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How are you?

I hope you are well, I am looking forward to seeing you, I have read your
message and it is not a problem to welcome you into my house, it is brilliant that your
parents have let you come, I think that the best month to come to you would be July,
since none of us have classes and we would be together vacations and being able to
make many plans, I'm sure we'll have a good time, you also told me you wanted to
know what my house was like, well, my house has 4 bedrooms, one would be for you, a
good garden where we can play and also a room for video games, surely you will be
very comfortable with me here, you should bring clothes, pajamas and something to
bathe in since we could go to the beach or to the mountain river, also some camping
kit, because we could camp in the forest one night. And that's it, see you in July!

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