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Reprod Dom Anim 49 (Suppl. 2), 8–15 (2014); doi: 10.1111/rda.

ISSN 0936–6768

Pharmacological Treatment for Common Prostatic Conditions in Dogs – Benign

Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatitis: an Update
W Ni_zanski1, X Levy2, M Ochota1 and J Pasikowska1
Department of Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Wrocaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocaw, Poland; 2CRECS,
Isle Jourdain Gers, France

Contents Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The two most frequent prostatic diseases in dogs are benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. Prostatitis Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most
requires prolonged antibiotic treatment. In acute prostatitis, important problems in intact male dogs and thus of
the blood–prostate barrier is broken, thus facilitating the similar importance as in humans. BPH may occur as
penetration of antibiotics, whereas in chronic prostatitis, benign glandular hyperplasia or as benign complex
the barrier prevents the penetration of many drugs into the hyperplasia (or cystic hyperplasia). The aetiology of
gland. The selection of antibiotic agents is based on BPH is still unclear in many aspects. Administration of
the sensitivity test and the drug’s ability to penetrate into androgens in combination with oestrogens to orchidec-
the gland. Many protocols for the treatment of BPH are tomized dogs induced prostatic hyperplasia, with an
available. In non-breeding dogs, surgical and optionally
pharmacological castration by means of GnRH agonists may
increase in the number of transiently proliferating (TP)/
be performed. In breeding dogs, drugs retaining fertility are amplifying cells and a hyperplastic luminal epithelium
used. Recently, androgen receptor antagonistic treatment (Mahapokai et al. 2000; Lai 2009). Relative increase in
with osaterone acetate has been applied. Other drugs used TP/amplifying cells in hormonally induced BPH in the
for BPH treatment include progestagens, oestrogens, anti- dog is considered to be in line with a stem cell-derived
oestrogens and 5a-reductase inhibitors. Some of these com- proliferation. Androgen-independent basal cells and
pounds may provoke severe side effects. The efficiency of TP/amplifying cells are much more abundant in the
GnRH antagonists used for the treatment of prostatic prostate of older males than in younger dogs, and this
diseases, such as neoplasia and BPH, in humans has been may contribute to the enhanced risk of development of
recently investigated in dogs. This androgen deprivation BPH with increasing age (Mahapokai et al. 2000; Lai
therapy (ADT) is devoid of an initial exacerbation of
androgen-dependent symptoms, which is typical for GnRH
2009). Usually, BPH in the dog is uniform and diffuse. It
agonistic treatment. In many cases, BPH and prostatitis must involves the glandular epithelial cells in the entire gland.
be treated simultaneously as these conditions may develop in The degree of stromal involvement is lesser. In humans,
combination. BPH is nodular and complex, with the involvement of
both the stroma and the epithelium. The expression of
5a-reductase (converting testosterone to dihydrotestos-
Introduction terone) in the prostatic epithelium is higher in the dog
The prostate gland is the only accessory sexual gland in than in man, when compared to stroma. It may explain
dogs. As in humans, pathological conditions of the why the hyperplasia is mainly epithelial in dogs and
prostate gland are common in the canine species and stromal in humans (Tunn et al. 1988). It should be
originate from infection, alterations of hormone supply noted that there is another hypothesis suggesting that
or abnormal embryonic development of genital organs. oestrogens induce stromal growth in human BPH and
Generally, their incidence increases with age and may be induce prostatic metaplasia in dogs (Collins et al. 1994;
related to a physiological androgen-dependent hyperde- Ho et al. 2008). BPH may also be found in dogs with
velopment of the glandular and stromal tissue (Verste- prostatic carcinoma, but there is no histopathological or
gen 2008). The normal prostatic secretion exerts immunohistochemical (Lai et al. 2008) relationship
bactericidal effects during sexual rest, thereby prevent- between the two pathologic entities, and with the pre-
ing infection ascending via the urethra. Pathological malignant HG-PIN (high-grade prostatic intraepithelial
alterations of the glandular tissue may result in changes neoplasia) lesions (Madewell et al. 2004).
in the prostatic fluid composition and in the loss of its Generally, it may be stated that BPH develops due to
physiological role. Secretion of the prostate normally a constant influence of the testosterone metabolite
contributes to the volume of the dog ejaculate (>90%). dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the glandular tissue.
Pathologies of the prostate gland in dogs include DHT is the active compound inducing proliferation and
inflammatory conditions, such as septic and aseptic enlargement of glandular cells (Grino et al. 1990).
acute and chronic prostatitis, conditions with endocrine Testosterone affects the expression of genes mediating
background like prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic meta- testosterone metabolism and genes mediating the effect
plasia and other conditions, that is, intra-/paraprostatic of those metabolites on the prostate (Shidaifat and Lin
cysts, and prostatic neoplasia (Johnston et al. 2001; 2012). The terms ‘prostatic hyperplasia’ and ‘prostatic
Verstegen 2008). The two most frequent prostatic hypertrophy’, both used in scientific literature and in
diseases in dogs are benign prostatic hyperplasia practice, properly describe the nature of the condition
(BPH) and prostatitis. (Krawiec and Heflin 1992; Smith 2008). In contrast to

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Pharmacological Treatment of Prostate 9

prostatic neoplasia, enlargement of the entire gland is clear inflammation. This inflammatory response was
usually more uniform in BPH. Vascularization of the more pronounced than that in dogs treated with
hypertrophic/hyperplastic glandular tissue increases and androgens alone (reviewed by Lai 2009).
may result in vascular leakage or haemorrhage into the Chronic prostatitis is more common than acute.
gland (Verstegen 2008). Consequently, blood is excreted Septic prostatitis is a prevalent condition in dogs,
through the secretory ducts into the urethra. This blood whereas aseptic prostatitis, mostly seen in humans, is
may also be present in the semen, as observed in many extremely rare (Barsanti and Finco 1979). Predisposing
cases in the third ejaculate fraction by its opaque and factors for prostatic infection may be BPH, prostatic
red or brown appearance. Enlargement of the gland cysts, squamous metaplasia and neoplasia. Simulta-
induced by DHT may result in pain, claudication and neous development of BPH and infectious prostatitis is
defecation problems. Increase in the intraglandular commonly observed and consequently needs combined
pressure may impair the passage of secretion from the treatment for the two conditions.
gland, and local increase in pressure in the distorted Infections of the prostate gland may be caused by
glandular tissue may result in the accumulation of the single aerobic, Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacte-
fluid within some of the excretory ducts. Formation of ria, such as E. coli, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus
intra- or extraglandular cysts may be observed. As the spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp., Pasteurella
gland is surrounded by a firm capsule, increased spp., Mycoplasma spp., Ureaplasma spp. and other
intraglandular pressure may also cause compression of microorganisms. Infections with anaerobic bacteria are
the urethra and dysuria (Lopate 2010). It should be unlikely (Barsanti and Finco 1979; Krawiec and Heflin
noted that contrary to humans, dysuria is an infrequent 1992; Johnston et al. 2001; Verstegen 2008).
sign of BPH in dogs. Impairment of the function and
distorsion of the glandular structure are the obvious
reasons for the frequent simultaneous development of Treatment for Prostatitis
prostatitis and BPH. Acute prostatitis with severe, profound inflammation
Prostatic diseases (mostly BPH) in intact dogs resulting in pain, glandular enlargement, urination/
account for 6.2% of all diseases in male dogs of 4 years defecation failure, fever and leucocytosis requires an
of age or younger, 17.5% in those of 4–7 years of age, aggressive therapy. Intravenous administration of fluids,
32.8% in 7- to 10-year-old dogs and 43.5% in dogs such as electrolyte solutions, and non-steroidal anti-
≥10 years of age (Krawiec and Heflin 1992; Tsutsui inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are usually used. In
et al. 2000). acute prostatitis, the blood–prostate barrier is broken
On the other hand, 80% of the intact dogs have gross (Barsanti and Finco 1979), resulting in an easy pene-
or microscopic evidence of BPH by 5 years of age (Berry tration of antibiotics and other drugs into the gland
et al. 1986; Sirinarumitr et al. 2001). Senile involution independent of pH and oil solubility of the active
of the prostate gland begins in older animals, approx- compound. Therefore, the antibiotic agent should be
imately 11 years of age (O’Shea 1962). As 90% of dogs chosen on the basis of a sensitivity test. Usually, the
aged ≥9 years showed BPH, the condition was consid- specimen is collected by prostatic wash (details of
ered to be a physiological change in intact male dogs diagnosis are presented in the manuscript of Levy et al.
(Tsutsui et al. 2000). Mild prostatic hyperplasia is 2014). Initially, before the result of the sensitivity test is
thought to be normal in animals older than 5–7 years obtained, an antibiotic of broad spectrum should be
and is only considered as a disease if BPH-related administered (Memon 2007; Verstegen 2008; Lopate
clinical signs, such as constipation, haematuria, dysuria, 2010).
semen abnormities and dorsal curvature or claudication In chronic prostatitis, the blood–prostate barrier
of hind limbs, are present (Verstegen 2008). prevents the penetration of many drugs into the gland.
Based on the clinical signs observed and subjectively The selection of antibiotic is performed based on the
reported by dog owners, Zambelli et al. (2012) devel- sensitivity test (details of diagnosis are presented in the
oped and statistically validated a model to assign an manuscript of Levy et al. 2014) and the drug’s penetra-
objective score for canine BPH severity, the so-called tion ability into the gland. Only weak alkaline antibi-
BPH symptom index, as an aid to evaluate the necessity, otics, with high pKa (acid dissociation constant) and
kind and effectiveness of treatment. high lipid solubility, are able to diffuse into the prostatic
parenchyma. The effectiveness of trimethoprim, clinda-
mycin, chloramphenicol and erythromycin has been
Prostatitis proven. Zwitterionic antibiotics such as the fluoroqui-
Prostatitis is the second most common pathological nolones enro-, cipro-, marbofloxacin are also effective as
condition of the canine prostate. In contrast to BPH, they have multiple pKa (Barsanti and Finco 1979;
inflammation of the prostate gland is observed in males Dorfman et al. 1995; Johnston et al. 2001).
independent of age. It is reported more frequently in As many cases of prostatitis develop in consequence
intact than in orchidectomized males, indicating an of BPH, simultaneous treatment for both conditions is
underlying influence of androgen stimulation. It was needed. BPH treatment using antiandrogenic pharma-
reported that an inflammatory response was induced in cological agents or testosterone deprivation by surgical
the dog’s prostate gland after androgen administration castration may be considered as supportive therapy
(Mahapokai et al. 2000). Hormonal treatment of male for prostatitis (Cowan et al. 1991; Johnston et al.
dogs with androgens plus oestrogens induced prostatic 2001). Orchidectomy is usually performed according
hyperplasia, followed by extensive multifocal mononu- to general surgical procedures. In chronic prostatitis,

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10 W Ni_za
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antibiotics are applied for at least 4–5 weeks. In some ism. Diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism occurred in
cases, 8–12 weeks of treatment is necessary (Barsanti 5% of the dogs treated with MPA (Bamberg-Thalen and
and Finco 1979; Verstegen 2008). Potential side Linde-Forsbeg 1993). Furthermore, increased appetite
effects of a long-term antibiotic treatment include in the early weeks after the beginning of the treatment
bacterial resistance, liver dysfunction, renal dysfunc- (31%) was observed (Bamberg-Thalen and Linde-
tion, anaemia (high risk for chloramphenicol, Forsbeg 1993; Johnston et al. 2001; Verstegen 2008).
fluoroquinolones), arthropathy (fluoroquinolones) and Administration of high doses of these compounds
some possible complications of trimethoprim adminis- may impair spermatogenesis, finally resulting in as-
tration, such as hypothyroidism, urolith formation or thenozoospermia and teratozoospermia (England 1997).
keratoconjunctivitis sicca (Rubin 1990; Johnston et al. Progestagens used for BPH treatment decrease the
2001). testosterone concentration in blood without a significant
impact on libido. Furthermore, LH secretion appears to
be unaffected (Bamberg-Thalen and Linde-Forsbeg
Treatment for BPH 1993; England 1997).
Treatment for BPH includes the suppression/prevention Among numerous progestagens, megestrol acetate
of androgen synthesis or action. The treatment of choice (MGA), medroxyprogesterone acetate, chlormadinone
in dogs not intended for breeding is surgical castration. acetate (CMA) (Murakoshi et al. 1992; Johnston et al.
Involution of the gland is complete 6–12 weeks after 2001) and delmadinone acetate (DMA) (Lange et al.
gonadectomy, but the clinical signs of the condition may 2001; Johnson 2003; Albouy et al. 2008) were used for
disappear earlier. BPH treatment. Oral administration of MGA at a dose
In breeding dogs, treatment with pharmacological of 0.5 mg/kg/day BW for 2 months reduced the pros-
compounds inhibiting the production or activity of tatic size within 1–2 months after the start of treatment
androgens may be preferred in order to maintain (Johnston et al. 2001). MPA (3–4 mg/kg BW) is injected
fertility. This should not be applied in cases of prostatic subcutaneously every 5 months. The decrease in the
and testicular neoplasia, prostatic cysts of large dimen- blood level of testosterone was observed from the 5th
sions or severe clinical signs related to extreme enlarge- week of administration, inducing shrinkage of the
ment of the prostate. It is necessary to exclude testicular prostate gland within 4–6 weeks in 53%, and the
tumours before the antiandrogen therapy is introduced. resolution of clinical signs in 84% of BPH cases (Wright
It is very likely that testicular tumours produce oestro- et al. 1979; Bamberg-Thalen and Linde-Forsbeg 1993).
gens. In oestrogen-dependent conditions, such as pros- A 5-month oral treatment with CMA (0.3 mg/kg BW)
tatic metaplasia, the antiandrogen therapy would be was effective in the reduction in prostatic size, but did
ineffective and aimless. Therefore, pharmacological not affect the testes or the pituitary function (Murakoshi
treatment for BPH in cases of concomitant presence of et al. 1992). No evidence of abnormal spermatogenesis
testicular tumours should be avoided. was seen in the seminiferous tubules. No changes in the
Leydig cell population were found. Administration of
CMA produced no significant treatment-related changes
Progestagens in the number of LH-immunoreactive cells in the
This group of synthetic progestins presents antiandro- pituitary gland (Murakoshi et al. 2001). Delmadinone
genic action (Tsutsui et al. 2001; Johnson 2003). Many acetate was administered at 1.5 mg/kg BW SC, 39/week
such drugs have been used for decades in the past. Their for the 1st, 2nd and 4th weeks, by single SC or IM
administration is still considered when short and low- injection of 3 mg/kg BW (Albouy et al. 2008), or IM
cost therapy is required. They also may be used in injection of 1 mg/kg BW (Lange et al. 2001). It did not
combination with GnRH agonists (see below). Cur- influence the glucose tolerance, or the somatotropin
rently, due to the availability of new pharmacologic concentration, but inhibited the function of adrenal
agents, treatment with synthetic progestins has to be glands (Johnson 2003).
considered regarding their potential to evoke severe side
effects. A potential influence of progestagen adminis-
tration on enhancing the production of somatotropin, Inhibitors of 5a-reductase
induction of a severe atrophy of the zona fasciculata and 5a-Reductase (5a-R) inhibitors prevent the conversion
reticularis of the adrenal gland and also its influence on of testosterone to DHT, which is the active androgen
glucose and insulin balance should be considered within the prostatic tissue. Inhibition of this enzymatic
(Eigenmann and Eigenmann 1981; Bamberg-Thalen step results in a reduction in the glandular dimensions.
and Linde-Forsbeg 1993; Johnston et al. 2001). On the 5a-R inhibitors may be classified into two types
other hand, in vitro experiments confirmed the strong according to their distinctive mechanisms of action:
glucocorticoid action of some progestins, such as competitive – represented by finasteride – and non-
medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). Therefore, long- competitive – represented by episteride. As shown in a
term treatment with high doses of progestins may result recent study in beagle dogs, both types resulted in a
in an iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome (Selman et al. decrease in DHT concentration in prostate gland tissue.
1997). The most severe side effect of progestins is However, 5a-R inhibitors of the competitive type
induction/exacerbation of diabetes mellitus by inhibiting reduced DHT concentration in peripheral blood to a
the transport of insulin in tissues and decreasing the greater extent, resulting in an increase in the testoster-
number of insulin receptors. An additional possible side one level in blood and the prostate gland (Zhao et al.
effect of administration of progestagens is hypothyroid- 2013).

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Pharmacological Treatment of Prostate 11

Finasteride may be considered a therapeutic drug in that in dogs a significant amount of the compound is
dogs. It was approved for the treatment of BPH in men recycled biliarily (Minato et al. 2002).
in the early 1990s (reviewed by Smith 2008). Reports on Osaterone acetate is marketed in pills containing
its successful use in dogs suffering from BPH by daily different amounts of the active compound according to
oral administration of 0.1–0.5 mg/kg BW for 16 weeks the dog’s body weight. Daily oral administration for
(Sirinarumitr et al. 2001) or 1 mg/dog for 3–21 weeks 7 days results in a significant decrease in prostate gland
(Iguer-Ouada and Verstegen 1997; Lange et al. 2001) size. Glandular dimensions return to pre-treatment state
are available. A significant decrease in DHT blood within 5 months after beginning of the treatment
concentration was observed (Nakayama et al. 1997; (Tsutsui et al. 2000, 2001). For prolongation of the
Lange et al. 2001). After 5–15 weeks of treatment, it therapeutic effects, the protocol may be repeated. OA
induced a marked decrease in the size of the prostate does not significantly impair the process of spermato-
and a fall in its secretions. At maximum effect, the genesis. The total number of spermatozoa remains
calculated prostate volume was reduced to 30% of the nearly unchanged, whereas a transient increase in the
initial value (Iguer-Ouada and Verstegen 1997). Sper- percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm cells
matogenesis, semen characteristics, libido, serum testos- was observed (Tsutsui et al. 2000). The volume of
terone concentrations (Lange et al. 2001) and fertility prostatic fluid represented in the third ejaculate fraction
were not affected (Kamolpatana et al. 1998). As in may be slightly diminished for 2–4 weeks after the start
finasteride-treated dogs, neither changes in testicular of OA administration, in accordance with the drug-
weight and daily sperm production/total sperm number related effects on the glandular tissue. Nevertheless, this
(Nakayama et al. 1997; Lange et al. 2001) nor side drug has proved to be very effective in BPH therapy.
effects were observed (Iguer-Ouada and Verstegen Stud dogs treated with OA remain fertile, and it may
1997), and fertility was unimpaired (Johnson 2003), this still be used in breeding programmes. Contrary to
compound is recommended for the treatment of BPH in progestagens (see above), almost no side effects are
stud dogs used in breeding programmes. Administration observed. Our own observations revealed a transient
of finasteride over several weeks exerts long-lasting increase in appetite during the initial 1–3 weeks after
therapeutic effects on the hyperplastic prostate gland beginning of the treatment with OA, as well as lethargy
(Iguer-Ouada and Verstegen 1997). Finasteride is a and mild hair loss in 3, 2 and 1 of 15 dogs, respectively.
teratogenic compound; therefore, pregnant women Flutamide, a pure androgen receptor blocker, inhibits
should avoid contact with this drug. Although there is androgen uptake and binding to the nuclear androgen
a potential risk of absorption of this drug from the receptor. Flutamide has been positively tested as a
seminal fluid through the female’s genital tract, no therapeutic drug in BPH cases. It yielded good results in
visible abnormalities were reported in puppies sired by treating of this condition without negatively affecting
dogs treated with this drug (Iguer-Ouada and Verstegen semen quality or libido. A 1-year oral treatment with
1997). 5 mg/kg/day did not alter libido or sperm production
(Romagnoli 2006). In most countries, flutamide is not
approved for use in veterinary medicine, although it
Inhibitors of steroid receptors appears safe and effective (Memon 2007).
Osaterone acetate (OA) (17a-acetoxy-6-chloro-2-oxa- The use of a GnRH agonist is a modern treatment for
4,6-pregnadiene-3,20-dione) has proved to be an effec- BPH. Similar to the actions of native GnRH, synthetic
tive and potent competitive inhibitor of testosterone GnRH agonists such as buserelin, nafarelin, leuprolide,
receptors. Its complex mechanism of action is quite deslorelin and goserelin stimulate the production and
uncommon. It impairs the uptake of DHT in the prostate release of gonadotrophins from the hypophysis. How-
gland and inhibits the action of the 5a-reductase. ever, GnRH agonists, when used in sustained doses,
Furthermore, OA directly decreases the DHT and reversibly inhibited the pituitary–gonadal axis after an
androgen nuclear receptor content in the prostate initial period of stimulation (‘flare-up effect’) (Trigg
(Takezawa et al. 1992; Tsutsui et al. 2000, 2001). OA et al. 2001; Gobello 2006). It should be borne in mind
has a 5-fold stronger regressing effect on the prostate that initial increase in sexual activity may be inhibited
gland than has chlormadinone (Tsutsui et al. 2000). by simultaneous administration of other drugs rapidly
Histological and immunohistochemical study revealed suppressing the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. In
that OA does not affect the testes (seminiferous and recent years, slow-release GnRH formulations or
Leydig cells) and the pituitary LH-secreting cells. GnRH implants became popular in veterinary practice
However, slightly decreased serum testosterone levels for pharmacological castration of male dogs and cats.
were found in OA-treated animals, suggesting that a GnRH, when steadily released from the implant, super-
marginal antigonadotrophic effect cannot be excluded imposes the physiological pulsatile GnRH release and
(Murakoshi et al. 1992). thereby oversaturates and down-regulates the pituitary
The rate of change in prostatic area (RCPA) was GnRH receptors. The resulting decrease or even lack of
abrupt and clearly visible (approximately 58.5–77.9% of FSH and LH results in an inevitable and drastic
pre-treatment values) after 1 week of treatment despite reduction in testicular steroid synthesis (Memon 2007).
the variety of doses used (0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg/kg BW) The decrease in blood testosterone level is accompanied
(Tsutsui et al. 2000). In intact dogs, OA exhibited by a measurable diminution of the prostate gland
biexponential disposition with a particularly long half- (Romagnoli 2006). In adult dogs treated with an
life of 197.9  109.9 h. The main route of OA excretion implant containing 0.5–1.0 mg deslorelin per kg body
is faeces via the bile as glucuronide. It is worth noting weight, serum testosterone concentration had decreased

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12 W Ni_za
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by 90% (relative to controls) and the prostate gland lin induced the reduction in prostatic size by 52% after
volume had diminished by >50% at 6 weeks postim- 8 weeks (Goericke-Pesch et al. 2010). Mean testicular
plant administration. A significant diminution of the size was reduced at the same time by 54%. Relative
prostate gland was first observed after 37 days. From reduction in prostatic size was more marked in dogs
day 22 up to day 37, sperm cell concentration and sperm with BPH than in healthy ones at weeks 8 and 26 and
motility decreased simultaneously with increasing per- clinical signs of BPH disappeared rapidly after implant
centages of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa. administration. Currently, nafarelin is not registered for
From day 37 onwards, semen collection resulted in veterinary use in Europe.
complete lack of seminal fluid (aspermia). When the Treatment for BPH using a 4.7 mg deslorelin implant
treatment was discontinued (no repetition of implant combined with osaterone acetate 0.25–0.5 mg/kg BW
administration), the prostate returned to its approxi- appears to be very effective, inducing an abrupt decrease
mate pre-treatment volume by 48 weeks (Romagnoli in prostate gland volume which is maintained for at
2006). least 5 months (Ni_za nski, Pasikowska, Sta nczyk 2013,
In another study, 30 mature dogs received implants unpublished data). Taking into account the possible
with deslorelin acetate (0.08–0.79 mg/kg) (Trigg et al. mechanisms of the initial and abrupt suppression of the
2001). Eleven dogs were given a second implant before ‘flare-up effect’ after GnRH agonist implantation,
or after the end of the suppression period. Testosterone progestin administration for several days also appears
concentrations decreased to <1 ng/mL within a mean of as an interesting topic for further scientific exploration.
17 days after implant administration in all groups and Recently, GnRH antagonists were positively tested in
remained at this level for a period of 3 months up to the treatment for human prostate cancer, which is
2.7 years. The duration of the inhibitory effect appeared hormone dependent (Lai 2009). Such drugs directly
to be dose related. Restoration of the hypothalamo- block the pituitary GnRH receptors and thereby sup-
pituitary-gonadal axis became evident by increasing press the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis without
scrotal circumference and testosterone concentrations as the ‘flare-up effect’ and initial rise in testosterone level
well as by the improvement of semen quality and and this may be potentially useful in the treatment of
fertility relative to pre-treatment conditions. In studies hormone-dependent conditions like canine BPH. While
performed in fewer dogs and with different deslorelin the development of GnRH agonists has progressed
doses, similar periods of effectiveness are reported. during recent decades, the antagonists have lagged
Subcutaneous administration of implants containing 0.5 behind, partly because of the high cost of production.
and 1 mg/kg of body weight deslorelin acetate to five The initial two generations of GnRH antagonists
dogs significantly decreased serum testosterone values presented weak effectiveness and exhibited side effects
and prostate size for 7–11 months, respectively such as histamine release leading to anaphylactic reac-
(Ponglowhapan et al. 2002). In seven dogs, implants tions. Recently, a new series of potent, acceptably long-
with 6.6 mg buserelin caused a decrease in testosterone lasting (≤10 days) low-histamine-release third-genera-
and oestradiol concentrations to basal levels within tion GnRH antagonists were developed – cetrorelix,
15 days. Hormone values remained low for a mean of abarelix, ganirelix, which are marketed and others such
7–8 months (Riesenbeck et al. 2002). Testicular and as antarelix, teverelix, degarelix, ozarelix, ornirelix,
prostatic size was reversibly reduced. No semen could be acyline (Gobello 2012). A detailed review has been
collected on day 21 after implant administration. presented by Gobello (2012). An example of a drug
Recently, colour Doppler blood flow indices indicat- belonging to this group and recently intensively tested in
ing dog prostate perfusion after treatment with a 4.7 mg humans for androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is
deslorelin implant were described and compared to degarelix. Clinical trials have demonstrated that degar-
initial, pre-treatment values (Polisca et al. 2013) and elix has a long-term efficacy similar to the GnRH
values reported for BPH by G€ unzel-Apel et al. (2001). agonist leuprolide in achieving testosterone suppression
The systolic peak velocity (SPV) and end diastolic in human prostate cancer (Zattoni 2012; Hatoum et al.
velocity (EDV) in prostatic and subcapsular arteries 2013; Rick et al. 2013). These compounds have also
decreased gradually from day 11 after implant admin- been tested in animals. Garcıa Romero et al. (2009)
istration. The reduction was significant at day 22 and revealed that in male dogs a single subcutaneous
day 37 and lowest values were reached at day 52 until treatment with the GnRH antagonist acyline safely
the end of observation (6 months). The power Doppler and reversibly decreased serum gonadotrophin and
pixel intensity of both arteries showed a gradual testosterone concentrations for 9 days. No local or
decrease from day 5 until day 52. Serum testosterone systemic side effects were detected. It was also proved
concentration decreased to undetectable levels from day that in dogs, a single administration of this drug
11 to the end of the observation period. Furthermore, a prevented the pituitary–gonadal axis responding to
gradual decrease in Doppler parameters SPV, EDV, GnRH agonistic (buserelin) stimulation for 14 days
SPV/EDV and FVI (flow velocity integral) in the (Garcia Romero et al. 2012a). It should be also noted
prostatic and testicular blood flow was observed after that in cats, a single dose of acyline reversibly impaired
2–3 weeks of exacerbation of sexual function (initial spermiogenesis, spermatocytogenesis and sperm motility
‘flare-up effect’) (Ni_zanski, Pasikowska, Stanczyk 2013, for 2 weeks (Garcia Romero et al. 2012b). Up to now,
unpublished data). GnRH antagonists have not been widely introduced
GnRH agonists other than deslorelin were also into veterinary practice mainly due to high costs of the
investigated for BPH treatment in dogs. Similar to drug and the necessity of relatively frequent adminis-
deslorelin implants, implants containing azagly nafare- tration.

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Pharmacological Treatment of Prostate 13

Oestrogens Taking into account the potentially oestrogenic effects

Both oral and injectable oestrogen preparations, includ- of tamoxifen and scarce clinical data on the use of
ing diethylstilbestrol (DES) and oestradiol cypionate anastrozole, cautious use is advisable.
(ECP), have been used in the past for BPH treatment in
dogs (Smith 2008). Reduction in the prostate gland
Other Drugs Tested in Humans and Dogs
resulted from suppression of the hypothalamo-pituitary-
gonadal axis and a subsequent decrease in blood Some drugs for the treatment of human lower urinary
testosterone concentrations. tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with BPH have been
Currently, oestrogens are no longer recommended for tested on the dog animal model. In spite of the fact that
veterinary use due to a number of side effects. Admin- LUTS rarely accompany canine BPH, some of these
istration of oestrogens may induce squamous epithelial compounds were effective in the treatment of dogs’ BPH
metaplasia of the prostate gland and formation of urinary tract symptoms. If their usefulness in dogs can
prostatic cysts. Besides impairment of spermatogenesis, be confirmed in clinical studies, they may be considered
severe bone marrow suppression which may result in as optional drugs in that species.
thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and fatal aplastic anae- Eplerenone, an aldosterone receptor antagonist, is
mia is a further aspect characterizing the obsolescence of approved for the treatment of hypertension and heart
oestrogen treatment in male dogs (Johnson 2003; failure after a myocardial infarction in humans. In pre-
Memon 2007). clinical studies performed in dogs, the most sensitive
and pronounced off-target effect of eplerenone was
atrophy of the prostate gland (Levin et al. 2013). Due to
Antioestrogens the possible influence on the cardiovascular system, it
Tamoxifen is an antioestrogenic compound. It compet- does not appear to be a prospective drug for BPH
itively blocks oestrogen receptors with a mixed antago- treatment in dogs.
nist–agonistic effect. Tamoxifen was successfully used for The selective a1A-adrenergic receptor antagonist
the treatment of prostatic diseases in dogs. Administra- silodosin was approved for the treatment of LUTS
tion of the drug in seven male beagle dogs (2.5 mg PO) associated with BPH in humans. By antagonizing
for 28 days significantly decreased peripheral testoster- a1A-adrenergic receptors in the prostate and urethra,
one concentrations and the prostate size accompanied by silodosin causes the relaxation of smooth muscles in
a reduced ejaculate volume (Corrada et al. 2004). cases of LUTS (Schilit and Benzeroual 2009). In spite of
Furthermore, a decrease in testicular size and sperm the fact that the pathomechanism of BPH in humans
count as well as impairment of sperm motility and and dogs is different, the potential role of such drugs in
morphology was observed. All parameters returned to symptomatic treatment for canine BPH might be worth
pre-treatment conditions with the next spermatogenetic checking in future in these particular cases of BPH
cycle. No clinical or haematological side effects were resulting in LUTS.
observed during 4 weeks of post-treatment follow-up Tadalafil is a phosphodiesterase (PDE)-5 inhibitor
(Corrada et al. 2004). In another study, tamoxifen was recently approved in the USA for the treatment of
administered for 60 days (2.5–10 mg/day) to 6 dogs with LUTS associated with BPH in humans. The mechanism
normal prostate glands and 8 dogs presenting BPH for the improvement of lower urinary tract disease
(Gonzalez et al. 2009). At the end of the treatment, the symptoms is probably related to alterations in nitric
prostatic volume had decreased by 28.5  4.3% in BPH oxide levels and/or reduction in pelvic atherosclerosis.
males. During the following 4 months, a re-increase The efficiency of PDE-5 inhibitors in the above-men-
in prostatic volume occurred without reaching pre- tioned indication has been demonstrated in several
treatment dimensions. randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials in humans
Another antioestrogen, the aromatase inhibitor anas- (Cantrell et al. 2013). The effectiveness of this drug in
trozole, has been comparatively investigated for BPH the treatment of BPH cases resulting in urinary tract
treatment (Gonzalez et al. 2009), showing similar problems in dogs has not been checked yet.
effects. After 60-day oral administration (0.25–1 mg/ A non-secosteroidal vitamin D receptor (VDR) ago-
day), the prostate gland volume was reduced by nist (CH5036249) was tested in dogs as an animal model
21.6  6.3% with a subsequent progressive re-increase to evaluate its suitability for BPH treatment. The drug
within the 4-month follow-up period. Compared to showed effectiveness in therapy of a spontaneous BPH
tamoxifen, anastrozole produced less pronounced beagle model. Growth of the prostate gland was
decreases in libido, testicular consistency and scrotal inhibited in two of three dogs compared with the
diameter. In dogs treated with anastrozole ejaculate control group. Substantial atrophy of the glandular
volume, sperm count, sperm motility and morphology epithelium was observed in all treated dogs (Taniguchi
remained unaltered throughout the study. Administra- et al. 2010). The usefulness of this compound in the
tion of anastrozole, similarly to tamoxifen, seemed to be treatment of BPH accompanied by LUTS may be
efficient in improving prostatic echogenicity to a normal considered if more complete clinical trials are
pattern. No side effects were observed regarding hae- performed.
matological and biochemical parameters. On the whole, The effect of a single intraprostatic injection of
anastrozole was assessed as a safe and effective alterna- botulinum toxin type A (BT-A) into each lobe of
tive for the medical management of canine BPH prostate on the volume of the gland and on semen
(Gonzalez et al. 2009). However, the relatively short quality in BPH dogs (clinical, ultrasound and radio-
treatment period for both drugs should be indicated. graphic confirmation) was investigated by Mostachio

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14 W Ni_za
nski, X Levy, M Ochota and J Pasikowska

et al. (2012). The results of this experiment appear The most promising results in treating these usually
interesting. No local complications or systemic side concomitantly observed conditions are obtained using
effects were reported. Eight weeks after treatment, the antibiotic agents and antiandrogenic drugs. Further
prostate volume reached its minimum, but the difference studies on the potential use of GnRH agonists should be
from pre-treatment values was not significant. At semen performed. The encouraging results of the recent
collection, all dogs showed normal libido, erection and experiments performed in humans and animals using
ejaculation. No significant differences were observed in GnRH antagonists suggests the possibility of more
all any seminal parameters. common use of these compounds also in dogs. New
Extracts from Serenoa repens are effectively used for methods of treatment for human BPH-related symp-
curing the signs of urine retention accompanying BPH toms investigated recently need further research in dogs.
in humans. Urine retention is very rare in connection
with canine BPH (Johnson 2003). In dogs, oral admin-
istration of the compound for 91 days had no single Conflicts of interest
effect on prostatic size, blood testosterone level, libido, None of the authors have any conflicts of interest to declare.
semen quality, ultrasound and X-ray images as well as
histological structures of the prostate gland, and this
may not be useful for BPH treatment in this species Author contributions
(Barsanti et al. 2000). Wojciech Ni_zanski, Małgorzata Ochota, Xavier Levy and Joanna
Pasikowska collected references and contributed to the manuscript
writing and design.
Recently, many protocols of pharmacological treatment
for BPH and prostatitis in dogs have been proposed.

normal prostate and dogs with chronic Gonzalez G, Guendulain C, Maffrand C,

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Author’s address (for correspondence):
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Wojciech Ni_za
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