress coping skills is to

apply strategies that minimize and manage stress response they proposed two major

coping styles which are the problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping.

The problem-focused coping is a form of active coping steps that try to remove or

circumvent the stressor while the emotion-focused coping is the process that helps

to manage emotions rather than outside circumstances.

In the study of University of New Hamsphire in Psychological and Counseling

Services (2022) they introduced tips that helps cope with academic stress

successfully; use campus resources, stay present, learn new skills through practice ,

use positive self-talk, take responsibility for mistakes, forgive yourself, focus on what

you can control and practice good self-care. In that sense, the school must conduct a

symposium to address the problem and to be aware with coping mechanism.

The adoption of an approach based on the flexibility of coping under the

supposition that a single individual can combine different strategies using one or the

other depending on the specific situation (Kobylinska and Kusev, 2019). Flexibility in

coping enhances student’s perception of control over day to day challenges making

them feel better able to handle (Hobfoll et al., 2018).

According to the study of School of Kinesiology in the University of British

Columbia (2020) states that physical activity can alleviate symptoms related to stress

and can be one of the coping mechanism to minimize academic stress and boost

self-esteem. Therefore, as the intervention of this study the student must engage to

a certain physical activity (dance exercise) as their coping mechanism towards

academic stress and self-esteem.

Steps or Procedure

Before the treatment started the students will understand the coping

mechanism and would engage themselves to an activity that would encourage them

participate. The students must deal to a 15 minutes dance exercise in order to

reduce their academic stress and boost self-esteem. The treatment procedures

consist of 3 steps:
Step 1

The students must prepare themselves to participate in a physical activity

(dance exercise) by performing the stretching before dealing with the activity. The

students will engage to a 15 minute dance exercise as a coping strategy for

academic stress and self-esteem.

Step 2

The student will perform a physical activity (dance exercise) until they will

reach the minimum give time or the allotted time to perform. The activity is

accompanied with audio as their music for performing and executing a dance


Step 3

After the dance exercise, the students will perform the cool down in order for

them to relax their muscles and to have good breathing. The student will share their

experience on the activity if it reduce their stress and boost their self-esteem.

Through that physical activity as coping strategy the students can relieve

themselves from the problems that they experience and would relax themselves

mentally, emotionally and physically. Therefore, coping mechanism is the strongest

intervention in reducing academic stress and boosting self-esteem of the GAS

students of San Luis National High School.


Name: _________________________ (optional) Grade & Section:


Age: ________ Gender: Male Female

Directions: Fill up the checklist by checking the following selections, put a check (/)

on the appropriate box that corresponds to your answer.


5 4 3 2 1
QUESTIONS: Strongl Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
y Agree Disagree
1. I use internet/TV/music to
2. I joke with my friends and use
humor to take the edge off.
3. I seek out friends for
conversation and support.
4. I try to focus on the things I
can control and accept the
things I can’t.
5. I take a little time to relax,
breathe and unwind.
6. I get involved in a hobby or
interests that help me unwind
and enjoy myself.
7. I take some time off and get
away from my working life.
8. I change my outlook on the
problem and put it in a better
9. I confront my source of stress
and work to change it.
10. I engage in some type of
physical activity.

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