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Reflective Journal

Simone Howard

HCC 1101: RN64 Basic Health Care Worker

Tampa Medical College

Instructure Cheryl Bensi

September 22, 2022


Reflective Journal

This week’s work has majored on various healthcare teams and how each team is

responsible for ensuring healthcare delivery is carried out in the best possible way. As a

complex and demanding system, healthcare requires close coordination of the team members

so that the best outcome can be realized. Poor coordination will lead to more loopholes that

will make health a burden (Potter et al., 2021). However, even as a team work effort, there

are several aspects of care delivery that must be considered for the system to be considered

effective. First, the focus should be on the patient. Without patients, healthcare system will be

non-existence. A patient-centred healthcare system will put first the interest of the patient and

will enact patient-friendly policies (Potter et al., 2021). The ultimate goal of such a system is

to reduce the infection load and health burden through practices that increases care

compliance and ethics. Secondly, there should be strict following of the care plan so that the

progress of the patient recovery can be noted and adjustments made where necessary (Potter

et al., 2021). Arguably, successful healthcare delivery entails proper communication and

documentation of the processes involved in care (Potter et al., 2021). Coordination amongst

healthcare team starts with dependable communication, which can also follow from well

documentation of patient’s treatment data.

Moreover, successful healthcare delivery requires deeper understanding of the

responsibilities and rights of patients (Potter et al., 2021). Failing to acknowledge the rights

of patients during care process may affect the delivery, especially healing where the patients

may feel offended, a factor that may in turn affect the outcome of healthcare procedures

(Potter et al., 2021). Despite the rights of the patients, even the providers have their rights that

must be protected and adhered to for better and safe care delivery. Providers may be

manipulated if their rights are not well-specified and this will kill their morale in giving care

to the people.

Finally, as healthcare workers, it is important to operate in accordance with the law

and there should be strict adherence to the ethical requirements. Code of Ethics clearly

demonstrate how healthcare providers should conduct themselves when practicing to avoid

the instances of lawsuits against their conducts (Potter et al., 2021). Nurses should at all the

time help the people and give them the best care to their ability. Through that, they will

realize a better system of healthcare delivery.



Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Hall, A., & Stockert, P. A. (2021). Fundamentals of nursing (10th

ed.). Mosby Elsevier.

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