TAU Stratagem Nyomtatás

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DANGER CLOSE Use this Stratagem in your Shooting ‘phase, when a BREACHER TEAM or STRIKE TEAM unit from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of ® that phase, when resolving an attack ‘made with a ranged weapon by a ‘model in that unit against an enemy ‘unit within 12% you can re-oll the wound roll Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a CHARACTER mode! from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of that phase, when 4 resolving an attack made by that ‘model, you can rel the wound roll. Use this Stratagem at the start of any turn. Picka VEHICLE or BATTLESUIT model from your ‘army. That model regains D3 lost wounds. You can only use this Stratagem once per turn DEFENCE IN NUMBERS Use tis Stratagem in the Fight phase ‘or your opponents Shooting phase, when an XV8 CRISIS BATTLESUITS or XVB CRISIS BODYGUARDS unit from ‘your army is chosen as the target for an attack. Until the end of that phase, when 2 model in that uni would lose a wound, roll one Dé:on a 5+ that wound is nat lost. Use thie Stratagem in your Charge phase, when a JET PACK unit from ‘your army fishes a charge move. For ‘each mode in that unit, you can select cone enemy unit within 1" of that model | } androll one D6:on a 3+ that enemy Unit suffrs 1 mortal wound. | Use this Stratagem when you }) choose to use aXV104 {RIPTIDE BATTLESUITS Nova Reactor. You may choose two FIRESTORM Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select up to three TAU EMPIRE units withthe Flyer Battle Role from your army. This Stratagem costs 1 additional Command Point for each selected unit. Rolf one Dé for each enemy unit within 3" of any of those selected units. Ona 4+ that enemy unit sufrs D3 mortal wounds. Use thie Stratagem before the battle. Select one XVB CRISIS BATTLESUITS (or XVB CRISIS BODYGUARDS unit from your army that contains 3 models for 1 Command Point or one XVB | CRISIS BATTLESUITS or XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARDS unit from your army that contains 4 or more models for 2 Command Points. Models in that unit havea Weapon skill characteristic of 4+ & and a Ballistic Skil characteristic of 3+ You can only use.thisStratagem once per battle Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, before a BREACHER TEAM from your * © army shoots at an enemy unit that is receiving the benefit of cover. The Breacher Team re-rolls failed | wound rolls against the enemy unit until the end of i ) this phase. Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Pick a ‘ COMMANDER from © your army. That Commander may not shoot this phase, but one BATTLESUIT unit from your army that is within 6* of that Commander may re-roll failed wound rolls this phase. Use this Stratagem when a TAU EMPIRE model from your army is chosen to throwa photon grenade at an enemy VEHICLE unit. Only make a single hit roll with the weapon this phase; ifit hits, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds. esa Use this Stratagem after a TAU SEPT unit from your army has attacked an enemy unit in the ©. Shooting phase and the attack resulted in the enemy unit losing one or more wounds. ‘Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by other TAU SEPT units from your army that target the same enemyunit this phase. Eee Farsight Enclaves Stratagem Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Choose a FARSIGHT ENCLAVES BATTLESUIT unit from your army that was set up on the battlefield using its Manta Strike ability this turn. i h Add 1 to hit rolls for that unit this phase. Wo Bork‘an Stratagem Use this Stratagem when a BORK’AN SEPT unit from your army fires a ranged weapon that makes a random number of attacks (e.g. Heavy D6, Heavy 206 etc.). You can re-roll one of the dice used to determine the number of attacks made. Viorla Stratagem Use this Stratagem at the start of your shooting phase. Pick a VIOR‘LA SEPT INFANTRY unit from your army. That unit may be chosen to shoot twice this phase, but all models in the unit must target the closest enemy unit each time they do.so. rea Pr oa Use ths Stratagem before the battle. Your army can have one extra Signature System for 1CR._ 4 or two extra Signature Systems for 3 CPs, All of the Signature Systems that you include must be different and be given to dif- ferent TAU EMPIRE CHARAC- TERS. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle. Use this Stratagem when a BATTLESUIT unit from your army is destroyed in the Fight phase, before removing the last ‘model. Roll a dice for each unit (friend or foe) within 3" of that model. On a 4+ that unit suffers ‘one mortal wound. Use ths Stratagem when a Kroot Hound unit from your army completes a charge * against an enemy unit. Until the end of the phase, you can re-oll failed charge rolls for other friendly KROOT units | that are within 12" of that Kroot Houndunitafterit if h completes its charge move. te Cee Cee. men Use this Stratagem before a Use this Statagem in your Shooting BATTLESUIT unit from your start ofthe enemy Shooting. Mise if2 TAU EMPIRE COMMANDER army shoots. Enemy units phase. Pick an enemy unit tek Manta strike ability ‘in the preced- 4 | cannot claim the benefit of within 18" ofa BATTLESUIT ing Movernent phase. Pck two points cover against shots made by COMMANDER fr onthe battlefield 206" apart Drawan this unit this phase. Cee imaginary straight line 1mm wide be army. Your opponent must tween these two points and rola dice subtract 1 from hit rolls made foreach unit (friend or foe) that has ‘models under this line. Subtract I from RTS TS ES the result ifthe unit being rolled for sa CHARACTER, Ona4»:theunit being rolled for suffers B3 mortal wounds. This Stratagem éan only be used once } per battle ——— ———— So : ee Use this Stratagem when an Use this Stratagem at the start enemy unit declares a charge @-| of your Movement phase. Pick a Use this Stratagem at the against @ VEHICLE unit from ‘§% M83 Recon Drone from # start of your Shooting phase. your army. When your unit your army. One of your Pick an enemy unit visible to fires Overwatch this phase, a Det auc eae a Sa‘cea SEPT CHARACTER 5 or 6is required for a Ee ie tonic a from your army. That unit successful hit roll, instead of Kiica sek ser op tbe and allotherenemy units “ff only 6. cig ibn: arta eS within 6" oft gain a ABP econ Drone. markerlight counter. ~ RECON SWEEP 7 Gretsch Use this Stratagem at the | Use this Stratagem after an | Use this Stratagem at the start ;) start of your Shooting phase. | enemy unit successfully charges "1 of any turn. Choose a Selecta PATHFINDER TEAM “ff 2 BATTLESUIT unit from your BATTLESUIT model from your M From your army. That unit can PS army. Rolla dice foreach model MFO army with a Wounds character- in the enemy unit within 3" of istic of 10 or more. Until the end y_ your unit. On a6 that model | of this tum, use the top row of suffers a mortal wound. the model's damage table, regardless of how many wounds ithas left. This ends immediately ifthemodelis 9 h, reduced ta 0 wounds. te = 4 Geen ‘your Movement phase. Pick a friendly STRIKE TEAM or BREACHER TEAM whose | enemy unit has been hitbya | {, markerlight fired by a model from your army. Place D3+1 Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Pick a DAL'YTH SEPT unit from your army (excluding AIRCRAFT).That unit mayshoot and then immediately move up ifit were the Movement amy thatis within 6" of © XV95 GHOSTKEEL BATTLESUIT from ‘yourarmy. You may immediately remove the Stealth Battiesuits unit. |) from the battlefield and set it up again, anywhere within 12" ofthat Ghostkeel Battlesult and more than 9" from any J) enemy models. Note that this does not §

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