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Synopsis for “A Terminal Case of Just Getting By”

The book starts with six passengers sitting on a flight in business class. We use one character's
perspective to get a brief introduction to those on the plane.
However, the plane doesn’t set off as planned, as the passengers are informed of technical
issues with the plane. Rather than waiting on the plane, delays will be significant, and therefore
the passengers are taken off the plane. All passengers leave, and the 6 business class flyers
are moved into a business lounge.
While in the business lounge, it becomes evident to the readers that things might not be quite as
simple as they seem. It is revealed that there has been a murder 1 week prior, and investigators
believe the culprit to be on that flight in business class.
The story flips from the present time to the investigators trying to solve the murder, to the past of
the 6 main characters/passengers.
It is also revealed that each character is not doing so well in life, and in each instance, they are
only just getting by.
As the book goes on, the characters get to know each other more in business class and start to
realise they are a lot more connected than previously realised, and their interlinked backstories
are revealed.
Towards the end of the book, it is revealed to them there is a criminal in their midst, and all hell
breaks loose.
There are some big reveals from a couple of characters before the criminal ultimately comes
The story ends 12 months in the future, with each person having taken learnings from
experience and now living life to the fullest rather than just getting by.
While the book does involve the murder, the main focus of the story is about the characters on
the plane, the fact they are all barely getting by in life, and how the experience helps them grow
and start living life to the full.
So it’s more of a heartfelt mystery story, with a side helping of murder, rather than a full-blown
crime drama

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