Collective and Individual Responsibilities For Health

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Collective and individual responsibilities

for health, both physical and mental

Principles and Practice of Health Promotion: Health
Promotion and Healthy Public Policy
This section covers:
 Collective and individual responsibilities for health, both physical and mental
 Interaction between genetics and the environment (including social, political,
economic, physical and personal factors) as determinants of health, including mental
 Ideological dilemmas and policy assumptions underlying different approaches
 The role of legislative, fiscal and other social policy measures in the promotion of
health (see also Health Promotion and Intersectoral Working)
 International initiatives in health promotion
 Opportunities for learning from international experience
 Concepts of deprivation and its effect on health of children and adults
This section looks at the development of health promotion and its contribution to public
health policy. It considers the contributions of individual behaviour and social,
environmental and economic determinants to health. The determinants of health are
explained using the 'Policy Rainbow' model, the WHO publication 'The Solid Facts' and
the WHO Commission for Social Determinants. The development of the public health
movement and the role that health promotion has played in conceptualising this is
described, considering the Lalonde 'Health Field concept' and WHO Health for All by the
Year 2000. Ideological models of health promotion and the Ottawa Charter are also
described in this section.
1.1 Models of determinants of health
The health and well-being of individuals and populations across all age groups is
influenced by a range of factors both within and outside the individual's control. One
model, which captures the interrelationships between these factors is the Dahlgren and
Whitehead (1991) 'Policy Rainbow', which describes the layers of influence on an
individual's potential for health (Fig. 1.1). Whitehead (1995) described these factors as
those that are fixed (core non modifiable factors), such as age, sex and genetic and a set
of potentially modifiable factors expressed as a series of layers of influence including:
personal lifestyle, the physical and social environment and wider socio-economic,
cultural and environment conditions.
The Dahlgren and Whitehead model has been useful in providing a framework for raising
questions about the size of the contribution of each of the layers to health, the feasibility
of changing specific factors and the complementary action that would be required to
influence linked factors in other layers. This framework has helped researchers to
construct a range of hypotheses about the determinants of health, to explore the relative
influence of these determinants on different health outcomes and the interactions between
the various determinants. For example in the US the relative impacts that the various
domains of health determinants have on early death have been estimated as follows:
 30% from genetic predispositions
 15% from social circumstances
 5% from environmental exposures
 40% from behavioural patterns
 10% from shortfalls in medical care
However this might only be applicable to US or another western country with similar
socioeconomic, environmental conditions and a similar population. Places with different
population structure, under different conditions, will show a very different picture. As an
example, in a country where a civil was breaks out, people's health can deteriorate quite
rapidly due to the general socio-economic and environmental conditions; because
suddenly factors like availability of food, shelter and drinking water will become
dominant in determining health as compared with other factors.

Fig. 1.1 A Social Model of Health (Dahlgren & Whitehead, 1991)

In 2003 WHO published an influential document 'The Solid Facts' on the social
determinants of health, which reviewed the evidence for causal relationships between
social and environmental factors and health, and outlined policy implications (Wilkinson
& Marmot, Eds, 2003). They point out that:
'Poor social and economic circumstances affect health throughout life. People further
down the social ladder usually run at least twice the risk of serious illness and premature
death as those near the top. Nor are the effects confined to the poor: the social gradient in
health runs right across society, so that even among middle-class office workers, lower
ranking staff suffer much more disease and earlier death than higher ranking staff. Both
material and psychosocial causes contribute to these differences and their effects extend
to most diseases and causes of death. Disadvantage has many forms and may be absolute
or relative. It can include having few family assets, having a poorer education during
adolescence, having insecure employment, becoming stuck in a hazardous or dead-end
job, living in poor housing, trying to bring up a family in difficult circumstances and
living on an inadequate retirement pension. These disadvantages tend to concentrate
among the same people, and their effects on health accumulate during life. The longer
people live in stressful economic and social circumstances, the greater the physiological
wear and tear they suffer, and the less likely they are to enjoy a healthy old age. ' (p10).
The evidence points to the existence of a clear social gradient and nine topic areas which
should be addressed in healthy public policy, they are: the lifelong importance of health
determinants in early childhood, and the effects of poverty, drugs, working conditions,
unemployment, social support, good food and transport policy. However the authors also
state that while study of the human genome may lead to advances in the understanding
and treatment of specific diseases, 'however important individual genetic susceptibilities
to disease may be, the common causes of the ill health that affects populations are
environmental: they come and go far more quickly than the slow pace of genetic change
because they reflect the changes in the way we live. '
The following table (1.1) summarises the key facts about each area and policy
implications, but readers are highly recommended to refer to the whole document.
Table 1.1 extracts from The Solid Facts (Wilkinson & Marmot, 2003)

Topic and health impact Policy implications

Stress Although a medical response to biological changes

from stress may be to try to control them with drugs,
Stressful circumstances, attention should be focused upstream, on reducing the
making people feel worried, major causes of chronic stress.
anxious and unable to cope,
are damaging to health  In schools, workplaces and other institutions, the
making people susceptible to quality of the social environment and material
infections, diabetes, high security are often as important to health as the
blood pressure, heart attack, physical environment. Institutions that can give
stroke, depression and people a sense of belonging, participating and being
aggression, and may lead to valued are likely to be healthier places than those
premature death.
where people feel excluded, disregarded and used.
 Governments should recognize that welfare
programmes need to address both psychosocial and
material needs: both are sources of anxiety and
insecurity. In particular, governments should support
families with young children, encourage community
activity, combat social isolation, reduce material and
financial insecurity, and promote coping skills in
education and rehabilitation.

Early Life Policies for improving health in early life should aim
A good start in life means to:
supporting mothers and
young children: the health  increase the general level of education and provide
impact of early development equal opportunity of access to education, to improve
and education lasts a lifetime. the health of mothers and babies in the long run;
Slow growth and poor  provide good nutrition, health education, and health
emotional support raise the and preventive care facilities, and adequate social
lifetime risk of poor physical and economic resources, before first pregnancies,
health and reduce physical, during pregnancy, and in infancy, to improve growth
cognitive and emotional and development before birth and throughout
functioning in adulthood. infancy, and reduce the risk of disease and
malnutrition in infancy.
 ensure that parent-child relations are supported from
birth, ideally through home visiting and
encouragement of good parental relations with
schools, to increase parental knowledge of children's
emotional and cognitive needs, stimulate cognitive
development and pro-social behaviour in the child,
and prevent child abuse.

Social Exclusion All citizens should be protected by minimum income

Life is short where its quality guarantees, minimum wages legislation and access to
is poor. By causing hardship services.
and resentment, poverty,
social exclusion and  Interventions to reduce poverty and social exclusion
discrimination cost lives. are needed at both the individual and the
Poverty and social exclusion neighbourhood levels.
increase the risks of divorce  Legislation can help protect minority and vulnerable
and separation, disability, groups from discrimination and social exclusion.
illness, addiction and social
isolation and vice versa,  Public health policies should remove barriers to
forming vicious cycles that
deepen the predicament health care, social services and affordable housing.
people face.
 Labour market, education and family welfare
policies should aim to reduce social stratification.

Work  There is no trade-off between health and

Stress in the workplace productivity at work. A virtuous circle can be
increases the risk of disease. established: improved conditions of work will lead
People who have more to a healthier work force, which will lead to
control over their work have improved productivity, and hence to the opportunity
better health. to create a still healthier, more productive
 Appropriate involvement in decision-making is
likely to benefit employees at all levels of an
organization. Mechanisms should therefore be
developed to allow people to influence the design
and improvement of their work.

Unemployment Employment policy should have three goals: to prevent

Job security increases health, unemployment and job insecurity; to reduce the
well-being and job hardship suffered by the unemployed; and to restore
satisfaction. Higher rates of people to secure jobs.
unemployment cause more
illness and premature death.

Social Support Reducing social and economic inequalities and

Friendship, good social reducing social exclusion can lead to greater social
relations and strong cohesiveness and better standards of health.
supportive networks are
known to improve health at  Improving the social environment in schools, in the
home, at work and in the workplace and in the community more widely, will
community. help people feel valued and supported in more areas
of their lives and will contribute to their health,
especially their mental health.
 Designing facilities to encourage meeting and social
interaction in communities could improve mental
 In all areas of both personal and institutional life,
practices that cast some as socially inferior or less
valuable should be avoided because they are socially

Addiction Work to deal with problems of both legal and illicit

drug use needs not only to support and treat people who
have developed addictive patterns of use, but should
Individuals turn to alcohol, also aim to address the patterns of social deprivation in
drugs and tobacco and suffer which the problems are rooted.
from their use, but use is
influenced by the wider  Policies need to regulate availability through pricing
social setting. and licensing, and to inform people about less
harmful forms of use, to use health education to
reduce recruitment of young people and to provide
effective treatment services for addicts.
 None of these will succeed if the social factors that
breed drug use are left unchanged. Trying to shift the
whole responsibility on to the user is clearly an
inadequate response. This blames the victim, rather
than addressing the complexities of the social
circumstances that generate drug use. Effective drug
policy must therefore be supported by the broad
framework of social and economic policy.

Food  the integration of public health perspectives into the

Because global market forces food system to provide affordable and nutritious
control the food supply, fresh food for all, especially the most vulnerable;
healthy food is a political
issue.  democratic, transparent decision-making and
accountability in all food regulation matters, with
participation by all stakeholders, including
 support for sustainable agriculture and food
production methods that conserve natural resources
and the environment;
 a stronger food culture for health, especially through
school education, to foster people's knowledge of
food and nutrition, cooking skills, growing food and
the social value of preparing food and eating
 the availability of useful information about food, diet
and health, especially aimed at children;
 the use of scientifically based nutrient reference
values and food-based dietary guidelines to facilitate
the development and implementation of policies on
food and nutrition.
Transport  Roads should give precedence to cycling and
walking for short journeys, especially in towns.
Healthy transport means less
driving and more walking  Public transport should be improved for longer
and cycling, backed up by journeys, with regular and frequent connections for
better public transport. rural areas.
 Incentives need to be changed, for example, by
reducing state subsidies for road building, increasing
financial support for public transport, creating tax
disincentives for the business use of cars and
increasing the costs and penalties of parking.
 Changes in land use are also needed, such as
converting road space into green spaces, removing
car parking spaces, dedicating roads to the use of
pedestrians and cyclists, increasing bus and cycle
lanes, and stopping the growth of low density
suburbs and out-of-town supermarkets, which
increase the use of cars.
 Increasingly, the evidence suggests that building
more roads encourages more car use, while traffic
restrictions may reduce congestion.

In 2005 the WHO launched a new initiative, the Commission on Social Determinants
(CSDH), to draw the attention of governments, civil society, international organisations
and donors to the health effects of social determinants. A key aim of the CSDH is to
highlight international and national causes of inequalities and find practical ways of
tackling these through creating better social conditions for the most vulnerable
communities. 'The conditions in which people live and work can help to create or destroy
their health - lack of income, inappropriate housing, unsafe workplaces, and lack of
access to health systems are some of the social determinants of health leading to
inequalities within and between countries' (WHO, 2006). Social and environmental
factors are at the root of much inequality relating to both communicable and non-
communicable disease. The goals of the CSDH are to support health policy changes in
countries by: assembling and promoting effective, evidence based models and practices;
to support countries in placing health equity as a shared goal across governments and
other sectors of society, and to build a sustainable global movement. 'A major thrust of
the commission is turning public health knowledge into political action' (Marmot, 2005)
Fig. 1.2 shows the comprehensive framework proposed by CSDH that seeks to explain
and illustrate the relationships between determinants and health, their causal role in
generating health inequities, and the levels for policy action. Fig. 1.3 shows the model
from the UK used to implement policy to tackle health inequalities, demonstrating the
interrelationships between the themes and principles.
Fig 1.2 WHO Commission on Social Determinants & Health - Conceptual framework

Fig. 1.3 Tackling health inequalities - a programme for action (2003)

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