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Task Achievement(Required)
High Range
● Presents a clear overview of main trends, differences/similarities or parts of a process

● Presents an overview 10 POINTS
Low Range
● There is no overview
● Misunderstands the visual and/or task5 POINTS
2. Coherence and Cohesion (Required)
High Range
● Uses different ways of linking ● Shows clear relationships between ideas and
information15 POINTS
● Uses some correct linking but also with mistakes
● Relationships between information and ideas are sometimes unclear 10 POINTS
Low Range
● There is no clear organization of information and ideas ● Uses only basic or incorrect ways to
link ideas5 POINTS
3. Lexical Resource (Required)
High Range
● Mistakes with vocabulary are rare (word choice and formation, spelling)
● A wide range of vocabulary is used
● Some uncommon vocabulary is used15 POINTS
● There are mistakes with vocabulary, such as word formation and spelling, but meaning is still
● A range of vocabulary is used but sometimes word choice is not correct 10 POINTS
Low Range
● Only basic words are used repetitively
● There are many mistakes (spelling and word choice)
● Mistakes make understanding difficult 5 POINTS
4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (Required)
High Range
● Mistakes with grammar, including punctuation, are rare
● A range of complex grammar structures are used15 POINTS
● There are mistakes with grammar and punctuation, but meaning is still clear
● A mix of simple and complex sentences are used10 POINTS
Low Range
● There are many mistakes with grammar and punctuation
● Mistakes make understanding difficult ● Uses only short or simple sentences 5 POINTS

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