Vocab - Fraternities Sororities Listen P 12

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VOCAB listen 02 p 12 Unit 1 Gateway B2+

Lifelong friendship

To have a sense of community

To be given / accorded many a professional opportunity

An undergraduate student

A graduate student

To apply to a uni / to a uni program

A declared major

An undeclared major

To major in st

What are you majoring in? What’s your major?

A freshman

A sophomore

A junior

A senior

To have / earn / get a degree IN engineering

To graduate FROM a school / an institution of higher education

Tertiary education – universities

primary - secondary – tertiary education

A fraternity frats (Latin frater – brother)

A sorority (Latin soror – sister)

To join a fraternity / sorority

Pledge (n / v) to take a / the pledge The Pledge of Allegiance

To pledge to help sb

To have a special commitment to st / sb

“Greek Letter Organizations”

“Greek life”

A literary society

A secret ritual

A small, close-knit group of people

It may sound corny “gýčovito” ošúchane, otrepane

He will go out of his way to help others

He will go an extra mile to exceed expectations, do more than what is required

It can get a bit stressful at times

It’s a big commitment


To put on different events – to organize

To go through an initiation ceremony


This is where x comes in tu sa dostavame k x


To humiliate sb

To show loyalty to sb

It’s against university policy

To swear prisahat’

To be sworn to secrecy you swear you won’t tell anybody

To be / get involved in student government

To get over st / to overcome st

To make a good impression

To learn to present yourself

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