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Discussion Board Assignment

Howard Simone

Anatomy and Physiology I

Tampa Medical College- Sycamore Campus

Instructor Cheryl Bensi

September 19, 2022


Discussion Board Assignment

Compounds are described as either organic or inorganic depending on their structural

compositions. Every compound has elements that give it its name and description.

Understanding the compositions requires deeper analysis through chemistry. Patton and

Thibodeau (2019) defines organic chemistry as the study physical and chemical properties of

compounds containing carbon within their structure while inorganic chemistry entails the

study of compounds having no carbon within their structure. Notably, organic compounds

and molecules contain either carbon-carbon covalent bond or carbon-hydrogen covalent

bonds while inorganic compounds do not. The other notable difference is the structural size

and complexity as organic compounds are structurally large and complex as opposed to the

inorganic ones (Patton & Thibodeau, 2019).

Discursively, passive transport is the movement of ions or molecules from a highly

concentrated region to a lowly concentrated region and this occurs across some concentration

gradient (Patton & Thibodeau, 2019). Movement against the concentration gradient do not

require energy. For instance, osmosis involves the movement of water molecules through

semi-permeable membrane from a lower solute concentration (higher solvent concentration)

to a higher solute concentration (Patton & Thibodeau, 2019). The fact that there is movement

across semi-permeable membrane implies water molecules move to place with less of their

molecule. Conversely, the other example is filtration that occurs with the aid of hydrostatic

pressure brought about by cardiovascular system.

Active transport is the movement against concentration gradient by energy

expenditure (Wanner et al., 2017). An example of this transport is the sodium-potassium

pump which pushes sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions inside the cell resulting to

higher concentrations in two inside and outside of the cell. Higher concentration is because of

the movement uphill. Also, pinocytosis is an example of active transport “mechanism used to

incorporate fluids or dissolved substances into cells by trapping them in a pocket of plasma

membrane that pinches off inside the cell” (Patton & Thibodeau, 2019, pg. 48). ATP energy

is applied in the process.

These processes major occur in the major 11 body organ systems such as digestive,

urinary skeletal, reproductive, lymphatic, circulatory, endocrine, muscular, nervous,

integumentary, and respiratory (Patton & Thibodeau, 2019). Integumentary system majorly

deals with the skin and its associated structures that enhances body’s response to various

stimuli. Notably, circulatory system deals with the movement of blood across the body and is

mainly involving the heart and blood vessels. Also, the reproductive system deals with

procreation in both males and females. Major organs include gonads, genital duct, vagina,

vulva, oviduct, uterus, and cervix.



Patton, K. T., & Thibodeau, G. A. (2019). Structure & function of the body (16th ed.).


Wanner, M., Götschi, T., Martin-Diener, E., Kahlmeier, S., & Martin, B. W. (2017). Active

Transport, Physical Activity, and Body Weight in Adults. American Journal of

Preventive Medicine, 42(5), 493–502.

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