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Muhammad Ali Arif,2023

Dynamic Routing (RIP)

Lab Assignment 11

Muhammad Ali Arif

Supervisor: Muhammad Adeel Ijaz

Department of Computer Engineering

National University of Technology

February 23, 2023

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Table of Contents
Abstract............................................................................................................................ 3

Project Specification.........................................................................................................4

Chapter 1: Introduction.................................................................................................5

Chapter 2: Dynamic Routing........................................................................................6

Chapter 3: Uses/Advantages, Disadvantages of dynamic routing................................7

Chapter 4: Procedure and Lab Task.............................................................................8

Chapter 5: Conclusion................................................................................................13

References..................................................................................................................... 14

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Network routing is the process of choosing a path through one or more
networks. In packet-switched networks such as the Internet, routing selects
paths for Internet Protocol (IP) packets to travel from their origin to their
destination. These Internet routing decisions are made by specialized pieces
of network hardware called routers, Packet Tracer provides simulation,
visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration capabilities to
facilitate the teaching and learning of complex technology concepts.

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Project Specification


 To learn the concept of routing

 To understand the concept of dynamic routing.

Tools Requirements:

 PCs

 Packet Tracer (version 5 or higher)

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Chapter 1: Introduction
Dynamic routing is a method of routing in which routers communicate with
each other to exchange information about network destinations, and
automatically update their routing tables. Routing protocols are used to
discover and maintain routes, allowing the routing table to automatically
adjust to changes in network topology. This provides more efficient and
scalable routing compared to static routing, especially in large and complex
networks, as routes are constantly updated and optimized. Examples of
dynamic routing protocols include OSPF, BGP, and EIGRP.

 Beneficial in Performance as well as scalable networking with a high

frequency of data on nodes.

 Makes fewer mistakes as it reroutes itself compared to other routing


 No need to be manually configured by the admin.

 Shares information about the network with each other makes them
more reliable to work efficiently.

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Chapter 2: Dynamic Routing

dynamic routing:
Path selection

Dynamic routing provides multiple available routes to the destination.

Ability to update routes

Dynamic routing uses algorithms to automatically update with the preferred
route change.

Routing tables
Dynamic routing requires routers to send out their entire routing tables to
identify route availability.

Use of protocols and algorithms

Dynamic routing uses distance vector protocols, such as RIP and IGRP, and
link state protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS, to adjust routes.

Computation and bandwidth requirements

Dynamic routing requires more computation and bandwidth to generate
multiple route possibilities.

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Chapter 3: Uses/Advantages, Disadvantages of

dynamic routing.
Advantages of dynamic routing:

 Suitable for all topologies where many routers are required.

 Easy to use in a large network

 Mostly independent of network size

 A single link failure cannot affect the entire network

 In case of failure, one link is automatically rerouted without any

manual intervention.

 It supports a more complex routing algorithm

Disadvantages of dynamic routing:

 More complex to implement.

 Less secure than static routing due to multicast routing change.

 Additional configuration settings such as routing protocol, passive

interface are required to increase security.

 Additional resources required such as CPU memory and connection


Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Chapter 4: Procedure and Lab Task

 Initially go to Packet Tracer and set up a network using a router and

 Double click the PCs, switches to set up the ip as we did previously in


 by using power button on the router figure in Physical tab. On left side
modules bar is present.

 Drag WIC- 2T to smaller blank space and one NM-8A/S to larger

blank space.

 Now, turn on the router using power switch. Do the same on second
router and others.

Practical Task # 1:

 Initially we constructed the network diagram according to the lab


 We assigned ip to PCs and Network mask according to the given ip

which was

 We know that there will be 4 subnets.

 Network Mask was

 Default Gateway was also given according subnets.

 By using commands we implemented.

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Post Lab Activity:

Convert the topology designed in the last lab so that it utilizes dynamic
routing while ensuring it is converged. Write a report detailing your
topology along with configuration files of any two routers. The *.pkt will
also be checked in the next lab.

 I have done subnetting by using Ip address and by

subnetting I have assigned different Ips to following networks

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif

Chapter 5: Conclusion
 A network that uses dynamic routing not only scales, but can also adapt
to changes in topology so that all traffic can be rerouted. In particular,
if there are failures in a network component, traffic is redirected
without the need for manual work.

 Whenever a new router is added to the network, there is no

configuration needed for the remaining routers. For the network
offerings, only new router needed the dynamic routing protocol

Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif


Dynamic Routing (RIP) Muhammad Ali Arif


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