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2022 – 2023

- Functional Grammar
- Narrative Composition
20th Feb Monday English Language - Story writing
- Picture Composition
- Argumentative Essay
- Descriptive Writing
- Formal and Informal Letter writing
- Notice and Email-writing
- Unseen Comprehension and Summary Writing

- The Heart of the tree
- The Cold Within
- The Bangle Seller
- After Blenheim
Literature - Television
21st Feb Tuesday in Chapter
English - Chief Seattle’s speech
- Old man at the Bridge
- A horse and two goats
- Hearts and hands
- A Face in the dark
Merchant of Venice
- Act 1 full
- Act 2 full

गद्य –
- ने ताजी का चश्मा, अपना अपना भाग्य, बड़े घर की
बेटी, बात अठन्नी की, महायज्ञ का पुरस्कार, काकी
साखी, कुुंडलियााँ , स्वर्ग बना सकते हैं , मे घ आए, वह
जन्मभू लम मे री, सूरदास के पद
व्याकरण –
23rd Feb Thursday Hindi - लनबुंध, लचत्र वर्गन, अनौपचाररक पत्र, औपचाररक
पत्र, अपलठत र्द्य, शुद्ध - अशु द्ध शब्द, वाक्य
सुंशोधन, वाच्य पररवतगन, वाक्य रूपाुं तरर्, लिुं र्,
वचन, लविोम, पयाग यवाची, वाक्याुं श के लिए एक
शब्द, उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय, तत्सम-तद्भव,
मु हावरे ,िोकोक्तियााँ , लवशे षर् बनाना, भाववाचक
सुंज्ञा बनाना
- La composition
- La Lettre
- La Compréhension
La grammaire
- Les articles (définis, indéfinis, contractés,
- Les adjectifs (démonstratifs, possessifs,
qualificatifs, interrogatifs)
- L’Interrogation
French - La Négation
- Les pronoms (sujet, lieu,
- relatif simples, COD, COI, quantité,
- Les Prépositions
- Les temps (présent, imparfait, passé
composé, futur proche, passé récent, futur
simple, verbes pronominaux, impératif,
- Le comparatif et le superlatif
- La traduction
- Du français en anglais
- Du anglais en français
- Le dialogue

- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

- Elementary concept of objects and classes
- Values and Data Types
Computer - Operators in Java
Application - Input in Java
- Mathematical Library Methods
- Conditional Statements in Java
- Iterative Constructs in Java
24th Feb Friday - Nested for Loops

- The Human Anatomy & Physiology

- Muscular System
- Respiratory System
Physical - Circulatory System
Education - Game & Sports
- Volleyball
- Badminton
- Rational and Irrational Numbers
- Compound Interest
- Expansions
- Factorisation
- Simulataneous Linear Equations
- Indices
- Logarithms
- Triangles
- Inequalities
Mathematics - Mid Point Theorem
- Pythagoras Theorem
- Rectilinear Figures
- Circles
- Statistics
- Graphical Representation of Statistical Data
- Mensuration
- Volume and Surface Area
- Trigonometry
- Simple 2 – D Problems in Right Triangle
27th Feb Monday - Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Economics
- Basic economic entities in an economy
- Basic concepts of economics
- Types of economies
- Basic problems of an economy
- Main sectors of the Indian economy
Economics - Primary Sector: Agriculture
- Secondary Sector: Industry
- Tertiary Sector
- Poverty in India
- Problem of unemployment in India
- LPG Model
- Emerging Trends in the Indian economy
- Earth as a Planet
- Geographic Grid
- Rotation and Revolution
- Earth's Structure
- Landforms of the Earth
- Rocks
- Volcanoes
1st March Wednesday Geography - Earthquakes
- Weathering
- Hydrosphere
- Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
- Insolation
- Atmospheric Pressure and winds
- Humidity
- Pollution
- Sources of Pollution
- Effects of Pollution
- Preventive Measures
- Natural Regions of the World ( Map marking)
- The Harappan Civilisation
- The Vedic Period
- Jainism and Buddhism
- The Mauryan Empire
- The Sangam Age
- The Age of the Guptas
- Medieval India (A) The Cholas
- Medieval India(B)The Delhi Sultanate
- Medieval India (C)The Mughal Empire
- Medieval India:(D) Composite Culture
- The Modern Age in Europe (A)Renaissance
- The Modern Age in Europe (B)Reformation
3rd March Friday
History/Civics - The Modern Age in Europe(C)Industrial

- Constitution
- Salient Features of the Constitution-l
- Salient features of the Constitution-ll
- Elections
- Local Self Government-Rural
- Local Self Government-Urban

- Measurements and Experimentation

- Motion in One Dimension
- Laws of Motion
- Pressure in fluids and Atmospheric Pressure
- Uptrust in Fluids, Archimedes Principle and
Physics - Heat and Energy
- Reflection of Light
- Propagation of Sound Waves
- Current Electricity
6th March Monday - Magnetism
- Commercial and Non-commercial Activities
- Business Activities
- Profit and Non-profit Organisations
- Classification of Commercial Organisations
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership
- Joint Stock Company
- Cooperative Society
Commercial Studies - Public Sector Enterprizes
- Marketing and Sales
- Finance and Accounts
- Human Resources
- Production
- Purchasing and Stores
- General Administration, Legal Compliance and
Management Information System Departments
- Communication in Commercial Organisations
- Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
- Different Methods of Communication
- Meaning, Objectives and Terminology of
- Basic Accounting Principles and Concepts
- Accounting Books and Statements
- Banking
- Trade
- Social Responsibility of Commercial
Organization towards the Environment

- The Language of Chemistry

- Chemical Changes and Reactions
- Water
- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
7th March Tuesday Chemistry - The Periodic table
- Study of the first element - Hydrogen
- Study of Gas laws
- Atmospheric Pollution

- Cell: The Unit of life

- Tissues: Plant and Animal Tissues
- The Flower
- Pollination and Fertilization
- Seed- Structure and Germination
- Respiration in Plants
- Five Kingdom Classification
- Economic Importance of Bacteria and
9th March Thursday Biology Fungi
- Nutrition
- Digestive System
- Skeleton - Movement and
- Locomotion
- The Respiratory System
- Hygiene- [A key to healthy life]
- Diseases: Cause and Control

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