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Training and Development

Lecture 15,16-10.12.22 ( Updated)
Mithibai College – MA – Psychology –
Semester IV
Module – 2b
# Training Design
# Organizational Challenges for training
# Sales-Role Plays
1) Who is the audience? Steps

Whether it is middle management or senior

This should be the starting point for any training design .What is their profile
in terms of age , educational qualifications.

2) What are the training needs

1) Organizational What are the challenges faced by the organization
2) Task- What is the requirement of that particular task
3) Individual- There may be specific need of the individual

3) What is their current knowledge/skills level Assess, measure, map.

This is to be captured in the above needs analysis. .

4) What is the training objective?

- Up gradation of Knowledge
- Sharpening the skills
- Sensitizing them on certain aspects of work/behavior /to make them think.

5) What are going to be modules/knowledge blocks?

Once the objective of the training is clear then the based on how
much time is available the knowledge blocks can be planned .

6) What are the learning styles

It is absolutory essential to keep the different learning styles of
the audience in mind. Basis that various training approaches
could be planned. Role Plays, case studies , games, puzzles can
be used in the programme.

7) Understand the pain points

It is vital to know the pain points of the participants so that the
relevant inputs could be given to them. Only then there is an
involvement from the participants, and they can see a value in the
training programme.

8) How much time is available for training delivery 1 day 2 days.

This is important to plan the knowledge blocks. While planning
the training programme the content need not be too much or too

9) Mode of training online /offline

The training programme can be planned on whether it is online or
offline. Keeping this in mind the content and timing needs to be
planned. In an online programme keeping the audience engaged
needs a different approach.

10) How much time you require to prepare

It is necessary to know how much time would be required to
prepare for the training programme. If it is an external agency,
we need to know how much time would they would need to

1) Budget/cost
Large professionally managed organizations would have a
dedicated budget for L and D . Other organizations may do training
as a one-time activity. Many a times training is looked at as a cost
and hence budget could be an issue.
2) Availability of people
This is always an issue. Training may not get the priority it
deserves, and business always takes the priority. At times
employee may be reluctant to attend the programme at times
seniors may not be willing to nominate them
3) Returns
Most of the organizations are not serious about the retrurns og
training investment and hence the training may not be taken
seriously by the senior management . However, if we

start measuring the effectiveness of the training then we can

monitor the actual value delivered.
4) Relevant
The training programme needs to be relevant to the audience and
the organization. If the needs are discovered correct during the
needs assessment stage and if the programme is customized, then
it would be relevant. Else the audience will not be engaged, and it
will be a waste of time.
5) Venue/Location
Many a times choosing the right venue could be an issue. It should
be convenient to the particiants , should be within the budget.

6) Logistics/ Food
Sometime making travel arrangement for the participants to
reach the venue could be an issue. If the venue is far and if it
takes too much of time to reach, then participants would be tired
and may not be able to concentrate
Understand the sales process

SP – Product C – Need
Price Payment terms
Payment terms Delivery
Delivery Repeat orders
Quality Options

You are the Salesperson Selling ______________________. You meet with your old
acquaintance by chance after a gap of 5 years. He was in Selling. He was married and
had two Children aged 5 & 7. He was a keen Soccer Player and was Secretary of local
Football Club.

You are a smart salesperson waiting for an opportunity to explore whether he requires
your Product.

The need could be in any one of the small cones.

1 2 3 1- Self
2- Family
3- Job

“Do a Cone technique” with him to identify and/or generate a need.


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