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0001 I love my life

0002 I move freely and with ease

0003 I enjoy my freedom and happiness

0004 My efforts are richly rewarded

0005 I constantly think about my own success

0006 I see myself living the way I want to live

0007 I am fearless

0008 I feel full of value and worthiness

0009 I am fulfilled

0010 I feel great

0011 I have amazing strength in my body and muscles

0012 I feel lots of strength in my muscles

0013 I love feeling very strong

0014 Companies want to hire my services and skills

0015 People love to do business with me

0016 I always have an abundance of work that pays well

0017 My fears are melting away

0018 I see solutions and I apply those too

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0019 I have well-paying work which I totally love to do

0020 I get all that I want

0021 I manifest my desires with ease

0022 I take good care for myself

0023 I am super successful

0024 I feel that I am full of value

0025 I have work I totally love and helps me financially

0026 I attract people into my life that value me

0027 I am able to support myself financially

0028 I create empowering beliefs

0029 I support myself

0030 I rejoice in the abundance of other people

0031 I easily and effortlessly pay my rent money for my own


0032 I am taking great care for myself

0033 I am rejoice in the financial success of other people

0034 I have work that I really love and I am paid very well

0035 I know that I always have more than enough money

0036 I see myself with always having more than enough money

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0037 I feel strong

0038 I am strong

0039 My muscles are strong

0040 My muscles feel strong

0041 I am a strong and confident person

0042 I release envy and limiting thoughts

0043 I have high self-esteem

0044 I enjoy seeing others do well

0045 Every day I feel stronger and more capable

0046 I am able to eliminate guilt from my life

0047 I love working towards the achievement of my goals

0048 I know where the money is

0049 I know where my money is

0050 I know how I can earn my own money very well

0051 Earning and receiving money is super easy for me

0052 I get everything that I want

0053 I can have all that I desire

0054 I am allowed to have what I desire

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0055 I see myself with all the money I need to live richly and

0056 I get all the help I need

0057 It feels good to be rich

0058 I am able be slim and rich at the same time

0059 My problems have been solved

0060 Solutions come to me quickly and easily

0061 My problems are solved magically

0062 I see solutions and I apply those

0063 I feel worthy of all that I desire

0064 All my needs are met

0065 I am able to have both health and wealth

0066 I give and receive love

0067 I am important

0068 I feel important

0069 I am valuable

0070 I feel valuable

0071 I feel worthy

0072 I feel the feeling of worthiness

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0073 I am full of worthiness

0074 I am unique and special

0075 My life is full of value

0076 I know that I already have everything I desire

0077 I am adding value to other peoples life

0078 I will always have more than enough money

0079 I am able to love myself and others

0080 I always feel worthy and deserving of what I want

0081 I always receive what I really want to have

0082 Every day in every way, I am feeling more and more proud
on myself

0083 I constantly attract wealth and prosperity

0084 I am constantly attracting wealth and prosperity

0085 Money comes to me in expect and unexpected ways

0086 I release limiting beliefs about myself

0087 I feel passionately about my life

0088 I am financially free

0089 I now have a healthy, positive attitude about money, wealth,

success and happiness

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0090 I now see everything I want to manifest

0091 I attract wealth

0092 I am an amazing and blessed person

0093 I choose to feel good about myself

0094 I am worthy of getting the job I want

0095 I attract the very best of everything

0096 I am open to receiving all the richness of life

0097 I welcome abundance, success and money into my life

0098 The Universe provides me with everything I need

0099 I attract prosperity quickly and easily

0100 I always have all the money I need

0101 I am financially abundant

0102 I am able to manifest money when I need it

0103 I always think positive about money

0104 I focus on attracting wealth

0105 I reach my financial goals with ease

0106 Money flows effortlessly in my life

0107 I am grateful for all the good things in my life

0108 I appreciate my life

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0109 I count my blessings every day

0110 I attract everything I want to me

0111 Everything I desire is within my reach

0112 I am a magnet for all the good things life has to offer

0113 I am free to create the life that I want

0114 I easily see myself as the person I want to become

0115 My mind is focused on visualizing success

0116 Every day I move closer to my goals

0117 I can achieve all my goals

0118 I achieve my goals

0119 Positive things always happen to me

0120 I am in control of my life

0121 I am disciplined

0122 Being self-disciplined is easy for me

0123 Life is full of potential and possibilities

0124 I believe in miracles

0125 I believe miracles can happen for me

0126 I focus on thoughts that support me

0127 I feel positive and liberated

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0128 I can do an be anything I want to be

0129 My thoughts are powerful and uplifting

0130 I stay focused on what it possible

0131 I am able to switch off limiting thought

0132 I have what it takes to be rich

0133 I have what it takes to be successful

0134 I think positive about money and prosperity

0135 I make wise choices that bring me more money

0136 I am in demand for my selling skills

0137 My sales ability is brilliant

0138 I have the power to succeed

0139 Making millions is easy for me

0140 I attract wealth with ease and confidence

0141 I know what I want and how to get it

0142 Being rich feels absolutely amazing

0143 Being successful, rich and happy feels absolutely amazing

0144 I believe in myself and in my business

0145 I attract new customers all the time

0146 I am a powerful business man

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0147 I am a powerful business woman

0148 I always find a solution

0149 Solving problems is easy for me

0150 My thoughts are focused on success

0151 I know that money is a positive resource

0152 I am a genius and I apply my wisdom

0153 I trust the Universe to provide me with opportunities to be

abundant in my finances

0154 I am developing a deep belief that money is a positive


0155 I earn a satisfying living doing what I love

0156 I live a happy and fulfilled life and this feeling creates more
financial abundance in my life

0157 I am confident in my growing ability to generate any amount

of income I choose

0158 I have a positive attitude about money and my ability to

earn it

0159 I embrace money as a wonderful tool to create my perfect


0160 I feel deeply fulfilled when I give money to those less

fortunate than myself

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0161 I am genuinely grateful for the choices and freedom that
money gives me

0162 Everything I touch turns into abundance for me

0163 I am deeply confident that the Universe will continue to

provide for me

0164 I feel blessed that money circulates freely in my life

0165 I am greatly rewarded in many ways for the work I do

0166 I embrace the idea that abundance is meant for everyone

including me

0167 I inspire others to live more abundant lives because my life

is filled with abundance

0168 By embracing new perspectives I am given opportunities for

greater abundance

0169 I am blessed with many kinds of abundance; tangible and


0170 I am deeply grateful that I have an enjoyable career that

pays me well

0171 I have the means to enjoy my life right now as I continue

creating even more abundance

0172 My life is overflowing with abundance

0173 I inspire others to live more abundant lives

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0174 My life is filled with abundance

0175 By embracing new perspectives I am given opportunities for

greater abundance

0176 I am blessed with many kinds of abundance, tangible and


0177 I am deeply grateful that I have an enjoyable career that

pays me well

0178 I have the means to enjoy my life right now as I continue

creating even more abundance

0179 My life is overflowing with abundance

0180 I am blessed with many kinds of abundance

0181 I can live in the home or homes of my choice

0182 I easily create wealth

0183 I create the life of my dreams

0184 I enjoy getting things done

0185 I am a motivated, energetic person

0186 I am proud of myself

0187 I am a powerful

0188 I speak my words with confident

0189 People love to do business with me

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0190 Life is good to me

0191 Each day brings fresh and new opportunities

0192 I excel at what I ever I do

0193 I have a positive expectancy

0194 I am at peace with the world

0195 I have inner strength and confidence to win

0196 I am optimistic and filled with enthusiasm

0197 I accomplish more in less time than ever before

0198 I effortlessly achieve my goal

0199 I am creative at

0200 I always give more than I am paid for

0201 My life is filled with harmony and happiness

0202 I have a mindset of wealth and abundance

0203 I easily create great wealth

0204 Abundance is my natural state

0205 I am a people and money magnet

0206 Prosperity is mine

0207 I deserve prosperity

0208 I expect it prosperity

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0209 It’s okay to make more money than my mum and dad

0210 I know my value, I honor my worth

0211 I am worthy of receiving abundance

0212 I am open to receive more money and success

0213 I am open and receptive to absolute and continuous


0214 Creative ideas for money and success flow from me

0215 I pursue abundance with passion

0216 Everywhere I look, I see abundance

0217 I am eternally grateful for my abundance

0218 Money is positive energy that takes care for my needs and

0219 My income is constantly increasing

0220 I am positive resource and people love to do business with


0221 I create wealth with honesty and integrity

0222 I am now easily and effortlessly attracting unlimited financial

prosperity and abundance into every aspect of my life

0223 Everything I touch returns riches to me

0224 It’s safe to be successful

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0225 The more money I have, the more I can help myself and

0226 My work is always recognized positivity

0227 I accept abundance now

0228 I am a business genius

0229 I am creative and I make effective business choses

0230 I am God’s most valuable form of creation

0231 I give myself permission to live an abundance life

0232 I love money and money love me

0233 I have great skills at managing my money and finances

0234 I always have money in abundance

0235 I am very comfortable with having large sums of money

0236 I release all doubts, fears and negative beliefs about money

0237 I am unlimited in my power to be successful in my business

0238 I always attract the right clients at the right time

0239 I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any

amount of income I choose

0240 I am willing to let fear go and live in harmony with all life

0241 I release all of my past beliefs that have prevented me to be

rich and success

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0242 I choose to be successful in each area of my life

0243 I am successful in everything I do

0244 I am confident in my ability to succeed

0245 I easily and quickly learn the lesson life present

0246 I welcome freedom into my mind

0247 I am open to all possibilities

0248 I am always in the right place, at the right time

0249 I am a keen passionate to learn new skills that support my


0250 I love and respect myself

0251 I allow myself to have enriching relationships

0252 I give thanks for the good that is in my life

0253 I acknowledge the blessings I have received with gratitude

0254 I possess the wisdom, the power, the inspiration to

accomplish anything and everything I choose

0255 I prosper in health, in finance, in health and in peace


0257 I have work I totally love and helps me financially

0258 I see value in what I do

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0259 Wealth loves me

0260 I am able to easily buy beautiful clothing for myself

0261 I am ok with other having more abundance, money,

happiness or wealth then me

0262 I easily and effortlessly pay my rent money for my own


0263 I am taking great care for myself

0264 I have work that I really love and I am paid very well

0265 I release all feelings of fear

0266 I release all thoughts and feelings of worthlessness

0267 I release all thoughts and feelings of guilt

0268 I release all thoughts and feelings of unworthiness

0269 I release all thoughts and feelings of hate

0270 I release all thoughts and feelings of depression

0271 I release all thoughts and feelings of hopelessness

0272 I release all thoughts and feelings of powerlessness

0273 I release all thoughts and feelings of jealousy

0274 I release all thoughts and feelings of worry

0275 I release all thoughts and feelings of contempt

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0276 I easily multiply my money

0277 I am in demand

0278 Companies want to hire me for work

0279 I believe that my prosperity is growing

0280 I am attracting money to me effortlessly

0281 I desire all the money that I desire

0282 I am a worthy recipient of great gifts

0283 I deserve wealth, abundance prosperity and money

0284 I now allow my income to be multiplied

0285 My income increases now

0286 My income increasing rapidly

0287 I visualize financial abundance

0288 I am taking actions that grow my prosperity

0289 I always seem to have more than enough money to meet

my needs

0290 My financial situation is always improving

0291 My wealth increases now

0292 My prosperity is increasing now

0293 My income is bigger than

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0294 I now allow my income to increase bigger

0295 It’s okay to have a large income than most people

0296 I feel comfortable with an income that is increasing

0297 I know that there’s enough money for me to earn, attract

and receive with ease

0298 I am okay with having more money than other people

0299 I manifest my desires with ease

0300 I make use of my potential

0301 I focus on what is good about me

0302 I admire myself

0303 I appreciate myself

0304 I am totally in love with myself

0305 People seek me out to do business with me

0306 My clients and customers recommend me to others and they

bring me more and more business

0307 I have all the power of the universe in me

0308 I have all the knowledge of the universe in me

0309 I enjoy having lots of money and abundance

0310 I believe in myself

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0311 I have total confidence

0312 I am super successful

0313 It’s becoming easier and easier for me to realize my sales


0314 I am abundantly rich

0315 I know that I am a winner in life

0316 I enjoy becoming richer every day

0317 I powerfully attract more and more clients to my business

0318 People want to buy from me

0319 I give thanks for my riches now

0320 I am powerful beyond measure

0321 I am creating riches of abundance in my life

0322 Every day in every way, I am richer and richer

0323 I deserve riches

0324 Success is mine

0325 I do what I love and love what I do

0326 I am worthy of love

0327 I have amazing confidence in myself

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0328 Everything that I need for my work and fulfillment comes to

0329 I attract amazing people to me that support the growth of

my business success

0330 Everything I do is a success

0331 Everything I do attracts more prosperity into my life

0332 My income is always increasing

0333 I attract the right people and circumstances

0334 I am getting stronger and stronger each and every day

0335 I visualize myself receiving money and payments

0336 I achieve my goals with ease

0337 I have an abundance of reason to feel proud on myself

0338 I am able to be proud about myself

0339 Everything I do attracts more prosperity into my life

0340 It feels good to be rich

0341 Money wants to be around me and multiply

0342 People now want to give me money

0343 Money is good

0344 Money is now my faithful servant

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0345 It’s okay being recognized for my success

0346 Money exist to support me

0347 It feels good to be wealthy

0348 I am ruthless for the jealously and envy of others

0349 I appreciate money

0350 I respect money

0351 Money loves me

0352 I am a money magnet and I constantly attract more and

more money

0353 Earning money is fun, simple and easy

0354 I now have power over money

0355 I am constantly attracting more and more money

0356 I always have an abundance of money

0357 I can earn 5000 euro each day

0358 money comes to easily, all the time, from different directions

0359 I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me,

increasing quantities, through multiple sources, on a
continuous basis


0361 I love myself just the way I am

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0362 I accept and appreciate myself

0363 I am ok

0364 I am strong and resilient

0365 I am strong enough to express my feelings

0366 I value myself

0367 I am a being of deep worth

0368 I am worthy of love

0369 I treat myself with loving kindness

0370 I am determined to make my life the best it can be

0371 My efforts are rewarded

0372 I forgive myself and everyone else

0373 I trust life to support me

0374 I am supported

0375 I am peaceful and positive

0376 Making good decisions is natural

0377 Challenges make me stronger

0378 When I focus on happiness, I feel good

0379 I choose health and happiness

0380 I attract healthy, loving relationships into my life

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0381 I am determined to make my life the way I love it to be

0382 I love feeling passion

0383 Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

0384 I always have enough money

0385 Money and I are good friends

0386 Money comes easily to me

0387 My income supports my needs and desires

0388 I attract money and money is attracted to me

0389 I attract wealth and prosperity all day everyday

0390 Money is good

0391 Money is energy

0392 Money makes me happy

0393 Making money is good fun

0394 I am paid well

0395 I am rich

0396 I am prosperous

0397 I am super successful

0398 Money is everywhere, always, all the time

0399 It’s easy to be rich, happy and successful

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0400 I am rich

0401 I am wealthy

0402 I am happy

0403 The more I enjoy life, the more money I make

0404 The more money I make, the more I enjoy life

0405 I’m good with money

0406 Money is good to me

0407 I deserve happiness, ease and abundance

0408 I deserve prosperity

0409 The universe showers me with abundance

0410 I am worthy of making all the money I can imagine

0411 Money effortlessly flows to me

0412 I am rich

0413 I am prosperous

0414 I attract wealth with ease

0415 Prosperity flows freely and generously in my life

0416 I can earn 1 million dollar within 90 days

0417 I am optimistic

0418 I trust life

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0419 I feel great, I love my life

0420 My life works

0421 I am clear and lucid

0422 I achieve my goals with ease

0423 All that I seek is seeking me

0424 I get all the help I need

0425 I am attractive, active, and in demand

0426 I adjust effortlessly

0427 I am confident

0428 I accept challenges

0429 Positive solutions abound

0430 I am enthusiastic

0431 I am lucky

0432 I feel positive energy flowing through me

0433 I am safe, I am free

0434 I trust life to bring me the best

0435 My hopes and dreams come true

0436 I love my life

0437 I can manifest 10.000 dollars in 24 hours

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0438 My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth

0439 I allowing the infinite supply of wealth it to flow freely and

generously in my life

0440 Money is good

0441 Money is energy

0442 Money flows to me easily

0443 The Universe is my benefactor

0444 I am fully supported making money doing what I love to do

0445 I deserve happiness, ease and abundance

0446 I deserve prosperity

0447 The more I enjoy life and contribute to the lives of others,
the more money I make

0448 I am richly rewarded for all that I give

0449 I love my life

0450 New sources of prosperity flow into my life with grace and

0451 I attract ideal circumstances and opportunities to increase

my net worth

0452 I am a magnet for money

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0453 Money comes to me through expected channels and
unexpected channels

0454 Everything in my life flows perfectly

0455 There is so much to be grateful for in my life

0456 Prosperity is everywhere at all times

0457 I think big

0458 I claim my right to a prosperous life

0459 I am building a strong financial foundation that supports all

of my life

0460 I am sensible with money and manage it wisely

0461 Opportunities to succeed abound

0462 Everything I need to generate wealth is available to me right


0463 I am aligned with love, truth and integrity

0464 I am divinely guided in all my affairs

0465 Through the great law of attraction, everything I need for

my work and fulfillment comes to me

0466 The answers to all my needs are now speeding their way to

0467 I can be financially free

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0468 I have all the power within me to earn as much money as I

0469 I am consistently in the right vibration to earn money

0470 Money flows to me from known and unknown sources

0471 Money is easy to earn and attract

0472 I now have all the intelligence I need to make my fortune

0473 Earning money comes easily to me

0474 I deserve all the money I want

0475 I consistently use money wisely

0476 I now have absolute certainty in my ability to generate the

income I choose

0477 Once I choose my financial goals, I achieve them

0478 Money is everywhere, and I find it with ease

0479 I now release any negative thoughts, feelings, or

associations with money

0480 I now give myself permission to earn as much money as I


0481 I now live, feel, and expect an abundance of money

0482 It is easy for me to earn lots of money

0483 It feels so good earning the amount of money I choose

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0484 I now have all the confidence and certainty I need to earn as
much money as I want

0485 I now have a millionaire mindset

0486 I am so grateful for who I am becoming so I can earn

whatever amount of money I choose

0487 I now release any negative experiences that I’ve had in the
past with money

0488 Making lots of money is so much fun

0489 I love the choices that making lots of money gives me

0490 With more money, I can help more people and do more
good in the world

0491 The more I give, the more I earn

0492 My personality easily attracts money from many positive


0493 I consistently take advantage of the right opportunities to

earn lots of money

0494 I now release any emotions and negative people that may
have hindered me from earning all the money I can in the

0495 I think, feel, and act rich because I am

0496 I deserve to earn all the income I choose and am capable of


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0497 It is easy for me to learn how to earn lots of money

0498 I am now fulfilling your financial destiny to be rich

0499 I consistently take advantage of the right opportunities to

earn lots of money

0500 I can grow my business

0501 I am wealthy

0502 I am full of confidence

0503 I am very confident

0504 My mind is only filled with beauty

0505 People want to work with me

0506 I see the good in everything

0507 I am becoming more and more confident

0508 I see the good in everyone

0509 People see the beauty in me

0510 People want to be around

0511 I am enjoying my new found freedom

0512 I am aware that I am the highest form of creation

0513 I see beauty in things and it makes me feel good

0514 I am harmony with love

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0515 I am free and willing giver

0516 I know that givers gain

0517 I willing give and graciously receive

0518 I receive with gratitude

0519 Gratitude fills my mind

0520 I look at all that I have and at all the wonderful people that
respect me

0521 I am full with gratitude

0522 My love for others is expressed in everything I do

0523 People are attracted to them

0524 I am attracted to people

0525 My entire being is full of integrity

0526 I say what I mean, and mean what I say


0528 I am so proud of myself that I keep all of my co

0529 I speak only the truth

0530 The image that I hold of my self is so beautiful and pure

0531 I walk the confidence and assurance that other people notice

0532 I spread love everywhere I go

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0533 I leave everyone with the impression of increase

0534 Everyone is pleased, because I have been there

0535 People see my confidence, they admire

0536 I know that my confidence is going to increase and get


0537 Everything gets better and better

0538 I know that there is good in everything and that is all that I

0539 The beauty and confidence that is in me is me is flowing in


0540 People everywhere are attracted to me

0541 People want to be in my presence

0542 People want to learn from me

0543 People admire my confidence

0544 Everywhere I go, people admire my pleasing personality

0545 I am totally relaxed in the presence of people

0546 I am happy with the people that I am attracting into my life

0547 I am aware that abundance is flowing to me

0548 There is an infinite supply of abundance flowing to me

0549 I feel comfortable with everyone

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0550 I leave everyone with the impression of increase

0551 I am full of desire to help other people

0552 I know that the Universe richly rewards me

0553 I am becoming more and more fulfilled

0554 I am truly happy

0555 I am wealthy

0556 Only good things come into my life

0557 I expect good things to come into my life

0558 I expect and receive good things effortlessly

0559 I only think positive, fulfilling, abundant thoughts

0560 I feel great love and joy in every cell of my being

0561 People fill increase when they communicate with me

0562 I am so grateful

0563 I am totally grateful

0564 I am abundantly beautiful human being

0565 My body feels great

0566 I feel so confident

0567 People admire me and want to work with me

0568 People want to be with me

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0569 I am full of love

0570 I am pleasant with everyone

0571 I love everyone

0572 The world is a wonderful place

0573 I only see good

0574 I can travel anywhere in the world

0575 I am abundant

0576 I am Prosperous

0577 I am wealthy

0578 I am opulent

0579 I always have more than enough

0580 I am always provide for

0581 I am always prosperous

0582 Money flows to me in abundance

0583 I am always attracting money

0584 I am okay with having more than I need

0585 Money is a wonderful tool, and I am grateful for it

0586 Money circulates in my life

0587 I make money easily and frequently

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0588 I am a money magnet

0589 All things lead to my success happiness and wealth

0590 Abundance is my natural state

0591 I give and receive freely

0592 All the money I use, comes back to me multiplied

0593 Prosperous ideas are always flooding my mind

0594 I feel rich, I feel abundant

0595 Abundance is my birthright

0596 I am a rich child of a loving universe

0597 I see abundance everywhere

0598 I have more than what I need

0599 This is a rich universe and there's plenty for all of us

0600 I am grateful for the abundance in my life

0601 I easily enjoy luxury

0602 I allow the feelings of abundance to stay with me throughout

the day

0603 I cherish the many gifts that are in my life now and those
that are coming into my life

0604 My life is filled with endless and wonderful opportunities

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0605 My life is filled with abundance

0606 I have an abundance of joy

0607 I have an abundance of gratitude

0608 I have an abundance of riches

0609 I have an abundance of love

0610 Riches are mine to receive and I share them now

0611 I am now receiving riches

0612 I am already rich

0613 I am born rich

0614 Abundance is my birthright

0615 Every day I wake up and knowing and feeling that I am rich

0616 I feel wonderful, because I am filled with wonder

0617 I have so much to be grateful for

0618 There are many gifts in my life, and I see them

0619 I appreciate and cherish the many gifts that are in my life

0620 I recognize that there is a divine power within me to create

riches in abundance in my life

0621 I am creating riches, every day, in every way

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0622 My abundant wealth allows me to contribute in wonderful
and glorious ways

0623 I give thanks for your riches now

0624 I know that only good, beauty, love and riches grow from
my thoughts

0625 Being rich has become a way of life for you

0626 I am financially set for life

0627 I am relaxed knowing that riches are mine

0628 I am creating more and more riches in my life and it has

become and it is easy me

0629 I have opened up the channel and the flow of abundance

0630 I am now attracting more and more abundance in my life

0631 More and more good comes my way

0632 I am grateful because I make wise financial decisions

0633 I love and respect money

0634 I cherish money and money loves me

0635 I attract money into my life easily and harmoniously

0636 All of my transactions are for the good for all concerned

0637 I easily release money into the world because I know money
is meant to circulate

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0638 I am grateful to release money with love

0639 I invest money wisely and I enjoy the profitable returns

0640 Every day in every way, I am richer and richer

0641 I am abundantly prosperous

0642 I ask, and the Universe provides

0643 All of my needs are met now in this very instant

0644 I am celebrating prosperity, every day in many ways

0645 I feel the abundance in my body and it feels wonderful

0646 I know how to live life to its fullest

0647 I have fun

0648 People love to be around me because I radiate positivity,

love, abundance and joy

0649 I easily attract everything that I deeply desire

0650 I have become a magnet for your desires

0651 My results show that I am a magnet for my desires

0652 I live in the flow of abundance

0653 I am optimistic, positive and enthusiastic

0654 I place my thoughts on what I want

0655 I focus on your desires as if they are already here, right now

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0656 I focus on abundance

0657 Experiencing prosperity and abundance has become simple


0658 I am keeping my thoughts, consistently and only on what

you desire

0659 I summon all creative force to create the results

0660 I attract to me the people into my life that are in harmony

with my desires

0661 I attract people to in that want me to succeed

0662 I have people in my life that support me and are also in

harmony with my desires

0663 I support people that are in harmony with my desires

0664 I am peaceful, loving, harmoniously, kind and abundant and

this is what

0665 I choose to be rich and wealthy

0666 I see the beauty in life and in the world

0667 I always find something to appreciate

0668 I have unwavering faith

0669 I know that options are always available to me with

unlimited possibilities

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0670 I am totally receptive to the abundance that flows
continuously in your life

0671 I live your life on purpose

0672 I feel great sense of peace and confidence

0673 I have high level of positive energy

0674 I now see my life the way I want it to be

0675 I am enjoying prosperity

0676 I am rich beyond my wildest dreams

0677 I am living my abundant life

0678 I am spreading your wealth

0679 I am sharing my abundance and I am enjoying life, truly

enjoying it with those you love

0680 I now feel how it feels to live with an abundance of riches

0681 I feel the sense of comfort, peace, and knowing that you
already have everything that I desire

0682 I know that at any time I can tap into the infinite potential of
the universe

0683 I am tapping into the infinite potential of the universe

0684 My life is blessed

0685 I feel prosperous

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0686 I feel grateful

0687 I feel abundant

0688 I am creating my wonderful life

0689 I support myself totally to feel deserving of the achievement

my goals and to have what I want

0690 I am full with love and appreciation for myself

0691 My appreciation for myself increases now

0692 My love for myself increases now

0693 I am full of worthiness

0694 I know that I am safe with any amount of wealth, prosperity

and money

0695 I know that everything is working out perfectly for me

0696 My success is increasing now

0697 Everything I desire and want is already mine

0698 I know that there is abundance in the Universe

0699 I feel the joy and gratitude flowing into my life

0700 I know my abundance I serving me

0701 I know that my abundance is allow me to serve other people

in positive and beneficial ways

0702 I have plenty of money to do whatever I want to do

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0703 I share my wealth with family and friends

0704 I feel that I am very wealthy

0705 I know that I am a child of The Universe

0706 I am grateful for the many gifts that I have in my life

0707 I am attracting amazing things into my life

0708 I express love and gratitude daily

0709 I am expressing my appreciation and gratitude

0710 My feelings of worthiness increases more and more

0711 I know that wealth is mine

0712 I am worthy and deserving of what I desire

0713 I have the power to achieve any goal I desire

0714 I see myself with all the money I need to live richly and

0715 I am enjoying my life

0716 Solutions come to me quickly and easily

0717 I am powerful beyond description

0718 I solve my problems easily and effectively

0719 I know that I already have everything that I desire

0720 I see myself manifesting more and more success

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0721 It's ok to have more then I need

0722 I demand abundance and prosperity

0723 I have everything in abundance

0724 I am able to manifest money when I need it

0725 I always have all the money I need

0726 All that I want is already given to me

0727 Everything I need is here for me right now

0728 I give myself the best that life and love has to offer

0729 God wants to give me what I want

0730 My efforts are richly rewarded

0731 I see myself winning in every aspect

0732 I realize that I have infinite potential within in me

0733 I see myself with all the money I need to live richly and

0734 I see clearly now

0735 God wants to give me the best that life and love has to offer

0736 I make use of my potential

0737 I make wise financial decisions

0738 My thoughts support me

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0739 I am useful

0740 I feel powerful

0741 I feel that I am super successful

0742 Solutions come to me quickly and easily

0743 My problems are solved magically

0744 I see solutions and I apply those

0745 I believe miracles happen for me

0746 I see myself with all the money I need to live richly and

0747 I hear people saying that I always have money

0748 I see myself with an abundance of money

0749 I feel that I have an abundance of money

0750 I see myself earning my own money

0751 I am touching large amounts of my own money

0752 I give myself the best that life and love has to offer

0753 I realize that I have infinite potential within in me

0754 I make wise financial decisions

0755 I am able to have both love and money

0756 I deserve to choose what I want to do with my life

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0757 I am useful

0758 I want to have more then I need

0759 It's okay to have more then I need

0760 It's okay to want more

0761 I want more then I need

0762 I want to have more then I need

0763 It's okay to want more then I need

0764 I want to have more

0765 I desire to have more then I need

0766 Everything I need is here for me right now

0767 I do what I want to do

0768 I can see clearly now

0769 I always have more than enough

0770 There is an infinite supply of money available for me

0771 I easily attract all the money I need to buy what I want

0772 I have released all feelings of fear

0773 I released all thoughts and feelings of worthlessness

0774 I released all thoughts and feelings of guilt

0775 I released all thoughts and feelings of unworthiness

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0776 I released all thoughts and feelings of hate

0777 I released all thoughts and feelings of depression

0778 I released all thoughts and feelings of hopelessness

0779 I released all thoughts and feelings of powerlessness

0780 I released all thoughts and feelings of jealousy

0781 I released all thoughts and feelings of worry

0782 I released all thoughts and feelings of contempt

0783 Wealth supports people

0784 Being wealthy is a positive for me

0785 It’s safe to be wealthy

0786 I deserve to choose what I do with my life

0787 I trust my creative energy to bring me success and


0788 I deserve to be happy

0789 I deserve to have abundance

0790 I deserve freedom

0791 I desire to be wealthy

0792 It is safe to be visible

0793 I am okay with being visible

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0794 I am worthy of abundance

0795 I am worthy of happiness

0796 I am worthy of being loved

0797 I am worthy of being recognized or acknowledged

0798 I am able to have both love and money

0799 I am okay with deciding how much money I make

0800 I am okay with having money and spending it

0801 I am okay with spending money on myself

0802 I am okay with being more successful than my family and


0803 I am okay with being more successful than other people

0804 I am okay with being happier than other people

0805 I feel safe with money, wealthy and abundance

0806 I am okay with being richer than my family and friends

0807 I am okay with being richer than other people

0808 I find out what people what and I show them how they can
get it

0809 I do powerful presentations that bring me more and more


0810 Effective leads come to on a continuous basis

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0811 I have an abundance of people that want to be my client

0812 I give my talents with love, and I am wonderfully blessed


0813 I do things I really enjoy

0814 I am allowed to earn money easily

0815 I allow myself to earn money easily

0816 I allow myself to be super successful

0817 I am everything that I want to be

0818 I am unstoppable

0819 I enjoy of financial freedom

0820 I multiply my income with ease

0821 I easily sell my services and products

0822 It’s really easy to earn money

0823 Every day I am becoming more and more financially free

0824 I admire rich and successful people

0825 I add value to other people’s live


0827 I am open to receiving unexpected money

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0828 I am earning millions of dollars yearly from multiple sources
of income

0829 I am open to money coming to me from new way that I

never imagined

0830 I am open to receiving money through endless gateways

0831 I am open and receptive to new avenues of income

0832 I am a powerfully charge money magnet

0833 I am feeling open to receiving abundance and I see the

infinite supply of energy

0834 I am a magnet for divine abundance in the form of money,

health and happiness

0835 I know my value

0836 I am always conscious of my true worth

0837 Everything is possible to happen

0838 I am very receptive to money coming to me from new ways

0839 I now open my mind to receive my good

0840 I see the value of my service and products

0841 Money pours into my life

0842 God is on my side

0843 I know that God is on my side

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0844 The Universe is on my side

0845 I know that The Universe is on my side

0846 The Universe loves me

0847 I am a multi-millionaire

0848 I am blessed

0849 I am so grateful to be a multi-millionaire

0850 I create millions

0851 I attract millions

0852 I deserve total and complete abundance in my life

0853 I deserve to be t

0854 I deserve to have everything in my life to work

0855 I release all

0856 I am ready to receive unlimited abundance now

0857 I am totally peaceful, receiving all the good I desire

0858 I provide value with who I am and what I do

0859 An avalanche of money is coming my way

0860 I can have anything I desire

0861 I know that anything is possible

0862 I can help many people with money

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0863 Lots of money means having freedom

0864 Making large amounts of money is easy for me

0865 My riches increases every day

0866 My ability to receive money easily increases every day

0867 I own many amazing businesses

0868 I enjoy the profits of amazing businesses

0869 I have ultimate power

0870 I easily find opportunities

0871 The Universe helps me

0872 Doors open for me

0873 I attract millions to me from all directions

0874 I attract wealth to me from all directions

0875 Abundance is everywhere I look

0876 I deserve being wealthy

0877 I bless all rich, wealthy and abundant people

0878 I send love to rich, wealthy and abundant people

0879 I bless all successful people

0880 Making lots of money is something that feels very good

0881 I enjoy many income streams

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0882 I love making money

0883 I make money very easily

0884 I release and dissolve all personal patterns of strain and


0885 I release and dissolve all false messages about deserving


0886 I invite, welcome and accept complete support to attain

wealth and abundance


0888 I am making quantum leaps to riches

0889 I show people that my service is valuable

0890 People value me

0891 People see that I am worthy

0892 I love that money is coming to me quickly now

0893 I am living an even more luxurious life every day

0894 Millions of dollars are flowing to me

0895 I invite wealth to join me in all that I do

0896 I am worthy of achieving great wealth

0897 I create great wealth daily

0898 I always have extra money in my savings account

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0899 I have an unlimited supply of money at all times

0900 I am rich with unlimited possibilities

0901 I feel rich

0902 My income is growing higher and higher

0903 I see abundance everyday

0904 I allow my income to constantly expand

0905 I am receiving money now

0906 Money is always there for me

0907 I easily afford all that I want and need

0908 I easily attract all the money I want and need quickly and

0909 I deserve to have money come quickly to me

0910 I am attracting money faster to me now


0912 I deserve to have the best day of my life today

0913 I am worthy of attracting miracles today

0914 I am worthy of achieving all of my goals

0915 I am expecting wonderful miracles

0916 I am deserving of miracles

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0917 My miracle is now here

0918 I deserve to have my dreams come true

0919 My dreams are now coming fruition

The achievement of goals is now coming to fruition

0920 I am worthy of an exciting and advent


0922 I am worthy of living an amazing life and the universe

supports me

0923 Life is giving me reasons to smile and feel happy everyday

0924 I am worthy of experiencing anything and everything that I


0925 I am capable of creating anything I need and want

0926 I am worthy of the rewards of my efforts

0927 I deserve to enjoy life at its fullest

0928 I deserve to achieve success easily

0929 I deserve to be appreciated

0930 I deserve to be respected

0931 I am worthy of great love

0932 I deserve to be loved fully and

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0933 I receive love and give love freely

0934 I deserve the best and I accept the best now

0935 I deserve romance

0936 I deserve to do fun things all the time

0937 I deserve to enjoy

0938 I deserve to buy what I need

0939 I deserve to buy what I want

0940 I deserve to buy what I need and want

0941 I deserve to earn millions of dollars

0942 I deserve to achieve my goal in the most fastest and easiest

way possible

0943 I deserve to have amazing business success

0944 I am worthy of what I want and desire

0945 I see myself receiving the good that I desire

0946 I am able to achieve my goal in the most fastest and easiest

way possible


0948 I am worthy of having anything that I desire

0949 I deserve the very best that life has to offer

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0950 I deserve and accept all of the goodness this words grants
me daily

0951 I am worthy of being anything and everything that I want

0952 The Universe supports me

0953 I am worthy of experiencing anything and everything that I


0954 Everyone wants to give me money

0955 I attract so much beauty in my life

0956 I love myself just the way I am

0957 I deserve to be happy

0958 Money shows up everywhere I go

0959 I see money in the future

0960 I love having money

0961 I know completely that money loves me

0962 Financial success is mine

0963 My wealth increase everyday

0964 I know where money is going to show up

0965 I love abundance and I attract

0966 I accept my financial success

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0967 I can smell the money in my hands

0968 I am very passionate about building wealth

0969 Wealth flows easily into my life

0970 I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I
receive now

0971 I am receiving money now

0972 My potential is unlimited

0973 My power to be a force of good is unlimited

0974 I have unlimited wealth

0975 Unlimited

0976 Every day I welcome unlimited wealth

0977 I am blessed with money

0978 I get value from everything that I do

0979 I have unlimited potential


0981 I have boundless energy

0982 I enjoy the strength that I have in my body

0983 I am now financially free

0984 I love having financial freedom

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0985 I am open to the unlimited flow of money

0986 My money reserves are always growing

0987 I deserve to receive money

0988 I have more money than I could possibly spend

0989 I deserve to receive more money than I need

0990 I choose to love and accept who I am

0991 I choose to deeply love and accept all of me

0992 I let go of all my negative beliefs surrounding money

0993 I choose to release any negative beliefs I have surround

money now

0994 I deserve to be successful

0995 I now release all of my conscious and unconscious blocks to


0996 I easily let go of money blocs

0997 I now easily dissolve any money blocks

0998 I am totally receptive to money, wealthy and abundance

0999 I am extremely deserving of having more money then I


1000 I let go of old negative beliefs that have stood in my way of

my success

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1001 Money just keeps coming faster and faster to me now

1002 I have riches in my life

1003 I have financial security in my life

1004 I now call forth and remove any and all money blockages
form my subconscious

1005 I easily identify and then smash though any money blocks

1006 I see more and more money coming into my bank account

1007 I easily connect with the emotion of passion

1008 I easily let go of limiting beliefs about myself

1009 I easily let go of limiting about success, money, wealthy and


1010 I now have all the money all the money I choose and want

1011 I am earning lots of money with doing things I love

1012 I easily let go of any limiting beliefs about my future

1013 I easily let go of any limiting beliefs about my life

1014 I easily let go of any limiting beliefs about my career

1015 I easily let go of any limiting beliefs about my income

1016 I totally support myself to feel deserving of what I need and


1017 I easily let go of any limiting beliefs about financial freedom

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1018 I am attracting money faster to me now

1019 I just relax and let loads of money come to me

1020 I attract amazing buyers for my products and services

1021 I enjoy getting paid well for what I do

1022 Nothing is too wonderful to happen

1023 I now open my mind to receive my good

1024 I am open to receive wealthy in many ways

1025 I am open to receiving expected and unexpected prosperity


1026 Money comes to me in fun and unexpected ways

1027 I easily receive payment for what I did just once

1028 I am being paid multiple time for one activity

1029 I easily earn passive income

1030 My passive income is increasing

1031 Everything always works out for me

1032 I am strong and powerful

1033 I believe that I can achieve anything I want

1034 I can achieve all

1035 I easily solve any problem

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1036 I feel great about myself

1037 I am comfortable know that people are jealous on me

1038 I am able to be slim and rich

1039 I have what it takes to attract millions to me

1040 I attract the most incredible miracles

1041 I am open to the wisdom of the Universe

1042 I am enlightened

1043 There are millions of ways how I can earn passive income

1044 I am open and receptive to enjoy earning passive income

1045 I have amazing passive income stream

1046 I love passive income

1047 Ideas are always entering my mind regarding passive


1048 I receive money easily and frequently

1049 I earn money while I sleep

1050 I have many sources of passive income

1051 I am always receiving ideas for earning more passive income

1052 I love the freedom passive income gives me

1053 I am extremely fortunate when it comes to money

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1054 I earn tremendous amounts of money doing what I love

1055 Prosperity flows into my life with each

1056 Every second of the day I am always earning money

1057 I earn money while I am out shopping

1058 I have an endless flow of prosperity

1059 I am the master of passive income

1060 I earn money while I am out having a great time

1061 The service I produces creates wonderful passive income for


1062 I enjoy the time and freedom that passive income gives me

1063 I enjoy my passive income

1064 I attract passive income

1065 I attract people that help me earn more passive income

1066 I have total financial freedom

1067 I earn and receive over 1000 dollars per day in passive

1068 The energy of money loves to be around me

1069 I am grateful for my multiple sources of passive income

1070 I have a business that earns me millions of dollars

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1071 I earn millions of dollars

1072 My actions are successful

1073 I am known as an action taker

1074 I deserve to be a magnet to money

1075 I welcome the finest things money can buy

1076 I am one with The Universe

1077 I love my confidence

1078 I love receiving what I want

1079 I manifest millions

1080 Wonderful things happen to me all the time

1081 I focus on the good things in my life

1082 I prioritize happiness in my life

1083 I know that all my desires will manifest

1084 I have the ability to manifest all my desires now

1085 I let go of any resistance and I easily manifest my desires

1086 I am able to handle large sums of money

1087 I am deserving of large sums of money

1088 I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me

1089 I am open and receptive to all the wealth I want to have

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1090 I have amazing appreciation for myself

1091 I see the good in every situation

1092 I am willing, ready and able to receive money

1093 I am creating a life of abundance

1094 I am attracting great opportunities

1095 I am worthy of prosperity

1096 I am God’s most powerful form of creation

1097 People value me

1098 I am superior

1099 I am useful

1100 I am precious

1101 My life is blessed

1102 My body is blessed

1103 I am blessed

1104 I bless people to their highest good

1105 People bless me

1106 My life is important

1107 I am profitable

1108 I am worthful

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1109 I am significant

1110 I am productive

1111 I am worthy

1112 I do things that are valuable

1113 I am God’s highest form of creation

1114 I am having amazing worth

1115 I allow myself to be rich

1116 I value myself

1117 I deserve to earn all the money I need and want

1118 I deserve being ultimate worthy

1119 I allow myself to be

1120 I am the highest worthy version of myself

1121 I am the most worthy form of creation

1122 I am extremely supportive towards my self

1123 I am disciplined

1124 I am highly driven, and motivated to succeed

1125 I am achieving my goals with ease

1126 I am deserving

1127 I am worthy of great success

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1128 I feel worthy and deserving of money

1129 I am touching large amounts of money all the time

1130 Money is safe

1131 I am worthy of everything

1132 I constantly multiply my worthiness

1133 I honor and value my creative and ideas

1134 I am a special and unique

1135 I accept and love myself for who I am

1136 I value my time and energy

1137 I can create anything I want

1138 I add value to the Universe

1139 I give myself permission to have what I want

1140 I honor my work

1141 I contribute in amazing ways

1142 I invite good things to come into my life

1143 All answers are within me

1144 I am unlimited

1145 I attract worthy energy all the time

1146 I attract worthy people all the time

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1147 I achieve amazing success all time

1148 I have amazing value in me

1149 I have amazing resources for achieving my goals and desires

1150 I allow myself to feel successful

1151 I have amazing merit

1152 I choose to accept myself

1153 I feel worthy now

1154 I am attracting great opportunities

1155 I am able to travel to world with fun an abundance

1156 I am grateful for the feeling of worthiness

1157 I am multiply my worthiness

1158 I am a magnet of all my desires

1159 I make myself proud

1160 I step out my comfort zone

1161 I allow my highest self-worth to exist

1162 I am design to win

1163 Victory is mine

1164 I celebrate my wins

1165 I see and notice all the good that I have

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1166 I deserve all the good things that come to me

1167 I am worthy of my dreams

1168 I deserve to be beautiful

1169 I am worthy enough to follow my deepest dreams

1170 I am worthy enough to manifest my deepest desires

1171 I deserve to feel good

1172 I deserve to manifest my deepest desires

1173 I am worthy of achieving my goals

1174 I deserve to achieve my goals

1175 I deserve to have an income that keeps increasing

1176 I feel worthy of manifesting my desires

1177 Every cell of my being is filled with worthiness

1178 I feel good enough to manifest all that I want

1179 I allow increasing love to come to me

1180 I allow myself to feel increasing worthiness

1181 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of worthlessness

1182 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of depression

1183 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of hate

1184 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of jealousy

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1185 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of envy

1186 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of powerlessness

1187 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of grief

1188 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of guilt

1189 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of shame

1190 I let go any and all beliefs and emotions of apathy

1191 I am a worthy and valuable person

1192 I easily manage and keep my money

1193 I can accomplish anything I choose

1194 I am intelligent and capable

1195 I do my best and my best is good enough

1196 I easily attract money into my life and use it wisely

1197 I deserve happiness and success in my life

1198 I love my self and I am loved my

1199 My beliefs control my genes and I control my beliefs

1200 I refuse to accepting limiting beliefs

1201 I only accept empowering beliefs about myself

1202 I deserve attracting money easily

1203 I allow myself to attract money effortlessly and easily

1204 I let go of jealousy

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1205 I am happy for other peoples success and abundance

1206 I love attracting money from multiple sources

1207 I am an enormous powerful individual

1208 I easily increase my ability to earn money

1209 It’s really easy to earn money

1210 I accept my attracted money

1211 I multiply my wealth, success and abundance

1212 I am okay with having financial freedom

1213 I support myself to be financially free

1214 I easily empower myself

1215 I easily empower others

1216 I am attracting positive people with lots of money into my


1217 I deserve to have success easily

1218 I expect miracles to happen into my life

1219 I allow myself to attract wealth easily

1220 I have amazing fun all the time

1221 I let go of struggle and poverty

1222 My desires are the most important

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1223 I attract supporting people into my life

1224 My life is overflowing with potential prospects

1225 I constantly attract new opportunities into my life

1226 I have supporting people in my life

1227 I am able to feel good when I have more success than


1228 Every part of me is ready willing and able to have more

money then I need

1229 I live with passion and purpose

1230 I live each day with passion and purpose

1231 Everywhere I look, I see abundance

1232 There is absolute abundance everywhere I look

1233 I release all limitations of my imagination

1234 My imagination is limitless

1235 I am surrounded by abundance

1236 I realize that I am God’s highest form or creation

1237 I know that anything that I can see in my mind, I can

manifest in my physical world

1238 I feel love for loved ones and friends

1239 I am a very important part of The Universe

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1240 I see myself having friendship that are strong, loving and

1241 I create the prosperity I want

1242 I create the life I want

1243 I choose to manifest my goals and desires

1244 I focus on all the abundance that I am surrounded by

1245 I receive the good that is my birthright

1246 I now see having amazing success

1247 I hold the image of my ideal life and success

1248 I see myself accomplishing more success and faster

1249 I am living where I really want to live

1250 I am doing what I really want to do

1251 In every aspect of my life there is abundance

1252 I am building bigger and better success

1253 I know that I have the ability to achieve anything I want

1254 I am expanding into bigger success

1255 My business is expanding into bigger success

1256 I am doing greater good in all of my work and in everything

I do

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1257 I am adding increase in other people’s lives

1258 I have an enormous desire to add increase in everyone’s life

1259 I want people to feel better because they’ve come into

contact with me

1260 I find myself becoming stronger and more vibrant

1261 I know that I am God’s highest form of creation

1262 My creativity increases more and more

1263 My goodness is expanding

1264 My consciousness is expanding

1265 Every part of me is ready willing and able to desire more

money than I need

1266 Every part of me is ready willing and able to receive lots of

money now

1267 Every part of me is ready willing and able to have more

money then I need

1268 Every part of me is ready willing and able to receive lots of

money now

1269 It is okay to want money

1270 I am independent

1271 It okay to desire more money then I need

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1272 I expect the best to happen in my life

1273 I allow myself to desire what I want

1274 The Universe gives me everything I deserve

1275 My awareness supersedes anything that I ever had in the


1276 I assist every person I can to bring abundance into their life

1277 I am realizing that abundance is my birthright

1278 I bring abundance into my life

1279 I am an abundance person

1280 I have abundance in every aspect of my life

1281 I am aware of the wonderful world that I am a part of

1282 I am aware of the abundance have been mine

1283 I see my abundance every I look

1284 I am becoming more productive and creative

1285 I am totally alive

1286 I am capable of all the greatness that I visualize

1287 I know that I am creative

1288 I enjoy the abundant life that I deserve

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1289 I share my abundance with everyone who is open to accept

1290 I totally deserve to achieve success easily and effortlessly

1291 I am worthy of attracting abundance

1292 I welcome abundance and success into my life

1293 I manifest whatever I need or desire

1294 My self-esteem gets stronger every day

1295 I believe in myself completely

1296 People admire me for who I am

1297 I see myself safe with any amount of money

1298 I know how to easily earn 1 million dollar

1299 I see myself becoming stronger and more powerful

1300 Opportunities are drawn to me

1301 I look for the good in all things

1302 I have an optimistic outlook on life

1303 I surround myself with positive people

1304 I surround myself with people that support me

1305 I see opportunities everywhere

1306 I give myself more strength and confidence

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1307 I know I can do anything I set my mind to

1308 I enjoy feeling power and achievement

1309 I am okay with having money come me in increasing


1310 I am deserving of money that comes to me increasing

quantities on a continuous basis

1311 I feel that I am safe with any amount of money

1312 My love for myself increases now

1313 My appreciation for myself increases now

1314 I am always safe with any amount of money

1315 I am okay with having my income increasing

1316 Accepting money is spiritual

1317 Accepting money for my creative work and ideas is spiritual

1318 Accepting money is good

1319 Accepting money for my creative work and ideas is good

1320 I bless my money and financial freedom

1321 I feel worthy of the great life I desire

1322 I can accept 500.000 dollars

1323 I am worth at least 500.000 dollars

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1324 I am worth the highest amount of money

1325 I accept having financial freedom

1326 I am the most important person in my life

1327 I love myself the most

1328 My goals are more important than the goals of others

1329 My self-worth multiplies easily

1330 I easily multiply my wealth

1331 I am worthy of receiving more money than I need and want

1332 I am worth everything

1333 My body is strong

1334 I feel very strong and power

1335 I choose to have be super successful

1336 I feel joy and comfort with having more money then I need

1337 I feel joy and comfort with having unlimited amounts of


1338 I have lots of interesting and amazing people in my life

1339 I feel that I have now everything I want

1340 I feel accomplished

1341 I feel successful

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1342 I have released all worthiness of poverty

1343 I help people easily with my talents, skills and gifts

1344 I have total worthiness and deservingness of wealth

1345 I release the limiting beliefs I have heard from my mother

1346 I release the limiting beliefs I have heard of my father

1347 I travel all over the world

1348 I deserve to choose what I want to believe

1349 I deserve to choose who I want to be

1350 I now feel full of worth

1351 I feel that I am super successful

1352 I see that I am super successful

1353 I am having lots of value as a person

1354 I am now receiving and earning money constantly and the

money is coming to me so easily

1355 I see solutions to easily multiply my money

1356 I easily multiply my money

1357 I feel myself advancing

1358 My life is advancing everyday

1359 My life now advances ever day

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1360 I save and invest large amounts of my money

1361 I smell rich and wealthy

1362 I am okay with being paid multiple times for doing

something once

1363 I am worthy of being paid multiple times for doing

something once

1364 I notice the people that are proud of my success

1365 I am proud of my success

1366 I only need approval from myself

1367 I have the most wonderful feeling of love and acceptance of


1368 I wish people the most best

1369 I am free to choose what I want to believe

1370 I help people value my service

1371 I have unlimited imagination

1372 I use my imagination in my favor

1373 I have strong faith

1374 I feel blessed

1375 My life is filled with love

1376 I know that my success is absolutely guaranteed

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1377 I am successful at anything I do

1378 My life is amazingly wonderful

1379 Effective leads for come to me constantly

1380 I know that I am deserving of success and wealth

1381 I appreciate my life in any way

1382 I see myself achieving all of my goals

1383 I only see what I want to be, do and have

1384 My life goes well in every way

1385 I feel good with making good

1386 My clients are grateful for me

1387 I surround yourself with people who will lift me up and keep
me accountable

1388 I let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors

1389 I am grateful for all things working out for me

1390 I have successful people helping me

1391 I feel good when I think about making money

Which belief on this list will make the most positive impact for achieving my
needs, desires and goals in the fastest and easiest way?

Which belief on this list gives me more success and abundance into my life?

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