Borello - Ogl 481 Mod 3

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation that I have proposed was and issue with a current employee at my place of
employment of Linton Dentistry. This practive has been in business for 38 years. This
employee has worked for the company for 25 years and as had hard time with
compliance, change, teamwork and doesn’t have realistic goals for the office as a whole.
I am the office manager and have been there for 5 years and have worked in the dental
field for 13 years, this is my first manager position. I have a hard time managing this
employee to lack of compliance and constant push back.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Human resources of the organization have influenced the situation because prior to my
employment at the practive they had no human resource department. There was no entity
in place that would support or work through an issue like conflict, it was handled or more
the way that it was handled when it came to conflict was the other person was fired and
the employee really causing the conflict was supported and almost rewarded for voicing
their opinion.

The lack of human resources in the practice promoted a very distorted view of support
amoung the staff. The staff see that someone can complain and have enough influence to
get people fired and therefore the other employees just don’t say anything, in fear of
being fired next. Most people when they had had enough of this employee would just
quit if they had not already been fired.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Since coming on board with this company and experiencing these issues, I have seen that
there is a lack of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence amoung the
leaders. The way to encourage and support this new department of human resources in
my practice, that I had to create, would be to incorporate both of those skills to support
and understand the team. This allows the team to feel connected to the leader so that they
feel more comfortable coming to HR when they have things to voice.

Having interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence in HR also allows the leader to
provide resources and advice to the team that may be dealing with the conflict first hand..
I have spoken to my team members about the issues that arise and have tried to give them

tools and advice to manevour the conflict that this employee brings up. This is so that the
team members can feel that they have options when dealing with with this employee, in
hopes that when the team speaks to this employee, they don’t unitentionally provoke
more anger or defensiveness.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Based on what I have learned about the human resources frame I would not change what
I have done so far. I wouldn’t change it because I have created and supported employee
moral and retained employment through the steps that I have taken. I really believe that
that through my interpersonal skills and my emotional intelligence I have been able to
manage the issues that arise in the practice amoung the employees and I feel I have been
able to provide them with the support they so desperately needed.

In regard to the conflicts that arise with this employee, I do feel that I have been able to
instill some good in their mind. Little by little I do feel I am able to get through the
issues that they present and really understand what is causing the conflict and lack of
cohension amoung the team when it comes to this employee. I would not have been able
to do this had I not felt that interpersonal and emotional skills were missing and essential
to human resources and to this practice’s human resource department.

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