Nama: Nur Asmiyah Kelas: X IPS 4 Mapel: B.Inggris Simple Past Tense 1.pengertian Simple Past Tense

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Nama: Nur Asmiyah

Kelas: X IPS 4

Mapel: B.Inggris

Simple Past Tense

1.Pengertian simple past tense

Simple past tense digunakan untuk membicarakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan
berakhir pula di masa lampau dalam waktu yang spesifik. Kalimat dalam simple past tense ditandai
dengan kata kerja kedua (verb2) yang menunjukkan waktu lampau.

2.Pola/rumus simple past tense

Secara umum, rumus simple present tense adalah Subject + Verb 1(s/es) + Complement untuk
kalimat positif dengan pola verbal. Kalau polanya nominal, maka rumus present tense menjadi
Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + Complement.

Contoh kalimat simple past tense:

1. (+) The bag was on the table.

(-) The bag wasn’t on the table.

(?) Was the bag on the table?

2. (+) She was sick last week.

(-) She wasn’t sick last week.

(?) Was she sick last week?

3. (+) She was my first crush.

(-) She wasn’t my first crush.

(?) Was she your first crush?

4. (+) I thought it was real.

(-) I didn’t think it was real.

(?) Did you think it was real?

5. (+) I did my homework last night.

(-) I didn’t do my homework last night.

(?) Did you do your homework last night?

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