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Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308



Attenuating Muscle Mass Loss in Critical Illness: the Role

of Nutrition and Exercise
Lee-anne S. Chapple 1,2,3 & Selina M. Parry 4 & Stefan J. Schaller 5,6

Accepted: 16 August 2022 / Published online: 31 August 2022

# Crown 2022

Purpose of Review Impaired recovery following an intensive care unit (ICU) admission is thought related to muscle wasting.
Nutrition and physical activity are considered potential avenues to attenuate muscle wasting. The aim of this review was to
present evidence for these interventions in attenuating muscle loss or improving strength and function.
Recent Findings Randomised controlled trials on the impact of nutrition or physical activity interventions in critically ill adult
patients on muscle mass, strength or function are presented. No nutrition intervention has shown an effect on strength or function,
and the effect on muscle mass is conflicting. RCTs on the effect of physical activity demonstrate conflicting results; yet, there is a
signal for improved strength and function with higher levels of physical activity, particularly when commenced early.
Summary Further research is needed to elucidate the impact of nutrition and physical activity on muscle mass, strength and
function, particularly in combination.

Keywords Muscle mass . Intensive care . Recovery . Nutrition . Physical activity

Introduction consequences for patient recovery, with functional disability

observed in ICU survivors even five years after ICU discharge
Muscle Loss in Critical Illness [3], leading to an increase in healthcare utilisation, delayed
capacity to engage in the workforce and ultimately a loss of
Recovery from Critical Illness independence [4•, 5•]. The ability to prevent or reverse skele-
tal muscle loss in critically ill patients is considered paramount
Critically ill patients are the sickest in the hospital, requiring to recovery.
substantial medical intervention for organ support. It has been
reported that 20–70% of critically ill patients have low muscle Reasons for Muscle Loss in ICU
mass at baseline [1], and ICU survivorship is affected by acute
and extensive muscle wasting, with up to 30% lost within the The mechanisms behind the observed loss in muscle mass,
first week of an ICU admission [2••]. This muscle wasting has strength and physical functioning are complex, likely

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Nutrition, Exercise and


* Lee-anne S. Chapple 4
Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health Sciences, The
Lee-anne.chapple@adelaide.edu.au University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Intensive Care Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Department of Anesthesiology and Operative Intensive Care
Medicine (CVK, CCM), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Australia, Australia
corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and
Adelaide Medical School, The University of Adelaide, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
3 6
Centre of Research Excellence in Translating Nutritional Science to Klinikum rechts der Isar, Department of Anesthesiology and
Good Health, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Intensive Care, Technical University of Munich, School of Medicine,
Australia Munich, Germany
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308 291

multifactorial and still being elucidated [6]. Maintaining mus- Strategies to Attenuate Muscle Loss or Improve
cle mass is dependent on a tightly regulated equilibrium be- Strength or Function
tween muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein break-
down, an equilibrium that is impaired in critical illness [7]. Skeletal muscle is highly responsive to external stimuli such
Whilst studies of whole-body protein turnover in critical ill- as nutrition and physical activity interventions [7]. In health, a
ness have shown an increase in whole-body protein synthesis number of nutritional strategies have been shown effective in
when compared to healthy volunteers, this does not compen- stimulating muscle protein synthesis, including essential ami-
sate for the higher rate of protein breakdown also observed no acids or their metabolites (such as leucine and HMB) [18]
[8•]. This catabolic state is the result of significant systemic and higher protein doses [19]. Physical activity and dietary
changes, which occur at muscle, nerve, immune, metabolic intake are modifiable factors associated with the risk of chron-
and mitochondrial levels exacerbated by periods of immobil- ic morbidity and mortality in the general population and can
ity and nutrient deficits [6, 9]. In addition, critically ill patients positively impact on muscle mass [20, 21]. Further gains in
have been shown to experience anabolic resistance, with a muscle mass and strength can be induced through structured
blunted capacity to utilise dietary protein for muscle protein exercise such as resistance training which is needed to ‘load’
synthesis [10••], and extended periods of inactivity impact on the muscle and induce a training effect [9, 22]. Accordingly,
the bioenergetic level, affecting the force production capabil- general physical activity guidelines recommend a minimum of
ity of muscles to recover [6, 9]. 30 min moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on five days per
week combined with at least two sessions of moderate-
Measuring Muscle Mass, Strength and Function in intensity resistance training, particularly in the older and co-
Critical Illness morbid population [23]. Nutrition and physical activity in
combination may also confer greater benefits for muscle mass,
The measurement of skeletal muscle mass, strength and strength and function than either intervention in isolation.
function in critical illness is met with a number of logis- Participation in exercise without the availability of amino
tical challenges. Assessment of strength and function acids results in rates of muscle protein breakdown that exceed
within ICU is limited by the large proportion of critically rates of muscle protein synthesis leading to muscle loss [24].
ill patients that are unable to follow commands required Furthermore, muscle protein synthesis following amino acid
for active participation as a result of being intubated and provision is greater when combined with exercise than in the
ventilated or factors like delirium or fatigue in awake rested state due to an increase in both the magnitude and
patients. These measures are therefore more often con- duration of muscle protein synthesis [25].
ducted at a later stage of the ICU/hospital admission. As ICU survivorship has improved, attention has shifted to
Given lower muscle mass and poorer muscle quality potential strategies to improve recovery for critically ill pa-
(echogenicity) have been shown to correlate with reduced tients. These often focus on attenuating muscle mass loss in
strength and function [6, 11], muscle mass is frequently the acute phase of illness with the aim of improving strength
used as a surrogate measure that can be conducted at the and function at a later time point. Given this, there has been a
bedside to measure the acute response to an intervention. paradigm shift towards prioritising both nutrition and exercise
Gold standard methodologies for measuring muscle mass interventions as part of usual ICU care practices, as reflected
such as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or mag- within recent clinical guidelines [26••, 27–29, 30••].
netic resonance imaging (MRI) are rarely feasible as pa- Consequently, there has been an exponential increase in the
tients are often too unstable to be transferred out of the number of studies conducted in this important area. In this
ICU to undergo such measurements alongside the addi- review, we discuss how nutrition and physical activity inter-
tional considerations of costs and radiation exposure ventions may be employed in critical illness to attenuate mus-
[12]. Historically, measures of nutritional statuses, such cle mass loss and improve strength and physical function. For
as mid-arm muscle circumference and proved popular, the purpose of this review, we have focused on interventions
though they are affected by fluid shifts in ICU [13]. commencing within the ICU setting.
More recently, the assessment of muscularity using mea-
sures of psoas muscle from computed tomography (CT)
scans of the third lumbar region collected for clinical pur- Nutrition and Physical Activity in Critical
poses have been used [14]. This technique is equally lim- Illness
ited in application due to radiation, preventing its imple-
mentation into clinical practice. Furthermore, a range of Defining Nutrition in the ICU Setting
bedside noninvasive clinical methods has been introduced
into ICU to quantify muscle size including ultrasonogra- Critically ill patients are frequently unable to consume nutri-
phy [15, 16] and bio-electrical impedance [17]. ents orally due to the need for tracheal intubation. Therefore,
292 Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

critical care nutrition guidelines recommend the provision of associated with exercise interventions in mechanically venti-
liquid nutrition via a feeding tube into the stomach – termed lated ICU patients. There was significant variability in the
enteral nutrition (EN) [28, 29]. Critical care nutrition is a rel- oxygen costs of exercise between participants, which may
atively new field of research, with a shift over the last 10 years have been influenced by factors such as the ability to actively
from small physiological studies to robust large clinical trials contribute to exercise, and found that the recovery time for
[31]. The delivery of adequate nutrition to critically ill patients ~25% of sessions was longer than the total exercise duration
is challenging, frequently limited by extended periods of [40•]. Dysfunctional mitochondrial functioning and regenera-
fasting and barriers to delivery caused by insulin resistance tion capacity/production of ATP which is necessary for mus-
and gastrointestinal dysfunction [32•, 33]. Given this, the ev- cle contraction has been recognised within the ICU population
idence base for nutrition recommendations, particularly those [9]. More work needs to be undertaken to understand the
on outcomes of muscle mass, strength and function, is limited. bioenergetic costs of different types of physical activity (both
in bed and out of bed) and the interplay with altered/
Defining and Measuring Physical Activity and Exercise dysfunctional mitochondrial functioning.
in the ICU Setting

Physical activity is defined as ‘any bodily movement pro- Nutrition for Attenuation of Muscle Mass,
duced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure’ Strength and Function in Critical Illness
[34]. This encompasses all movement which may occur as
part of leisure time, work or daily activities. Exercise is often A total of 12 RCTs of nutrition interventions in critical illness,
used interchangeably with physical activity; however, it is of which two were pilot RCTs, were identified that included
important to note that exercise is a subset of physical activity an outcome of muscle mass, strength or function (Table 1). Of
[34]. Exercise is defined as ‘planned, structured, a repetitive these, the majority were conducted in Australia (n = 5) or
bodily movement where the purpose is to improve or maintain Europe (n = 4). The interventions tested were primarily a
physical fitness’ [34]. Physical activity and exercise can be strategy to increase nutrition overall (including calorie and
quantified in terms of the FITT principles: frequency (i.e. protein delivery) (n = 7), protein delivery alone (n = 3) or
how often), intensity (i.e. how hard), time (i.e. duration of the addition of a nutritional compound (e.g. HMB; n = 2).
individual session and overall programme length) and type Six of the identified studies used a parenteral component to
of modality (i.e. cycle ergometry, functional mobility). The achieve greater nutrition delivery, either parenteral nutrition or
health benefits of regular participation in physical activity intravenous amino acids alone [42–44, 46, 50, 52]. Seven
are well documented within the literature with guidelines studies reported an outcome related to muscle mass (including
existing for the general, older and chronic disease populations CT or ultrasound-derived muscle thickness or cross-sectional
[35, 36]. area (CSA)) [45•, 46, 47, 48•, 49•, 50, 51•], three relating to
Metabolic equivalent of tasks (METs) is a simple way of strength (handgrip strength) [46, 50, 52] and six studies relat-
expressing the energy cost or intensity of physical activity ing to function (including Barthel Index, 6-min walk test and
[35]. The resting metabolic state is defined as one MET and SF-36 physical component summary score) [41–44, 50, 52].
refers to the amount of oxygen consumed at rest. The intensity In 119 patients, Ferrie et al. delivered augmented protein
of physical activity can be defined as low (<3.0 METs), mod- intravenously compared to standard care and reported an at-
erate (3–5.9 METs) and vigorous (>6 METs) [35]. Within the tenuation of ultrasound-derived muscle layer thickness at day
ICU setting, patients are profoundly inactive which is in part 7 with the greater protein dose (control: 2.8±0.4 vs interven-
due to the impact of their severity of illness, physiological tion: 3.2±0.4 cm; p < 0.0001). This difference, however, was
instability, sedation, delirium and concomitant ICU life- not sustained to ICU discharge [46]. Similarly, Fetterplace
saving treatments received [37]. External factors include et al. compared augmented calorie and protein delivery to
ICU and hospital room designs that do not encourage awake standard care in 60 patients, reporting greater amelioration
patients to be mobile and a lack of physical therapists or of ultrasound-derived quadriceps muscle layer thickness
nurses to perform mobilisation [38]. There is significant het- (QMLT) loss with the intervention (mean difference (95%
erogeneity in the energy costs associated with physical activ- CI) 0.22 (0.06–0.38) cm, p = 0.01) [47]. These results are
ity in the ICU setting. Beach et al. demonstrated that some conflicting with more recent investigations. In 2021, Dresen
participants recorded high physical activity levels in terms of et al. reported no difference in ultrasound-derived QMLT
MET levels (measured using the Sensewear armband mini-fly from study inclusion to week 2 or 4 with a higher protein dose
motor sensor) even whilst sedated and not participating in (1.8 vs 1.2 g/kg/day [45•]); however, this study recruited pa-
rehabilitation activities. Most of these patients were septic, tients after an extended duration of ICU stay (day 13±2 of ICU
which can result in a hypermetabolic state and thus altered admission), and hence, the window of intervention success
MET levels [39]. Black et al. assessed the oxygen costs may have passed by this point (given muscle loss occurs early)
Table 1 Summary of randomised controlled trials of nutrition interventions on muscle mass, strength or function

Author, year, Population Intervention Control Muscle mass, strength or functional Summary of results
country outcome

Allingstrup, 2017, 199 pts, MV, expected to stay >3d in Early goal-directed nutrition (based Standard care (25 Primary: SF-36 PCS score at 6 months No difference in SF-36 PCS score between
Denmark [41] ICU on indirect calorimetry and 24-h kcal/kg/day via groups, mean, control vs intervention: 23 vs
urinary urea) EN) 22.9, diff (95% CI) 0.0 (−5.9–5.8), p = 0.99;
data available for n = 88 vs 88 pts
Casaer, 2011, 4640 pts, at nutritional risk (NRS ≥ 3) Early PN (by day 3) Delayed PN (by Secondary: 6MWT iADLs No difference in 6MWT, control vs
Belgium [42] day 8) intervention: median 277 (IQR: 210–345) vs
283 (205–336) metres, p = 0.57; data
available for n = 624 vs 603 pts
No difference in n (%) iADLs (control vs
intervention: 779 (73.5%) vs 752 (75.5%), p
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

= 0.31); data available for n = 1060 vs 996

Doig, 2013, 1372 pts, contraindications to early Early PN Standard care Secondary: D60 SF-36 physical function No difference in SF-36 physical function,
Australia [43] EN, expected to stay in ICU >2 d mean±SD: control vs intervention: 40.7
±29.6 vs 42.5±30.8, diff (95% CI) 1.8
(1.85–5.52), p = 0.33; data available for n =
513 vs 524 pts
Doig, 2015, 474 pts, expected to stay in ICU >2 d 100 g/day IV amino acid Standard care Secondary: D90 SF-36 general health status No difference in SF-36 General Health, mean
Australia [44] supplementation and physical function ±SD, control vs intervention: 52.8±25.9 vs
50.5±27.2, diff (95% CI) 2.3 (−3.1–7.7), p =
0.41; data available for n = 180 vs 192 pts
No difference in SF-36 Physical Function,
mean±SD, control vs intervention: 53.2
±33.0 vs 47.7±33.7, diff (95% CI) 5.5
(−1.31–12.3), p = 0.11; data available for n
= 180 vs 192 pts
Dresen, 2021, 42 pts, MV, haemodynamically stable, 1.8 g protein/kg/day 1.2 g Primary: change in ultrasound-derived No difference in muscle loss between groups;
Germany [45•] expected to require >28 d organ protein/kg/day QMLT from study inclusion to weeks 2 change in mean QMLT, control vs
support and 4 intervention: −0.28±0.08 vs −0.15±0.08
mm; p=0.368
Ferrie, 2016, 119 pts, receiving PN, expected to 1.2 g/kg IV amino acid 0.8 g/kg IV amino Primary: handgrip strength at ICU discharge No difference in handgrip strength, mean±SD,
Australia [46] receive ≥3 d of the intervention acid Secondary: ultrasound-derived muscle control vs intervention: 15.8±10.3 vs 18.5
thickness of quadriceps, forearm and ±10.4 cm; p = 0.054
mid-upper arm at D7 Greater ultrasound-derived forearm muscle
thickness at D7 with intervention, mean
±SD, control vs intervention: 2.8±0.4 vs 3.2
±0.4 cm; p < 0.0001
Fetterplace, 2018, 60 pts, MV <48 h, anticipated to Volume-based EN with protein Usual care Secondary: change in ultrasound-derived Greater amelioration of QMLT loss with
Australia [47] remain MV ≥72 h supplementation (continuous QMLT from ICU admission to discharge intervention, control vs intervention: mean
Pilot RCT hourly rate diff (95% CI) 0.22 (0.06–0.38) cm, p = 0.01
McNelly, 2020, 121 pts, expected MV ≥48 h, requiring Intermittent EN Continuous EN Primary: change in ultrasound-derived No difference in RF-CSA, mean±SD, control
UK [48•] gastric EN, multiorgan failure, likely RF-CSA over 10 days vs intervention: −19.8±14.2 vs −17.4±14.6
ICU stay ≥7 d and likely survival cm, diff (95% CI) −2.4 (−9.7–4.8), p =
≥10 d 0.505
Table 1 (continued)

Author, year, Population Intervention Control Muscle mass, strength or functional Summary of results
country outcome

Change to day 10: mean difference (95% CI):

−1.1 (−6.1–4.0) %; p = 0.676
Nakamura, 2020, 50 pts, receiving EN, Standard EN + 3 g HMB, 14 g Standard EN Primary: rate of CT-derived femoral muscle No difference in CT-derived femoral muscle
Japan [49•] haemodynamically stable arginine, 14 g glutamine volume loss from day 1 to 10 loss, control vs intervention: 14.4±1.6 vs
11.4±1.6 %; p = 0.18
Ridley, 2018, 100 pts, ≥16 y, adm to ICU in previous Supplemental PN Standard care Secondary: ICU mobility scale (or 6MWT No difference in ICU mobility scale, median
Australia [50] 48–72 g, receiving MV and where possible) at hospital discharge [IQR], control vs intervention: 8 [4–10] vs 9
expected to continue until day after HGS at hospital discharge [5–10], p = 0.58; data available for n = 33 vs
randomisation, central venous MAMC at hospital discharge 25 pts
access, ≥1 defined organ system No difference in handgrip strength, mean±SD,
failure control vs intervention: 20±8 vs 19±13.5 kg,
p = 0.71; data available for n=24 vs 19 pts
No difference in MAMC, mean±SD, control vs
intervention: 30±5 vs 30±5 cm, p = 0.91;
data available for n = 25 vs 22 pts
Viana, 2021, 30 pts, MV, likely survival ≥7 d HMB Placebo Primary: magnitude of loss of No difference in muscle loss between groups;
Switzerland (maltodextrin) ultrasound-derived quadriceps muscle mean skeletal muscle area (control D1 114
[51•] CSA from day 4 to 15 (95% CI 43–185.8) to D14 100.4 (95% CI
32.6–168.2) cm2 vs intervention D1 110.5
(95% CI 43.7–177.3) to D14 99.32 (95% CI
25.7–172.92) cm2, p = 0.86
Wischmeyer, 2017, 125 pts, acute respiratory failure, Standard EN + supplemental PN Standard EN Secondary: Barthel Index at hospital Barthel Index, mean±SD, control vs
USA expected to require MV >72, BMI discharge intervention: 46.5±32.1 vs 61.1±32.4, p =
Pilot RCT [52] <25 or ≥35 HGS at discharge 0.08; data available for n = 41 vs 28 pts
6MWT at discharge SF-36 PCS at 3 months, mean±SD, control vs
SF-36 PCS at 3 months and 6 months intervention: 35.3±10.8 vs 33.3±10.1, p =
0.38; data available for n = 27 vs 22 pts
SF-36 PCS at 6 months, mean±SD, control vs
intervention: 35.8±11.2 vs 39.3±10.2, p =
0.17; data available for n = 30 vs 20 pts

6MWT, 6-minute walk test; BMI, body mass index; CSA, cross-sectional area; CT, computed tomography; EN, enteral nutrition; D, day; HGS, handgrip strength; HMB, B-hydroxy-B-methylbutyrate;
iADLs, independent with activities of daily living; IV, intravenous; MV, mechanical ventilation; PCS, physical component summary; PN, parenteral nutrition; QMLT, quadriceps muscle layer thickness;
RCT, randomised controlled trial; SF-36, Short Form 36
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308 295

[53]. Furthermore, McNelly et al. found no difference in the determine the minimum effective dose, with titration up to a
attenuation of rectus femoris CSA over 10 days with greater maximum dose level beyond which the adverse effects of the
calorie/protein delivery with intermittent feeding (daily pro- drug outweigh the benefits. Exercise trials have traditionally
tein dose: intermittent: 63.8 (59.3–68.3) g vs control: 55.8 not undergone the same scrutiny as drug trials. Currently, the
(49.1–62.5) g; p = 0.048) [48•]. Two RCTs have reported no exercise dose that a patient receives is poorly described and
effect on muscle mass with an intervention containing articulated within ICU trials. This is in part due to the lack of
hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB), a metabolite of leucine consistency in defining the ‘dosage’ of interventions and
known to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and reduce mus- reporting of the actual versus planned intervention delivery.
cle protein breakdown in health: Nakamura et al. reported no Recently within the stroke literature, a dose articulation frame-
effect of a combined HMB/arginine/glutamine intervention on work has been developed to improve the rigour in exercise
CT-derived femoral muscle volume loss [49•] and Viana et al. dosage reporting which is also applicable to the ICU setting
reported no difference in magnitude of the loss of ultrasound- [86•]. Scheffenbichler et al. used a Mobilisation
derived quadriceps muscle CSA from day 4 to 15 [51•]. Quantification Score to address the problem of dose [87•].
Reasons for these discrepancies in results are unclear but Within exercise dosage, we need comprehensive reporting
may be related to the timing of intervention (early versus late of what is planned and then what was delivered with consid-
protein delivery) or the type of protein delivered (specific eration of the FITT principles: frequency, intensity, time (in-
versus mixed amino acids). dividual session duration and overall programme length) and
No study of a nutrition intervention has been shown to be type of activities (including individual tasks, task duration)
effective in improving any outcome of strength or function in [86•].
critically ill patients.
Timing and Duration of Intervention

Physical Activity for Attenuation of Muscle It appears that the greatest benefit may be observed in trials
Mass, Strength and Function in Critical Illness commencing within the first 72 hours of ICU admission with
trials demonstrating higher muscle strength, functional inde-
Exercise interventions have been shown to be safe and feasi- pendence, higher level of mobility including distance able to
ble within the ICU setting and fall into three main modalities: be walked and earlier attainment of mobility milestones at
neuromuscular electrical stimulation (which involves artificial hospital discharge (Table 3). It also appears that rehabilitation
stimulation of the underling muscles with surface electrodes), delivered less than 5 days per week may be less effective [55,
assistive technology such as cycle ergometry (with/without 79••, 88]. The length of the ICU-based exercise programmes
additional muscle stimulation) and functional-based strength- may be another confounder. Numerous trials have had a me-
ening and mobility training. For the purposes of this review, dian of 3–7 sessions delivered (often over 7–10 days) which
we have focused our reporting on cycle ergometry and may be too short an intervention period to induce changes in
functional-based mobility interventions. Recent systematic re- muscle mass, strength and function.
views have demonstrated exercise commencing in the ICU
(such as mobilisation functional-based exercises) improves Frequency/Intensity
physical functioning at hospital discharge and reduces ICU
and hospital length of stay and may improve mobility status Achievement of higher levels of mobility has been related to
and reduce the incidence of ICU-related weakness, muscle better physical recovery outcomes for ICU survivors [70, 79••,
strength and days alive [54••, 55, 56]. 87•, 89•]. Conflicting evidence exists with regards to the in-
A total of 28 RCTs of cycling/functional mobility in critical creasing frequency of sessions, with several studies demon-
illness, of which three were pilot RCTs, were identified that strating 2× sessions per day resulted in earlier attainment of
included an outcome of muscle mass, strength or function mobility milestones and improved strength [66, 68, 69, 73,
(Tables 2 and 3). Of these, 79% of the studies were from 84]. This contrasts with a recently published secondary ana-
Europe (n = 8), Australia (n = 6) or North/South America (n lysis of a prospective study of 186 ICU patients which found
= 8). There is significant heterogeneity in terms of the modal- that increasing the number of mobility sessions did not inde-
ities, frequency, timing and intensity of programmes which pendently influence health status 6 months post-ICU admis-
make it challenging to compare. This is in addition to varying sion. It is important to note that there was variability in the
trial endpoints and many lacking follow-ups beyond hospital amount of active mobilisation sessions performed in ICU,
discharge. with 19% of the cohort performing less than one session per
Exercise can be considered a drug as it causes a range of week and just under half completing a mobility session every
beneficial effects for health, as do pharmacological interven- 1–3 days with less than 5% completing more than one session
tions [85]. Drug trials adhere to rigorous testing processes to per day. More research is required to elucidate the prescription
Table 2 Summary of randomised controlled trials of cycle ergometry interventions on muscle mass, strength or function

Author, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results

year, or functional outcome

Berney, 162 ICU patients <72 h 60 min FES cycling >/=5 days/week Usual care (respiratory and Primary: quadriceps strength Primary: no significant difference
2021, with sepsis or until ICU discharge; single leg functional mobility) Secondary: between groups for quadriceps
Australia systemic allocation FES cycling and other leg MRC-SS strength at hospital discharge
[57] inflammatory without FES handgrip strength Secondary: no significant difference
response PFIT-s between groups for any secondary
syndrome ≥48 h FSS-ICU measures
≥4 d 6MWT
Katz ADL
Burtin, 90 S/MICU patients Late (>5 d Cycle ergometry 5 days/week Usual care (respiratory Primary: 6MWD Primary outcome: higher 6MWD
2009, with after 20 min per session individually physiotherapy + Secondary: distance in intervention at hospital
Belgium predicted ICU ICU adjusted intensity standardised mobility of quadriceps strength discharge (196 vs 143 m, p < 0.05)
[58••] LOS >7 d admis- Passive 20 cycles/min or active 2× UL and LL 5 days per Handgrip strength Secondary: quadriceps strength gain
sion) 10 min bouts increasing intensity week) ranging from passive Berg Balance Scale higher between ICU discharge and
until hospital discharge to active depending on the FAC hospital discharge in intervention (p
capability SF-36 (PF domain) < 0.01); no significant difference
between groups for handgrip
strength; Berg Balance Scale and
FAC at ICU and hospital discharge;
higher SF-36 (PF domain) scores in
the intervention group at hospital
discharge (21 vs 15 points, p < 0.01)
Eggmann, Mixed MV ICU <48 h 5× week (with weekends as clinically Usual care (early mobility, Primary: 6MWD and FIM Primary: no significant difference
2018, patients with ICU indicated) up to a maximum of 3 respiratory therapy and Secondary: between groups for 6MWD and FIM
Switzerl- LOS ≥72 h sessions per day, endurance cycling passive/active exercises) quadriceps strength at hospital discharge
and [59] (20 min/d at pedalling rate of 20 Handgrip strength Secondary: no significant difference in
cycles/min) up to a max of 60 min at MRC-SS secondary outcomes
full resistance; resistance training for FIM
UL and LL (active assisted, TUG test
weighted), 8–12 reps with 2–5 sets at SF-36
5–80% of estimated 1RM max,
functional mobility tasks
Fossat, 314 ICU patients <48 h 1× 15 min session of cycling, 1× Usual care Primary: MRC-SS No significant difference between
2018, admitted to ICU 50 min session/day of EMS of Secondary: groups in MRC-SS at ICU discharge
France <72 h before bilateral quads, 5× week until ICU ICU Mobility Scale Secondary: no significant difference
[60] randomisation discharge Katz ADL between groups for any secondary
Barthel Index measures
Gama 234 ICU cardiac Within 2× day until ICU discharge 2× day 10 min of active Primary: in-hospital steps per day No significant difference between
Lordello, surgery patients 6–8 h Cycle ergometry active 10 min (5 min exercises for LL and UL groups for steps per day over three
2020, LL, 5 min UL) repeated 10× days following allocated intervention
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308
Table 2 (continued)

Author, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results

year, or functional outcome

Brazil follow- Secondary: mobility level in Secondary: no difference in steps per

[61] ing different subgroups, i.e. gender, day between groups
extubat- type of surgery, pre-ICU PA
Kho, 2019, 66 ICU <4 d of MV <72 h 5 sessions per week of 30 min passive, Usual care PFIT-s No difference between groups for
Canada and <7 d ICU to active cycling until ICU discharge PFIT-s scores at hospital discharge
[62] LOS + usual care
Machado, 38 MV ICU patients Median 2 Cycle ergometry passive to active Conventional physiotherapy MRC-SS Significant improvement in MRC-SS in
2017, with acute d 20 min 20 cycles/min 5× week up to (2× 30 min daily intervention compared to control
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

Brazil respiratory failure ICU discharge respiratory and functional (8.45 vs 4.18 points, p = 0.005)
[63] mobility)
Nickels, 72 mixed ICU <96 h 30 min daily in bed cycling 1× day (up Usual care (respiratory and Primary: RF-CSA at Day 10 Primary: no significant between group
2020, patients expected to 6 days per week) functional mobility) Secondary: differences in muscle atrophy of
Australia to MV >48 h RF and VI thickness RF-CSA at day 10
[64] MRC-SS Secondary: no significant between
Handgrip strength group differences for secondary
FSS-ICU measures
ICU Mobility Scale

ADL, activities of daily living; CSA, cross-sectional area; FAC, functional ambulation category; FES, functional electrical stimulation; FIM, functional independence measure; FSS-ICU, functional status
score in the ICU; ICU, intensive care unit; LL, lower limb; LOS, length of stay; min, minutes; MICU, medical ICU; MRC-SS, Medical Research Council sum score; MV, mechanical ventilation; PA, physical
activity; PFIT-s, Physical Function in ICU test scored; RF, rectus femoris; SICU, Surgical ICU; SF-36, Short Form 36 Questionnaire; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; TUG test, timed up and go
test; UL, upper limb; VI, vastus intermedius; 1RM max, one repetition maximum; 6MWT, six-minute walk test; 6MWD, six-minute walk distance; %, percentage
Table 3 Summary of randomised controlled trials of physical rehabilitation (mobility) interventions on muscle mass, strength or function

Author, year, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results
country or functional outcome

Cui, 2020, 178 off-pump <48 h Precision early ambulation duration and Routine ambulation – patients Ambulation outcome Significant difference between groups for
China [65] CABG patients intensity determined by age-predicted engaged in ambulation on day 2 reported (but not a ambulation distance on day 3 (75 m vs 56
aged 60 years or maximal heart rate and V02Max. or 3 after surgery pre-specified m, p < 0.001)
above Day 1: 10 min sitting primary or
Day 2: SOOB >10 min, standing 3–5 min; secondary
walking 20m endpoint)
Day 3: SOOB >10 min, standing 5 min and
walk minimum of 30 m.
Exercises repeated up to 5 times per day
Dantas, 2012, 59 ICU MV Unclear 2× day, 7 times per week at a moderate Conventional physical therapy – MRC-SS Significant improvement in muscle strength
Brazil [66] patients (however, intensity level in ICU passive mobility of UL/LL 5× over the duration of the intervention (p =
patients week and active assisted 0.00) – however, higher baseline
excluded exercises depending on the MRC-SS scores compared to control
if MV >7 capability
Denehy, 150 mixed ICU Late >5 d Functional mobility and strengthening Usual care (respiratory and Primary: 6MWD No significant difference for 6MWD
2013, patients ICU exercises, aerobic training beginning in mobility in hospital), no Secondary: TUG test between groups at 6 months, exploratory
Australia LOS >5 d ICU and continuing for 8 weeks outpatient service SF-36 analyses demonstrated the rate of change
[67] post-hospital discharge (up to an hour) at AQOL over time and mean between group
moderate intensity differences in 6MWD from the first
assessment greater in the intervention
NB: did not reach enrolment target of 200
Secondary: no difference between groups
for secondary outcomes
Dong, 2014, 60 ICU patients 48–72 h 2× day daily until hospital discharge, Control group (unspecified) Time to first sit out of Faster to sit out of bed in the intervention
China [68] with tracheal functional mobility tasks bed in days (mean of 3.8 vs 7.3 days; p = 0.00)
intubation or
48–72 h with
predicted MV >7
Hickmann, 19 ICU patients <48 h 2× 30 min session/daily for one week with Usual care (5× week, functional Primary: regulation of Primary: reduced protein degradation in the
2018, with septic shock 1 session of functional mobility and mobility) protein intervention group but no significant
Belgium <72 h 1×30 min passive/active cycling degradation/- difference between groups over the first
[69] synthesis pathways week
during the first Secondary: muscle fibre CSA preserved by
week exercise between days 1 and 7 (−26% in
Secondary: muscle control vs 12.4% in intervention, p =
fibre CSA 0.005); no significant difference between
Exercise-induced groups for exercise-induced
muscle inflammation
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

<72 h Usual care

Table 3 (continued)

Author, year, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results
country or functional outcome

Hodgson, 50 mixed ICU Active exercises for 1 hour per day, early Primary: higher Higher levels of activity (mean IMS 7.3 vs
2016, patients MV >48 goal-directed mobility focused on maximal level and 5.9; p = 0.05) and duration of activity in
Australia h functional mobility duration of activity intervention (median 20 vs 7 min; p =
Pilot RCT measured using 0.002)
[70] IMS Scale Secondary: no significant differences
Secondary: PFIT-s between groups for secondary measures
Hodgson, 20 ICU ECMO <72 h Early goal-directed mobility Usual care Primary: higher Primary: higher duration of mobility in the
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

2020, patients maximal level and intervention (median 133 vs 27.5 min)
Australia duration of activity but no difference between groups for
Pilot RCT measured using the IMS maximal score (2.67 vs 1.5 points)
[71] IMS scale Secondary: between group difference in
Secondary: Katz ADL favour of early goal-directed mobility
functional group for Katz ADL (functional
independence independence at hospital discharge)
Kayambu, 50 mixed CU <48 h of 1–2 × 30 min sessions/day until ICU Usual care (respiratory and Acute Care Index of No difference between groups in ACIF
2015, patients with sepsis discharge involving EMS, functional functional mobility) Function at ICU scores at ICU discharge
Australia sepsis diagnosis mobility and cycling discharge
Pilot RCT syndromes, MV
[72] >48 h
Maffei, 2017, 40 ICU liver 48–72 h 2× day early progressive rehabilitation Usual care (referral to Time to first mobility Patients sat on the edge of the bed sooner in
France transplant involving P/AROM, functional mobility physiotherapy with 1 session per milestones (sitting the intervention group (2.6 vs 9.7 days, p
[73] recipients until ICU discharge day) on the edge of the = 0.048)
bed, sitting in the No significant difference between groups
chair and walking) for time to first sit in a chair or walking
McWilliams, 103 ICU patients >5 d Enhanced rehabilitation Usual care Manchester Mobility Median time to the first mobilisation was
2018, UK MV ≥5 d Score significantly shorter in the intervention
Pilot RCT group (8 vs 10 days, p = 0.035) and a
[74] higher level of mobility on Manchester
Mobility Score at ICU discharge (MMS
7 vs 5, p = 0.016)
Morris, 2016, 300 MICU patients <48 h Standardised rehabilitation therapy Usual care Primary: hospital Primary: no significant difference between
USA [75] requiring involving PROM, PT and progressive LOS groups for hospital LOS
noninvasive or resistance training, 3× sessions per day, Secondary: SPPB Secondary: no difference between groups
invasive MV seven days per week until hospital SF-36 (PF domain) for secondary outcomes except SPPB,
discharge FPI where there was a significantly higher
Handgrip strength score for SPPB, SF-36 (PF domain) and
HHD strength FPI score at 6 months within the
intervention group
Moss, 2016, 120 MV (≥4 d) Median 8 d Intensive rehab for 28 days (7× week in Usual care (3× week focused on Primary: Continuous Primary: no significant difference between
USA [76] MICU patients hospital and× week outpatient/home) ROM, positioning and Scale Physical groups for Continuous Scale Physical
Table 3 (continued)

Author, year, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results
country or functional outcome

30 min in ICU, 60 min in functional mobility) up to 28 Functional Performance Test scores 1-month post
ward/outpatient days, no formal outpatient Performance Test enrolment
Programme included breathing, ROM, programme Secondary: 5 times sit Secondary: no significant differences
strength, functional mobility to stand between groups for any secondary
TUG test measures
Berg Balance Scale
Nava, 1998, 80 RICU COPD Unspecified 2× 30–45 min sessions daily of Control group (steps 1 and 2 only) 6MWD Significant improvement in 6MWD in
Italy [77] patients com- comprehensive rehab involving Steps 1 intervention group at hospital discharge
menced in and 2: P/AROM, respiratory Rx, (p < 0.0001)
RICU mobility training; step 3: respiratory
muscle training 2× 10 min, cycling 1×
20 min at a workload of 15 watts and
flight of 25 stairs 5×; step IV: 3 weeks 2×
30 min treadmill walking at 70%
pre-exercise test score
Nydahl, 274 ICU patients in Median 3 d Intervention period: goal-directed mobility Control period: usual care Primary: percentage Primary: non statistically significant
2020, ICUs with no plan based on ICU Mobility Scale and of patients with increase in out-of-bed mobility by 9.6%
Germany protocol for interprofessional rounds daily ICU Mobility
[78] early mobility Score of 3 or more
Cluster present
d pilot
Schaller, 200 SICU patients <48 h Early goal-directed mobility involving Usual care Primary: SOMS level Primary: significant differences between
2016, MV <48 h and daily morning ward round to set mobility Secondary: modified groups in favour of intervention for mean
Germany expected further goal and second goal implementation FIM SOMS score
[79••] MV >24 h cross shifts with interprofessional MRC-SS Secondary: significant differences between
communication follow-up SF-36 groups for modified FIM at hospital
discharge in favour of intervention; no
difference between groups for MRC-SS
or SF-36.
Schweickert, 104 pts <48 h Passive ROM for all limbs (10 repetitions), Usual care Primary: functional Primary: greater functional independence at
2009, transitioned to active assisted and active independence hospital discharge in the intervention
USA [80•] ROM exercises, bed mobility and sitting Secondary: Barthel group (59 vs 35 %, p = 0.02) with the
and ADL/exercise, walking, daily basis Index faster achievement of mobility
until returned to the previous level of Number of milestones (i.e. sitting, standing,
function or discharged from hospital functionally marching and walking) in favour of the
independent ADLs intervention group (p > 0.0001), a greater
Distance walked walking distance at hospital discharge
without assistance Secondary: Higher Barthel Scores, a higher
MRC-SS number of independent ADLs and
Handgrip strength greater unassisted walking distance in the
intervention group at hospital discharge;
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308
Table 3 (continued)

Author, year, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results
country or functional outcome

non-significant difference between

groups for MRC-SS and handgrip
strength at hospital discharge
Seo, 2019, 16 ICU patients in >5 d Exercise group included P/AROM, Cycle ergometry 5× week for MRC-SS There was a significant difference between
Korea [81] ICU ≥5d resistance training, functional mobility 30 min until ICU discharge FSS-ICU groups for MRC-SS, FSS-ICU and
SF-36 SF-36 (PF domain) at ICU discharge
Schujmann, 99 ICU patients <48 h Combined therapy consisting of a Conventional therapy involving Primary: Barthel Higher Barthel Scores for intervention at
2020, scoring 100 or combination of conventional therapy and active assists and active Index ICU discharge (97 vs 76, p < 0.001)
Brazil [82] above on Barthel a programme of early and progressive mobilisation as well as bed Secondary: handgrip No differences between groups for
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

Index 2 weeks mobility. 2× day 5× week, duration ~40 positioning, bedside and strength handgrip strength, EMG or TUG test.
prior to ICU min armchair transfers and EMG of anterior Difference between groups observed for
admission ambulation. 2× day, 5× week tibial, medial sit to stand (8 vs 5 repetitions, p < 0.01),
gastroc and VL 2-min walk test (p < 0.001) and ICU
muscles Mobility Score at ICU discharge (9.8 vs
TUG test 7, p < 0.001). Higher levels of physical
Sit to stand test activity in the intervention (1539
2-min walk test steps/day vs 591 in control, p < 0.001).
Physical activity
ICU Mobility Score
Wright, 308 ICU MV ≥48 h <72 h 90 min rehab 5× week until ICU discharge 30 min rehab 5× week Primary: SF-36 (PF Primary: no significant difference between
2017, UK split across 2 sessions until ICU domain) groups for SF-36 (PF)
[83•] discharge Secondary: modified Secondary: no significant difference
Rivermead between groups for secondary measures
Mobility Index except FIM at 3 months
Handgrip strength
Yosef 18 ICU MV ≥48h Conventional physiotherapy (more Conventional physiotherapy MRC-SS There was a significant difference in the
Brauner, and expected to intensive 2× day) involving respiratory Handgrip strength intensive treatment group over time
2015, remain and functional elements – respiratory, Sitting balance compared to usual care for MRC-SS (p =
Israel [84] ventilated for P/AROM, functional mobility 0.029) and non-significant for handgrip
further 48 h and sitting balance.

ADL, activities of daily living; AQOL, Assessment of Quality of Life Questionnaire; AROM, active range of motion; CSA, cross-sectional area; ECMO, extra corporeal membrane oxygenation; EMS,
electrical muscle stimulation; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; FPI, Functional Performance Inventory; HHD, handheld dynamometry; IADL, instrumented activities of daily living; ICU, intensive
care unit; IMS, ICU Mobility Scale; LOS, length of stay; LL, lower limb; MICU, medical ICU; min, minutes; MRC-SS, Medical Research Council sum score; MV, mechanical ventilation; PFIT-s, Physical
Function in ICU test scored; PROM, passive range of motion; PT, physiotherapy; Rx, treatment; SF-36, Short Form 36 Questionnaire; SOM, Surgical Optimal Mobility Scale; SPPB, short physical
performance battery; TUG test, timed up and go test; UL, upper limb; 6MWD, six-minute walk distance; %, percentage
302 Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

parameters in terms of intensity, frequency and duration [58••]. Subsequent cycle trials have found conflicting results
which may result in the greatest long-term benefits for ICU with heterogeneity in outcomes measured, timing of interven-
patients [61, 89•]. Several trials have attempted to provide tion and dosage parameters used, making it difficult to make
higher programme intensities but failed to implement these comparisons [59–64] (Table 2).
targets [59, 83•]. The discrepancy between planned and actual
therapy delivery in these trials has occurred due to patient- and
setting-related barriers (e.g. participant fatigue, sedation) [59, Nutrition and Physical Activity – a Combined
83•] as well as logistic challenges with missed physiotherapy Intervention?
visits due to weekends, medical procedures and/or physiolog-
ical instability [59, 83•]. It may be that the field has As we understand that the combination of amino acid admin-
overestimated how much patients may be able to achieve in istration and exercise has a synergistic effect on stimulating
the early ICU period, as it is likely that the muscle fatigue muscle protein synthesis in health [24, 25], we also need to
threshold required for a training response is lower in critical understand the mutual benefit of combined interventions of
illness, particularly in the context of impaired muscle/nerve nutrition and exercise which may augment gains in muscle
functioning [54••]. More work needs to be undertaken to un- mass, strength and physical functioning in critical illness.
derstand the impact of fatigue and to develop personalised Only two RCTs in critical illness have been published that
approaches to prescribing exercise doses within the ICU explore the combination of nutrition and physical activity in-
population. terventions on outcomes of muscle mass, strength or function
(Table 4). De Azevedo et al. randomised 181 patients to re-
Exercise Mode ceive either nutrition guided by indirect calorimetry with aug-
mented protein delivery (including via supplemental parenter-
Functional-based movement is the most used exercise inter- al nutrition) and twice daily cycle ergometry exercise or stan-
vention within the ICU setting and often involves sitting, dard care, reporting improved function at 3 months and 6
standing, walking and resistance-based exercises (Table 3). months with the intervention when using the SF-36 Physical
The importance of goal-directed early mobility has been Component Summary score, but no difference in handgrip
emphasised in recent trials in terms of interprofessional com- strength between groups [94••]. Zhou et al. randomised 150
munication and optimising patient status (in terms of sedation, patients into one of three study arms: standard care versus
pain, delirium) to achieve a target mobility level [70, 79••]. early mobilisation versus early mobilisation plus early nutri-
Several studies have proven that mobility can improve tion (within 48 hours of ICU admission) [93••]. They reported
strength and physical functioning and impact on other impor- reduced ICU-acquired weakness and improved functional sta-
tant outcomes such as delirium and length of stay. There has tus using Barthel Index with both interventions compared to
been growing interest in the last 10 years in non-volitional standard care.
exercise interventions which may enable earlier targeted opti-
misation of muscle mass and strength due to the awareness of
muscle wasting occurring early and rapidly and the delay until Future Directions
patients are alert and able to engage in functional-based exer-
cises [90]. Electrical muscle stimulation which involves arti- As this research field advances, we will continue to see a
ficial stimulation of the muscle using transcutaneous elec- greater focus on combined exercise and nutrition therapies,
trodes placed over the skin is one promising modality [56]. with a number of clinical trials registered on this topic [95].
There is conflicting evidence; however, some studies have The ICU population is a highly heterogeneous population in
demonstrated the preservation of muscle mass and strength terms of admission diagnoses and comorbid health statuses.
within the ICU setting [91•, 92]. The optimal stimulation pa- Pre-ICU health factors such as comorbidities, age, sex and
rameters and impact on long-term outcomes need to be deter- baseline nutritional status are likely to impact the response to
mined as well as the patient subgroups who may be of most exercise and nutrition, as well as the post-ICU recovery tra-
benefit. Cycle ergometry is another attractive intervention jectory [96]. Therefore, a personalised approach to nutrition
which can be utilised passively (without patient effort whilst and exercise delivery may be needed with the identification of
in a coma) and actively with increasing resistance. Burtin et al. subgroups who may respond to different therapies and dosage
conducted the first RCT of cycle ergometry compared to usual levels. Greater articulation of the planned intervention deliv-
care in the ICU which found significant improvements in ex- ery and actual delivery against intervention reporting frame-
ercise capacity as measured by the six-minute walk distance works are required. The separation between intervention and
(196 vs 143 m, p < 0.05), and quadriceps force improved more usual care also needs to be clearly documented, particularly as
between ICU and hospital discharge in the treatment group usual care nutrition delivery and mobility practices continue to
(1.83 vs 2.37 N/kg (intervention), 1.86 vs 2.03 N/kg, p < 0.01) evolve.
Table 4 Summary of randomised controlled trials of combined nutrition and physical activity interventions on muscle mass, strength or function

Author, year, Population Timing Intervention Comparator Muscle mass, strength Results
country or functional outcome
Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

Zhou, 2022, 150 pts, adm to ICU for the <24 h 2 intervention arms: Standard care: routine Primary: ICU-AW Lower rates of ICU-AW in intervention groups,
China [93••] first time, expected ICU EM: early mobilisation (20-30 min 2×/day rehabilitation exercise (MRC sum score mean (95% CI), control vs intervention: 16
stay ≥72 h, conscious within 24 h) and nutrition support <48) at ICU (7.2–29) % vs EM: 2 (0.1–10.6) % vs EMN:
enough to respond (n = 50 EMN: early mobilisation as per EM group + discharge 2 (0.1–10.6) %; p = 0.005
pts per group) early nutrition (within 48 h of ICU adm) Secondary: muscle MRC sum score did not differ between groups,
strength from MRC mean (95% CI), control vs intervention: 60
sum score (56.5–60) % vs EM: 60 (59.8–60) % vs
Barthel Index EMN: 60 (60–60) %; p = 0.225
Improved Barthel Index with interventions
mean (95% CI), control vs intervention: 57.5
(38.8–70) % vs EM: 70 (50–81.3) % vs
EMN: 70 (55–80) %; p = 0.008
De Azevedo, 181 pts, MV, expected ICU Nutrition guided by indirect calorimetry + Routine physiotherapy, Primary: SF-36 PCS at Better SF-36 PCS at 3 monts with the
2021, Brazil stay >3 d high protein intake (including supp PN), standard nutrition 3 months and 6 intervention, median (IQR), control vs
[94••] cycle ergometry exercise 2×/d provision months intervention: 0.00 (0.00–37.0) vs 24.4
Secondary: ICU-AW (0.00–49.12); p = 0.01
defined by HGS Better SF-36 PCS at 6 months with the
ICU discharge intervention, median (IQR), control vs
intervention: 0.00 (0.00–55.1) vs 33.63
(0.00–71.61); p = 0.01
No difference in HGS ICU-AW, n (%), control
vs intervention: 26 (46.4%) vs 16 (28.5%); p
= 0.05
304 Current Osteoporosis Reports (2022) 20:290–308

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons

A wide range of outcome measures relating to muscle
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-
mass, strength and function are currently reported in tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
RCTs of nutrition and physical activity interventions, you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro-
restricting synthesis and interpretation of results. Core vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were
outcome sets have been published for long-term ICU re- made. The images or other third party material in this article are included
in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a
covery follow-up [97•, 98] and are being developed for credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's
physical rehabilitation [99] and nutrition fields [100], Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by
which need to be adopted in order to improve compara- statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
bility across future trials. permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this
licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
Further work is also likely to focus on the post-ICU phase,
on the premise that nutrition and physical activity interven-
tions of a sustained duration, throughout the hospital admis-
sion, are likely to be required. Whilst observational data report
suboptimal nutrition intake [101, 102] and reduced physical
activity [37, 39, 103] in ICU survivors, studies conducted Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
throughout the hospital admission are lacking. highlighted as:
• Of importance
•• Of major importance

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Author Contribution All authors contributed to the study’s conception 2021;36(3):343–51 Systematic review synthesising physical
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anne S Chapple and Selina M Parry; the original draft preparation was identified risk factors for poor physical functioning recovery
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