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Algebra II Syllabus

Teacher: Darren Mosley Email :

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Materials Students should bring all materials with you everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Graphing Calculator (TI 84 or TI 83) 2. Paper - either loose leaf or notebook that is 3 hole punched 3. 3 ring binder (For this class ONLY. You must have a 3 ring binder for this class for all notes, homework, and other papers (it must be very neat and organized)) 4. Pencil - (ALL ASSIGNMENTS will be done in Pencil) 5. Book - Algebra 2 - Prentice Hall Mathematics Classroom Rules 1. Students are to be seated before the bell rings or it will be a Tardy 2. Listen carefully 3. Students Should Bring all materials with you everyday 4. Students will not get out of their seat without permission 5. No food or drink in the classrooms!!!!!! (Only exception is bottled water) 6. No Hall Passes will be issued or used during class time. 7. Respect all people, their property and school property. 8. No talking to classmates unless otherwise instructed. 9. Do not disrupt class for any reason 10. Work quietly the entire time!!!!!!! Do not disturb others who are working Those students who choose to ignore the rules and procedures of the classroom will be given: Verbal warning and/or parent contact After school detention in my classroom for 15-30 minutes and/or parent contact Written Disciplinary Referral to the Office and/or parent contact Consequences may differ depending on the severity of the offense

Grading: Book Homework (It is to be done at the beginning of the class period it is due) o ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN o Your name, date, class period, page #, and assignment must be on all papers o Homework will be graded on two items: Completeness and Correctness o Come in for extra help: (1) SAS Period (2) Before School or After School (3) Email (4) ______________________ Worksheets (It is to be done at the beginning of the class period it is due) o Will be graded for correctness. o Point value depends upon the individual assignment. Quizzes Projects Tests Notebook (3 ring binder consisting of notes and homework) - At the conclusion of each chapter or unit students notes will be collected and graded. FINAL is 15% of Semester grade If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out the assignments and turn them in on time LATE ASSIGNMENTS o If an assignment is not turned in at the time that it is to be collected, then it is considered late. o Late assignments may be turned in for 60% credit if they are turned in on or before the next time the class meets. o Late assignments may be turned in for 50% credit if they are turned in before the next Quiz or Test o After that, late assignments will remain at 0.

****If you have any questions or problems do not hesitate to ask for help!!!!!!!!!

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