Skyrim Item Codes

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Posted on November 11, 2011, GameFront Staff

Skyrim: PC Item Codes

In addition to the PC Console Commands found here, you ll need these Item Codes to
unlock the many items available in Skyrim. If you re not the cheating type, or ju
st want some help discovering everything there is to find in Skyrim, check out o
ur massive text and video walkthrough. For more extra information like these cod
es, drop by the cheats page.
Using Console Commands
Hit Tilde [`] to bring down the developer console. Then just enter the codes lis
ted below to activate.
Some cheats can cause bugs, crashes, or problems with the game code. Make sure t
o save your game before you experiment with cheats. Achievements are also disabl
ed once cheats are activated.
Don t forget to shut off the AUTOSAVE feature if you re worried about overwriting a
previous clean save.
Player Item Console Command
Player.additem ITEM ###
Gives items depending on what Item Code is input. Type in the item name under ITE
M and the amount of items you want under ### .
Player.addperk ###
The same as the command above, use this command to add perks in the code list be
Item Codes
000153CE ConjurationDualCasting
000153CF DestructionDualCasting
000153D0 IllusionDualCasting
000153D1 RestorationDualCasting
000153D2 Impact
0001711C DBWellFitted
0001711E TGWellFitted
00018E6A LightFingers20
00018E6B LightFingers40
00018E6C LightFingers60
00018E6D LightFingersSO
0001BAC9 doomSteedEncumberPerk
0002BA1D PlayerWerewolfFeed
0003AF81 SavageStrike
0003AF83 DeepWounds30
0003AF84 Skullcrusher30
0003AF9E Sweep
0003AFA6 Paralyzing Strike
0003AFA7 Warm aster
0003FFFA HackAndSlash30
00051B12 HuntersDiscipline
00051B17 MatchingSet
00051B1A RangeOf Movement
00051B1B CustomFit
00051B1C Unhindered
0005218E ArcaneBlacksmith
00052190 DragonArmor
00052D50 FightingStance
00052D51 ChampionsStance
00052D52 Devastating Blow
00053128 MagicResistance30
00053129 MagicResistance50
0005312A MagicResistance70
000581DD Necromancy
000581DE DarkSouls
000581E1 Animage
000581E2 KindredMage
000581E4 Necromage
000581E7 AugmentedFlames
000581E8 TestFireMage
000581E9 FireMastery
000581EA AugmentedFrost
000581EB TestFrostMage
000581EC FrostMastery
000581ED TestLightningMage
000581EE Storm Mastery
000581F4 Recovery30
000581F5 Recovery50
000581F7 atronach
000581F8 Regeneration
000581F9 Respite
000581FC Stability
000581FD QuietCasting
00058200 AugmentedShock
00058201 Misdirection
00058202 NightThief
00058204 Cutpurse
00058205 PerfectTouch
00058208 Locksmith
00058209 Unbreakable
0005820A GoldenTouch
0005820C LightFoot
00058210 Backstab
00058211 AssassinsBlade
00058213 Muffled Movement
00058214 ShadowWarrior
00058215 Physician
00058216 Benefactor
00058217 Poisoner
00058218 Experimenter50
00058219 Im proved Rem edy
0005821A Im proved Virulity
0005821B Catalyst
0005821D Purity
00058F61 EagleEye30
00058F62 PowerShot
00058F63 Ranger
00058F64 Bullseye
00058F66 DisarmingBash
00058F67 PowerBashPerk
00058F68 DeflectArrows
00058F69 Elemental Protection
00058F6A ShieldCharge
00058F6C To werOf Strength
00058F6D Conditioning
00058F6E FistsOf Steel
00058F6F WellFitted
00058F72 Bribery
00058F75 Allure
00058F78 SilverTongue
00058F79 fence
00058F7A Merchant
00058F7B Investor
00058F7C SoulSqueezer
00058F7D CorpusEnchanter
00058F7E InsightfulEnchanter
00058F7F Extra Effect
00058F80 FireEnchanter
00058F81 FrostEnchanter
00058F82 StormEnchanter
00059B76 MasterOfTheMind
00059B77 HypnoticGaze
00059B78 AspectOfTerror
0005CEBE MQlOlReduceDamage
0005CEC0 MQlOlReduceAttackDamage
0005F56F Bladesman30
0005F592 BoneBreaker30
0005F594 DeadlyBash
000640B3 MysticBinding
00068BCC wardAbsorb
0006BC37 MGEnthirVendorPerk
000727FB TOlDi bell a Reward
00079342 Armsman40
00079343 Armsman20
00079344 Armsman60
00079345 Armsman80
00079346 Barbarian20
00079347 Barbarian40
00079348 Barbarian60
00079349 Barbarian80
0007934A Overdraw20
0007934B Overdraw40
0007934D Overdraw60
00079354 OverdrawSO
00079355 ShieldWall20
00079356 ShieldWall40
00079357 ShieldWall60
00079358 ShieldWall80
0007935E Juggernaut20
00079361 Juggernaut40
00079362 Juggernaut60
00079374 Juggernaut80
00079376 AgileDefender20
00079389 AgileDefender40
00079391 AgileDefender60
00079392 AgileDefender80
00079AF5 DA04 B1 ood H a rvestP erk
00096590 Extra Pockets
000A3F64 Avoid Death
000A725C AlchemySki II Boosts
000AEC05 PlayerUnderforgeAccessPerk
000BABE4 ArmsmanOO
000BABE8 BarbarianOO
000BABED OverdrawOO
000BCD2A JuggernautOO
000BCD2B Cushioned
000BE123 AgileDefendetOO
000BE124 LightFingersOO
000BE125 ApprenticeLocks25
000BE126 StealthOO
000BE127 AlchemistOO
000BE128 HagglingOO
000BEE97 EnchantetOO
000C07C6 Stealth20
000C07C7 Stealth40
000C07C8 Stealth60
000C07C9 StealthSO
000C07CA Alchemist20
000C07CB Alchemist40
000C07CC Alchemist60
000C07CD Alchemist80
000C07CE Haggling20
000C07CF Haggling40
000C07D0 Haggling60
000C07D1 Haggling80
000C1E90 Bladesman60
000C1E91 Bladesman90
000C1E92 BoneBreaker60
000C1E93 BoneBreaker90
000C1E94 DeepWounds60
000C1E95 DeepWounds90
000C1E96 Skullcrusher60
000C1E97 Skullcrushet90
000C3678 HackAndSlash60
000C3679 HackAndSlash90
000C367C Enchanter20
000C367D Enchanter40
000C367E Enchanter60
(Thanks to Mike in the comments for these perks!)
Armor Hide
00013911 Hide Armor
00013910 Hide Boots
00013912 Hide Bracers
00013913 Hide Helmet
00013914 Hide Shield
Iron Armor
00013948 Banded Iron Armor
0001394B Banded Iron Shield
00012E49 Iron Armor
00013988 Iron Battleaxe
00012E4B Iron Boots
0001397E Iron Dagger
00012E46 Iron Gauntlets
0001359D Iron Greatsword
00012E4D Iron Helmet
00013982 Iron Mace
00012EB6 Iron Shield
00012EB7 Iron Sword
00013790 Iron War Axe
00013981 Iron Warhammer
Studded Armor
00013ED8 Studded Armor
Imperial Armor
000136D5 Imperial Armor
000136D6 Imperial Boots
000136D4 Imperial Bracers
00013EDC Imperial Helmet
000135BA Imperial Shield
000135B8 Imperial Sword
0001B3A3 Scaled Armor
0001B39F Scaled Boots
0001B3A0 Scaled Bracers
0001B3A1 Scaled Helmet
00013952 Steel Armor
0001398C Steel Battleaxe
00013951 Steel Cuffed Boots
00013986 Steel Dagger
00013987 Steel Greatsword
00013954 Steel Helmet
000 Steel Horned Helmet
000 Steel Imperial Gauntlets
00013988 Steel Mace
00013953 Steel Nordic Gauntlets
0001395C Steel Plate Armor
0001395B Steel Plate Boots
0001395D Steel Plate Gauntlets
0001395E Steel Plate Helmet
00013955 Steel Shield
000 Steel Shin Boots
00013989 Steel Sword
0001398B Steel War Axe
0001398C Steel Warhammer
0003619E Leather Armor
00013920 Leather Boots
00013921 Leather Bracers
00013922 Leather Helmet
0001394D Dwarven Armor
00013994 Dwarven Battleaxe
0001394C Dwarven Boots
00013995 Dwarven Bow
00013996 Dwarven Dagger
0001394E Dwarven Gauntlets
00013997 Dwarven Greatsword
0001394F Dwarven Helmet
00013998 Dwarven Mace
00013950 Dwarven Shield
00013999 Dwarven Sword
00013993 Dwarven War Axe
0001399A Dwarven Warhammer
000896A3 Elven Armor
0001399C Elven Battleaxe
0001391A Elven Boots
0001399E Elven Dagger
0001391C Elven Gauntlets
0001392A Elven Gilded Armor
0001399F Elven Greatsword
0001391D Elven Helmet
000139A0 Elven Mace
0001391E Elven Shield
000139A1 Elven Sword
0001399D Elven Bow
000139A2 Elven Warhammer
00013956 Orcish Boots
00013957 Orcish Armor
00013958 Orcish Gauntlets
00013959 Orcish Helmet
00013946 Orcish Shield
00013960 Ebony Boots
00013961 Ebony Curaiss
00013962 Ebony Gauntlets
00013963 Ebony Helmet
00013964 Ebony Shield
000139B1 Ebony Sword
000139AD Ebony Bow
000139B2 Ebony Warhammer
000139B0 Ebony Mace
000139AC Ebony Battleaxe
000139AB Ebony War Axe
000139AF Ebony Greatsword
000139AE Ebony Dagger
00013939 Glass Armor
000139A4 Glass Battleaxe
00013938 Glass Boots
000139A5 Glass Bow
000139A6 Glass Dagger
0001393A Glass Gauntlets
000139A7 Glass Greatsword
0001393B Glass Helmet
000139A8 Glass Mace
0001393C Glass Shield
000139A9 Glass Sword
000139A3 Glass War Axe
000139AA Glass Warhammer
Dragon Armor
00013965 Dragonplate Boots
00013966 Dragonplate Armor
00013967 Dragonplate Gauntlets
00013969 Dragonplate Helmet
00013968 Dragonplate Shield
0001393D Dragonscale Boots
0001393E Dragonscale Armor
0001393F Dragonscale Gauntlets
00013940 Dragonscale Helmet
00013941 Dragonscale Shield
0001396B Daedric Armor
000139B4 Daedric BattleAxe
0001396A Daedric Boots
000139B5 Daedric Bow
000139B6 Daedric Dagger
0001396C Daedric Gauntlets
000139B7 Daedric Greatsword
0001396D Daedric Helmet
000139B8 Daedric Mace
0001396E Daedric Shield
000139B9 Daedric Sword
000139B3 Daedric War Axe
000139BA Daedric Warhammer
000877F1 Gold Diamond Necklace
000877C9 Gold Diamond Ring
000877CA Gold Emerald Ring
00087835 Gold Jeweled Necklace
000877D5 Gold Necklace
0001CF2B Gold Ring
000877DC Gold Ruby Necklace
000877CB Gold Sapphire Ring
000403A9 Viola s Gold Ring
000877A7 Silver Amethyst Ring
00087833 Silver Emerald Necklace
000877AB Silver Garnet Ring
00087834 Silver Jeweled Necklace
0009171B Silver Necklace
0003B97C Silver Ring
000877B1 Silver Ruby Ring
00087832 Silver Sapphire Necklace
0005ACE5 Steel Ingot
005ACE4 Iron Ingot
0005ACE3 Silver Ingot
0005AD93 Corundum Ingot
0005AD99 Orichalcum Ingot
0005AD9D Ebony Ingot
0005AD9E Gold Ingot
0005ADA0 Quicksilver Ingot
000DB8A2 Dwarven Metal Ingot
0005ADA1 Refined Malachite
0005AD9F Refined Moonstone
0003ADA3 Dragon Scales
0003ADA4 Dragon Bones
0003AD5B Daedra Heart
0005ACDB Corundum Ore
0005ACDC Ebony Ore
0005ACDD Orichalkum Ore
0005ACDE Gold Ore
0005ACDF Silver Ore
0005ACE0 Moonstone Ore
0005ACE1 Malachite Ore
0005ACE2 Quicksilver Ore
00063B47 Diamond
00063B43 Emerald
00063B42 Ruby
00063B44 Sapphire
00063B46 Amethyst
00063B45 Garnet
Leather And Hides
000DB5D2 Leather
000800E4 Leather Strips
0003AD8E Goat Hide
0003AD8F Cow Hide
0003AD90 Deer Hide
0003AD93 Horse Hide
000*0000A Lockpick
000*0000B Skeleton Key
000*0000F Gold
0002F2F4 Woodcutter s Axe
00038341 FalmerArrow
00034182 DraugrArrow
000236DD TrapDart
00020F02 CWArrowShort
00020DDF CWArrow
000139C0 DaedricArrow
000139BF EbonyArrow
000139BE GlassArrow
000139BD ElvenArrow
000139BC DwarvenArrow
000139BB OrcishArrow
0001397F SteelArrow
0001397D IronArrow
000E8448 FoodCharredSkeeverMeat
000E8947 FoodChickenCooked
000EBA01 FoodAppleCabbageStew
000EBA02 FoodCabbageSoup
000EBA03 FoodClamMeat
000EDB2E FoodDogMeat
000F1464 DefauItPotionRackPotionMarker
000F2011 FoodChicken
000F257E MS14WineAltoA
000F4314 FoodBeefStew
000F4315 FoodHorkerStew
000F431B FoodCabbagePotatoSoup
000F431C FoodTomatoSoup
000F431D FoodVenisonStew
000F431E FoodVegetableSoup
000F4320 FoodElsweyrFondue
000F693F FoodBlackBriarMeadPrivateReserve
00039be4 Potion of Extreme Healing
00039be5 Potion of Ultimate Healing
00039be6 Potion of Extreme Magicka
00068C0A Antlers Large
0006BC0B Antlers Small
0006BC02 Bear Claws
000A9191 Bee Hive Husk
000B08C5 Bee Honey Comb
0007E8C8 BirdEgg01 (Rock Warbler Egg)
00023D6F BirdEgg02
00023D77 BirdEgg03
0004DA25 Blister Wort
00034CDD Bone Meal
0003AD61 Briar Heart
0006ABC8 Canis Root
00052695 Charred Skeever Hide
0003AD56 Chaurus Eggs
000B2183 Creep Cluster Root
000B701A Crimson Nirnroot
000A9195 CritterBeeIngredient
00106E1C CritterPondFish01Ingredient
00106E1B CritterPondFish02Ingredient
00106E1A CritterPondFish03Ingredient
00106E19 CritterPondFish04Ingredient
00106E18 CritterPondFish05Ingredient
0003AD5B Daedra Heart
000516C8 Death Bdl
000E4F0C Dragonfly Blue
000BB956 DragonfryO range
000889A2 Dragons Tongue
000F11C0 Dwarven Oil
0003AD63 Ectoplasm
00034D31 Elves Ear
0003A05D Falmer Ear
000705B7 Favor Thadgeir Ashes
0003AD5E Fire Salts
0004DA73 Firefry Thorax
00034D32 Frost Mirriam
0003AD5F Frost Salts
00034D22 Garlic
0007E8C1 Giant Lichen
0003AD64 Giant Toes
0003AD73 Glow Dust
0007EE01 Glowing Mushroom
0006B689 Hagraven Claw
0003AD66 Hagraven Feathers
00057F91 Hanging Moss
000E7EBC Hawk Beak
000E7ED0 Hawk Feathers
001016B3 Human Flesh
000B18CD Human Heart
0003AD6A Ice Wraith Teeth
0001BCBC Jarrin Root
0006AC4A Jaz Bay
0005076E Juniper Berries
00045C28 Lavender
00074A19 MS03BlackBriarSecretIngredient
000D8E3F Moon Sugar
000EC870 Mora Tapinella Bits
000727DE Moth Wing Blue
000727DF Moth Wing Luna
000727E0 Moth Wing Monarch
00077E1C Mountain Flower Blue
00077E1E Mountain Flower Purple
00077E1D Mountain Flower Red
0006BC00 Mudcrab Chitin
0004DA00 MushroomO1
0004DA20 MushroomO2
0004DA22 MushroomO3
0004DA23 MushroomO4
0004DA24 MushroomO5
0002F44C Nightshade
00059B86 Nirnroot
0007E0F5 Nordic Barnacles
000854FE Peari
00085500 Peart Small
0006BC10 Powdered Mammoth Tusk
0006BC07 Sabrecat Eyeball
0006BC04 Sabrecat Tooth
00034CDF Salt Pile
0006F950 Seary Phoiiota Bits
0003AD6F Skeever Tail
0007E8C5 Slaughterfish Egg
0003AD70 Slaughterfish Scales
0001B3BD Snowberry
0009151B Spider Egg
00083E64 Spiky Grass
00063B5F Spriggan Sap
0007E8B7 Swamp Fungal Pod
0003AD71 Taproot
000134AA Thistle
0003A072 Tr01l Fat
0003F7F8 Tundra Cotton
0003AD76 Vampire Dust
0003AD60 Void Salts
0004B0BA Wheat
0006BC0E Wisp Wrappings
Soul gems
0002E4E2 Petty (empty)
0002E4E3 Petty SGM (full)
0002E4E4 Lesser SGM (empty)
0002E4E5 Lesser SGM (full)
0002E4E6 Common Soul Gem (empty)
0002E4F3 Common (full)
0002E4F4 Greater Soul Gem (empty)
0002E4FB Greater Soul Gem (full)
0002E4FF Grand Soul Gem (full)
0002E4FC Grand Soul Gem (empty)
0002E500 Black soul gem (empty
0002E504 Black Soul Gem (full)
00043E26 Wylandriahs Soul Gem
00063B27 Azuras Wrath
00063B29 The Black Star (Azuras Wrath Black Version)
00094E40 Common Soul Gem
00019514 DB07Journal
00019FEA DunHillgrundsTombG01ldirsLetter
00019FEB DunHillgrundsTombValsVeransLetter
0001A332 DA04OghmaInfinium
0001ACB5 BooklCheapBiographyofBarenziahvI
0001ACB6 BooklCheapBiographyofBarenziahvH
0001ACB7 BooklCheapBiographyofBarenziahvDI
0001ACB8 BooklCheapSheogorathMyths
0001ACB9 BooklCheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirevl
0001ACBA BooklCheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirev2
0001ACBB BooklCheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirev3
0001ACBC BooklCheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirev4
0001ACC6 BooklCheapReportDisasterlonith
0001ACC7 Book2CommonBeggarPrince
0001ACC8 Book2CommonBookofDaedra
0001ACC9 Book2CommonDarkestDarkness
0001ACCB Book2CommonFrontierConquest
0001ACCD Book2CommonGalerionTheMystic
0001ACD1 Book2CommonManualMixedUnitTactics
0001ACD2 Book2CommonTheFirmament
0001ACD3 Book2CommonFirstH01dRev01t
0001ACD4 Book2CommonMysteriousAkavir
0001ACD5 Book2CommonOverviewofGodsandWorshi|
0001ACD6 Book2CommonRealBarenziahVl
0001ACD7 Book2CommonRealBarenziahV2
0001ACD8 Book2CommonRealBarenziahV3
0001ACD9 Book2CommonRealBarenziahV4
0001ACDA Book2CommonRealBarenziahV5
0001ACDB Book2CommonRuinsofKemelZe
0001ACDC Book2CommonShortLifeUrielSeptim
0001ACDD Book2CommonThiefOfVirtue
0001ACDF Book2ReligiousChildrensAnuad
0001ACE1 Book2ReligiousTheAmuletofKings
0001ACE2 Book2ReligiousTrialsofStAlessia
0001ACE3 Book3Valuable2920vlla
0001ACE4 Book3Valuable2920vl2a
0001ACE5 Book3Valuable2920v3a
0001ACE6 SkillPickpocket3
0001ACE7 Book3ValuableArgonianAccountBook2
0001ACE8 Book3ValuableArgonianAccountBook4
0001ACE9 8ook3ValuableAzuraandtheBox
0001ACEA Book3ValuableDwemerHistory
0001ACEB Book3ValuableFeyf01ke01
0001ACEC Book3ValuableFeyf01kenII
0001ACED Book3ValuableFeyf01kenin
0001ACEF 8ook3ValuablelustyArgonianMaidV0101
0001ACF0 Book3ValuableMadnessofPelagius
0001ACF1 Book3ValuableMagicFromTheSky
0001ACF2 Book3ValuableTheDowry
0001ACF3 Book3ValuableOnOblivion
0001ACF4 Book3ValuablePallav2a
0001ACF5 Book3ValuablePrincessTalaraV5
0001ACF7 Book3ValuableSnowPrince
0001ACFA Book3ValuableTheSeed
0001ACFB Book3ValuableTheThirdDoor
0001ACFC 8ook3ValuableVarietiesofDaedra
0001ACFD Book3ValuableW01fQueenV8
0001ACFE Book4RareArcanaRestored
0001ACFF Book4RareBrothersofDarkness
0001AD03 Book4RarEnchildrenoftheSky
0001AD04 Book4RareCleansingoftheFane
0001AD05 Book4RareFiveSongsofKingWulfharth
0001AD06 Book4RareFragmentOnArtaeum
0001AD07 Book4RareGloriesAndLaments
0001AD08 Book4RareHangingGardens
0001AD09 Book4RareLastKingOfAyleids
0001AD0A Book4RareLegendaryScourge
0001AD0C Book4RareSoulsBlackAndWhite
0001AD0D Book4RareNerevarMoonandStar
0001AD0E Book4RareNGastaKvataKvakis
0001AD0F Book4Rare01dWays
0001AD11 Book4RarePigChildren
0001AD12 Book4RarePostingoftheHunt
0001AD13 Book4RareRedBookofRiddles
0001AD14 Book4RareSancreTor
0001AD15 Book4RareSpiritoftheDaedra
0001AD16 Book4RareTrueNatureofOrcs
0001AD17 Book4RareWatersofOblivion
0001AD18 Book4RareWildElves
0001ADB4 Book4RareNefarivigumLore
0001AF40 8ook3Valuab!eOpusculuslamae
0001AF8A Book2ReligiousSongofPelinalVl
0001AF8B 8ook2ReligiousSongofPelinalV2
0001AF8C 8ook2ReligiousSongofPelinalV3
0001AF8D 8ook2ReligiousSongofPelinalV4
0001AF8E Book2ReligiousSongofPelinalV5
0001AF8F Book2ReligiousSongofPelinalV6
0001AF90 Book2ReligiousSongofPelinalV7
0001AF91 Book2ReligiousSongofPelinalV8
0001AF93 8ook3ValuableShezarr
0001AF94 Book4RareAdabala
0001AFB1 Book4RareSixteenAccordsofMadnessV12
0001AFB2 Book4RareSixteenAccordsofMadnessV6
0001AFB3 Book4RareSixteenAccordsofMadnessV9
0001AFBA Book2CommonWabbajack
0001AFBF SkillPickpocket2
0001AFC0 BookODancelnFireVl
0001AFC1 BookODanceInFireV4
0001AFC2 BookOBIackArrowVl
0001AFC3 BookOMysteryOfTalaraVl
0001AFC4 SkillAlchemyl
0001AFC5 SkillAlchemy2
0001AFC6 SkillAlchemy3
0001AFC7 SkillAlchemy4
0001AFC8 SkillAlchemy5
0001AFC9 SkillAlterationl
0001AFCA Book3ValuableTheDragonBreak
0001AFCB SkillAlteration3
0001AFCC SkillAlteration4
0001AFCD SkillAlterationS
0001AFCE SkillSmithingl
0001AFCF SkillSmithing2
0001AFD0 SkillSmithing3
0001AFD1 SkillSmithing4
0001AFD2 SkillSmithing5
0001AFD3 BookORansomOfZarek
0001AFD4 BookODanceInFireV3
0001AFD5 SkillSneak5
0001AFD6 SkillPickpocket4
0001AFD7 BookOArgonianAccountBookl
0001AFD8 SkillTwoHandedl
0001AFD9 SkillOneHanded2
0001AFDA SkillOneHanded3
0001AFDB SkillTwoHanded4
0001AFDC SkillTwoHanded5
0001AFDD SkillBlockl
0001AFDE SkillBlock2
0001AFDF SkillBlock3
0001AFE0 SkillBlock4
0001AFE2 SkillTwoHanded2
0001AFE3 SkillOneHandedl
0001AFE4 SkillOneHanded4
0001AFE5 SkillTwoHanded3
0001AFE6 SkillOneHanded5
0001AFE7 SkillConjurationl
0001AFE8 SkillConjuration2
0001AFE9 SkillConjuration3
0001AFEA SkillConjuration4
0001AFEB SkillConjuration5
0001AFEC SkillDestructionl
0001AFED SkillDestruction2
0001AFEE SkillDestruction3
0001AFEF SkillDestruction4
0001AFF0 SkillDestruction5
0001AFF1 BookOImmortalBlood
0001AFF2 BookOW01fQueenV2
0001AFF3 BookOAhzirrTraajijazeri
0001AFF6 SkillHeavyArmorl
0001AFF7 SkillHeavyArmor2
0001AFF8 SkillHeavyArmor3
0001AFF9 SkillHeavyArmor4
0001AFFA SkillHeavyArmor5
0001AFFB BookOW01fQueenV3
0001AFFC BookOArgonianAccountBook3
0001AFFE BookOPallaVl
0001B*000 SkillLightArmorl
0001B001 SkillLightArmor2
0001B002 SkillLightArmor3
0001B003 SkillLightArmor4
0001B004 SkillLightArmor5
0001B005 SkillMarksmanl
0001B006 Book4RareADanceInFireV5
0001B007 SkillMarksman3
0001B008 SkillMarksman4
0001B009 SkillMarksman5
0001B00A SkillSpeEnchcraft4
0001B00B BookOW01fQueenV4
0001B00C Book02920v7
0001B00D SkillSpeEnchcraftl
0001B00E SkillSpeEnchcraft2
0001B00F Skilllllusionl
0001B010 SkillIllusion2
0001B011 SkillIllusion3
0001B012 SkillIllusion4
0001B013 SkillIllusion5
0001B014 SkillRestorationl
0001B015 SkillRestoration2
0001B016 SkillRestoration3
0001B017 SkillRestoration4
0001B018 SkillRestoration5
0001B019 SkillLockpickingl
0001B01A SkillLockpicking2
0001B01B SkillLockpicking3
0001B01C SkillLockpicking4
0001B01D SkillLockpicking5
0001B01E Book4RareTheW01fQueenV6
0001B01F SkillSneak2
0001B020 SkillSneak3
0001B021 SkillSneak4
0001B022 SkillPickpocketl
0001B023 SkillSpeEnchcraft5
0001B024 BookOW01fQueenV5
0001B025 SkillSpeEnchcraft3
0001B026 BookOW01fQueenW
0001B22B Book3ValuableAShortHistoryofMorrowind
0001B22C Book2ReligiousAedraandDaedra
0001B22D Book2ReligiousAncestorsandtheDunmer
0001B22E Book4RareAncientTalesoftheDwemerPartVl
0001B22F Book2CommonAntecedentsofDwemerLaw
0001B233 Book4RareBoethiahsGlory
0001B236 SkillAlteration2
0001B237 Book2CommonChancesF01ly
0001B238 8ook3ValuablEncharwichKoniingeLettersBoc
0001B239 8ook3ValuablEncharwichKoniingeLettersBoc
0001B23A 8ook3ValuablEncharwichKoniingeLettersBoc
0001B23B Book4RarEncharwichKoniingeLettersBookIV
0001B23C Book4RarEnchroniclesofNchuleft
0001B245 Book4RareInvocationofAzura
0001B25A Book2ReligiousSpiritofNirn
0001B25E Book2CommonTheArcturianHeresy
0001B262 Book2CommonCakeandTheDiamond
0001B267 8ook3Valuab!eFinalLesson
0001B26A Book2CommonTheHopeoftheRedoran
0001B26D SkillMarksman2
0001B26E Book2ReligiousTheMonomyth
0001B272 Book4RareWaroftheFirstCouncil
0001B273 Book3ValuableTheWraithsWeddingDowry
0001B274 BooklCheapTheYellowBookofRiddles
0001B276 SkillSneakl
0001B27A Book2CommonVernaccusandBourlor
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00024763 MSllButcherJournal3
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00027F73 MS09Letter01
00027F74 MS09Letter02
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0002A563 Book2CommonYng01Lore
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0002D513 DA04ElderScr01l
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0002F837 SkillEnchantingl
0002F838 SkillEnchanting2
0002F839 SkillEnchanting3
0002F83A SkillEnchanting4
0002F83B SkillEnchanting5
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0003010B Book4RareEffectsOfTheElderScr01ls
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00032785 DA04RuminationsOnElderScr01ls
00032E72 DA02BookBoethiahsProving
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00037F89 dunPinewatchNote04
00037F8A dunPinewatchNote05
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0003BEB6 DB08IdentityPapers
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000504EF CWMission07InformantLetterImperial
00050502 CWMission07EvidenceLetter
0005224A DBEntranceLetter
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00053347 FFRiftenWarmthofMara
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00055549 dunLostProspectMineJournal
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0005B49E DB04aLetterofCredit
0005B9C9 dunCidhnaMineNote
0005BF2E DB04aSealedLetter
0005C846 FreeformRiverwood01LetterFaendal
0005C847 FreeformRiverwood01LetterSven
0005D2EA FreeformWinterh01dC01legeANotes
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00064EB2 FreeformWinterh01dCLetter
00065BDA FFRiften20SkoomaSourceNote
00065C35 dunMarkarthWizard_LabJournal
00066182 MSllButcherJournal2
00068253 dunSteamcragCampNote
0006851B DB08Cookbook
00068B5A dunV01skyggePuzzleClue
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0006BE25 dunMzinchaleftMalurilsJournal
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0006DEB6 MQ202GissurNote
0006DF90 dunForelhostAlchemistNote01
0006DF94 dunForelhostAlchemistNote02
0006DFAC dunForelhostGardenNote01
0006DFAF dunForelhostPoisonNote01
0006F63C dunForelhostDeathNote01
000705C3 FavorRunilJournal
00071442 WIKill04RewardLetter
00071443 WIKill04ThanksLetter
00072840 MG03Book02
00072841 MG03Book03
00072B13 TG07ValdDebt
000749B5 DB06IncriminatingLetter
00074ADF dunChillwindDepthsNote
00077536 dunPOIReachSwimmerJournal
00078561 dunPinewatchNote01
00078621 dunPinewatchNote02
00078DD2 dunRobbersGorgeJournal
0007A508 TG04GoldenglowDeed
0007D02F TGTQ03S01itudeLetter
0007D67D TGTQ04Note
0007E5B8 dunForelhostlournal
0007EB03 Book2CommonMadmenoftheReach
0007EB9E Book2CommonButcherofMarkarth
0007EBC2 BooklCheapTheCityofStone
0007EBC9 BooklCheapTheCodeofMalacath
0007F667 DunPOISIaughterFishermenJournal
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00080D64 dunYngvildJournal02
00080D65 dunYngvildJournal03
00080D66 dunYngvildJournal04
000813B6 TG03SabjornLetter
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00083169 Book3ValuableDwarvesH
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00083AEF dunPOIShorsWatchTowerNoteSons
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00083AFF dunNeugradNoteSons
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00083B04 dunFortSnowhawkNoteSons
00083B05 dunFortSnowhawkNotelmp
00083B08 dunFortSnowhawkNoteWarlock
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00083B38 Book2CommonExplorersGuideToSkyrim
00083B3B Book2CommonTheWispmother
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00085FE3 dunF01gunthurJournal2
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00086EFB DA07BookMythicDawnCommentariesV4
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0008AA46 CWFortGreymoorNoteAgnis02
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0008ACCD CWFortGreenwallNoteTraitor01
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0008ACD1 dunAlftandManifestlournal01
0008AC D2dunAlftandJournalSulla01
0008AD99 dunV01unruudGenealogistlournal
0008B471 CWFortGreenwallNoteFood01
0008E5DF dunHarmugstahlJournal01
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0008F741 dunLostEnchoCaveNote
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00090213 dunAnsilvundLetter04
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000951AE dunFaldarsToothCookJournal
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00097803 dunPOIPineForest21Note
0009793A DUNPOIDragonAttackNote
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0009C8C1 MGRDestruction03
0009C8C2 MGRDestruction04
0009C8C6 MGRDestruction02
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0009CD52 SpellTomeFrostbite
0009CD53 SpellTomeSparks
0009CD54 SpellTomeSoulTrap
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0009DAC1 DBCiceroJournal02
0009DAC4 DBCiceroJournal03
0009DAC5 DBCiceroJournal04
0009DE3D DA16TorporBook
0009E2A7 SpellTomeCandlelight
0009E2A8 SpellTomeOakflesh
0009E2A9 SpellTomeBoundSword
0009E2AA SpellTomeRaiseZombie
0009E2AB SpellTomeConjureFamiliar
0009E2AC SpellTomeFury
0009E2AD SpellTomeCourage
0009E2AE SpellTomeLesserWard
0009E2AF SpellTomeHealing
0009F267 BooklCheapUncommonTaste
000A0322 Book2ReligiousAKissSweetMother
000A0F46 WIAddItem07Note
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000A26E4 SpellTomelronflesh
000A26E5 SpellTomeTelekinesis
000A26E6 SpellTomeWaterbreathing
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000A26E8 SpellTomeParalyze
000A26E9 SpellTomeEbonyflesh
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000A26EC SpellTomeConjureFlameAtronach
000A26ED SpellTomeBoundBattleaxe
000A26EE SpellTomeBanishDaedra
000A26EF SpellTomeConjureFrostAtronach
000A26F0 SpellTomeConjureStormAtronach
000A26F1 SpellTomeBoundBow
000A26F2 SpellTomeRevenant
000A26F6 SpellTomeCommandDaedra
000A26F7 SpellTomeDreadZombie
000A26F8 SpellTomeExpelDaedra
000A26F9 SpellTomeDeadThrall
000A26FA SpellTomeFlameThrall
000A26FB SpellTomeFrostThrall
000A26FC SpellTomeStormThrall
000A26FD SpellTomeFireb01t
000A26FE SpellTomelceSpike
000A26FF SpellTomeLightningB01t
000A2700 SpellTomeFireRune
000A2701 SpellTomeFrostRune
000A2702 SpellTomeShockRune
000A2703 SpellTomeFlameCloak
000A2704 SpellTomeFrostCloak
000A2705 SpellTomeLightningCloak
000A2706 SpellTomeFireball
000A2707 SpellTomelceStorm
000A2708 SpellTomEnchainLightning
000A2709 SpellTomeWallOfFlames
000A270A SpellTomeWallOfFrost
000A270B SpellTomeWallOfStorms
000A270C SpellTomeFireStorm
000A270D SpellTomeBlizzard
000A270E SpellTomeLightningStorm
000A270F SpellTomeMuffle
000A2711 SpellTomeCalm
000A2712 SpellTomeFear
000A2713 SpellTomeRally
000A2714 SpellTomeFrenzy
000A2715 SpellTomelnvisibility
000A2717 SpellTomePacify
000A2718 SpellTomeRout
000A2719 SpellTomeMayhem
000A271A SpellTomeHarmony
000A271B SpellTomeCallToArms
000A271C SpellTomeHysteria
000A271D SpellTomeFastHealing
000A271E SpellTomeHealingHands
000A271F SpellTomeTurn1esserUndead
000A2720 SpellTomeSteadfastWard
000A2721 SpellTomeTurnUndead
000A2722 SpellTomeGreaterWard
000A2725 SpellTomeRepelLesserUndead
000A2726 SpellTomeRepelUndead
000A2727 SpellTomeHealOther
000A2728 SpellTomeCircleOfProtection
000A2729 SpellTomeTurnGreaterUndead
000*0000F Gold

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